Creation Fishing System

C548 Reunion Ending

C548 Reunion Ending

0"You said I was the greatest scourge in the universe. Oh, hey. Ha, ha, ha, ha. . . "    


Devil God Emperor's voice was heard from the black meatball. After that, he let out a furious roar and said, "Do you know that to the Devil Clan, you damn humans are the greatest scourge?!    


When the universe was born, the universe was barren. The first life that was born was the Devil Clan! We were born in the beginning of the universe, we were the natives of the universe.    


Later on, it was you humans who appeared on a planet with life. You changed the rules of the universe and divided the universe that was connected to each other into small worlds. You split the universe of the Devil Clan into smaller worlds and took them away. You are the biggest disaster in the universe!"    


After saying that, Chu Yun remained silent. After a while, he said, "I don't know who was the first to be born in the universe, and there is no need to pursue it. However, what I know is that the will of the universe itself doesn't wish to see the Devil Clan devour all worlds and destroy all lives.    


If not, I wouldn't have appeared. To tell you the truth, the reason why I am able to grow until now is because of the protection and enhancement of the will of the universe.    


You will lose, because the Heavenly Axiom is in the human realm, not in the demon realm. "    




Devil God Emperor was silent. He was even more shocked in his heart.    


To the Devil Clan, it was their duty to destroy the world. In fact, what they did was. . . It was just the entire universe.    


The Devil Clan was born in the universe and was a native of the universe. They used the magic energy of the universe as the source of their growth and regarded the entire universe as their mother god.    


On the first planet that was born with life, humans and other races appeared. After that, the laws of the universe changed. Any place that was born with life would form its own world, and it would have the protection of the world barrier.    


Originally, Devil Clan could go anywhere in this universe. However, with the establishment and birth of each world, the total amount of the universe didn't change, but the places that Devil Clan could go were getting fewer and fewer.    


So. . .    


In the eyes of the Devil Clan, the reason why they destroyed those worlds was to bring the universe back to its original state, returning it to the state of nothingness and chaos.    


They thought that this was the hope of the universe. After all, the Devil Clan was born in the universe, and it represented the will of the universe.    


But who knew. . .    


Today, they knew that the universe didn't want the Devil Clan to do this. It even used the will of the universe to support one person, helping the Human Clan to defend against the attack of the Devil Clan.    


This short sentence had completely overturned the heavens and earth for Devil God Emperor. He felt that the goal and foundation that he had been striving for all this time had collapsed from the most fundamental point.    


"Mother, why are you doing this, why are you doing this. . . "    


Devil God Emperor's entire black meatball was trembling and twitching violently, as if the Buddha statue was about to split apart.    


Standing in his perspective and the Devil Clan's position, What Devil God Emperor had done to destroy countless worlds wasn't wrong. They were all working hard for what they thought was right.    


But. . .    


Chu Yun exposed the tendency of the will of the universe. It basically denied the correctness of Devil God Emperor's actions in the universe when he led the Devil Clan.    


Devil God Emperor collapsed.    


The terrifying pressure he felt when facing Chu Yun had collapsed. The pressure of not being able to see the hope of victory was finally crushed to death by this last straw.    


"Ridiculous, hahaha, hilarious! How ridiculous! Hahahaha. . . "    


The black ball of flesh trembled violently, and Devil God Emperor's loud laughter could be heard from within. After that, the entire ball of flesh trembled violently, and quickly rose up, flying towards the depths of the universe.    




With a deafening explosion, the black ball of flesh exploded in the air like a black sun.    


Chu Yun raised his head and looked at Devil God Emperor's self-destruction figure. He gently sighed.    


Thunder God Saul, Superman Clark, Victorious Fighting Buddha Wukong, and the God of Half-Elves Daisy reacted even faster. They immediately came to Chu Yun's side and formed a barrier to block the terrifying power released by the explosion of the black sun.    


Rumble, rumble -    


Explosions sounded out and rolled away. The four gods were all shocked by the aftershock and spat out blood. Their faces were pale, and Chu Yun, who was protected among them, was able to save his life.    


Chu Yun slowly exhaled a breath of air. When he heard the notification sound from the system in his mind, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled, "It's all over. . . "    


Yes, it was all over.    


Ding ~    


Congratulations, mission completed.    


You have successfully saved all the destroyed worlds in the past.    




When the system notification sounded.    


A feeling that seemed to be real and unreal drifted over. Chu Yun's consciousness had already returned to Jiuzhou.    


In the Shikong Divine Hall, including Chu Yun, many people opened their eyes. There were also many people who disappeared in the Shikong Divine Hall along with the object of the trial.    


Chu Yun's eyes regained clarity. He looked around and saw that under the rainbow colored glass lamp, the demigod Daisy , Lo Qingcheng, Zhong Wanhua and Ning Guiqi were all safe and sound. Liu Ruoxi and Lin Zhi had returned to their original bodies.    


On the other side, in the main hall, Yang Jian, Alice and more than thirty challengers returned to their bodies with blank expressions.    


It was obvious that for many people, this sudden ending left them at a loss. They had no idea what had happened just now.    


"Hu. . . "    


Chu Yun exhaled slowly. He looked at the people in the hall and said, "It's all over. Everyone, Devil God Emperor is dead. We have won. "    


After he finished speaking, the hall was silent for a long time. After that, a burst of warm cheers erupted from the hall, as if it was going to tear the entire Shikong Divine Hall apart.    


Daisy took a deep breath. Her eyes were filled with indescribable excitement. She looked at Chu Yun and said, "I'm leaving. "    


"I will send you there. "    


Chu Yun smiled slightly. He knew what Daisy meant.    


Daisy nodded vigorously and said, "Thank you!"    




An instant later, in Xingguang Great Continent.    


The holy land of Fairy Clan, under the Tree of Life.    


Two silhouettes appeared out of thin air under the dazzling tree.    


"Who is it?!"    


This sudden scene shocked the elves who were being baptized by the Tree of Life. Many of them even pulled out their weapons and aimed their bows and staffs at the two figures who had suddenly appeared.    


After the light of teleportation faded, the elves on the scene finally saw that among the two figures that had suddenly appeared, there was actually an elf.    


Moreover, it was an extremely rare half-elf that possessed devilish energy.    


The atmosphere instantly became even more solemn.    




A young archer from the Fairy Clan was unable to hold his bow tight in this tense atmosphere. He took the lead and shot out his first arrow.    


After that, like the call of a flock of sheep, the rest of the warriors and mages from the Fairy Clan also launched their own attacks, charging towards Chu Yun and Daisy .    


"Sigh. "    


Chu Yun sighed softly and helplessly looked at Daisy , who was beside him, and said, "I forgot to tell you. The last time I came here, the atmosphere was similar to now. In terms of hospitality, Fairy Clan actually needs a lot of places to improve. "    


As he spoke, Chu Yun gently raised a finger. In the surrounding air, the countless arrows, fireballs, ice arrows and wind blades all seemed to have been frozen in the air and stopped moving.    


After that, Chu Yun put down his finger. Those attacks were all destroyed in the space as if nothing had happened.    


This move had shocked all the Fairy Clan present. One should know that there were quite a number of Saint Stage experts among the people present. Every single elder of the Fairy Clan was a Saint Stage expert.    


But now, all of these attacks were easily neutralized by this unknown man. Just from this point alone, it was enough to prove that Chu Yun's strength was undoubtedly at the Divine level.    


"Your Highness, your old friend is here. "    


Chu Yun said with a faint smile.    


After he finished speaking, in the distant horizon, a bright figure descended from the sun at an extremely fast speed under the Tree of Life.    


The light faded and a figure with snow-white skin, golden curly hair reaching to her waist, a slender waist, and a tall and beautiful figure appeared in front of Chu Yun and Daisy .    


The moment Chu Yun saw the figure, a smile appeared on Chu Yun's face. Beside him, Daisy 's body trembled and her lips trembled. Her eyes immediately turned red.    


"You have become a god. "    


Chu Yun looked at the beautiful figure and said, "So, I can't call you princess now. Instead, I will call you Her Majesty the Queen. "    


Zofia looked at Chu Yun. Although Chu Yun's appearance in front of her was no longer Brian White's, and it had been thousands of years, she still recognized him at the first moment.    


"It seems like you have already won. "    


Queen Zofia's red lips parted slightly, and then her eyes met Daisy 's teary red eyes.    


In an instant, the two peerless gods of Fairy Clan looked at each other. The faint smile on Zofia's face had disappeared at this moment. She stared intently into Daisy 's eyes. Her emotions that had been calm for thousands of years had become turbulent at this moment.    


"You, you are. . . "    


Queen Zofia took a deep breath and tried her best to calm her voice. However, when faced with the powerful blood relation that crossed time and space, she was still unable to maintain her emotions.    


Daisy 's tears finally fell from her eyes. She quickly rushed towards Queen Zofia and hugged her tightly. Queen Zofia also hugged Daisy in a daze. Her heart was incomparably complicated and she was almost unable to speak.    


To Queen Zofia, she had never seen her own daughter who was born in the original space-time. But when she saw Daisy with her own eyes, she immediately understood the relationship between her and Daisy . From this, a huge motherly light appeared in her heart.    


The mother and daughter hugged each other. The numerous Fairy Clan members present all had blank and confused expressions. To them, this scene was completely unknown.    


The lifespan of the Fairy Clan was very long, but those who had yet to become gods could only live for two thousand years, even if they had reached the Saint Stage.    


As for Chu Yun, he had possessed Brian White and came here about four to five thousand years ago. To the people of this world, it could be said to be incomparably far away.    


Even the elders of Fairy Clan who were familiar with history might not be able to remember what had happened during the time of the previous queen's appointment.    


But of course. . .    


Everyone still remembered the matter of time and space being sealed. To the Xingguang Great Continent, it was a very important historical node, because ever since then, the Xingguang Great Continent's space had been completely sealed. No one outside could come back, and no one inside could go out.    


And because the previous Fairy Queen did not explain the background of this matter to the outside world in detail during this period of time, the people of this generation only knew that there was a powerful god from the east of the universe, the Nine States. It was to help the Xingguang Great Continent that this world was sealed.    


"This is really strange, I have never seen you before. But when I saw you, I felt that you were so close and so familiar. You are my daughter. Right?"    


Queen Zofia used her hand to stroke Daisy 's cheek and used her thumb to gently wipe away Daisy 's tears. She looked at her daughter who she had never met before.    


"It's me, it's me. . . "    


Daisy took a few deep breaths and revealed an experienced smile as she said, "Four thousand years have passed and I finally see you again. "    


As her voice fell, it was as if there was a knife stabbing into Zofia's heart. Her eyes also turned slightly red as she hugged Daisy 's body and said, "It has been hard on you, it has been hard on you. . . "    




On the other side, in the Great Xia Dynasty.    


Chu Yun held the Rainbow Glass Lamp and appeared in the imperial palace of the capital in a flash.    



It was late at night. The lights in the imperial palace were not bright. There were only a few palaces that were lit up. It looked rather dim.    


Ever since the Black Mountain Emperor wreaked havoc in the mortal world and established the Yin Yang World in the capital, the ruling system of the Great Xia Dynasty had collapsed, and all the descendants of the royal family had perished.    


When the dragons had lost their leader, Fu Tianchou, the former Minister of Rites, had obtained the support of the Raging Flame Army in the Land of Tiannan and ascended the throne to become the new emperor.    


After three years, under the rule of the new emperor, the Great Qin Dynasty had regained its vitality and its decadent past was swept away. There was no place for the chaotic bandits and monsters in the world anymore.    


Zi Shi.    


Inside Taihe Palace. Fu Tianchou was still reading the memorial.    


Hearing the sound of footsteps, Fu Tianchou did not even raise his head. He said, "Put it down. I'll eat it later. If we don't get rid of the bandits in Liaodong, how can I have the mood to eat?"    


"Father. . . "    


A soft call caused Fu Tianchou to be stunned on the spot. The brush in his hand fell to the ground.    


He raised his head and saw Fu Qingfeng standing quietly at the door.    


Outside Taihe Palace.    


Chu Yun and Nie Xiaoqian watched from the side. They could not bear to disturb the reunion between the father and daughter.    


"Who's next?"    


Chu Yun touched his chin. Daisy and Fu Qingfeng had already been sent back to their respective worlds. They were very happy to see each other again.    


So the only one left was Alice, who came from the world of Resident Evil, right?    


"She wouldn't want to go back to her original world. . . "    


Nie Xiaoqian made a face at him. After a pause, she raised her chin and said, "Me too. Don't think about getting rid of me!"    




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