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C1013 Engine No 1

C1013 Engine No 1

0Since ancient times, it was easy to send out commands from the gods, but not from the gods. The entire nation summoned Saltwater Country as reinforcements, and now, it seemed that the Saltwater Country was very likely to turn the tables on the guest and dominate the civilization on Earth.    


After thinking about it carefully, the three special envoys from Earth looked at each other, not knowing how to handle this matter.    


They were now ten million kilometers from Earth, unable to communicate with M, and on their own.    


Furthermore, at this moment, even if they felt that they had stopped their plans, with the strength of their Saltwater Country, they could definitely force their way into Earth.    


Being ruled has become a foregone conclusion. At present, human civilization can only choose to accept it voluntarily or passively.    


Although Princess Anne couldn't see the expressions of the three Earth Envoys, she could guess what they were thinking.    


With regards to taking over Earth, the Saltwater Country wasn't ambitious at all.    


One had to know that there was no more spirit energy on Earth at the moment. If they couldn't change this situation, entering Earth would only harm the development of the Saltwater Country.    


However, sending a small team to lead the seven seas and the six kingdoms was something that had to be done.    


After taking control of the seven seas and six nations, Saltwater Country could also control the civilization on Earth. At that time, they could control the citizens of Sea Clan and lock down the development of Terrestrial Civilization.    


To high level life forms, humans on Earth were no different from pigs in a breeding ground. When they were obedient, they could stay for a few more days, and if they were disobedient, they could be slaughtered at any time.    


"Your Highness, we've discovered something strange!" Just at this moment, a citizen of Saltwater Country suddenly appeared in front of Princess Anne.    


Different from the Princess Anne, this citizen of Saltwater Country did not have any human appearance. Strictly speaking, he was close relatives with the Giant Crab Country of Earth.    


However, he had embarked on a completely different path of evolution from the Emperor Crab. By increasing his brain's capacity, he had gained limitless intelligence.    


Tens of thousands of different sized brains were scattered all over this guy's body. The bones in his body had long since disappeared and what replaced them were eight soft arms controlled by hundreds of different mini brains.    


This was his first time seeing this guy. Little Armstrong only felt that he looked like an octopus on Earth.    


In reality, this was not the case. His level of evolution had far surpassed that of the octopus.    


When tens of thousands of brains were working at the same time, the speed of calculation was much faster than the most advanced supercomputers in the human race. It was extremely terrifying.    


"Dr. Aux is the greatest scientist in Saltwater Country. This super warship that is at the Atlantis level has engines that Dr. Aux would research!" The Princess Anne said.    


"Your Highness, we have observed that there are signs of human activity near the Golden Star Planetary Engine number one. It is very possible that human civilization has entered the realm of the Golden Star Planetary Engine!" Doctor Aux interrupted the Princess Anne and said hastily.    


Hearing these words, the usually calm and collected Princess Anne immediately tensed up.    


This was a steering engine, and its size far exceeded that of a normal Planetary Engine. Even if it was buried tens of thousands of meters deep in the ground, the exposed part was still very close to Everest, which was on Earth.    


It was precisely because of this that the first Planetary Engine was exposed and was discovered by the Saltwater Country after many years of erosion.    


The million strong army that the Princess Anne was leading was destined to be Planetary Engine # 1. According to Blythe, the most outstanding scientists of the Ancient Venus Civilization were there. As long as they could master that place, it meant they could control the entire Ancient Venus Civilization.    


However, he did not expect that someone would be the first to enter Venus No.1's engine.    


What was even more inconceivable was that the other party was a human civilization.    


"Is he from Earth?" Princess Anne hurriedly asked.    


Earth was the cradle of human civilization, but the Princess Anne knew that in the past tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of races had always treated humans as their best slaves. Today, human slaves were everywhere in the universe, and any signs of human activity could not represent the humans on Earth entering Venus.    


"Further confirmation is required!" Dr. Aux gave an ambiguous answer.    


As the greatest scientist in the history of Saltwater Country, Aux naturally could not speak without thinking.    


"Can I see your pictures?" Allen Wells said anxiously.    


As a member of the Maya God Clan, he naturally knew about the war that would decide the fate of Starry Sky God Clan.    


In that war, Elon God Clan collapsed with a loud bang, and took advantage of the rise of Gardor God Clan.    


As the beneficiary of the war, Maya God Clan had gained many benefits, including countless human slaves.    


Maya Clan were after all, a civilization from Earth. They shared the same roots as humans on Earth, so it was natural that they would be very merciful towards these slaves with Elon God Clan.    


However, looking at the stars, the other Gardor God Clan forces were different.    


A large number of human slaves were massacred, and only a very small number of them wandered around the galaxy, ultimately unable to escape their fate of destruction.    


Only, Allen Wells understood that it was extremely possible for these Interstellar Refugee to return to their former home on Earth.    


The human who appeared in Venus could very well be the Interstellar Refugee.    


The moment he received the photo, Allen Wells was even more certain of this point, "They are the Interstellar Refugee, look at these construction trucks, only the Elon God Clan have them!"    


"Why would the Interstellar Refugee appear on Venus? Did the God Clan intervene in this matter?" The Princess Anne asked again.    


The Princess Anne knew very little about the internal struggles of the God Clan. In the Saltwater Country's impression, the God Clan was an extremely powerful race that one could not easily provoke.    


It was just that, the Princess Anne did not know about the chaotic power distribution inside the God Clan, and naturally did not know about the war that was affecting the God Clan's fate.    


"The details are very complicated, I can only tell you that the God Clan did not intervene in this matter!" Allen Wells said, after all, the God Clan's civil war was nothing glorious, but to a powerful civilization who ruled over countless stars, being unable to resolve the internal conflict was truly incredible.    


Strictly speaking, the internal division of God Clan was more like the current Earth, with many countries and groups of heroes fighting each other. Everyone wanted to be the ball captain of Earth, but no one had the ability to do so.    


Helpless, everyone could only choose to temporarily cooperate and rely on the strong to guide them.    


However, this kind of alliance was very loose. Once there was an industrial revolution in a country, there would be the same transfer of rights as when Country M replaced State Y.    


Maybe this was the problem of science and technology, Allen Wells had no solution, Maya God Clan also had no solution, and so did Gardor God Clan.    


"Since the God Clan did not intervene in this matter, then the engine of Venus # 1 is ours. No one can stop the footsteps of Saltwater Country!" The Princess Anne revealed a bright smile. While chatting and laughing, she gave pointers to the mountains and rivers.    


However, in the culture of Saltwater Country, there was no such thing as male superiority or female inferiority.    


The Saltwater Country Battleship flew towards Venus, but at this time, Lee Mengyao and the others on Venus did not know about this.    



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