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C680 My Power

C680 My Power

0Yang Jian then took out his own Heavenly Court phone, "Little brother, let me add your WeChat to send you the pardon token!"    


Lu Fanfeng took out his own phone, and intentionally hid the model on the back of the phone.    


Because he saw that Yang Jian's phone was actually only number six in the Heavenly Court.    


After adding each other as friends, Yang Jian sent a message.    


Lu Fanfeng opened it to see that it was a download link.    


The Heavenly Court did not have any mortal world viruses, so Lu Fanfeng was not worried about anything else, so he directly downloaded them.    


Very quickly, the download was completed. A new software appeared, my influence.    


To be honest, the gods of the Heavenly Court had no bottom lines left in their plagiarism.    


My power is obviously plagiarizing a certain game on Earth, from the name you can see.    


When he clicked it, however, the contents were somewhat novel.    


"Welcome to my organisation. Currently, we have an ownerless manor. Would you like to bind it?"    


"Residence?" Lu Fanfeng was a little curious, how could there be a mansion.    


"The planet I gave you!" Yang Jian reminded.    


Under Yang Jian's instructions, a new interface quickly appeared between Lu Fanfeng and his planet.    


"Your mansion is still not being built yet. This time, it will cost 100 million karmic virtue. Do you want to proceed with the basic construction?"    


"Damn, it's so expensive!" Lu Fanfeng looked at Yang Jian helplessly.    


"Don't look at me, Jade Emperor did not give me any merits. I need you to work hard on all of these!" Yang Jian said.    


Lu Fanfeng had no choice but to close the interface.    


Next, a new choice appeared.    


"Do you wish to recruit new food titles? Currently, you can also recruit ten more households of food titles!"    


The so-called food laws were the ten families bestowed upon them by the Jade Emperor.    


Lu Fanfeng immediately pressed confirm.    


"Please scan the owner of the eatery who needs to be recruited!"    


Lu Fanfeng immediately scanned his demonic laughter.    


"Demonsmile is confirming your confirmation. Please wait …"    


"Demonheart has already confirmed that he will become your food. You can still recruit nine families of food!" The system prompted.    


Lu Fanfeng did not continue the recruitment and closed the interface.    


Very quickly, another interface appeared, it was Demonshine and her descendant.    


Lu Fanfeng took a look at the total number of people, and surprisingly saw that there were more than fifty thousand people.    


There seemed to be a lot of them, but looking at them one by one, he realized that the Devil Xiao's descendants were truly not enough.    


Other than her, there were only two lobsters that were over one meter in size. The rest were all between one and half meters in size, and none of them had developed intelligence.    


Although there were 50,000 of them, these lobsters would be eaten within minutes if they were given to the Central Plains.    


"Too little, too little!" Lu Fanfeng shook his head.    


"What, you think it's too little!" Yang Jian was overjoyed, "It's fine if it's too little, I can help you with some."    


"How?" Lu Fanfeng asked.    


"I thought this Demonsmile wanted to have more husbands?" Yang Jian said.    


While speaking, Yang Jian waved his hand, and dozens of gigantic lobsters immediately appeared in the air.    


"The crisis in Dragon Clan has been around for a long time. Within the Sky Prison, there are countless Shaolong prawns, and these lobsters can all be considered as the husband of the devil!" Yang Jian said.    


Hearing that, Mo Xiao almost jumped up from the ground, "I am grateful for Justice Heavenly God's great kindness!"    


"In that case, leave all these lobsters to me, as long as they are willing!" Lu Fanfeng naturally did not allow him to do so.    


There were a total of fifteen species of lobster, not all of which could be eaten.    


There was a species called Steelback Shrimp. It was over three meters long, and its entire body was covered in Lin Dong's armor. It was as hard as steel.    


The leader of the Steelback Prawns was called One Eye, and when Justice Heavenly God caught him, he was detained.    


The Grass God that Yang Jian was sitting on had slashed out with all his might, but only managed to cut off one of's eyes, and was still unable to break the Qilin Armor.    


Right now, one of his eyes had been stripped of all his Fa Li, and he was still able to withstand Lu Fanfeng's fist force, showing his level of defense.    


Although this kind of creature could not be eaten, its reproduction ability was very low, and it could be used as a troop of soldiers with smiles on their faces.    


There was also another creature called the Golden Lobster. It looked like a small Earth lobster, but its size was several times larger.    


This kind of lobster perfectly inherited the ability of Dragon Clan to reproduce, and could even be said to be heaven defying. They were the public food of the Water race, and were often eaten by the other Water race.    


The leader of the Golden Lobsters was more than a meter tall. However, an ordinary Gold-grade Lobster was only about three inches long, similar to a small crayfish in the Central Plains.    


Because they were too small, the numbers were even more terrifying.    


Even the merciful and merciful Justice Heavenly God was only able to grab a small portion of it, so that they wouldn't fall into the mouths of other living beings.    



Even if it was just a small part, the number would exceed 100,000.    


The fiendish laughter was instantly replaced by fifteen husband's laughter. It was so loud that it was almost bursting with laughter.    


The leader of these fifteen species was also very willing to leave the Sky Prison to follow Lu Fanfeng.    


Thus, they and their race were transferred under the command of Demonshine and became commoners under Lu Fanfeng's rule.    


Lu Fanfeng only had one family of food, and the population exceeded five hundred thousand.    


One could imagine how big of a loophole the Jade Emperor had left for Lu Fanfeng.    


As long as the Demonsmile didn't die, these Water race warriors only needed to occupy a spot in one of their households.    


Bringing five hundred thousand lobsters, Lu Fanfeng then majestically returned to Earth.    


The first thing he had to do was place all of these Water race members here. As for the other nine places, he could only do that later.    


When Justice Heavenly God Yang Jian delivered Lu Fanfeng to the Road To Heaven, his eyes were filled with tears.    


Yang Jian was so excited to have helped him deal with five hundred thousand lives in one go.    


"Brother Lu, you must come back early!" A very serious Yang Jian actually called Lu Fanfeng big brother at this moment.    


Lu Fanfeng waved his hand, "Don't worry, brother. If you follow me, I guarantee that you will enjoy the food and wine, and will never be able to enjoy the glory and wealth!"    


With that, Lu Fanfeng led the vast Water race and disappeared from the Road To Heaven.    


When Lu Fanfeng walked out of the Russian Army protection room, Lee Mengyao was surprised, "Fan Feng, I thought you would disappear for a few months, why have you returned so quickly?"    


Lu Fanfeng was shocked, "How long have I been gone?"    


"Less than two days, forty hours!" Lee Mengyao said.    


Lu Fanfeng anxiously looked at his watch, and in the next four hours, he said, "Looks like the time spent in First Layer of Heaven Realm and the mortal world have a 1: 10 relationship!"    


As a result, Lu Fanfeng's worries disappeared.    


He was most afraid that even though he had left for a few minutes, a long time had passed on Earth, and there were many strong warriors who were plotting against him.    


Walking out of the dugout, Lu Fanfeng led the vast army of lobsters to the Lerner River.    


Lina River, the largest river in the Russian Siberia Plateau. It was ranked ninth in the world and flowed through the entire Saha Federation.    


Because it was located at the Siberia Plateau, the Lerner River was frozen all year round and could not be developed.    


Now, however, it was discovered that the Lerner River had been partially thawed.    


The others might not understand, but Lu Fanfeng and the others knew that this was due to the weather.    


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