Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C28 Test

C28 Test

0Before retiring, his superior had told him, "Qin Yun, I will not stop you from retiring. I have already arranged for you to do a job. If you have really thought it through, you need to call this number within half a year."    


"Hey, I'm Qin Yun." After the call connected, Qin Yun said softly.    


"I didn't expect you to figure it out so quickly. Considering your current location, you have to rush to the address on the information in four hours." A low voice came from the phone, then hung up.    


Just as he hung up, his phone beeped and he received a message. The message was not text, but a string of numbers.    


Qin Yun looked at the string of familiar symbols and muttered to himself, "Dragon Shadow, I'm coming!"    


The location of the information was not far from Qin Yun's current location. It was only a hundred kilometers away, but Qin Yun knew that it was definitely difficult to reach. From the moment he received the message, it was considered Dragon Shadow's entrance exam.    


Qin Yun did not dare delay any further and immediately stopped a taxi.    


"Where are you going?" The taxi driver, who was about fifty years old, greeted Qin Yun with a smile.    


"By the sea." Qin Yun answered.    


"Seaside? "Young lad, you're not going anywhere. There is no sea in Binjiang City, but there is a river. Young lad, you're going to the river bank, right?" The taxi driver said in surprise.    


"That's right!" I'm going to the coast, East China Sea. " Qin Yun pointed to the east and said.    


"Oh my god, this place is at least 300 kilometers away from the sea, what's the point of this young man going to the sea?" the taxi driver asked.    


"Hurry up and drive, I won't miss your money." Qin Yun frowned. His time was extremely valuable.    


"This is the police station, you can't be a fugitive, right?" The taxi driver said cautiously.    


"Are you going or not!" As he said that, Qin Yun took out a stack of notes from his wallet. It was more than five thousand notes.    


As expected, money is good. When the taxi driver saw the bill, he stopped talking and stepped on the accelerator, heading straight to the seaside.    


Binjiang City was more than three hundred kilometers from the East Sea. Under Qin Yun's money attack, the driver nearly ran the taxi over. In less than two hours, they arrived at a secluded beach in the East Sea.    


After Qin Yun paid the fare, he quickly ran towards the littered seaside.    


It was already late at night, and according to the information given, the location should be an island. This was also the closest location to the target island.    


Qin Yun placed the wallet and cellphone in a concealed location. This was because the information in the cellphone was deeply imprinted in his mind. There was no longer any use in holding the phone. Furthermore, the moment the phone went into the water, not only would the water fail, the wallet and other items would become burdens that prevented him from swimming.    


With a plop, Qin Yun leaped down from a large rock and swam towards the sea.    


Ever since Qin Yun began cultivating the Dragon God Tactic, his stamina had reached a point where it could no longer be compared. His swimming speed was also extremely fast as he swam through the water like a swimming dragon.    


After swimming for about twenty minutes, Qin Yun's Gold Dragon Ruyi Bracelet began to throb. As the bracelet throbbed, Qin Yun's heart chilled to the core with a 'shua' sound.    


Currently, Qin Yun was alone in the sea. His surroundings were pitch black and it was impossible for anyone to assassinate him. The only danger he faced came from underwater.    


He did not know how deep the water was, whether it was a shark or some other fish he did not know.    


However, Qin Yun did not retreat in the face of such sudden danger. He was not allowed to retreat due to the pride of a previous generation of weapons specialists. As he swam, he paid attention to his surroundings.    


Suddenly, from Qin Yun's left side, a shark surfaced. It revealed a fin that looked like a sail and swam rapidly towards him.    


Although Qin Yun swam very fast, he did not reach the point where he could shake off the shark. However, after looking at the shark, Qin Yun felt slightly relieved.    


Facing a known danger would be easier than facing an unknown danger. Moreover, based on the shark fins, he could determine that the shark was not very big. Its body was around three meters long.    


However, what gave Qin Yun a headache was that he did not have a weapon in his hand. The shark skin was very tough and it was in water. The strength of his fist had weakened under the effects of the buoyant force.    


What Qin Yun had no choice but to avoid getting injured or the shark to bleed was the smell of blood that would attract more sharks. By then, he would not even know how he would die.    


When the shark neared Qin Yun, it suddenly accelerated and opened its bloody maw to bite at Qin Yun.    


"F * ck!" Qin Yun clenched his fist and punched at the shark's jaw.    


Qin Yun's punches were extremely fast. "Bang!" A punch slammed into the shark's jaw. Qin Yun had knocked the shark over with a punch. With a sound, he fell into the sea.    


Qin Yun's punch did not do much because he was afraid of injuring or bleeding the shark. However, the shark was in pain and did not dare to rashly approach Qin Yun. Instead, it maintained a certain distance from him.    


"It's fine if we just follow him." Qin Yun was somewhat glad that the shark was timid. If not, he did not know what to do. He continued swimming towards his destination.    


About twenty minutes later, the shark was still following behind Qin Yun. However, another two sharks joined in the chase.    


With a splashing sound, one of the sharks leaped out of the sea. It opened its mouth and pounced at Qin Yun.    


"If I don't kill you, you guys really won't be finished!" Qin Yun cursed loudly, "Dragon Cry Fist!" Qin Yun focused all the Spiritual Energy in his body on his right arm. A golden dragon swam in his meridians before a dragon's roar sounded out.    


The flashing golden fist knocked away the shark that was pouncing towards it. The dragon was the king of all beasts, the remaining two sharks immediately fled after hearing the dragon roar.    


Qin Yun looked at his fist and thought to himself, "I never expected that the Dragon Cry Fist would have such a miraculous effect against wild beasts."    


Without the shark following him, Qin Yun focused on swimming towards the location of the message. After another twenty minutes, Qin Yun arrived at the location where the information was agreed upon.    


From the moment he received the message, he had only used three hours to arrive at the agreed location, a full hour earlier. However, he had left the place without a single trace.    


"Could it be underwater?" Qin Yun took a deep breath and began diving. However, after diving for more than twenty meters, he still could not see the bottom.    


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