Creation Fishing System

C53 Gate

C53 Gate

0Chu Yun checked the condition of the disciple.    


His leg had been under pressure for a long time. He only needed to recuperate. The rest of his injuries were not serious.    


"He has been trapped here for a long time. He shouted at the top of his lungs, and he had always been very nervous. Now that he was suddenly saved, the pressure in his heart was released, so he fainted. "    


Chu Yun thought in his heart, but he didn't really care. He brought this disciple out of the tunnel and found a flat and stable place outside to put this disciple down.    


"Where's the Dahuang? Why didn't it follow me?"    


Chu Yun looked confused. He turned around and found the Dahuang was still in the tunnel. It was using its two legs to dig the soil.    


After Chu Yun saw it, he realized that there might be something valuable in the depths of the tunnel, so he quickly walked towards the Dahuang. He helped the Dahuang dig the soil together.    


The tunnel had been cut off from the middle due to the geological turbulence. It was no longer in its original position. The tunnel was still very complete. Chu Yun followed the Dahuang forward. After walking for about a few hundred meters, the tunnel in front of them had completely collapsed and was covered with black soil and stones.    


A trace of disappointment rose in Chu Yun's heart, but before he could react, the Dahuang started digging. Its two sharp dog claws were like knives. It easily dug a big hole in the tunnel's ground, and started digging downwards.    


After digging for about ten meters, another broken tunnel appeared in front of Chu Yun. He couldn't help but pat Dahuang's furry little butt and say, "You're awesome!"    


With the Dahuang's treasure hunting ability, it could find the right direction no matter how the geology changed. This made Chu Yun very excited.    


After a while, Chu Yun could clearly feel the oxygen around him becoming thinner. He could feel that they were deep underground.    


Fortunately, Chu Yun did not have any social anxiety, so he did not have to worry about oxygen. With his current cultivation level, he did not need to breathe. The spiritual energy in his body could completely replace oxygen. As long as he still had spirit energy, he would be able to survive.    


Finally, the Dahuang dug to the end of the tunnel. The tunnel in front of them gradually became wider and wider. On both sides of the tunnel, there were crystals for lighting. Under the faint light of the crystals, a door made of gold and stone was illuminated.    


There was no sign on the door, nor was there any words on it. Therefore, Chu Yun did not know what would happen after he opened the door, but the Dahuang clearly knew. Because the Dahuang had arrived in front of the big door, it immediately became impatient. It kept scratching the door with its claws. It wanted to dig the door open, but unfortunately, it failed.    


This door was very firm. The Dahuang was a grade three demon beast. Its strength was equivalent to a Myriad Stone Stage warrior's strength, but it was actually unable to move the door in the slightest.    


Chu Yun walked forward and pushed the door hard. The door didn't move at all, and his heart was filled with surprise.    


Currently, he had the support of Archean Ferocious Apes in terms of strength, and he was not any weaker than an ordinary Mountain Sea Stage warrior.    


Even a Mountain Sea Stage warrior's strength was unable to push open this door?    


"It seems like the most important thing in the Spirit Righting Sect is hidden here. Otherwise, the Spirit Righting Sect wouldn't have guarded this place so tightly. "    


Chu Yun thought to himself.    


Chu Yun looked at the worried Dahuang and an idea came to him. He immediately pointed to the wall beside the door and said, "Dahuang, you dig in that direction! Since this door is very hard, let's dig open the wall. "    


As soon as Chu Yun finished speaking, the Dahuang became alert. It quickly followed Chu Yun's orders and started digging towards the wall. They immediately gave up on the door. They prepared to bypass the door and go through the wall.    


As expected, the Dahuang dug open the wall.    


Compared to the toughness of the terrifying door, the wall beside was simply tofu. The Dahuang casually used its claws to dig open the soil and stone.    


However, something unbelievable happened.    


Chu Yun followed Dog and dug through the walls. Then, he discovered something that he couldn't accept. There was nothing behind the door!    


Chu Yun was very confused. He looked at the Bluestone Gate that was left with only the frame of the door, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. He thought to himself, were the people from the Spirit Righting Sect crazy? They dug a tunnel that led to the underground, and placed a huge door here, but there was nothing behind the door?    


Why are they doing this?    


At this moment, Chu Yun's mentality had undergone a subtle change. He was going a little crazy.    


The Dahuang was still staring at the door. It tried its best to dig inside, but its claws had no effect on the door. It did not even leave a scratch on the door.    


"Could it be that you think the valuable thing is the door itself?"    


Chu Yun smiled bitterly. He looked at the anxious Dahuang and said, "Actually, this door is quite sturdy. Even a Mountain Sea Stage can't shake it. "    


Chu Yun stopped as he spoke, because he felt something was wrong. This door definitely wasn't that simple. Dog's intuition was also telling him that the truly valuable thing was inside the door.    


There was nothing behind the door.    


But what about inside the door?    


Chu Yun rubbed his chin and returned to the front of the door. This time, he placed his hands on the door. He did not use any strength to push the door. Instead, he used spiritual energies to push the door.    


When the spiritual energy made contact with the door, he immediately felt a repelling force coming from the spiritual energy. It was the same repelling force that had blocked Chu Yun's power just now.    


"This large door belongs to the Spirit Righting Sect. There are no keyholes or tokens on the door. In that case, what it recognizes should be something related to spiritual energies. "    


Chu Yun thought for a while, then he used the Infinite Arts to circulate the Spirit Righting Element Refreshing Spell. Once again, he pressed his hand against the door and pushed it hard.    


With a light sound, the door moved. Chu Yun did not use much strength and the door was pushed open.    


Chu Yun was delighted to see this, and he quickly pushed the entire door open. The dog under his feet had already entered through the crack in the door, and it jumped into a ray of white light.    




Chu Yun was anxious. He was afraid that there would be danger inside the door, so he hurriedly caught up to the dog.    


When his body passed through the white light, Chu Yun saw nothing but white in front of him. Another world appeared in front of him. This was no different from what he had guessed. This exceptionally sturdy door was actually not an ordinary door, but a spatial treasure.    


There was another space hidden within this door!    


Chu Yun opened his eyes and immediately surveyed his surroundings. He discovered that he was currently in a strange space.    


This space didn't seem to be very big. It had a radius of a few thousand meters. There was no sky at the top of the space, only a white void. Below his feet was the real land, it was covered with flowers and grass. Not far away on a small hill, there were gardens and trees. Green fruits grew on the trees.    


Dog ran happily on the grass. It ran straight towards those trees.    


Seeing this, Chu Yun also had a trace of understanding in his heart. At the same time, the system notification suddenly rang in his mind.    


Congratulations, you have completed the mission.    



Mission reward (1 Earth Grade Bait, 5 Ordinary Grade Bait) has been sent to your System Space, please pay attention to the collection.    


"Quest completed? Those fruits are thousand-year Spirit Continuing Fruits?"    


A trace of surprise appeared on Chu Yun's face. He quickly stepped forward and looked at the Spirit Continuing Fruit in the garden in disbelief. He said in surprise, "There are so many Spirit Continuing Fruits?"    


"Yes. "    


At this time, a light voice sounded beside Chu Yun.    


Chu Yun was shocked. He turned around and saw a ball of light behind him. The light gathered together and turned into a human shape.    


When the light faded, a beautiful girl appeared. Her black hair gently fell to the ground. She wore a white silk dress with a colorful wreath on her head. She looked like a fairy from the lake.    


"Who are you?"    


Chu Yun stammered. It was not because of the girl's beauty. It's because someone suddenly appeared in this place. It was already scary enough. The Spirit Righting Sect had been destroyed for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years. There was actually a living person here. How old was she this year?    


The girl tilted her head and said, "It's been a long time since anyone came in here. Are you also a disciple of the Spirit Righting Sect?"    


"You haven't answered my question. "    


Chu Yun saw that she was still relatively easy to talk to, so he persisted for a while.    


"I forgot. I haven't talked to anyone for a long time. I should follow the etiquette, right? You humans like to come up with these strange concepts. "    


The young girl giggled, then scratched her hair and said, "My name is Xiao Lee. This is the name Ms. Bai gave me. "    


Chu Yun's heart moved. He keenly noticed that she called him human. It was very obvious that this young girl called Xiao Lee was not from the Human Clan.    


He paused for a moment, lightly touched his chin, and continued to say, "Is there anyone else here? Who is Ms. Bai?"    


"There is no one else here, only me. "    


She seemed to have not spoken to anyone for a long time. She answered every question of Chu Yun in detail. She said, "Ms. Bai's name is Bai Shiyun. She is the sect master of Spirit Righting Sect. In the past, she often came here to play with me. She would even bring me some seeds, but she did not come after that. "    




Chu Yun guessed that this might have something to do with the destruction of Spirit Righting Sect.    


Xiao Lee rubbed her face and said, "The last time she came, she was injured and her whole body was covered in blood. She said that the Spirit Righting Sect was in danger. There were many demon beasts outside attacking her disciples and the Sect. I told her to stay here and not go out. But she didn't listen. She still left. She said that she wanted to live and die with the Spirit Righting Sect. After that, she never came back. "    


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