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C601 Pantheon

C601 Pantheon

0In Manila, the new Hall Master of Hong Sect, Lei Yeshan, knocked on the door of the Office, the person in charge of Hong Sect.    


It was only because there were no generals in Shu that Liao Hua became the vanguard. This Lei Yeshan only had Peak of Inner Strength Stage, and was much weaker than the previous Hall Master Ren Nan Yang, Lee Kuang.    


Although Lee Kuang only had the power of Peak of Inner Strength Stage, Lee Kuang still had Xuanyuan Hao as his backer. After all, since Xuanyuan Hao was the one in charge of guarding the headquarters of the Hong Sect, the pressure on Lee Kuang was naturally much less.    


However, Lei Ye Shan didn't have such a background. The only reason she could sit in this position was because those stronger than her had all left the Hong Sect.    


"Mr. Jiang, we just found a piece of information from the special ability user forum!" With that, Lei Ye Shan brought the document that was just printed out to Mr. Jiang. The title of the document immediately attracted his attention.    


"This is the first time the Central Plains has exposed their God Ranking. Many powerful warriors have appeared!"    


"The Central Plains has released their God Ranking?" Mr. Jiang hastily looked down.    


God Ranking tenth place, Hong Sect founder, Jiang Tianqi.    


Just by seeing this, Mr. Jiang broke out in a cold sweat.    


The Hong Sect was in the midst of a storm. The experts within the clan died and fled for their lives, and they were no longer the overlords of Underground World who once ruled the Southern Ocean and ruled the four seas.    


His only hope for Hong Sect was this ancestor Jiang Tianqi. However, Jiang Tianqi was actually only ranked tenth in the entire Central Plains God Ranking, which meant that there were still nine experts who had the power to destroy Hong Sect.    


He continued reading, "God Ranking number nine, Persia Nation's Abdullah!"    


Abdullah, that is the last great Ayalatollah in Persian history.    


The Great Ayaratollah, the equivalent of the island's Great Divine Official, the Pope of the Holy See, the high priest of the African tribes, was the supreme leader of the Persian religion.    


The disciple of Aberdula, Heinev, was now the real ruler of Persia, the supreme leader of the religious government.    


"The last time Abdullah appeared was fifty years ago. I didn't expect him to still be alive!" Mr. Jiang could not help but laugh bitterly. Abdullah was ranked in front of the old ancestor Jiang Tianqi, and his strength could not be underestimated.    


Fortunately, Hong Sect had not set foot in Persian Kingdom, and Abdullah's real enemy was not Hong Sect, so he was temporarily not a threat.    


"Eighth God Ranking, Northern European Telamos!"    


Seeing this name, Mr. Jiang frowned. There was no detailed description of this person within the list, and he was unable to recall where this person came from.    


"Telamos, rumored to be of the ancient bloodline of the God of Heaven, strong and sturdy. He had entered Germany alone during the Second World War and challenged Germany's powerful fighters, forcing them not to devour northern Europe." Lei Ye Shan explained, then added, "After this post was posted, a lot of people on the underground forums had already updated the information of these powerhouses."    


"So that's how it is!" Mr. Jiang sighed helplessly. If this person truly appeared in Northern Europe, the power of the Hong Sect in Europe would have to be redeployed.    


"The seventh of the God Ranking, Pope Nicolay VIII!"    


Nicholas VIII was the person who had the most powerful Vatican a hundred years ago. Under his lead, the Church once again stepped into the resplendent light, and stood on equal footing with the empire that was at that time insufferable from the Unsetting Sun.    


"Sixth on the God Ranking, Crawford, Valenpool, England!"    


The Mr. Jiang did not know who Crawford was, but he did know of the Valenpool Family.    


This was the ancestor of European vampires, who possessed the primordial Black Blood Clan bloodline. The clan members had competed with the Hong Sect for many years.    


As for the third hall master, Alice, she had even killed many disciples of the Valenpool Family, so the hatred between the two parties was extremely deep.    


"It looks like the Hall of Hong Sect and Europe can be abolished!" Mr. Jiang shook his head helplessly. With the three God Stage Expert s gathered in Europe, how could there still be any room for Hong Sect?    


"Fifth position of the God Ranking, Russia's Christopher!"    


Christopher, the Russian General Merit for the Second World War. Speaking of his achievements, anyone with a little bit of Underground World would know about it.    


If he had not been there, the outcome of the second world war would have been different.    


"Fourth rank of the God Ranking, Hynds!"    


"Who is this?" Mr. Jiang asked.    


"Hynds, German Marshal, swept across Europe during the early stage of World War II. The Church joined forces with Black Blood Clan to defeat him. The last time he showed up was when Russia invaded Berlin. There was no news of him after that. Lei Ye Shan said.    


"Life or death?" Mr. Jiang repeated these words, but the nervous expression on his face relaxed slightly.    


German Marshal Hynds had probably fallen during the Second World War. Be it the Russian Federation or the United Kingdom and France, it was impossible for this fellow to survive.    


A dead person appearing on the Central Plains' leaderboard was indeed a bit comical.    


"The third God Ranking, the Central Plains Nuwa!"    


"Second position of the God Ranking, Lee Mengyao of the Central Plains!"    


"Who are these two guys? They're actually women!" The Mr. Jiang did not understand.    


"Regarding Nuwa, many people in the underground discussion forum speculated that it could be the legendary Primordial Immortal Clan of the Central Plains, or it could also be a Super Soldier of the Central Plains. The specific circumstances are unclear. As for Lee Mengyao … " Lei Ye Shan's face revealed a playful smile, "Please finish reading first, I will explain it to you later!"    


Mr. Jiang could only continue to read. He was also very curious, in the heart of the Central Plains, who was the true strongest person in the world.    


"God Ranking number one, Central Plains Lu Fanfeng!"    


Seeing this, Mr. Jiang did not have the slightest bit of good impression towards this list.    


The top three rankings of the Central Plains were actually filled with people from the Central Plains.    


Among them, the identities of Nuwa and Lee Mengyao were unknown, and Lu Fanfeng only had the strength of Peak of Transformation Stage.    


Just a mere Peak of Transformation Stage, how could he, to actually appear first in the God Ranking.    


"Lee Mengyao doesn't have any other identity, she's just Lu Fanfeng's girlfriend!" Lei Ye Shan added.    


Hearing these words, Mr. Jiang didn't recover his senses for a long time.    


After a long while, Mr. Jiang actually crumpled this document and threw it into the trash can, "It has no reference value at all. Maybe by this time, Lu Fanfeng is already dead, Central Plains originally wanted to show off his strength but it turned out wrong. Let's see how they will end this!"    


"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?" Lei Ye Shan was puzzled.    



"Hall Master Lei, let me tell you the truth. In ten days, Lu Fanfeng will definitely die!" The Mr. Jiang said solemnly.    


"Mr. Jiang, why do you say that?" Lei Ye Shan asked again.    


"You should know about Hong Kong Zheng Family. A few days ago, their God Stage Expert found our ancestor and the ancestor who had been in closed-door training for nearly a hundred years has already reappeared, rushing to the Hong Kong Island. " The Mr. Jiang laughed.    


"The Old Ancestor went to the Hong Kong Island. In other words, the Hong Kong Island now possesses four Divine Realms!" Lei Ye Shan's face was filled with disbelief, "Four Gods, it should be a headache for the Central Plains!"    


"Not just the four of you, I heard from the Old Ancestor that the previous Sword Sage in the island, the Polo Cult Shakyamuni, the teacher of Meng Country, the Russian General Christopher and the entire East and South East Asia's Underground World will all gather Hong Kong Island!" Mr. Jiang said excitedly.    


The Mr. Jiang did not have any good feelings towards the Central Plains, especially towards Lu Fanfeng. If Hong Kong Island succeeded, it would only be a matter of time before it rose again. After all, the very root of Hong Sect was still in the Central Plains.    


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