Eternal Sovereign



0In the blink of an eye, a day had passed.    


During this period of time, he did not gain much and instead encountered fewer and fewer Shiwu Beast. On one hand, Chen Yi did it on purpose, he didn't want to encounter many powerful Shiwu Beast. With most of the red packets attached to the Shiwu Beast, as long as Chen Yi avoided most of the red packets, he would naturally be able to avoid the majority of Shiwu Beast.    


On the other hand, it was possible that he was getting closer and closer to the barrier.    


Of course, because they avoided the majority of the Shiwu Beast, their harvest on the red packets was average.    


However, Chen Yi didn't mind.    


This time, because he had accidentally entered the high grade area, not only did he obtain the [Aurora Flower], the [Pure Yang Spell] had smoothly advanced to the third level, and he had also obtained a soul equipment.    


At the moment, the most important thing was to leave the high level area and return to the low level area first.    


Chen Yi subconsciously opened up the search interface to see where the red packets were, in order to avoid meeting the Shiwu Beast.    


Generally speaking, if the red packets did not move, they would basically be attached to the Spirit Fruit or Spirit Grasses, or even some refining materials.    


They would move from time to time, usually on the Shiwu Beast s.    


Chen Yi noticed an orange dot that represented a red packet of Orange Level approaching him. Chen Yi's expression immediately changed and he immediately turned around and ran.    


After running for a while, Chen Yi found out that the orange point was not chasing him.    


Not long after, Chen Yi heard the cries of Shiwu Beast coming from the forest in the distance. Trees would fall from time to time.    


The air was filled with an aura that even Chen Yi was afraid of.    


"Is this a battle between two Shiwu Beast?" Chen Yi's eyes flashed.    


Chen Yi was caught in the middle of the fight. With two powerful Shiwu Beast fighting each other, if both sides were to suffer, he could possibly reap the rewards.    


But at the same time, this was also a dangerous action. If one side won and still retained quite a bit of strength, then he would be in danger.    


Chen Yi was at a loss. The main problem was the Shiwu Beast that was attached to the red packet, it was a high-grade Orange Level red packet.    


This red packet had a very high chance of obtaining good things.    


The [Aurora Flower] and [World Shattering Talisman] from before, and even the Soul Space equipment after, all originated from the high level Orange Level red packet.    


"Forget it, let's go take a look. If worst comes to worst, I'll just stay a bit further away. If I find something wrong, I'll just leave." Chen Yi gritted his teeth and decided to take a look from afar.    


Chen Yi carefully got closer. As he got closer, he could feel the terrifying aura coming from not too far away.    


It was not until two huge monsters appeared in Chen Yi's field of vision.    


The two Shiwu Beast were both nearly thirty meters long. Shiwu Beast of this length generally had strength close to the peak of the perfection-stage of the Circulation Stage.    


or perhaps, it could be said to be comparable to the Great Circulation Stage of human warriors!    


This was undoubtedly an existence that Chen Yi could not contend against. Even with a human's great Circulation Stage, it was not something that Chen Yi could contend against.    


The Great Circulation Stage was already capable of being released by the Genuine Qi, and even if Qi Refinement Cultivator were to sneak attack him, it would be very difficult for him to pose a threat to the Great Circulation Stage. This is because the reaction speed of the experts of the Great Circulation Stage were already extremely terrifying, and whenever they felt threatened, the Genuine Qi would immediately appear.    


At the same time, some methods used by special bloodline awakening geniuses were also unable to pose a threat to the Great Circulation Stage.    


This was because experts of the Great Circulation Stage also possessed long-range attacks.    


The difference between the Great Circulation Stage and ordinary Circulation Stage was too great.    


Just like in Invigorated Meridian Stage, there would be a leap of improvement from the seventh to the eighth meridian.    


Even if Chen Yi were to use his special bloodline [Burning Devils Body], he wouldn't be able to fight against such an existence.    


However, Chen Yi was relieved when he saw these two monsters.    


Because, without a doubt, the strength of these two enormous monsters were similar, and were both comparable to the level of Great Circulation Stage.    


This kind of Shiwu Beast's intelligence was in no way inferior to a human's, so conflicts between them were unavoidable.    


Greed, jealousy, and aggression would make these Shiwu Beast fight with each other.    


The closer one's strength was, the more likely it was that both parties would suffer.    




After half an hour, the attacks of the two Shiwu Beast were no longer as intense as before.    


Even though the two Shiwu Beast were extremely powerful, the half an hour of battle had exhausted the two of them, leaving them with wounds all over their bodies.    


The auras of the two Shiwu Beast had also dropped by quite a bit, and were far from their previous peak.    


Chen Yi carefully hid behind a huge rock and peeked his head out from time to time.    


Once the two Shiwu Beast were discovered to have plans to give up, they would immediately flee.    


It was a good thing that the two Shiwu Beast seemed to have shown their true flames. Although their injuries were not light, none of them were willing to give in.    


"Good luck, let's continue like this!" Chen Yi was secretly excited.    


Maybe it was because Chen Yi's aura was too weak, the two Shiwu Beast did not pay much attention to Chen Yi. Of course, there was also the possibility that neither of the Shiwu Beast noticed Chen Yi. These Shiwu Beast's perception was quite ordinary, unlike a lion type Demonic Beast, which could easily smell a human's scent.    


No matter how strong Chen Yi's true combat strength was, in terms of cultivation, he only had Minor Circulation at the eight meridians rank. He hadn't even stepped into the true Circulation Stage.    


After about a quarter of an hour, from beginning to end, almost an hour, a Shiwu Beast finally fell.    


The other Shiwu Beast was also riddled with scars, it was unknown how much of its venom had been used, perhaps it had also been completely depleted.    


The surrounding hundred meters were filled with potholes, they were all caused by the corrosive abilities of the two Shiwu Beast's venom.    


This Shiwu Beast's aura had already been lowered to its lowest point and was resting on the ground.    



Chen Yi knew his chance had come. Without any hesitation, he rushed towards the Shiwu Beast. The Shiwu Beast raised its head and was surprised to see Chen Yi appear.    


It seemed like this wasn't the time for humans to hunt them.    


And when he felt that Chen Yi was only a practitioner of Minor Circulation, a human-like look of contempt flashed in the Shiwu Beast's eyes.    


A mere human infant that hadn't even reached the third stage yet wanted to take advantage of the situation?    


The Shiwu Beast was immediately enraged, even though it was severely injured and its strength had plummeted, it was still not something that a mere human cub could take advantage of.    


Thinking about how humans would come hunt them from time to time, Shiwu Beast's eyes were filled with viciousness.    


Without any hesitation, it spat out a mouthful of venom at an incredible speed.    


At the same time, Chen Yi also transformed into the [Burning Devils Body], spitting out the [Burning Fire] from his mouth.    


The Genuine Qi in his body revolved to the limit, releasing the power of the [Burning Fire] to the limit.    


Even though it was only a normal profound art, under the High Grade Genuine Qi that was nearing the peak of its power, its might still could not be underestimated.    


The venom spat out by the Shiwu Beast was instantly swallowed by the surging flames.    


Chen Yi quickly spat out another mouthful of [Burning Fire]. With the two Bloodline Magical Power s in a row, he used up a lot of Chen Yi's stamina and Genuine Qi s in an instant, causing his face to turn pale.    


With Chen Yi's current majestic Genuine Qi, he could barely withstand four to five divine abilities.    


However, the prerequisite was that it couldn't be linked together. Even Chen Yi felt a little pressured.    


Of course, this was only pressure, and it wasn't impossible.    


The two majestic [Burning Fire] merged together and transformed into a sea of fire that could topple mountains and overturn the seas. Its power also increased by a bit.    


The sizzling sounds continued, and soon, the venom spat out by the Shiwu Beast was completely incinerated.    


Shiwu Beast s were indeed very strong, but they had consumed a lot of it before. Previously, they had already spat out ninety percent of the poison's poison, but now, there was only a little bit of it left.    


The combined strength of the Shiwu Beast today was not even comparable to a normal middle tier third stage Shiwu Beast. How could it withstand the poison that was spat out by the Shiwu Beast?    


In an instant, the sea of flames that covered the sky engulfed the Shiwu Beast.    


But even if Shiwu Beast were to be riddled with scars, they were still at the peak of the third stage. Their bodies were already on par with Top Human Level Superior Grade Godly Weapon when they were at their peak, and even now, when they were injured, their strength was still above that of ordinary Human Level Superior Grade Divine Weapons.    


Although Chen Yi's [Burning Fire] was powerful and he wanted to burn Shiwu Beast to death, he was still unable to do so.    


The Shiwu Beast emitted waves of hissing sounds, which were filled with anger, alarm, anger and viciousness.    


Obviously, the [Burning Fire] had not done much damage to the Shiwu Beast yet, but it had brought a lot of pain to the beast, and this had stimulated it.    


The Shiwu Beast wanted to rush out of the sea of fire and kill Chen Yi.    


However, Chen Yi controlled his surging sea of fire and tightly trapped the Shiwu Beast, not giving it the chance to escape.    


No matter how strong the body was, he believed that as long as the [Burning Fire] continued to burn, it would sooner or later break through the body of this peak third stage Shiwu Beast.    


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