Creation Fishing System

C69 It Was an Unfair Thing

C69 It Was an Unfair Thing

0Although he had encountered a very urgent matter the moment he arrived in Linghai Giant City, which distracted Chu Yun's attention, the truth was that Chu Yun hadn't forgotten the main purpose of his trip.    


He didn't come to Linghai Giant City to become Great Shopkeeper. It was just a mission. At most, this was a very important and necessary mission.    


Chu Yun's real goal was to try his luck in Linghai Giant City. He wanted to find some higher level missions that could be completed immediately.    


This was not difficult.    


Compared to the Elemental River Sect, the Linghai Giant City was wider and more important. The forces in the Linghai Giant City were complicated. Chu Yun believed that as long as he walked around casually, he would be able to trigger some important missions.    


This mentality lasted until the afternoon of the same day. Chu Yun's smiling face finally became a little stiff. Only now did he realize that there was something wrong with his thoughts.    


There were indeed many important major powers in Linghai Giant City, but the problem was that Chu Yun could not go there casually.    


This was different from when he was in Elemental River Sect. In Elemental River Sect, no matter how bad Chu Yun's situation was, he was Eldest Brother. No matter where he went, no one would stop him, but he couldn't do it in Linghai Giant City.    


If Chu Yun wanted to go to some important places, he wouldn't be able to enter easily. Unless he used the identity of Great Shopkeeper of the Elemental River Pavilion and had a legitimate reason to go there, he would easily cause many unnecessary misunderstandings and bring trouble to himself and the entire Elemental River Pavilion. Chu Yun couldn't do such a reckless act.    


Therefore, after half a day, Chu Yun just strolled around the streets. He went to many busy streets. Many passionate girls would wave their handkerchief at him from the window on the second floor. This made Chu Yun feel the enthusiasm of the people of Linghai Giant City.    


However, Chu Yun did not go. If Great Shopkeeper of Elemental River Pavilion went to a brothel in broad daylight, it would be too ridiculous. He cared about his face.    


The leisurely and boring time continued until the afternoon. The sun was already setting in the west.    


Just as Chu Yun was about to return to the Elemental River Pavilion and end this day of failure, he noticed something unusual in front of him. Many people were gathered there, as if they were watching something.    


"Sure enough, everyone likes to watch the show. "    


Chu Yun shook his head and squeezed into the crowd. His eyes were wide open, as he wanted to see what was happening inside.    


He saw two groups of people confronting each other.    


On one side, there were a few stout men, and the leader was a bald man. There was a hideous scar on his face that extended from his left eye to the top of his skull. It looked very scary.    


On the other side was a pair of thin and weak father and daughter. They seemed to be street vendors. The little girl looked delicate and pretty. At this moment, she was hiding in her father's arms in fear. She looked pitiful.    


"Old Zhang, there are so many people watching today. I'm not being unreasonable. You should return the money. It's really difficult for me if you don't return the money now. "    


The bald man picked up a flower gun from the ground and played with it in his hand. The flower gun used by the little girl was small. It was held in the bald man's big hand like a chopstick.    


He stared at Old Zhang as he spoke. In the end, he emphasized his tone and revealed a bit of ferociousness. With a bit of strength in his hand, the flower spear was broken and fell to the ground in two.    


"Grandpa Hei Hu, it's not that I don't want to return the money. We have agreed that I will take the money to treat my illness. After I treat my illness, I will return the money to you with interest within a month. I have just recovered for two days, and my business hasn't been open for long. I don't have the money to return it to you. "    


Old Zhang bent his back. His lips and face were a little pale. He should have just recovered from his serious illness not long ago. At this moment, he stood in front of Hei Hu as if a gust of wind could blow him to the ground.    




Hei Hu's eyes widened. A fierce light flashed in his eyes. He said, "I, Hei Hu, lend you money more than once or twice. How can I make such a deal with you? How can I wait for you to recover and return the money to me after a month? Who would borrow money like this? What if you only recover after a few years? Do I have to wait a year or two before I can receive the money? I say you can return the money after a month. Now that a month has passed, hurry up and give me the money! "    


"No, that's not right. "    


Just as he finished speaking, Old Zhang suddenly became anxious. He quickly took out a piece of cloth from his body and opened it. He said, "This piece of cloth is clearly written on it. I will return the money after I have recovered from my illness for a month. We invited Mr. Sun from the teahouse to be notarized. I don't know the words on it. Who can help me take a look?"    


As Old Zhang spoke, he raised the note. He nervously showed it to the crowd around him. He was breathing heavily and out of breath. He looked like he could relapse with an old illness at any time.    


Chu Yun frowned and looked at the cloth carefully. It did indeed say, "Lend me twenty taels of silver on the 19th of May. Loan period of one month. Return thirty taels of silver when the time is up. "    


The interest rate for a month's loan period was 50%. This is definitely a high-interest loan. But this kind of exaggerated interest is not the key to the current problem.    


The key was that Old Zhang said he would return the money a month after he recovered. However, the note said that he would return the money after a month's loan.    


Hei Hu sneered and did not say anything.    


Among the crowd, some of the onlookers who recognized the note shouted, "Old Zhang, the note says that you will return the loan after a month!"    


"That's right. " The crowd agreed.    


When Old Zhang heard that, he seemed to be stunned. When he collapsed to the ground, his brain buzzed and his body trembled. Then, he picked up the piece of cloth and stared at it with his eyes wide open. Although he couldn't understand the meaning of the words on it, he realized that it was a trap.    


Old Zhang threw down the piece of cloth, raised his trembling finger, and pointed at Hei Hu. "You framed me! You and that Mr. Sun framed me!"    


Hei Hu still sneered, but he did not admit it. He said, "If you can't pay me back, just say it. Don't set me up. Be careful that I will use this casserole sized fist to beat you up!"    


Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help but shake his head.    


As for what exactly happened, he already knew very well.    


Old Zhang was sick and needed money to save his life. He had no choice but to find Hei Hu. Even if he knew it was a loan shark, he still had to borrow money. But he thought he had the ability to return the money. Because after he recovered from his illness, he could work for a month and earn thirty taels of silver.    


However, Hei Hu and Mr. Sun from the teahouse set a trap for him. They said that he would return the money after he recovered from his illness a month later, but in reality, it was written that he would return the money after borrowing money for a month. They bullied Old Zhang for being illiterate.    


Now, Old Zhang indeed owed Hei Hu money, and the evidence was conclusive. Even if Old Zhang complained to the government, he still had no reason.    


Many people in the crowd also saw the truth of the matter, but they could only shake their heads helplessly. They knew that Old Zhang was wrongly accused, but they could not do anything about it.    


Old Zhang had nothing on him. The only valuable thing was his delicate and cute little daughter. If he was sued by the government, the biggest possibility would be that Old Zhang's daughter was sold in exchange for money to Hei Hu.    


Or, Old Zhang's daughter would be sold directly to Hei Hu. This was undoubtedly the reason why Hei Hu set up this trap.    


"This is too annoying. "    


Chu Yun shook his head and took out thirty taels from his bag of money. He looked at Hei Hu and the others. His eyes flashed with the intention to kill them. He walked out of the crowd.    


Since Chu Yun had encountered such an unfair situation, he naturally had to intervene. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to quell his anger.    


However, he also had to abide by the rules when upholding justice.    


Old Zhang owed money, and the evidence was conclusive. If Chu Yun did not help pay back the money, Old Zhang could only sell his daughter in the end.    


Therefore, Chu Yun planned to help Old Zhang pay back the money first, and then find an opportunity to kill Hei Hu and the other scum to prevent future troubles.    



If he didn't get rid of the main culprit, Hei Hu, as long as he still coveted Old Zhang's daughter, Old Zhang's tragedy wouldn't stop.    


Just as Chu Yun was about to walk out of the crowd with the money in his hand.    


A hand gently placed on his shoulder.    


Then, a cold sneer sounded beside Chu Yun's ear. "Save some money. "    


A fragrant wind blew past Chu Yun. Chu Yun saw a figure wearing a fiery red cloak coming to the scene.    


Hei Hu was staring at the beautiful little girl behind Old Zhang with an unscrupulous gaze. He rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "But there is always a way out. Your body has just recovered, and I will not force you into a dead end. As long as you let Xiulan acknowledge me as her brother, I will let you go. "    


Before he could finish his words, he heard a scream behind him.    


Hei Hu frowned and turned his head. He saw a few of his subordinates clutching the bleeding wound on their necks and lying on the ground in pain.    


In front of him, a person wearing a red cloak and a veil had appeared out of nowhere. Although he could not see the woman's appearance and figure clearly, just the temperament and beauty that was revealed from the delicate features on the veil was the first time in his life that he had seen such a person.    


It was his first and last time seeing her.    


The woman waved her hand, and a sword light flashed.    


Hei Hu widened his eyes. Blood spurted out from his neck and splashed onto the ground. However, it stopped right under the woman's feet and did not stain her cloak. Perhaps the blood had already stained the cloak, but the blood did not affect the cloak at all.    


All of this happened too quickly, and the surroundings were silent for a long time.    


Then, an uproar erupted.    


"Someone killed someone!"    


Shocking cries rose and fell. The crowd that was originally watching started discussing animatedly at this moment. The crowd ran all over the place and scattered in all directions.    


In just two breaths' time, the crowd had already disappeared. Chu Yun was the only one who was still standing there.    


Chu Yun sighed. He was still holding the silver he had prepared in his hand. He looked at the woman in red who would kill him if he didn't agree with her. He couldn't help but say: "Miss, why are you doing this?"    


The red-dressed woman wiped away the blood on the Long Sword and silently sheathed her sword. She glanced at Chu Yun and said, "No matter how much money you have, you can't satisfy these villains. "    


As she spoke, the woman in red walked in front of Lee Xiulan who was scared silly. She gently rubbed her hair and said in a soft voice, "It's alright. You can go home. "    


In Linghai Giant City, the City Lord Mansion guards responsible for maintaining public security had always acted very quickly. When Chu Yun noticed that someone was quickly approaching this street, he turned his head and found that the woman in red had already disappeared. Old Zhang and his daughter quickly turned into the corner of the street and disappeared.    


Chu Yun's mouth twitched as he looked in the direction where the woman in red had disappeared. He touched his nose and said, "Did she think I was a fool who was willing to pay for nothing just now?"    


This was a bit of a misunderstanding.    


Chu Yun's original intention was not only to pay for Old Zhang's debt, but also to get rid of Hei Hu and the other villains.    


However, Chu Yun would not kill in front of so many people on the street. After all, he was a man of status. If he did that, he would be discovered by the competitors of Elemental River Pavilion.    


Therefore, Chu Yun planned to give the money to Hei Hu first to settle this matter. After that, he would go and get rid of Hei Hu and his group. However, the woman in red seemed to have misunderstood and thought that Chu Yun was only planning to give the money.    


In this way, Chu Yun's image in the eyes of the woman in red was too stupid.    


Chu Yun was still brooding over this.    


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