Creation Fishing System

C510 A Heavenly Dog Eating the Moon

C510 A Heavenly Dog Eating the Moon

0Speaking of Nie Xiaoqian, she's not a man of the world. After the Specters, the atmosphere in the main hall of the villa became somewhat strange.    


At this time, a meticulous warrior of the Jianghu suddenly said, "Everyone, the place where we are now is the Morality Villa. I have heard some rumors about this place. I wonder if you have heard of it?"    


As soon as he said that, it immediately aroused everyone's interest.    


"You are talking about the massacre of the Morality Villa, right?"    


Another person from the pugilistic world said.    


"That's right!"    


That person nodded with a smile and said, "This Morality Villa was one of the more famous forces in the pugilistic world many years ago. The owner of the villa had nothing to do with it. It was the famous Timely Rain in the martial arts world. He was a person from the martial arts world in the past. If you need his help, the owner of the villa will always help you whenever he can. He has accumulated a lot of good reputation in the martial arts world.    


However, five years ago, on a night when the Heavenly Dog ate the moon, the whole Morality Villa was destroyed. The family of the head of the villa was wiped out. Not a single person was left alive!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present could not help but have solemn expressions. A Manor Master, who had a good reputation in the martial arts world, was willing to help others. However, he did not know why his whole family was wiped out. This kind of story could usually make people silent.    


The most terrible thing was that this wasn't just a story, it was a real story. They were now sitting in the ruins of the Morality Villa.    


"I know what happened. . . "    


At that moment, among the martial artists, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face silently raised the wine pot at his waist. After taking a big gulp, his eyes revealed a fierce look.    


He said, "Back then, I was chased by my enemies and was seriously injured. I was penniless. It was the Villa Master who took me in and let me live in the Morality Villa. Half a year, their family saved my life!    


When the tragedy in Morality Villa happened, I was dealing with the highwaymen outside the border. After hearing the bad news, I immediately rushed back to the Central Plains to investigate how the Manor Lord's family died.    


By the time I arrived, the Manor Lord's family had already been dead for a long time. The corpses of the eight of them had been withdrawn by the righteous cultivators of the Jianghu who had received the Manor Lord's kindness just like me.    


According to them, the Patriarch's family had died a miserable death. In just one night, all of them had been killed, and almost everyone had died without a complete corpse.    


Judging from the traces on the corpse, the family of this head of the family did not die from ordinary weapons. Every person's corpse had traces of being bitten. It was either a huge bite or a scratch.    


At that time, we had no idea what was going on. We speculated that it might be the ferocious beasts of the mountain that came in groups and killed the Manor Lord's family, but it was unlikely.    


After all, the head of the house was a hero in the martial arts world. How could he be easily killed by ordinary ferocious beasts? However, there seemed to be no other explanation.    


The group of us stayed in the Morality Villa for a few months. We guarded the spirit of the Manor Lord's family while searching the nearby mountains. What kind of beast is committing murder here?    


Until that day. . . "    


Speaking up to this point, the knife-scarred man took a deep breath and clenched his fist.    


When the crowd heard his words, they were all brought into the story. When they saw the pain on his face, they quickly asked, wanting to know what happened on that day.    


"That day was the same as the day the Villa Master and his family were killed. At night, the heavenly dogs ate the moon. We did our usual investigations in the Morality Villa, but that night. . . "    


The scarred man clenched his fists tightly and stared at the pile of ashes in the hall on the first floor. He said, "That night, the house owner, who was buried by us and had already been buried, actually came back to life! They broke out of the ground, crawled out of the graveyard, and returned to the Morality Villa! "    


. . . "Ah!!"    


Among the crowd, Fu Yuechi, who had the least courage, was so frightened that he screamed on the spot. He hugged Zhi Qiuye's shoulder forcefully.    


Although Nie Xiaoqian was a dark soul ghost, she was also very timid. At this moment, her whole body was about to be squeezed into Chu Yun's body. Her soft body was trembling.    


Only Fu Qingfeng, although he was also afraid, looked around but could not find a man he could rely on. He could only sit there and be forced to be strong.    


"It was only at this time that we found out that the owner's family was not attacked by some wild beast. Instead, they were harmed by the zombie ghost! The Manor Head's family turned into zombies and returned to the Morality Villa. Because we have people on night watch. So we didn't suffer too much loss. After subduing the owner of the house, we tied them up with ropes.    


Seeing that the crisis was finally over, However, who would have thought that when the Celestial Dog had completely eaten the moon, an even more terrifying monster would appear. It was an enormous, asura-like giant corpse!    


The giant corpse was invulnerable. Even if its head was chopped off, it would not die. The broken corpse could still move, and it could even escape through the ground! The head of the manor! Back then, our family was attacked by this giant corpse. After they died, they turned back into zombies. "    


The knife-scarred man closed his eyes and recalled what happened that day. His face was full of pain as he said, "Many of us died. The martial artists killed by that giant corpse also turned into zombies like the manor owner's family. They are too terrifying. . . "    


"What happened after that?"    


Fu Qingfeng looked at him nervously and asked, "How did you escape after that?"    


"I didn't escape. I couldn't have escaped either. "    


The knife-scarred man shook his head and laughed bitterly. He said, "At that time, among the dozens of righteous warriors in the Morality Villa, less than ten were killed by the giant corpse. Just when we were about to be wiped out, someone suppressed the giant corpse and saved us. "    


"Who was it?"    


Zhi Qiuye hurriedly asked, Who was it?" According to what you said, that giant corpse's strength is terrifying. The one who can suppress it must be a top-notch cultivator with deep magic power. Could it be that it was the great hero Yan Chixia who saved you?"    


" No. . . "    


The scarred man shook his head and said, "It was a Patrol Officer of the Imperial Court and the current Imperial Protector, Kṣitigarbha. At that time, when they passed by the Morality Villa, they saw that the villa was filled with Yin Qi. The Imperial Protector, Kṣitigarbha, attacked. His magical energy directly suppressed the giant corpse.    


After we were rescued, Fa Zhang told us that the corpse of the person killed by the giant corpse had already been infected by the Yin Qi and had to be sealed in a coffin with a talisman to be suppressed.    


As for the number of talismans that Fa Zhang had on him, they were not enough. Besides the eight coffins that we made, which could suppress the bodies of the owners of the houses, The rest of the warriors who died in the Jianghu can only burn them all to ashes. "    


. . . " Oh! "    


Fu Yuechi regained her senses at this moment. When she heard that the giant corpse had already been suppressed, she immediately heaved a sigh of relief and said, " So, the eight coffins in the Morality Villa are the eight owners of the residences and families that were sealed by the Imperial Protector?"    


"That's right. "    


The scarred man nodded and looked at Chu Yun with a complicated expression. He said, "We have sealed the talisman that the Imperial Protector left behind. After the manor lord and his family were sealed in the coffin, they left separately. Never would they have thought that. . . The scar-faced man said with a smile, We have sealed the talisman left behind by the Fa Zhang onto the coffin of the family head of the manor. "    


At this time, Zhi Qiuye frowned and said, "The corpse that has already turned into a corpse, burning it with fire is the best way to deal with it. Since you have already burned the corpses of those martial artists, why did you keep the Manor Lord and his family of eight not burning them, but instead sealing them with talismans?"    


The scar-faced man replied, "Because of the customs of Minglan County, after the death of civilians, they will not be cremated. They will only be accepted into the earth to rest in peace. We respect the dead. Furthermore, the pharaoh gave us talismans that can be sealed. "    


After saying that, Zhiqiu Yiye nodded. Seeing that Chu Yun had been frowning silently by the side, he could not help but ask, "Brother, what are you thinking about?"    


When Chu Yun heard this, he pinched his fingers and gently counted. A strange expression appeared on his face as he said, "Today and tomorrow seems to be the day when heavenly dogs eat the moon. "    





Fu Yuechi immediately cried out in shock and said, "Is it true? Don't scare me!"    


Zhiqiu Yiye immediately stood up and looked out the window. Indeed, in the gloomy sky, a black dot was at the edge of the moon, slowly covering the moon.    


"It really is a heavenly dog eating the moon!"    


Zhiqiu Yiye immediately cried out and said, "No wonder, brother, you just came to this Morality Villa and encountered the eight fake corpses of the Manor Lord and his family. It turns out that today is the Heavenly Dog Moon Eater's day again!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the man with the scarred face also stood up with a whoosh. He went to the window to take a look and his eyes immediately revealed a look of fear. He muttered, "Why is it the Heavenly Dog's Lunar Eclipse again? Why is it the Heavenly Dog's Lunar Eclipse again. . . "    


"Are you alright?"    


Fu Qingfeng took a step forward and said, "The eight heads of the manor have already been burnt to ashes. The giant corpse has also been protected by the Imperial Protector. Fa Zhang, Du Cihang, has been suppressed?"    


"Indeed. . . "    


The knife-scarred man took a deep breath. His forehead was covered with sweat. He nodded and said, "Miss Qingfeng is right. There is nothing to be afraid of. The giant corpse has already been suppressed by Pṣitigarbha. "    


After he said that, the martial artists present looked at each other. They could not help but feel a little scared. After all, it was such a coincidence that they were in such a hurry.    


The Heavenly Dog Moon Eater in the Morality Villa had happened three times in total. The first time, the whole family of the villa owner had been wiped out. The second time, the family of the villa owner had turned into zombies and appeared together with the giant corpse.    


And now, it was the third time.    


Coincidentally, their group had actually been lying in ambush in the ruins of the Vital Energy Manor. With so many coincidences, it was very difficult to not think about it.    


"Alright. Everyone, we've been running around all night. It's time for us to take a rest now. Let's put the matter of the Morality Villa aside for now. Tomorrow, the soldiers will be escorting Sir Fu to the capital. We have to rest and recharge here. It's a good thing that we'll save Sir Fu tomorrow. "    


At this moment, a person from the pugilistic world stood up and chuckled.    


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone responded and expressed their agreement. Then, they dispersed and found a place to rest in the villa.    


The scar-faced man was obviously a man who valued relationships and loyalty. Before he left, he faced the pile of ashes in the middle of the hall and cupped his hands in respect before leaving.    


"This is really frightening. . . "    


Nie Xiaoqian whispered into Chu Yun's ear.    


Chu Yun looked at her body, which was stuck to his arm, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He said, "I told you. You are not a human. Why are you like them? Are you afraid of ghosts?"    


"I also said that I am different from them. . . "    


Nie Xiaoqian pouted, feeling wronged.    


"Okay. "    


Chu Yun sighed helplessly. What else could he do?    


Then, he brought Nie Xiaoqian to a nearby room to rest. Although it was said to be rest, it was actually the daily routine of Yin and Yang. There were too many things that had happened today. If it had been any other day, he would have practiced it long ago.    


On the other side, Fu Qingfeng watched Chu Yun and Nie Xiaoqian leave together. For some reason, his face suddenly turned red and hot. When he thought about how Nie Xiaoqian looked exactly the same as him, If these two people were to do something like that, wouldn't the scene be the same as her and Chu Yun?    


"How shameless! What are you thinking about!?"    


Fu Qingfeng stomped his foot. He was infuriated by his own thoughts. However, as he watched the two of them leave, more and more images appeared in his mind.    


After giving it some thought, Fu Qingfeng realized that he couldn't sleep at all. He had rested for quite some time yesterday. She looked at the sky outside the window. It was the time for her to watch the night.    


Therefore, Fu Qingfeng walked out of the hall with his sword in hand and arrived outside the Morality Villa. On the roof sat a figure who was dozing off and on night duty.    


Fu Qingfeng tapped the ground with his feet and his body flew into the air gracefully. He arrived on the roof and patted the shoulder of the person on night watch. Instantly, he jolted him awake and hurriedly pulled out the saber at his waist.    


"It's me. "    


Fu Qingfeng said unhappily.    


"Ah, so it's Miss Qingfeng. I. . . Hehe. I just. . . "    


The night watchman had an awkward expression. He was about to fall asleep just now, but he was discovered by Fu Qingfeng. His duties as a night watchman were really not in place at all.    


"Since you're tired, go down and have a good rest. I'm still very energetic. I'll guard you for the first half of the night. "    


Fu Qingfeng did not blame him. Instead, he smiled and said.    


Among the people on this trip, other than the Fu sisters who volunteered to rescue her father, the rest of the people who were loyal to the martial arts world were loyal. Even if some things were not done properly, Fu Qingfeng could not blame them. There was no reason for her to blame them.    


After all. . .    


These martial artists had taken the risk of losing their heads for the Fu Family. No one forced them to do so, but they still took the initiative to come for the justice of the martial world.    


"Sigh, it's so embarrassing. Miss Qingfeng, you must be joking. Actually, I was still in high spirits just now, but somehow, I felt sleepy when the wind in the forest blew. . . "    


That person sighed and was too embarrassed to defend himself. He cupped his hands and jumped down from the roof. He said, "Miss Qingfeng, you stay here and watch. If you are sleepy, go down and call me. I will immediately come over to help you!"    


"Okay. "    


Fu Qingfeng nodded with a smile.    


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