Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



0Long Tianhao had heard about gambling before, it all depended on luck. Maybe you suddenly became rich, or maybe you were a billionaire one moment and lost everything the next.    


You can't play without money. Actually, Long Tianhao knew about stone gambling, but he was only here to read novels. The main characters in novels bet stone with each other.    


"Now that I can be considered a cultivator, I wonder what my harvest will be like? Will there also be a big harvest? " Long Tianhao couldn't help but think about that.    


The gambling den was still quite far from where they were staying. It took them two hours to get there by car. There were still a lot of people at the gambling den. There were all kinds of strange stones and bids everywhere. There were also places that were packed with people, as if they were watching a good show.    


"Grandfather, there are a lot of people over there. Let's go take a look." Needless to say, it was that Little Ying'er who liked to join in the fun. She didn't care whether everyone agreed or not, she just pulled everyone towards that crowded place. Everyone could only smile wryly in response.    


Wang Ying squeezed through the crowd and stood in front of the crowd. It turned out that they were all opening the stones, and this was a very big piece of Protolith. According to the people around, it was bought for 1 million.    


These people were really rich, spending so much money on such a crappy stone. Obviously, Long Tianhao was confused, and after that, he released the Spiritual Consciousness to check, "Hmm? "There's nothing at all, that fellow is going to suffer."    


Indeed, it was soon over. There wasn't even a jade the size of a finger. The man who bought the stone immediately turned pale, he had lost ten million just like that.    


Seeing that there was nothing to watch anymore, everyone also walked out, "Come, I'll give each of you one million yuan. Go play by yourselves. Let me see who has good taste." The old man chuckled as he beckoned for everyone to come over. He then took out a few gold cards and handed them over to everyone.    


Ying'er caught the gold card and rushed into the crowd. This girl had wanted to go out and play for a long time. She wasn't willing to miss such a good opportunity.    


"Big Brother Long, we'd better compare who bought the stone." Wang Kai said to Long Tianhao with great interest as he pulled Xue Li along and left. It seemed like they wanted to find a good place to search for good things.    


Long Tianhao took the gold card that the old man gave him. He couldn't help but shake his head as he looked at the people who disappeared into the crowd.    


One million was just for fun. This really made Long Tianhao a bit uncomfortable. When had he ever spent this much money? He rubbed his forehead. Rich people were really different, so he also went inside the market to open a house.    


Long Tianhao walked around in the gambling den for a while and stopped in front of an ordinary looking stall. When the boss saw that the customer had arrived, he immediately greeted the customer enthusiastically, "Boss, you have taken a fancy to that rock.    


Pick one when you like, the stones here are the best Protolith and the price is also fair, so feel free to look. " Long Tianhao released the Spiritual Consciousness to check and found that most of the stones were normal stones. Only a few had a weak Spiritual Qi fluctuation.    


It seemed to be a good item. After all, Long Tianhao had never come into contact with jade before, so he could only judge the quality of the stone based on the strength of the spiritual energy.    


After separating the other pieces of stone with jadeite, he asked, "How much do you need for these?" The boss saw that Long Tianhao had chosen ordinary goods and the size wasn't too big. He calculated, "Boss, you can just give me a hundred thousand. Take a look and see what you need."    


"You only have ordinary goods here, nothing worth watching." Hearing this, the owner knew something was up. It turned out that the boss was not interested in the goods here. His mind raced as he said with a smile, "Actually, I still have some new ones that I just delivered today."    


Boss, do you want to take a look? "Those are all fresh from mining in the Emerald Mine. They have never been selected by anyone, they are all good stuff." Oh? Where is it? Take me to see it. If it's good stone, I can buy more. "    


Long Tianhao said with interest. When the peddler heard there was something interesting, he immediately went up to lead the way for Long Tianhao and gave the stall to a young man to look at.    


The warehouse wasn't far from his stall, and Long Tianhao quickly arrived at the warehouse where he stored the Protolith. There were indeed a lot of stone materials there, and looking at its color, it seemed like a new one.    


Long Tianhao frowned as he looked at the pile of Protolith in front of him. He wouldn't choose this one, so he scanned over it.    


Long Tianhao immediately noticed a strong fluctuation of spiritual energy in the corner and knew that he had found a treasure. He couldn't help but rejoice, it seems that the boss didn't lie, it's really a good item. Under the gaze of the peddlers, Long Tianhao marked down the Protolith he selected one by one.    


"Of course, that piece of treasure is one of them." "My boss, can you tell me how much this and the previous ones cost?"    


The peddler looked at the Protolith Long Tianhao had chosen and was immediately disappointed. Adding the four pieces from before, this was only ten dollars. His original plan to start a big business had failed as well, but the old gang did not dare to show it.    


After all, this is still money. After carefully calculating for a bit, he said, "This boss here, I have some good stuff. How about 500 thousand?" The boss looked at Long Tianhao's reaction as he said that, "Alright, I'm afraid of one hundred thousand, can I swipe my card here?"    


As he said that, he took out his gold card. The peddler quickly took it over, "Sure, please wait a moment." With that, the boss happily went to swipe his card. The peddler was very happy. Although the business was not big, it was fortunate that this customer was generous.    


He actually did not bargain with him, furthermore he had new stone materials. Although they were all ordinary Protolith s that he had bought at a low price, he had spent a total of 500 thousand, but now he had earned them back, how could he not be happy?    


However, he didn't know that Long Tianhao was happier than he was. He only spent 500 thousand to buy a treasure. It was too worth it. It seemed that there were a lot of benefits from cultivating it! It's easier to find treasures than it is to find one, isn't it?    


They quickly finished settling the bill. The two of them looked at each other and smiled in satisfaction. Long Tianhao hired a stone-pulling worker to help him pull the stoneware. It was a lot of money. After that, Long Tianhao wandered around a lot.    


However, since he didn't find any good stone materials, he found some ordinary goods. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were treasures, but in Long Tianhao's eyes, they were not worth mentioning at all.    


Hence, he decided not to continue buying. He believed that he had already bought enough Protolith s, and after thinking about it, he started to rush towards the agreed meeting place.    


When Long Tianhao arrived, he found that the other three people hadn't come back yet. Only the old man was waiting for them. Tianhao, what do you think? How many Protolith were bought? " asked Long Tianhao in concern when he saw him return.    


"F * ck grandpa, I just randomly bought a few stones, this card still has 500 thousand left, grandpa will give it to you." As he spoke, he took out the gold card and handed it back to the old man. However, the old man shook his head and pushed the card back to Long Tianhao.    


"As for the rest, you can keep them for yourself. We'll wait for them to come back, then we'll go to our factory to open the stones, and see if you guys have any harvests." Long Tianhao did not refuse and put the card back into his pocket, then waited with the old man for them to come back.    


After half an hour, the other three finally returned full of stones, especially Wang Ying, whose stone was especially big. "Grandfather, look at the Protolith I bought, it's not bad.    


When she returned, Wang Ying flaunted it in front of her grandfather happily, as if there was a jade in her Protolith. The old man did not care about her and praised her a few times, making Wang Ying extremely excited.    


"Alright, since everyone is back, let's go. We'll bring your stones and go to the factory to open the stone." Seeing that everyone had returned, the old man said, "No one has any objections, so we let the workers drag the stone towards the factory."    


In a rather spacious factory, there were four piles of stone on the ground. Long Tianhao and a few people had just bought them, "Grandpa saw me first." Wang Ying was the first to shout. This girl really wanted to see a few beautiful emeralds jump out of her big Protolith.    


So the workers started to decompose Wang Ying's stone. These workers were very experienced, after all they had worked at Sky Dragon Jewelry Company for so many years, they had the most contact with these Protolith.    


In the end, the huge pile of stones only managed to produce two pieces of bad jade, which was not even enough for the capital. The most annoying thing was the big Protolith that Wang Ying was so proud of, which had nothing in it.    


"What are you laughing at? Who knows, yours might not even be as good as mine." Wang Ying, who was standing at the side, said angrily. Her eyes were almost on fire. It could be seen that she was quite angered. Seeing this, Wang Kai immediately held back his laughter.    


He was afraid that this savage princess would cause trouble for him, so the crowd watched as Wang Kai was defeated and did not answer. They watched as the workers started to decompose Wang Kai's and Xue Li's stone.    


"If not, I would have been mocked by Wang Ying. In the end, all that was left was Long Tianhao's pile of stone." Hurry and take away Big Brother Long's stone. Let's see, is there a treasure? "    


Wang Ying shouted again. She saw that Long Tianhao's Protolith was smiling so much, she must not be able to show him anything good. She wanted to see Long Tianhao become a joke.    


After all, she had just been ridiculed by everyone. This little girl was the one who should not be taken advantage of the most. Therefore, the workers started to decompose Long Tianhao's stone without stopping.    


As soon as the first piece of stone was broken down, a bright green color was revealed. As the workers continued to break down the piece of jade, a sparkling jade the size of an egg appeared in front of them.    


Ying'er, who wanted to watch Long Tianhao make a joke just now, opened her mouth wide enough for an egg to be put down. Why? Just this piece of jade was worth more than the three of them.    


Buying a few hundred thousand yuan was easy, but what surprised them was that the second piece was another egg-sized piece of emerald. The third piece went all the way to the ninth piece, and this time it was a palm-sized piece of emerald.    


This was worth millions. God, how is that possible? This time, even the old man was shocked speechless. He wasn't surprised at how much this thing was worth, as money was just a number to him.    


What surprised him was that the Protolith that Long Tianhao bought could produce such a high quality jade. Everyone could understand that it was lucky to have one or two pieces of jade, but there were nine pieces in a row, which made people suspicious.    



It can't be luck at all. Wang Ying was even more exaggerated as she looked at Long Tianhao with glowing eyes, "Big Brother Long, did you fall into some emerald nest? "So many emeralds." Don't mess around for now, let's see what's in the last piece. "    


The old man interrupted Wang Ying, who had no choice but to settle down and wait for the workers to untie the last piece of stone. It was actually the smallest piece, about the size of a washbasin. It was the piece of stone that Long Tianhao thought was a treasure.    


The workers carefully dissected the crystal. After all the nine pieces of jade had dropped, they were exceptionally careful. Soon, the result was out. What appeared in front of them was a blood-red crystal that was only the size of an eyeball.    


This made everyone feel very strange. Even the workers who wanted to open the stone were puzzled. What was this? He had never seen such a blood-red jade before, but the old man recognized it. He only saw the old man pick up the blood-red crystal.    


His voice trembled as he said, "This is a 10,000 year old Blood Jade, how is that possible? I can actually see such a rare treasure in my lifetime. " The old tutor was simply too agitated.    


"Grandfather, what is a ten thousand year old Blood Jade?" Wang Ying asked curiously.    


The old man calmed himself down and took the jade in his hand, explaining: "Look, this jade is completely blood-red, crystal clear, and flawless. It's the King of the jade, a ten thousand year old jade.    


I saw it at a large-scale auction a few dozen years ago, and that piece wasn't as big or as expensive as that piece. Even so, it still sold for a sky-high price of a billion yuan.    


After hearing the old tutor's introduction, everyone stared fixedly at the blood-red crystal, afraid that they would miss a glimpse of this rare treasure. They were all stunned and only Wang Ying had the fastest reaction.    


He shouted exaggeratedly, "Wow, we're rich! Big Brother Long, you're really great. This time you're rich, so you must treat us."    


As he said that, he gave Long Tianhao a kiss on the cheek, which made Long Tianhao blush. Meanwhile, Wang Ying, the person involved, didn't feel anything was amiss. Everyone was shocked, and no one paid attention to this detail.    


Long Tianhao also knew that he had found a treasure, but he didn't expect it to be such a peerless treasure. Now, he could be considered to have suddenly gotten rich overnight.    


They were not the only ones who were shocked, the workers were truly shocked. They had cleared so many Protolith, but never had they received such a high quality jade at once.    


In the future, they would be able to show off in front of their peers. Think about it, only a few of them have been able to unravel this kind of treasure, even if they have seen it before.    


After the shock, the old man sternly said to Long Tianhao: "Tianhao, you keep telling me, how did you find so many emeralds?    


I don't believe you're so lucky. " It was obvious that the old man was suspicious of how Long Tianhao managed to get so many jades, including some rare treasures like the Myriad Blood Jadeite.    


Of course, Long Tianhao couldn't tell the truth. He thought for a while and said, "Grandpa Qian, it's actually nothing much. It's just that I have a strong reaction towards the jade, so I picked it out immediately." Long Tianhao's eyes were wide open as he lied. In an instant, he had become an Adept with a special ability.    


When the old man heard this, he was truly baffled. This Long Tianhao was indeed not as simple as he thought, "Tianhao, you actually have this kind of ability. Good, good, good. You are indeed the foster grandson of I, Wang Tianlong." The old man laughed heartily.    


"What does this book have to do with you, Grandpa?" "Jing put gold on her face." Wang Ying said unhappily at the side.    


"Eh …" The old man's face turned red in embarrassment as he shook his head with a wry smile. It was his fault for spoiling the girl so badly, but now he was actually laughing at him. What was this all about? It was really his own fault. The old man couldn't help but sigh sadly.    




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