Eternal Sovereign



0Chen Yi lowered his head and stared at the [Battle Demon Contract] on his chest. Suddenly, his two hands formed a seal and his right index finger and middle finger came together. He pointed at the [Battle Demon Contract] and faint starlight appeared on the [Battle Demon Contract].    


After that, these star points became more and more dense and gradually gathered together. Bai's huge body already appeared in front of Chen Yi.    


Xiao Bai woke up from his deep slumber, still feeling drowsy.    


After a long time, Bai finally regained its spirit. The moment it saw Chen Yi, it pounced towards him in joy.    


Chen Yi smiled bitterly as he was hugged by Bai. Bai was Innate Great Demon now and his feathers were as hard as steel. Even though Chen Yi's body was not weak, it was painful to be pricked like this.    


Chen Yi immediately patted Bai's back and said, "Let go of me, I'm almost killed by you."    


Xiao Bai let go of Chen Yi unhappily and said, "Young Master is not that weak."    


Chen Yi rolled his eyes. "Let's see how strong you are now."    


"Alright, the reason I called you out was to let you eat something. Come quickly."    


It was true that Xiao Bai could continue to linger in the [Battle Demon Contract], and it wasn't suitable for him to appear in front of others. However, Chen Yi couldn't bear to let Xiao Bai sleep for that long.    


As long as he was alone, Chen Yi didn't mind letting Bai out. As long as Bai did not appear in front of others, or even if he did appear in front of others, it would be fine as long as he did not appear in front of them.    


When Xiao Bai saw the Spirit Fruit on the table, his eyes lit up. He picked up one of the Spirit Fruit and swallowed it.    


Xiao Bai did not become a Xiantian cultivator for that long. His appetite was quite strong, unlike Innate Great Demon, who had been living off the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth for dozens of years.    


As he ate, Xiao Bai even complained, "It's not as good as the Ancestral Land."    


Chen Yi sighed: "Of course, even though this inn is owned by the Ancestral Land, how can it compare to the Ancestral Land?"    


As they were both Level Three Spirit Fruit, what the Ancestral Land s provided to Chen Yi were naturally the Spirit Fruit s with better effects and taste. Many of them were considered precious even in Level Three China, and their value was more than several times that of normal Level Three Spirit Fruit.    


The third stage Spirit Fruit of the Chen Family Inn was only a normal level of cultivation at the third stage.    


After eating a few for free, he looked at the rest of the Spirit Fruit. He was reluctant to part with them, but he still gave a few to Chen Yi. Chen Yi refused: "You can eat them. These Spirit Fruit are useless to me.    


Hearing Chen Yi's words, Bai gave up and directly finished the rest of the Spirit Fruit.    


After eating, Chen Yi said, "How does it feel to be sleeping in the [Battle Demon Contract]?"    


Xiao Bai tried sensing his condition, "It's okay, I can feel my bloodline increasing every second. Although the progress is small, it has improved quite a lot over the years."    


"Unfortunately, my blood has already returned to its ancestral state and became a Devil Eagle Beast. If Young Master can also become an Innate, just relying on the Battling Demonic Energy that I transformed into my blood should be able to speed up the evolution of my blood a lot."    


"If I can break through to the second stage, I can also increase the speed at which my bloodline evolves."    


Suddenly, Bai Yi seemed to have thought of something and said, as if he was jealous, "No, young master, it's better if you don't raise your [Book of Battle Demon] to the second stage. I'm enough for young master."    


Chen Yi laughed, "I didn't expect you to be so jealous."    


[Book of Battle Demon] was divided into three stages. With every stage that he broke through, the effect of the Battling Demonic Energy would double. At the same time, Chen Yi could contract a second Demonic Beast and cultivate it into a warbeast.    


Bai obviously didn't want Chen Yi to have a second warbeast.    


After having a warm moment with Bai, Chen Yi left Bai to play in the room as long as he didn't rush out.    


As for Chen Yi, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began cultivating.    


Chen Yi cultivated the [All-power Spell]. When he was at Ancestral Land, he was not far from reaching the second stage of the [All-power Spell] and he was also on the verge of breaking through.    


The Heaven Opening Divine Talisman circulated unceasingly, transforming wisps of the pure Yang Large Circulation into the divine power to temper the entire body.    


Chen Yi had already completed the eighth and ninth tempering of his body using the Heavenly God force. The only problem was that he hadn't completed it yet, he had only completed a large portion of the tempering.    


Now, what Chen Yi needed to accomplish was just this small part.    


Two hours later, the final part of the tempering was completed. After a total of nine times, the entire body of the Heavenly God force was refined. Chen Yi seemed to have reached a whole new level as his strength rapidly increased.    


After the time it took for an incense stick to burn, his strength finally stabilized.    


Chen Yi felt the energy flowing through his body and could not help but mutter: "Although I am still at the Great Circulation Stage level of perfection, have not opened Ancestral Aperture of Forehead, and have not broken through the Quasi-innate, the [All-power Spell] 'sublimation after completing nine rounds of tempering with the divine power of the entire body, has already made me comparable to the first stage of Quasi-innate."    


"And it's even at the first level of the Pure Yang Genuine Qi's Quasi-innate."    


Compared to before he had leveled up, which was before the second stage of the [All-power Spell], his strength had improved by a lot.    


The increase in strength of Genuine Qi s also brought about an increase in various aspects, so their overall strength similarly rose by quite a bit.    


It was a pity that the difference between the Acquired Stage and the Innate realm was just too huge, Chen Yi had only reached the innate realm in terms of attack level. In order for the strength of a Lesser Heaven stage Genuine Qi to reach the level of a Innate Genuine Qi, even if it was the Houtian Pure Yang, it would still need to reach the fourth or fifth stage of Quasi-innate.    


If it was the [All-power Spell], he had broken through at least five or six stages.    


It was a heavy task.    


The enhancement of the [All-power Spell] was not that easy.    


If not for the [All-power Spell], Chen Yi believed that he would already be a set of Quasi-innate.    


It would not take long for him to be promoted to the Upper Sky Realm. As long as his resources could keep up.    


With Fool Uncle and the ancestor's importance, Chen Yi really did not lack resources. After leaving Ancestral Land this time, Fool Uncle and the ancestor probably knew that Chen Yi would not be able to return within a short period of time, so they all bestowed cultivation resources to Chen Yi.    


These resources were normally accumulated by Fool Uncle and the Patriarch himself, and did not belong to Hsingyun Peak, nor did they belong to Ancestral Land.    


However, Chen Yi himself didn't know how long it would take for him to practice the [All-power Spell].    


Maybe two or three years? Or maybe three or four years?    


However, as long as he succeeded in his cultivation, once he was promoted to an Innate, he would have Innate Body that was even stronger than Innates of the same level and would have potential.    


Even to the extent of breaking through, he would at least be at the peak of the middle stage of the Genuine Returning Stage, or maybe even the late stage of the Genuine Returning Stage.    



In the future, breaking through the All-power Stage would be much more difficult than breaking through to the Xiantian realm at the same level, and after stepping into the All-power Stage, the difficulty would still be able to increase rapidly.    


These benefits couldn't be compared to wasting a few years.    


If it was anyone else who had obtained the [All-power Spell], they would have made the same choice as Chen Yi.    


Astral Deities Worship Stage could only be considered to be at the top of a county. When one reached a region, they could only be considered a top expert, not the peak.    


The ones who truly stood at the pinnacle of the world were the Grandmasters, Grand Masters, and people of the Great Grandmaster Realm.    


Strictly speaking, it was the latter two. Even a grandmaster wouldn't be considered a top-notch expert in the world.    


The temptation of All-powerful Body s cultivated by the [All-power Spell] to warriors could be imagined.    


On this night, Chen Yi continuously stabilized the power of the second stage of the [All-power Spell].    


The next day, Chen Yi was really going to pay a visit to Princess Jingxue. Bai once again transformed into a dense burst of starlight, surging toward the [Battle Demon Contract] and falling into a deep sleep.    




Yunlan County City was divided into inner city and outer city.    


The outer city was much larger and occupied 90% of the area, whereas the inner city was much smaller.    


However, all those who lived in the inner city were the top clans in Yunlan County City.    


These top clans at least had a Yuan Combination Stage overseeing them. Families without Yuan Combination Stage, even if they had several Innate Genuine Returning Stage, could only reside in the outer city.    


The defensive strength of the inner city was far from being comparable to that of the outer city. There were fixed Red Dragon Guard guarding the inner city's city gates every day, and there was even a large amount of Yunlan Army patrolling the inner city.    


In terms of quality, these Yunlan Army could not be compared to Red Dragon Guard, nor could they be compared to the enforcement team.    


The minimum standard for an army of Yunlan Army was Circulation Stage.    


Sometimes, when Red Dragon Guard s encircled and annihilated bandits or wanted criminals, or other forces, they would lead these large Yunlan Army troops.    


The strength of the members of these Yunlan Army are not high, but they can form various battle formations.    


And this was only an ordinary Yunlan Army unit. Above the ordinary Yunlan Army units, there were even elites level Yunlan Army units.    


The elite members of the Yunlan Army were at least of the A Great Circulation. The Yunlan Army patrols within the inner city were such elite troops.    


Ordinary troops would patrol around the outer city. Sometimes, they would even have to listen to the enforcement team or guard the outer city gates.    


The three forces, Red Dragon Guard, Law Enforcement Squadron and the elite forces of Yunlan Army, had protected the entire inner city from the wind. Even if it was Yuan Combination Stage, wanting to infiltrate the inner city and commit a crime without being aware of it was a very difficult thing to do.    


In the entire inner city, there were large scale formations under the ground, and once activated, even the Astral Deities Worship Stage would fall.    


As the core city of Yunlan County, and also the core city of the inner city, Yunlan County City could be considered as one of the top cities in the entire Yunlan County, due to its tight defense.    


If even the large formation could not harm the enemy, then the Grandmaster in Commandery Prince Mansion would teach the enemy how to conduct himself.    


With such tight security in the inner city, not just anyone could enter.    


A stranger would be questioned, and a familiar face would have to have a token to enter or leave.    


Chen Yi was an unfamiliar face, so when he was questioned at the inner city gate, he was interrogated by a member of the Yunlan County elite team, who had the cultivation at the peak of the Large Circulation.    


This caused Chen Yi to sigh with emotion. This was indeed the inner city of the Yunlan County City. If one's Large Circulation cultivation was placed outside a normal small town, one would definitely be a top expert.    


And here, it was only for guards.    


Even if the guards were from the inner city, they would still be guards at the gate.    


Chen Yi wasn't nervous. He took out the token Liang Jingxue gave him.    


"This keepsake …" Yunlan Army's pupil shrank, and the expression he looked at Chen Yi with changed.    


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