Creation Fishing System

C378 Spiritual Body Pill

C378 Spiritual Body Pill

0In fact, no matter who it was, regardless of whether their physique was good or bad, as long as they continued to cultivate, they would eventually be able to break through to the Nirvana Stage without any lack of cultivation resources.    


However, there was a saying in this Nirvana Stage: Depends on the age of the person who breaks through.    


If one broke through to this realm under the age of 30, Then, the life source of this warrior will be at the peak state, and he will have the qualification to break through to the Sovereign Stage in the future.    


But. . .    


If he broke through to the Nirvana Stage after reaching the age of thirty, The final destination of this warrior would be below the Sovereign Stage. There would be no chance for him to break through to the Sovereign realm. No matter how hard he tried, he would only be able to reach the Fate Wheel Stage.    


Therefore, in many top sects, they judged whether a disciple's talent was good or bad, and whether there was any value in nurturing him. It all depended on whether he could break through to the Nirvana Stage before the age of thirty.    


If he could, he would continue to nurture a core disciple. If he couldn't, then a warrior who couldn't break through to the Sovereign Stage wouldn't have any value in nurturing him. When he was over 30 years old, he would be abandoned by the Sect. He would either become a deacon or be dismissed.    


As for someone as weak as Lin Xuan, although his physique wouldn't affect his future cultivation after he broke through to the Critical Stage, from a practical point of view, Lin Xuan still had no value in cultivating him.    


After all. . .    


Who knew how many years it would take for Lin Xuan to break through to the Critical Stage?    


It was impossible for such a person to break through to the Nirvana Stage before the age of thirty. In terms of this limitation, Lin Xuan was sentenced to death by nature, and there was no value in nurturing him.    


But. . .    


Fortunately, he met Chu Yun.    


He met a master who mastered the Laws of Time.    


"Feel it for yourself. "    


Chu Yun smiled and placed one of his hands on Lin Xuan's shoulder. A faint light lit up between his fingers. The profound Temporal Law bloomed, and soon, a translucent sphere was condensed, wrapping Lin Xuan's entire body within it.    


Lin Xuan widened his eyes. He could feel that the flow of time in the outside world had become several times slower while he was inside the sphere.    


He could only watch helplessly as Yang Xiaochan secretly picked up a piece of pastry on the table. However, her hand slipped and the pastry slipped off the table. It slowly fell to the ground at an extremely slow speed. In Lin Xuan's eyes, everything in the outside world was like this. It was at least thirty to forty times slower!    


He stretched out his arm and lowered his head to look at his fingers. After casually moving his fingers, he found that he was not affected at all.    


At this moment, Chu Yun stretched out his hand and poked. The small ball shattered like a bubble and said with a smile: "How do you feel?"    


"Master, this. . . This is too amazing. . . "    


Lin Xuan took a deep breath and said, "I clearly feel it. When I was inside the ball, everything in the outside world was to me. Everything has become very, very slow. I counted just now. The time the pastry fell on the ground lasted for a total of forty-two seconds inside the small ball! I'm afraid it'll only take a few seconds for it to fall to the ground. "    


"That doesn't seem too bad. Within my Time Law secret technique, your time flow will be around forty times slower than others. This means that when you cultivate within the small ball, your time will be over forty times faster than others!"    


Chu Yun smiled faintly. He had never thought that this secret technique would bring such a huge improvement. In this way, it was not entirely impossible for the system to ask Lin Xuan to quickly break through in 47 days. After all, he could extend the time by 40 times or more.    


In this way, he could give Lin Xuan some time. This would be a lot of time. It would take more than a thousand days for him to break through to the next realm, and it would take more than five years for him to break through to the next realm!    


In these five years, with the full support of Chu Yun, he wanted to break through to the Myriad Stone Stage and obtain all the rewards. He was afraid that it wasn't something that he couldn't achieve.    


"Forty times more time than the others. . . "    


Lin Xuan was shocked when he heard this, even though he did not know much about cultivation.    


However, just by guessing with his intuition, he knew that this must be an extremely heaven-defying ability!    


To be able to allow a person to have more than forty times the cultivation time of others, he had already cultivated for more than forty days in one day, while others had cultivated for a year, and he had already cultivated for more than forty years!    


How powerful was this!    


"The old figure in the underground palace must have used this method to survive until now, right? You have slowed down the flow of time within the small ball of time. That old fellow has increased the flow of time. So to him, it has not been that many years. . . "Lo Qingcheng suddenly said.    


"That's right. "    


Chu Yun nodded and confirmed Lo Qingcheng's guess.    


At this time, Lo Qingcheng said, "But have you thought about it? Although the people in the Time Sphere spent one day like them, to the people in the Time Sphere, he actually spent more than 40 days.    


In other words, for the people in the Time Sphere, every day they stayed in the Time Sphere, they would live less than 40 days less than others. If he's brought along a year, he'll have less than 40 years to live than others. "    


As he finished speaking, Chu Yun frowned slightly. He had not used this effect on other people before and had only tried it himself. Now with Lo Qingcheng's reminder, he immediately realized the drawbacks of this.    


The time ball would not completely change the time. It could only extend the time.    


To the outside world, Lin Xuan had entered the time ball to cultivate for a year. He had indeed obtained the effect of forty years of cultivation, but in fact, Lin Xuan's body had truly experienced forty years of cultivation. Not a year.    


In this way, nothing had changed to Lin Xuan himself. In the outside world, his cultivation speed had increased, but the problem of his talent hadn't changed. Before his bone age reached thirty years old, he still couldn't break through to the Nirvana Stage, and he didn't even know when he would break through to the Critical Stage.    


"Fortunately, you guys found me. "    


Lo Qingcheng smiled mysteriously. She took out a pill bottle from her storage ring. It was filled to the brim with dozens of Pills. She handed it to Chu Yun.    


"What is this?"    


Chu Yun asked.    


Lo Qingcheng snorted twice and said, "Holy Grade Spirit Pill, Spiritual Aura Body Pill! This is a good thing that can improve a warrior's physique. After consuming it, it can remove the impurities in the meridians of Physical Body Stage warriors, allowing them to smoothly break through to the Critical Stage. It should be very suitable to use on this little guy. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes as he said: "There is such a Spirit Pill?"    


"Of course, the world is huge, and there are all kinds of strange things in it. "    


Lo Qingcheng smiled and then her expression was also a little strange. She said, "However, this Pill should not exist. Because the purpose of it being developed was actually to allow martial artists to break through to the Nirvana Stage better. It wasn't to improve the impurities in the meridians of Physical Body Stage warriors, but unfortunately. . . The final result of the finished product. It can only slightly improve the constitution of the meridians. It can be considered a failure. "    


"Since it's a failed product, why do you have so many? Could it be that there are people who specifically refine such Pills? That shouldn't be the case, right? Using saint grade materials to improve the physique of Physical Body Stage warriors, this isn't worth it. "    


Chu Yun shook his head.    


"Because the alchemist who developed this failed Pill is the senior disciple Ning Guiqi of Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect. After his experiment failed, the rest of the Pills were brought over by me. Although it's useless, it's not like I need money. . . Besides, if I put it on your new disciple, I'll use it again. "    



Lo Qingcheng smiled and Chu Yun's face also revealed a trace of a smile. He turned his head and looked at Lin Xuan and said," Did you hear that? Hurry up and thank him?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Xuan seemed to have woken up from a dream. His eyes had not moved away from the bottle containing the Spiritual Aura Body Opening Pill. After hearing Chu Yun's words, he hurriedly bowed and thanked Lo Qingcheng. "Thank you Luo Peak Master for bestowing the pill, disciple. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng interrupted him and said, "You are Chu Yun's disciple. There is no need to be so distant. Call me Martial Uncle from now on. "    


“. . . ”    


Lin Xuan heard this and could not help but be slightly startled. He thought, where did this start from?    


With his seniority, if he completed the outer sect trial and became an official disciple, then as a Peak Master, Lo Qingcheng should be of the same generation as the sect master. He should address her as his grandfather.    


Then, who did this' Martial Uncle 'title come from? Lin Xuan couldn't help but look at his master.    


His master was really amazing. He had just joined the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect, but he was already on par with the Peak Master of the Qingluan Peak. . .    


"Yes, thank you, Martial Uncle. "    


Lin Xuan immediately changed his words and thanked Lo Qingcheng with cupped fists.    


Lo Qingcheng smiled and narrowed her eyes, "These Holy Grade Pills can easily change your constitution and remove the impurities in your meridians. If I remember correctly, it will be the outer sect's trial day in a month's time, right?"    


"That's right. . . "    


Lin Xuan nodded and could not help but take a deep breath. He was still very excited in his heart.    


Outer sect trial day. . . It was a threshold that every unofficial disciple in Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect had to go through. Only by passing the test could one become an official disciple of the Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect. If one couldn't pass the test, he or she would have to leave the Sect.    


Initially, Lin Xuan had been worrying about this matter. Before meeting Chu Yun, he had no confidence in completing the outer circle trial. But now. . .    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Lin Xuan was determined to succeed.    


"With your master's guidance. . . Let's set a small goal first. Go and get the first name of the outer sect exam. "    


Lo Qingcheng said casually.    


After she finished speaking. . .    


Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment. First name?    


To be honest, this was something he had never thought of. To be able to pass the test was already something worth thanking him for. The concept of first rank was too far away. . .    


Lo Qingcheng looked at him seriously and said, "Your master is not weaker than anyone in this life. The two disciples that he took in all have the talent of one of the ten great spiritual bodies. The eldest disciple has the Profound Mirror Spiritual Body. The second disciple has the Devil Devouring Spiritual Body. As his third disciple, although your talent is ordinary, you can't disgrace your master. Do you understand? "    


After saying that, Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and his chest started to tremble. He felt that as Lo Qingcheng finished speaking, an extremely hot thought rose in his body.    


He looked at Chu Yun and said in a deep voice, "Master, I will definitely work hard. No matter what, I will not let anyone feel ashamed that you have accepted me as your disciple. Absolutely not!"    


"Hehe. . . "    


Chu Yun heard her and laughed with a strange expression. He turned his head to look at Lo Qingcheng and thought, Do you know how to read your mind? Why did you set the target?    


However, to be honest, this was indeed what Chu Yun wanted to ask Lin Xuan to do.    


Before, when there was nothing, it would be difficult for Lin Xuan to pass the outer circle trial. But now, with the help of the Spirit Pill provided by Lo Qingcheng, Lin Xuan's talent would be changed. With the help of Chu Yun's time law, Lin Xuan's cultivation time would be greatly lengthened.    


Forty-seven days, which was forty times longer, became one thousand eight hundred and eighty days, more than five years!    


With these conditions, looking at the requirements in the system mission, it seemed like the difficulty would be reduced all of a sudden. As long as Lin Xuan was willing to work hard in his cultivation, breaking through to the Myriad Stone Stage wouldn't be a difficult problem.    


And this. . .    


This also meant that Lin Xuan was really going to become a treasure pot. He could guarantee that he would be able to bring Chu Yun a few Holy Grade bait. If he was diligent and hardworking enough, Chu Yun could even obtain fifteen Holy Grade bait in a month's time!    


At this time, under Lo Qingcheng's guidance, Lin Xuan opened the bottle containing the Spiritual Aura Physical Opening Pill. He poured out a Spiritual Aura Physical Opening Pill and swallowed it.    


"Just eat it. There are still about ten more inside. If you finish all of them and still can't completely improve your constitution, I can still look for Senior Apprentice Brother Ning and ask him to refine some more. "    


As Lo Qingcheng spoke, the aura of an invincible rich lady in the universe had already emerged. Chu Yun, who was beside her, could not help but shake his head and sigh. It was really good to have money.    


Lin Xuan was very touched. After swallowing a Pill, he began to refine it nervously. He felt that the Pill had entered his body and swept through his meridians. Like a cool breeze, it quickly removed most of the impurities in one of his meridians. The effect was immediate.    


This made Lin Xuan extremely excited. After refining the Pill, most of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians in his body had already been cleared of all impurities.    


As for the rest of the problems with his meridians, he only needed less than two Pills to completely solve them, and he would no longer have any worries.    


At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly wanted to cry out loud. The last time he had such an impulse was when he heard the news that the entire Lin Family had been wiped out. However, the feelings of these two were completely different.    


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