Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C67 When the Rescue Plan Was Ready

C67 When the Rescue Plan Was Ready

0After Lin Yi answered the phone, his expression became much uglier than before. Han Ying and Feng Yixu asked what was said on the phone.    


Lin Yi looked up at them and said simply, "Xiaolin was kidnapped."    


But Lin Yi had no idea who the other party was. The matter of the Yuchi family's daughter was because he happened to be at the scene. He could see some clues, but this time, the other party was using the phone to communicate with him. They were in the dark while he was in the open. He was completely led by the nose.    


Lin Yi was somewhat flustered and muttered to himself, "If I had known earlier, I would have let Xiaolin wait for me to finish seeing her illness before sending her home."    


Han Ying glanced at him and coldly said, "If I didn't know earlier, I would have rather thought about how to save her instead of regretting it here."    


Lin Yi looked at her and thought, Luckily Han Ying did not follow him yesterday. Otherwise, she might be in the other party's hands now.    


However, Han Ying's words reminded Lin Yi. He gradually calmed down and recalled the conversation just now. He wanted to find a loophole.    


Lin Yi suddenly said to Han Ying, "I will go out for a while and come back soon."    


Lin Yi ran all the way to Jiaang Xiaolin's house. She had moved to Lin Yi's house. Lin Yi naturally had the key.    


He opened the door and called Jiaang Xiaolin's name softly twice. He did not reply.    


It seemed that Xiaolin was kidnapped on the way home, but what was the motive? Lin Yi thought about it and walked back to Profound Wind Hall.    


As soon as he entered the door, Han Ying went up and asked what happened. Lin Yi shook his head, indicating that there was nothing.    


Han Ying snatched the phone and opened the communication record. She called back the number she had called. She heard a calm and cold female voice from the receiver, "Sorry, the number you have dialed is empty..."    


It seemed that the other party had come prepared. This was definitely not a crime that had been decided at the last minute.    


"Do you want to call the police?" Han Ying asked.    


Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "This phone can't be recorded. We can only say that Xiaolin is missing. There is no other evidence to prove that she was kidnapped, and it has been less than 24 hours since she disappeared. The police will not file a case. "    


Right, the person on the phone just said that it's useless to call the police. It seems that it's very likely that the police won't be able to control the people in the underworld. Then is it because of money? Lin Yi thought.    


"What are you thinking about?" Han Ying poked Lin Yi with her finger.    


Lin Yi told Han Ying his guess and thoughts. He had experienced Han Ying's intelligence before. It was always good to think of ways with more people.    


"Are you sure that person's voice was handled before?" Han Ying asked.    


Lin Yi nodded and said, "I'm sure. Usually, when a person's voice is heard through the phone, it will not be so unnatural."    


"If that's the case, it only means that they don't want you to know who they are." Han Ying hit the nail on the head.    


That's right. Lin Yi slapped me. Why didn't I think of that? If that's the case, the other party must be someone I know.    


"Think about it carefully. Has Jiaang Xiaolin offended anyone?" Han Ying asked.    


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I don't think so. Xiaolin is a girl. Who can she offend? Moreover, she is basically with us in Shangdu."    


"Then it is you." Han Ying said in a certain tone.    


"Me?" Lin Yi showed an expression of disbelief.    


"The person she did not offend is the person you offended. The other party thinks that he can't beat you in a head-on fight, so he can only use these dirty tricks." Han Ying analyzed.    


Lin Yi thought for a while and felt that what she said made a lot of sense. The person on the phone also said that she wanted to make a deal with him. It seemed that Xiaolin was only used as a hostage.    


But who could this person be?    


"Could it be Yan Kun?" Han Ying suddenly thought of the person who came to Profound Wind Hall to cause trouble.    


"I don't think so. He already knew that I, Yuchi Han, have a good relationship with him. The Yan family's business is related to the Yuchi family's supply and demand. I don't think he will cause trouble for himself again." Lin Yi thought for a while and said.    


"Then, do you want to ask Yuchi Han for help this time?" Han Ying asked, "No matter what, he has a lot of connections. Moreover, for businessmen like them, the black and white sides definitely know people. If we search like this, it should be faster."    


Han Ying's words made sense, but Lin Yi did not want to ask Yuchi Han for help immediately. This time, it was not like the last time. Last time, the other party went for Yuchi Han. Yuchi Han needed Lin Yi's help, so he helped him deal with Yan Kun. It was also to repay his help. This time, it was for Lin Yi. He wanted to rely on himself.    


"Let's think of a way first. Besides, we haven't even locked on the suspect yet. If we ask Mr. Yuchi for help, it will be like finding a needle in a haystack." Lin Yi said to Han Ying.    


"You don't have any suspects? ___ asked. Could it be Mo Zhenan?" Han Ying made another assumption.    


Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said, "It's impossible for it to be him. He wanted to attack the Yuchi family, so it has nothing to do with me. After the previous incident, they had a prince agreement. I don't think he was that stupid and chose to break the agreement."    


Then who was this person? Lin Yi was also worried for a moment. If he couldn't lock onto his opponent's identity, he wouldn't be able to deal with him freely when his opponent attacked. Now, it seemed like Lin Yi was at a disadvantage.    


Although Jiaang Xiaolin's matter made Lin Yi uneasy, he couldn't just close the door and not take a look. Lin Yi's medical skills were enough to split his mind and think about other things. Fortunately, it was not a complicated illness that he had come to see. Lin Yi only needed to prescribe a prescription. The rest of the work would be done by Han Ying and Feng Yixu.    


"Dr. Lin, thank you very much." A patient took the medicine and came to Lin Yi to thank him.    


"You are welcome. This is what a doctor should do." Lin Yi said calmly.    


The patient shook his head and continued, "You are a good person. We poor people are most afraid of getting sick. Usually, you can only rely on procrastination when you have a minor illness or a major disaster. Only those who have a major illness or disaster dare to go to a public hospital. Since we have you, we are not afraid anymore. "    


Because Lin Yi was concerned about Jiaang Xiaolin's matter, he only listened to the patient's words and did not intend to continue responding.    


"They said you were a witch doctor before. I think they are."    


"What? What did you just say?" Lin Yi suddenly looked serious and asked the patient.    


The patient was a little scared and whispered, "I said, they, they are the witch doctors."    


Lin Yi reached out and hugged the patient. He said a few thanks to him, which confused the patient. He did not know what Lin Yi was thanking him for.    


As soon as the phone was picked up, the patient called him Witch Doctor Lin. He almost neglected such an important clue.    


He had called him Doctor Lin before and knew him. He was enemies with him, and he was not afraid of the police. It seemed that the old man was the only one who was not afraid of the police.    


At this moment, in Lin Yi's heart, he already knew the suspect of the kidnapping incident.    


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