Creation Fishing System

C356 Ancient Tomb

C356 Ancient Tomb

0"Why are you leaving?"    


Chu Yun was pulled by Lo Qingcheng. Although he had some doubts, his body still obediently followed Lo Qingcheng.    


Behind them, the group of Sun Family warriors pointed at their departing figures and shouted, "Stop right there! Don't run! When the Patriarch arrives, it will be the time of your death!"    


However. . .    


After shouting for a long time, he only moved his lips, not a single one of them dared to chase after him.    


After all, the strength of Chu Yun's sword strike was too terrifying. He was able to kill Sun Jiya, who was a half-step Sovereign Stage, and Sun Yehuo, who was at the peak of the Fate Wheel Stage at the same time.    


In all honesty, none of them could withstand such a powerful attack. If they were to chase after Chu Yun, they would only be courting death.    


"Because that Sovereign Stage is nearby!"    


Lo Qingcheng said in a relaxed tone.    




Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "How did you know?"    


He sensed around and did not find any powerful Qi around him. Regarding Lo Qingcheng's words, he did not doubt whether it was true or false. He was just curious as to why she knew.    


"Because the triggering condition for the Divine Clone summoning spirit jade is very harsh. It must be a martial artist at the Sovereign Stage or above who has to fuse their bloodline with the user's. As the foundation of the creation process, there is a Formation engraved in the spirit jade. When it is in danger, the Formation will be activated and summon the Divine Clone of the Sovereign Stage. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng spoke slowly, but her speed was not slow at all.    


"That is why the shadow inside the black jade artifact is not residing inside the jade artifact. It was summoned by the black jade artifact. In other words, the Divine Clone of the Sovereign Stage cannot be too far away from the black jade artifact. Otherwise, the black jade artifact would not be able to summon him. Is that right?"    


Chu Yun's comprehension ability was very clear, he could understand it with just a single point.    


"That's right. "    


Lo Qingcheng made a face at him and said, "You killed his son and destroyed his Divine Clone. Now, that Sovereign Stage probably hates you to the core. If you don't run now, you will fall into his hands. . . "    


She had a look of amusement on her face, as if she was looking forward to seeing the nervous expression on Chu Yun's face, but in fact, she did not see anything.    


Chu Yun just nodded and looked away without any hesitation. He thought, even if the Sovereign Stage warrior chased after him. Don't I still have you?    


Although some people pretended to be weak and weak on the outside, in fact, they could break a mountain with a single finger if they moved. The reason why they pulled him away was probably because they didn't want to reveal their true strength in front of that Sovereign Stage warrior. Or, it could be said that they didn't want to expose their true strength in front of Chu Yun.    


Just pretend!    


After Lo Qingcheng explained the characteristics of the Soul Summoning Spirit Jade to Chu Yun, Chu Yun understood.    


This thing looked very powerful, but in reality, there were many restrictions on how to use it. It was a very useless item.    


First of all, he needed the creator to fuse with the user's bloodline. This meant that both parties had to be related by blood, such as father and son, mother and sister. Only then could the conditions be fulfilled.    


Secondly, the Divine Clone summoning spirit jade could only summon a Divine Clone. It didn't have the ability to store a Divine Clone and then use it. Therefore, the Divine Clone summoning spirit jade couldn't be too far away from the creator.    


If the Divine Clone summoning spirit jade was too far away, the Formation engraved within would not be able to summon the Divine Clone. In fact, it would not be of much use.    


Even if the Divine Clone was summoned, it would be useless to the creator. This was because the Divine Clone was all alone outside. Its strength was only at the half-step Sovereign Stage. If it was destroyed by someone. . . The creator's foundation would be damaged, and his strength would be greatly affected as well. The loss of his divine soul was even more fatal. After that, there would be virtually no possibility of advancing for the rest of his life.    


There were so many restrictions and disadvantages, yet they could only be exchanged for the assistance of a Half-Zhizun that could be summoned when encountering danger. To be honest, it was not worth it.    


It was precisely because of this that this secret technique was probably only usable by blood relations.    


. . . "Return my son's life!!!"    


At this moment, a roar that shook the heavens and earth suddenly exploded from the mountain range behind them. It was as if thunder had struck the ground.    


In an instant, the terrifying pressure of a Sovereign Stage warrior swept across the heavens and the earth. Under this roar, it felt as if the mountains and rivers were shaking. Needless to say, it was naturally the Sovereign Stage warrior who was chasing after them.    


Chu Yun took a look at the direction where the Sovereign Stage warrior appeared. It was in the direction of Tianjiang City. He guessed that when Sun Yehuo was hunting in the mountain range with the group of Sun Family warriors, this Sovereign Stage warrior was waiting in Tianjiang City. No wonder he came so quickly.    


"Ah, let's go!"    


Lo Qingcheng looked a little nervous, but in fact, Chu Yun could see that in her eyes, there was more excitement and excitement.    


To her, being chased by a Sovereign Stage warrior was just a simple and exciting game of catching people. The game was full of games, and the sense of danger was zero.    


At this moment, Chu Yun and Chu Yun were fleeing at full speed towards the depths of the mountain range. In the direction of the Tianjiang City behind them, a terrifying figure crushed the void and arrived. It used a secret technique and caught up to them in an instant.    


It was obvious that the injuries on Sun Jiya's body were no longer important. The only important thing was. . . That was to use all of his strength to make the murderer who killed his son pay with blood.    


"Where do you think you are going?! Give me your life!"    


Even though they were thousands of miles away, Sun Jiya's world-shaking roar could still be clearly heard by their ears, shaking half of their bodies until they felt numb.    


Suddenly, a strong gust of wind howled. It was Sun Jiya's terrifying palm force, which had traveled thousands of miles to chase after them. In an instant, it had arrived behind Chu Yun and his friend.    


Chu Yun's facial expression did not change. He pulled Lo Qingcheng and turned downwards. He said, "Let's go this way!"    


"Yes, yes!"    


Lo Qingcheng obediently nodded her head and obediently followed by Chu Yun's side.    


To Lo Qingcheng, this hunt was just a game. She would only use strength that suited her own people to avoid Sun Jiya's pursuit.    


In her character setting, her own strength was far inferior to Chu Yun's. When she ran away now, she naturally had to use Chu Yun as the leader.    


The two of them rushed towards the bottom of the mountain range. Behind them, Sun Jiya was hot on their heels. The distance between the two of them was also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


During this period of time, attacks were coming from behind. It was Sun Jiya who kept attacking, stopping the two of them from escaping. However, it could only interfere with their escape. Chu Yun and Sun Jiya dodged all of them.    


With a swoosh, Chu Yun and Sun Jiya went into the mountain forest below. Sun Jiya was watching from afar. For a moment, he lost his sight and his Qi became somewhat blurry, leaving only some weak Qi.    


"Let's see where you can escape to!"    


Sun Jiya shouted in anger. He suddenly exerted his strength and launched a terrifying large-scale attack towards the forest below. Under this attack, the entire forest was destroyed.    


In an instant, a terrifying energy swept across the area. Sand and sand flew everywhere, as if there was some ferocious beast wreaking havoc on the ground. The forest in the mountain range was uprooted in large groups. Thick trees were cut open like weeds under the sickle, revealing the bare ground.    


However, underneath this barren land, Sun Jiya could no longer see Chu Yun and the other man. His last breath had also disappeared without a trace.    


"Ahhhhh! Damn it! Where did they run to?! Get out here! "    


Sun Jiya's angry shout was like a clap of thunder.    


But. . .    


Chu Yun and Sun Jiya couldn't hear him.    


Because, when Sun Jiya attacked just now, the ground cracked open. Between the cracks, Chu Yun and Lo Qingcheng drilled into one of the cracks and quickly fell down. Not long after, as if they had passed through some invisible barrier, Chu Yun's body went straight in, but Lo Qingcheng was stopped outside by the group.    


"What's going on. . . "    


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and saw that after his body passed through the transparent barrier, what appeared in front of him was actually an underground palace that was hidden deep underground.    


His body involuntarily stopped in midair and looked at the underground palace below. At the same time, he raised his head to look at Lo Qingcheng who was outside the barrier and said, "Why didn't you come in?"    


. . . "Why did you go in?"    


Lo Qingcheng's expression was even more surprised and said, "This place is obviously a hidden ruins underground. With the protection of the Formation, it is normal for me to be blocked by the Formation outside. Why did you go through it directly?"    


As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Yun thought about it carefully and it seemed like it was indeed the case. He looked at Lo Qingcheng who was outside the barrier and said, "Then I will come out. . . "    


As he spoke, he was about to fly out. His body touched the barrier but was suddenly blocked. He frowned and tried to dash a few times but was unable to rush out.    


"Eh, this barrier seems to be a one-way one to me. I can only come in from the outside, but I can't get out. Could it be that this is a prison? "    


Chu Yun had a strange expression on his face. Lo Qingcheng, who was outside the barrier, seemed to be interested when she saw this. She said, "You don't have to come out. I will go in and take a look!"    


Obviously, she had taken this sudden accident as an interesting thing. She had developed a strong interest in this mysterious underground palace.    


Chu Yun had tried to break through the underground palace with his strength, but he couldn't. However, after Lo Qingcheng cast a secret technique, her figure slowly squeezed in from outside the barrier. Although it seemed very strenuous and the entire barrier was shaking violently, she still squeezed in.    


"How did you do it? I didn't even squeeze out just now. . . "    


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows.    


"Maybe it's because I'm skinnier. It can't be helped. Having a good figure means having an advantage. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng came to Chu Yun's side and giggled.    


Then, she completely skipped this topic. Carrying the little white cat, she looked down at the underground palace and said, "It's really strange. There is actually such an ancient underground palace ruins here. Let's go in and take a look!"    


As she spoke, Lo Qingcheng looked at Chu Yun with her big eyes filled with anticipation. Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, perhaps very few people would be able to reject her.    


"Alright. "    


Chu Yun nodded his head. Together with Lo Qingcheng, they flew down and arrived at the entrance of the underground palace.    


In front of them was an incomparably heavy door with strange patterns engraved on it. Among them, there were nine unique marks that seemed to represent metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Strong winds, lightning, and time. . .    


This last mark was marked by a deep vortex. Logically speaking, it should be space. However, in reality, it gave people a feeling that it was not the same. Instead, it gave people a dense feeling of evil.    


"This door. . . Is quite interesting. The nine marks on it should represent the nine great laws. But this final mark is not a spatial mark, but something else. . . "    


Lo Qingcheng looked at the door and her gaze paused for a long time. She then turned to Chu Yun and said, "The owner of this underground palace ruins seems to be related to the nine great laws. Could it be that he is the same as you, a Nine Transformation Nirvana Body that has experienced the nine heavenly lightning? Is that why you can directly pass through the barrier?"    


"It is possible. "    


Chu Yun nodded. He could enter the barrier directly, but Lo Qingcheng was blocked outside. This meant that there were some things on his body that matched the inheritance. That was why he was able to get through the barrier.    


Lo Qingcheng stared at the last mark and pondered for a long time. The little white cat in her arms was somewhat restless. Looking at the last mark, for some reason, she felt extremely hungry, and saliva was flowing out of her mouth.    


"Let's go in and take a look. "    


Chu Yun took a deep breath. In his heart, he was looking forward to it. If the remains of the underground palace really had something to do with the Nine Revolutions Nirvana Body, there might be some clues about the origin of the law inside. To him, this was incomparably important.    


Creak -    


Under Chu Yun's push, the heavy door slowly opened. Just as it opened a small gap, the door encountered a huge resistance. Chu Yun had no choice but to exert more strength.    


But at this moment, a few thin needles suddenly pierced out from the door and into Chu Yun's palm. In an instant, the needles pierced through his skin and a few drops of blood stuck to the door.    


. . . "What the hell?"    


Chu Yun frowned and withdrew his palm as if he had been shocked by electricity. In this moment, the wound on his palm had healed on its own. However, there was still a trace of blood on the door, but it was quickly absorbed by the door.    


"What's wrong?"    


Lo Qingcheng asked.    


"A few needles appeared on the door just now and pierced my palm. The blood that flowed out was absorbed by the door. "    


Chu Yun frowned and said, "I feel that there is something strange about this underground palace. "    


"Blood sucking?"    


When Lo Qingcheng heard this, her slender fingers wrapped around the ribbon on her dress and said thoughtfully, "Could it be that within this underground palace remains, there is something that requires blood to activate?"    


While they were talking, the door that absorbed Chu Yun's blood, even though no one pushed it open, was still opened at this moment. It automatically parted to the two sides, revealing the space behind the door.    


With a swoosh, a ball of flame suddenly burned in the dark underground palace in front of them, illuminating a part of the area. After that, the flame split into two, two into four, and four into eight. Very quickly, it spread out in the ruins of the underground palace, illuminating the entire underground palace.    


Under the illumination of the light, Chu Yun and Chu Yun looked forward and saw a very spacious hall in the underground palace. The nine altars were right in front of them.    



Each altar was engraved with a mark, which was different from the one on the door. It represented metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It represented wind, lightning, time, and that unknown mark.    


At this moment, the seven altars were empty. Only the two altars were filled with different special materials, or energy bodies.    


One of them was the altar that represented time. There was a silver energy body flowing on it. The shape of the energy body looked very strange. It looked like the Mobius Organisation that Chu Yun had seen in his previous life. It kept circulating.    


The other altar was the unknown altar. It did not belong to any of the Nine Great Laws. The energy body on it was a black vortex.    


"What are these things. . . "    


Chu Yun had a strange expression on his face. He looked at the vortex of energy on the black altar and felt extremely uncomfortable. It was as if something had been added to it. He could feel an instinctive repulsion from the bottom of his heart.    


"That's the origin of the Time Law. "    


Lo Qingcheng's horizons were higher. She could see the matter on the time altar with a single glance. However, when her eyes fell on the black vortex on the other altar, she didn't know what it was. What exactly was that thing. . . However, from the aura of the vortex, it gave people a very familiar and repulsive feeling.    




At this time, the little white cat in Lo Qingcheng's arms seemed to be excited. Looking at the vortex on the black altar, it scratched its ears and cheeks in excitement. It impatiently jumped out of Lo Qingcheng's arms and ran straight into the hall.    


It was also at this moment that the time in the hall seemed to have frozen for tens of thousands of years before flowing again. The energy bodies on the two altars were still floating up and merging with each other.    


An extremely powerful aura was emitted from the energy bodies after the integration. Along with an ancient sigh, it appeared in the hall.    


Immediately after, Chu Yun and Lo Qingcheng, who were standing outside the hall, were surprised to see an old man walking out from the fusion of the two energy bodies. His Qi looked like an ancient well, but when his eyes fell into Chu Yun and Lo Qingcheng's eyes, it looked extremely frightening.    


"I have been sleeping here for tens of thousands of years. Finally, I am able to see the light of day again. . . "    


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