Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C1483 Hijacking

C1483 Hijacking

0Although under the ice cover was not only a rare treasure like the Snow Spirit Ganoderma, there were many other plants that were unknown, and they were the best ones to be found within the Snow Spirit Ganoderma.    


The more people there were, the fewer fights there would be between cultivators. Everyone was very clear that if they had the time to fight, they would definitely find a lot of Snow Ganoderma.    


However, there were also people who took the side path with their swords, specifically picking out the weak to attack and obtaining without any effort.    


Although no one knew where the Soul Snow Spirit King was, with so many cultivators searching for her, she would soon surface …    


"Haha, we really didn't come for nothing this time." A middle-aged rogue cultivator wearing a dark red robe laughed loudly.    


"Brother Luo, looking at how happy you are, you must have picked quite a few Spiritual Herbs." Another rogue cultivator asked with a smile.    


"Not bad, it should be around a dozen of them. Brother Zhang, what about you?" That rogue cultivator asked.    


"I'm not as lucky as Brother Luo. I don't even have ten stalks." Another rogue cultivator said with a wry smile.    


"Haha, I won't tell you anymore, I still need to find more." That rogue cultivator smiled and was about to walk towards a place where no other cultivators had set foot when another person called out to him.    


"Wait for me Brother Luo, why don't the two of us go together? This way we'll be safer."    


The rogue cultivator in the dark red robe pondered for a moment. If the two of them were together, then the Snow Ganoderma that they obtained would definitely be divided equally.    


Although not a single person had obtained a lot, almost all of them now had the Snow Spirit Ganoderma in their hands. If they were to encounter another powerhouse forcibly seizing it, it wouldn't be easy, and it would be safer to have multiple people moving together.    


"Fine." The man nodded.    


"Swish!" With a sound, a beam of Spiritual Light flashed past them and headed straight for the direction they were planning to go. The Spiritual Light was created by Qin Yun. His goal was not to find the Soul Separating Snow Ganoderma, but rather the Demon Lord.    


"Brother, wait a moment." Another cultivator shouted at Qin Yun.    


Qin Yun's body suddenly came to a halt as he came to a halt. He turned around and asked the person, "What is it? Is there something you need me for?"    


"Brother, I think you're also alone. Why don't we go together?" The cultivator said to Qin Yun with a smile.    


Faced with his invitation, Qin Yun frowned slightly before nodding and said, "Alright."    


Actually, it wasn't just them. Some individual cultivators or cultivators with a lesser number of cultivators had formed an alliance to prevent others from forcibly seizing the Soul Separating Snow Ganoderma that was already in their possession.    


"My surname is Luo, and my surname is Zhang. I wonder what your esteemed name is?" The rogue cultivator surnamed Luo asked with a smile.    


"Qin!" Qin Yun said indifferently.    


"Brother Qin, let's go." That rogue cultivator surnamed Zhang took the lead as Qin Yun and that rogue cultivator surnamed Luo followed closely behind him …    


The efficiency of the three of them being together was clearly much higher than one person. The two of them were high level Demigod rank Cultivation s, and after a short while, they found seven or eight Soul Snow Ganoderma. Although the three of them split them evenly, each person only had two or three.    


Qin Yun symbolically kept the Soul Separating Snow Ganoderma. His attention was focused on his surroundings. If there was any unusual activity, he would immediately know.    


"Brother Qin, why are you wearing a bamboo hat?" The rogue cultivator named Zhang asked Qin Yun.    


"I'm used to it." Qin Yun answered very briefly.    


When the rogue cultivator named Zhang heard Qin Yun's answer, he did not ask any further. That was because there were countless people in the Great Thousand World with strange fetishes. It was nothing to wear a bamboo hat.    


Just then, a series of low rumbling sounds came into the ears of the three people. Within the sounds, there were a few waves of strong true intent, and it was obvious that some people could not hold back from snatching the 'spoils' of others, and had chosen to fight.    


The rogue cultivator surnamed Luo sensed the powerful True Meaning Force and his expression changed slightly. "Let's quickly find a few more before leaving. Staying here is no longer a long term solution."    


"Yes." The Rogue Cultivator with the surname Zhang also nodded his head. At this moment, it was undoubtedly the best choice to take advantage of this situation. Greed would only bring disaster upon himself.    


Qin Yun was accustomed to fighting over things. As long as he did not sense any demonic aura, there was no need for him to join in on the fun.    


But right at this moment, a group of cultivators hurried over from another direction.    


There were more than thirty of these cultivators, and all of them had Cultivation s at the Demigod rank. Although most of them were Elementary and Intermediate Demons, they were still considered quite a bit of a 'power'.    


Seeing these people appear, the two of them immediately became alert and subconsciously moved closer to each other.    


Amongst these cultivators, the leader was a black-armored knight dressed in black furs. The black-armored knight's Cultivation was already close to the Deity-level.    


"Attack!" With a wave of his hand, the black-armored knight and the other cultivators surrounded Qin Yun and company.    


"Brother, what do you mean by this!" The rogue cultivator surnamed Luo coldly said as he stared at the black armored knight.    


"It's very simple. Hand over the Snow Spirit Ganoderma in your hands and I'll let you leave." The black-armored knight laughed sinisterly.    


"The Mysterious Soul-Expelling Snow Ganoderma is everywhere. There are so many of you here, so why don't you go find it yourself?!" With that said, a light flashed in his hand, and a completely dark red battle-spear appeared in his palm.    


Although the rogue cultivator surnamed Luo's Cultivation could not compare to the black-armored knight, it was still a God of High Realm. Furthermore, there was Qin Yun and another rogue cultivator present.    


The black-armored knight's gaze darkened. He knew clearly in his heart that if the two groups were to fight, they wouldn't be able to win without paying a small price.    


"You're looking for it too slowly. It's still faster this way!" The black-armored knight coldly said, "I won't waste any words with you. Each of you will hand over three Snow Spirit Ganoderma and I will let you go."    


"There's no way to get what you want without working hard!" The rogue cultivator surnamed Luo coldly snorted, the battle-spear in his hand flashed, a strong killing intent burst out from his body.    


The rogue cultivator named Zhang had also summoned his long sword and was prepared to fight at any moment. Only Qin Yun stood there calmly.    


"It seems like you want to challenge my bottom line!" The black-armored knight gave a low shout and a light flashed in his hand. A two and a half meter long, completely black battleax appeared in his hand.    


With the battleax in his hand, the black-armored Honored Warrior gave off an extremely strong aura. This aura immediately suppressed the aura of the two.    


Upon seeing this, the other cultivators all took out their weapons, ready to snatch them away.    


"I'll give you one more chance, do you or not!" The black-armored knight shouted angrily.    


"Here." Qin Yun, who had been silent the entire time, said.    


"Haha, did you see that? There are smart people." The black-armored knight looked at Qin Yun and said with a laugh …    


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