Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0After putting the dark and light scriptures back into the Boundary Seal, Long Tianhao started to cultivate again. He had to consolidate his gains and become more familiar with the use of Boundary Seal.    


It could be said that Boundary Seal had already become Long Tianhao's hidden great combat power. It could be used to save a life at a critical moment, so he had to treat it seriously.    


Long Tianhao stopped cultivating only when he felt the outside world was getting brighter. That night, Long Tianhao organized everything he learned. Whether it was magic or Dou Qi, Long Tianhao combed through it all.    


This made the power in Long Tianhao's body more pure. He channeled the Dou Qi in his body, and a huge amount of Dou Qi suddenly flowed out of his body, forming a thin layer of Dou Qi gauze over Long Tianhao's body.    


However, it was formed by fusing four types of Dou Qi and possessing four types of Dou Qi. Its defensive capabilities were extremely strong and one had to know that the defensive capabilities of a space type was the best.    


This was not something an ordinary person could have. Coupled with his magic shield, it could be said that nothing could break through Long Tianhao's defense. Don't forget, Long Tianhao usually showed Magician, so very few people knew that he practiced battle qi.    


So, if the person thought that he could harm Long Tianhao with a close distance, it would be a huge mistake. Only when he fought Long Tianhao in close distance would he know how powerful Long Tianhao was.    


Although Long Tianhao didn't have the system to learn the dark and light magic, he was not lacking in these things. This was because the dark and light scriptures contained almost all the dark and light magic, and it was more comprehensive than Seymour knew. As long as Long Tianhao could master it, then Long Tianhao would also become a master.    


"Your gains are not bad. Light and Darkness are two of the top attributes, and I have already mastered them. Next, I just need to master the other elements."    


My Elemental Body has basically formed. Moreover, I feel that after absorbing those two energies, my understanding of the elements has become even deeper. Maybe cultivating other attributes shouldn't be too difficult. "    


Long Tianhao stood up from the platform and felt the vast amount of elemental energy in the Sea of Consciousness. His body was brimming with battle qi and Long Tianhao could not help but let out a long roar.    


The domineering voice caused the space in front of him to ripple, as if it was being torn apart by Long Tianhao's whistle.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


After Long Tianhao's whistling sound was heard, the roars of the Dragon Phoenix also instantly rang out. One after another, the roars were extremely shocking.    


"Haha, my good daughter, Daddy is going out now. You stay here and cultivate properly. Daddy will come back to accompany you tonight."    


"Yes, Huanger will work hard and help daddy beat up bad guys in the future."    


"Haha, good."    


Long Tianhao was moved when he heard Long Huang's crisp voice. He lightly patted Long Huang's head and with a thought, Long Tianhao took out the Dragon Phoenix Ring and appeared in his room. The Dragon Phoenix Ring also returned to Long Tianhao's hand in a flash.    


That night, Long Tianhao did not rest and instead diligently trained for the whole night. Now that he came out, he felt refreshed and his mental state was at its peak. In Long Tianhao's eyes, there was nothing better than cultivating to adjust one's mental state.    


The more tired a person was, the better the effect of training would be. As the saying goes, break and build. This was also the reason why after a person runs out of strength, they would be able to discover that their strength had greatly improved.    


Long Tianhao jumped down from his room and headed straight for the academy's dining hall. If he went late, it would be bad if he couldn't get any food. The academy's dining hall provided free meals, but of course, they were free.    


In fact, all this money was already in the tuition fees. Therefore, only Long Tianhao was a freeloader. But who asked him to have such a good teacher.    


After breakfast, Long Tianhao quickly rushed to Seymour's private training laboratory. As soon as he entered, he found Seymour was already there and seemed to be preparing something. Long Tianhao didn't disturb him and went straight over to quietly observe from the side.    


After half an hour, Seymour finally finished what he was doing. Long Tianhao finally understood.    


Seymour really did concoct a special medicine. Although Long Tianhao can mix some medicine, but he didn't learn how to concoct dark type medicine, so he doesn't know what it's used for.    


"Tianhao, you've come."    


"En, teacher, what kind of medicine is this?"    


"Hehe, this is the berserk medicine that I spent two hours brewing. It can make a person who trains in Dou Qi to become crazy and unleash a strong power. Of course, it can also increase one's strength, so there is a price to be paid."    


After the effects of the medicine, the user would feel pain as if their cells were being pricked by needles. However, sometimes, there are people who are willing to endure a little pain just to survive or for something else. "    


"So it's a berserk medicine. No matter how I look at it, it looks a little familiar. However, your method is different from the one I used to concoct it, so the effect is about the same. However, teacher, why did you concoct this thing so early in the morning?"    


Of course, Long Tianhao also knew how to concoct this medicament, but the material used was different. It was just that he didn't know why Seymour was concocting this medicament in the lab so early in the morning.    


"Nothing. It's just that I haven't tried for a long time. I can adjust my body a little. I assume Prius has given his alchemy skills to you?"    


"Well, Mr. Prius gave me everything he knew, but I haven't completely mastered it yet."    


"En, that is only a matter of time. Since you have learned the alchemy skills of Primus, I will hand over the dark alchemy skills to you."    


Our dark alchemy is a bit different from other attributes alchemy. Due to the attribute problem, dark alchemy seems a bit strange. But there is something special about it. I think with your talent, you should be able to learn it very quickly. "    


Seymour smiled, patted Long Tianhao's shoulder and decided to hand over the dark alchemy to Long Tianhao.    


Long Tianhao was also interested. After learning the alchemy techniques taught by Primus, Long Tianhao became very interested in the mysterious alchemy techniques. Naturally, Long Tianhao was more interested in this strange dark alchemy technique.    


"We dark alchemy are not only used to make magical ornaments and to make potions. The only difference is that we can seal some undead creatures in magic ornaments and scrolls. If we can capture some Devil Beast, we can also seal them.    


Amongst all the other types of magic, the Darkness Element was the most adept at sealing. This was also because the dark element had a slight characteristic of sealing and cursing, which made it possible for dark magic to seal many things.    


Moreover, these seals can not only be used to create magic items, but also be used in battles to seal the opponent's power or seal them in a foreign world.    


Seymour was very pleased with the dark element's sealing technique. At the beginning of his fame, he also relied on the sealing technique and had no idea how many opponents he had defeated in order to have his current status. It could be said that in terms of sealing techniques, there were really not many people on the continent who could surpass Seymour.    


"So sealing techniques can be used like this. This is simply the best method to launch a sneak attack. When no one is looking, a sudden sealing technique will definitely catch the other party off guard."    


When Long Tianhao heard about the magical effect of the Sealing Technique, he immediately thought of a sneak attack.    


"Eh, what kind of logic is that? "Well, you're right, but there's always something sinister about this."    


Seymour was shocked by Long Tianhao's logic and started sweating profusely. This student of his really had an extraordinary way of thinking.    


"Hehe, teacher, you should know that in a battle, it is a life and death struggle. We all want to put this place to death, but now we don't care if he is sinister or not, being merciful to the enemy is akin to being cruel to yourself. Do you want to be cruel to the enemy, or do you want to be cruel to yourself?"    


Long Tianhao chuckled and said something that surprised Seymour.    


"Perhaps you are right. This world is a world where the strong preys on the weak. No one will sympathize with the weak. As long as you are strong enough, you will be right in whatever you do. The weak have no say."    


Seymour shook his head, but he understood that Long Tianhao was right. In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, what was needed was not integrity, but vanity. Strength was everything, no matter what.    


They were all built on the foundation of great power; it was just like how the Church could dominate the continent, not because of their benevolence and righteousness.    


Rather, it was because they possessed the strength to conquer all those who resisted them. What the experts said would always be correct. Even though there was no reason for them to do so, no one dared to say anything.    



"Teacher, I know that you people have been famous for a long time. My idea may be a bit evil, but it is a reality. Moreover, to deal with the people of the Church, my methods are just right."    


Long Tianhao also knew that his idea was a little advanced, so it was normal that Seymour couldn't accept it.    


"Mm, I believe you're right. You have your own thoughts. That's good. As long as you don't stray too far from your own heart when you act in the future, then that's fine.    


Alright, come over here. I'll first teach you some dark alchemy, some methods to make potions, and some special scrolls. You have to learn them diligently. "    


"Yes, Teacher."    


Long Tianhao really entered the learning state, so he won't be laughing, but instead, he will be focusing on the same thing.    


Both of them were in the laboratory. One of them was explaining while the other was listening.    


The two of them could not feel it. Seymour wanted to quickly teach what he had learned to Long Tianhao, while Long Tianhao wanted to learn more useful things.    




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