Creation Fishing System

C360 Calculating

C360 Calculating

0Ding. . .    


Congratulations, you have obtained the origin of the Law of Earth, Heaven and Earth.    


. . .    


After the system notification sounded, Chu Yun's body shook, and a smile appeared on his face.    


As expected, there was always a way out. After fishing three times, he hadn't been able to catch the source of the Laws in the first two times. But this last time, he didn't let Chu Yun down.    


He got up and immediately left the Dimensional Pocket and returned to Lo Qingcheng's side. At this moment, the beautiful girl was in a daze, as if she would fall asleep at any time. Chu Yun immediately shook her arm.    


"Wake up, there is still a chance. "    


Chu Yun said.    


“. . . ”    


Lo Qingcheng forced herself to open her eyes and look at him. She thought to herself, What other chance do you have? In such a short period of time, could it be that you can directly comprehend a new law?    


Chu Yun did not say anything else. He stood up and touched the scattered magic energy of the universe once again. After hearing the system notification, he immediately used the Earth Law Source that he had just mastered to remove the contamination of the Earth Law contained within the magic energy of the universe.    


At this point. . .    


Out of the seven Law contamination within the magic energy of the universe, only the Wood Law and the Wind Law were left.    


The remaining Laws of Metal, Water, Fire, Earth and Thunder were all cleaned up.    


Lo Qingcheng, who was lying on the ground, shook slightly. She could clearly feel that the contamination process in the domain had slowed down a lot. Even though she was exhausted to the extreme, she still regained her spirit under the will to live. She sat cross-legged on the ground and closed off the influence of the domain on her body.    


When she opened her eyes again, she was looking into Chu Yun's eyes.    


"How is it?"    


Chu Yun asked.    


"It's. . . A lot. "    


Lo Qingcheng had a complicated expression and said, "At first, when the seven laws of the universe were all there, I was unable to close the domain. I could only allow it to be destroyed. Although the contamination has yet to be completely removed, at least I have the ability to temporarily close the domain. "    


"In other words, the contamination is still there, but it won't be able to threaten you for a short period of time, right?"    


Chu Yun heaved a sigh of relief.    


"That's right. "    


Lo Qingcheng looked at him with a smile and said, "What did you do just now? Why did you suddenly comprehend a new law after leaving for a while?"    


"There is earth everywhere here. I just took a look and I have already comprehended the law of earth. Isn't this very reasonable?"    


Chu Yun's face was calm, but his heart was in a state of panic.    




Lo Qingcheng snorted and said: "Forget it if you don't want to say it. "    


She used her hands to prop herself up from the ground and patted the dirt on her dress. Her movements were very unstable. Chu Yun saw this and went forward to help her up. The woman staggered and almost fell onto Chu Yun's body. Her entire body was soft and delicate, as if she had no bones. She could not even stand stably.    


"Your injuries are too severe. Although your life isn't in danger for the time being, you still need to rest well. "    


As Chu Yun spoke, he took out a Replenishing Fruit and handed it to Lo Qingcheng. He said, "This fruit has the effect of healing injuries. "    


At the same time, a water droplet appeared on his palm. It slowly spread out and turned into a layer of water film. He placed it on Lo Qingcheng's back and used the healing ability of the Heavenly Heart Sacred Water to treat Lo Qingcheng's injuries.    


"It's not sweet at all. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng took the fruit, took a few bites and muttered.    


"It's good that you have some to eat. "    


Chu Yun was speechless.    


Lo Qingcheng looked at him and said, "When did you know my identity?"    


"You will know when we meet. "    


Chu Yun casually replied.    


"I'm sorry about Xiaochan and her brother. Although it was the Sect in Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect who made the decision on their own accord and brought them back, the one who robbed your disciple was me. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng sighed and said in a low voice.    


"En. "    


Chu Yun nodded and said. "I am very angry about this matter. I will settle this score with you, but not now. "    


"Why not now?"    


Lo Qingcheng tilted her head and said, "Don't you want to take advantage of others? I have no power to resist now. Oh. . . You can do whatever you want. . . . ”    


"Stop. "    


Chu Yun rolled his eyes and said," You only got injured because you helped me block that old man. One yard is one yard. Even if I want to settle the score with you, I will wait until you have fully recovered. "    


When Lo Qingcheng heard this, her big watery eyes narrowed into crescent moons as she said, "Alright, after my injuries are fully healed, you can settle the score with me however you want. . . "    




The little white cat licked its paws in puzzlement. It did not know what they were talking about.    


What kind of debt?    



Did the beautiful sister owe Master a lot of money?    


The Heavenly Heart Sacred Water was worthy of being called the top source of the Law of Water. Even for a Saint, it had an extremely good healing effect. In a short while, Lo Qingcheng was able to stand on her own and did not need to rely on Chu Yun anymore.    


"You can rest here for a while. I still have something to do. "    


Chu Yun said.    


Lo Qingcheng smiled and looked at the Source of Time. She sighed and said, "I really don't know if you came back for me or for this thing. "    


"Of course for it. "    


Chu Yun replied snappily. Then, he immediately walked up to the altar that contained the origin of the Law of Time. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the origin of the Law.    


Ding ~    


Detected the origin of the Law that can be absorbed (Time). Do you wish to absorb it?    


. . .    


Chu Yun nodded.    


In the next moment, the original body of the Time Law in the form of the Mobius Ring immediately disappeared along Chu Yun's palm. It flew towards Chu Yun's dantian at an extremely fast speed and merged with the Nine Revolving Golden Core, turning into the fifth level of the Nine Revolving Golden Core.    


In an instant, a massive wave of truth rushed into Chu Yun's mind like seawater. Through that information, Chu Yun seemed to be able to grasp the secrets of time.    


The old man had the Nine Revolutions Nirvana Body, and he had mastered the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. He had also mastered the wind, lightning, time, and the energy of the universe. Only then did he complete the advancement to the Celestial Fate Stage.    


However, because the energy of the universe had a negative external property, it had a strong erosion effect on the other eight great laws. Therefore, when he used the time law to preserve a trace of his spirit soul that had been sleeping for ten thousand years, all the laws other than the time law had been devoured by the energy of the universe.    


However, out of all the Laws, the Laws of Time and Space were the most special existences. They were so special that they could be independent of the universe demonic energy.    


"Hu. . . "    


Chu Yun let out a long breath. When he opened his eyes again, he had already comprehended the Laws of Time.    


It was different from the other seven Great Laws. The Time Law was time. It was not like the Fire Law, which was divided into different fire seeds.    


Time was time.    


Space was space.    


"Can you use the Law of Time to freeze time and then do whatever you want to others?"    


At this time, Lo Qingcheng's voice came from the side with interest.    


"Of course not. "    


Chu Yun rolled his eyes. He felt that ever since he returned to the underground palace, every word of Lo Qingcheng had a different meaning. It always made people think in the wrong direction. It was obvious that she was teasing him.    


The power of the law of time was extremely powerful. Although it could not freely control time, it could slow down time.    


When Chu Yun activated the power of the Time Law, the flow of time would become slower in his eyes, but his movement speed and behavior would not be affected.    


It could be said that the entire world had become slower in Chu Yun's eyes. It could also be said that Chu Yun was much faster in this world. It was not as simple as increasing his speed.    


"This is really surprising. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng looked at Chu Yun with a complicated gaze and said, "Earlier on, I was saying that a person with nine cycles of nirvana would have no future or future, but who would have thought that you would have comprehended five different laws at such a young age, including the most difficult time law. "    


"I was just lucky. "    


As Chu Yun spoke, the corner of his mouth curled up. The harvest of this trip was indeed very surprising, especially the time law, which made Chu Yun's heart drop to the ground.    


Next, in order to complete the Nine Revolutions Nirvana, he only needed the last four laws. Among them, three were the most common metal law, wood law, and wind law. The only thing that was a little difficult was the space law.    


Even though the old figure had searched for the last Space Law for his entire life, he still hadn't found it. In the end, he had no choice but to replace it with Universe Magic Energy.    


However, the others were others, and Chu Yun was Chu Yun.    


The fact that the old man could not be found did not mean that Chu Yun could not find him. He had not even arrived in Jiuzhou, but he had already started the game so smoothly. After arriving in Jiuzhou, he would definitely have a chance to find all the Law.    


If it really did not work. . .    


He could still use the Holy Grade bait rewarded by the system to fish!    


"How are you doing now?"    


Chu Yun looked at Lo Qingcheng. When he was comprehending the Law of Time, Lo Qingcheng was healing by herself, but he did not know how she was progressing.    


"Hmph, you still say you don't care about me. In such a short period of time, you have already asked me three times how I am. "    


Lo Qingcheng snorted twice, her eyes flashing with a cunning light.    


Seeing that Chu Yun was about to turn around and leave, she hurriedly took a step forward and hugged one of Chu Yun's arms with both hands. "Don't go, don't go. I still have injuries on my body. . . "    


"But I can see that you're still in a good mood. You're still in the mood to joke around. "    


Chu Yun had no expression on his face.    


"Just say it casually. Why don't you let them say it?"    


Lo Qingcheng said discontentedly, then looked at Chu Yun with a mushy look and said, "Although I temporarily shut down the influence of the Saint Realm on myself, the contamination of the universe's magic energy has not been completely removed. I am afraid that I will not be able to leave you in the future.    


At least, I will wait until you have removed the contamination of the Wood Law and the Wind Law in my domain. Come back to Elemental Dao Spiritual Heaven Sect with me. "    


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