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C107 A Person Who Cannot be Offended

C107 A Person Who Cannot be Offended

0Lu Fanfeng had a good impression of Zhou Jiasheng, but because Zhang Tianyu had used the name of East Sea Group to cause trouble everywhere, Lu Fanfeng could only give him a beating.    


However, with Zhou Jiasheng's capabilities, if East Sea Group were to be handed over to him, it could not be underestimated in the future.    


However, no matter how powerful they were, they were only mortals after all.    


If there were people praising, there would be people objecting. If there were people who liked Zhou Jiasheng, there were naturally people who disliked him as well.    


Zhang Chezhang rushed into the Huadong City People's Hospital. He was welcomed by the doctors and nurses who brought him to the VIP ward.    


"How is my son?!" Zhang Chezhang asked anxiously.    


"We did a thorough check, there's no danger to our lives, it's just …" The doctor didn't know what to say. Under the anxious gaze of the family, he told them the truth, "It's just that the fracture of the arm is too serious. There are three fractures of the left arm and four fractures of the right arm. Even if the operation was successful, it would still take twenty months to recover. The most optimistic estimate is that after you recover, you will also fall ill. The wind, rain, and rain will cause severe pain in your arms and accompany you for the rest of your life! "    


"Doctor, you must use the best medicine, I do not lack money, I must treat my son!" Zhang Chezhang said excitedly.    


"Don't worry, I'll do my best!" But he had no hope of recovery. After all, the fracture was too severe.    


"Who was it? Who injured Tianyu?!" Zhang Chezhang shouted in anger.    


Zhang Chezhang was also born into a poor family. His father worked all his life as a worker, and even after he retired, he still did not manage to hold even a single official position.    


He had entrusted all his hopes to his youngest son. He wanted him to be the leader, even if it was only a car, and only had two or three people under him.    


But Zhang Chezhang no longer held everyone's hopes, not only did he become an official, now he was even the CEO of East Sea Group, a person with a lot of reputation.    


"My son's arm was broken when he was sparring with someone at school!" The wife cried helplessly.    


"My wife, don't worry. I will definitely make that person pay!" Zhang Chezhang said angrily.    


However, before he could start his revenge operation, he received a phone call.    


"Hey, Zhang Chezhang? I am Zhou Daosheng! "    


"Chairman Zhou, what's the matter?" Zhang Chezhang was curious, why would the chairman be looking for him at this time.    


"The board of directors has just decided …" Zhou Daosheng slowly said, afraid that the other party would not be able to understand his words, "Dismissed from your position as the CEO!"    


For a moment, Zhang Chezhang was in a bit of a daze, he could not believe his ears, how could he possibly be removed from his duties just like that. But soon, he thought of a possibility. Was it possible that he was going to be promoted? The chairman of the board of directors would often make such jokes. First, he would dismiss the chairman, and then, he would be given a higher position.    


However, even after Zhang Chezhang waited for a very long time, he still did not hear anything.    


"Did you hear that?" Zhou Daosheng asked.    


"I understand, but where does the board want me to go?" Zhang Chezhang suddenly remembered something. Previously, East Sea Group had expanded its overseas operations, establishing a branch in the island nation. Could it be that it wanted him to go to the island nation?    


Many reasons immediately popped up in Zhang Chezhang's mind. He had already thought of these reasons long ago, but he was unwilling to go to the island nation.    


"Anywhere!" Zhou Daosheng said calmly. Although he was reluctant to lose a capable assistant, he had to do it.    


"Can I pick one? Can I go to the Capital Branch Office?" Zhang Chezhang still could not understand what the other party meant.    


"Are you really muddle-headed or are you just pretending to be muddle-headed? You're fired, fired, do you understand!" Saying that, Zhou Daosheng ended the call.    


Zhang Chezhang was dumbstruck. He had wanted to take revenge for his son a second ago, but now, he didn't even have a job.    


"Hubby, what happened to you?" the wife asked anxiously.    


"Impossible, impossible, the chairman actually fired me?" Zhang Chezhang didn't dare believe it, he was an elder of the East Sea Group who had followed Zhou Daosheng for more than ten years and contributed greatly to his life's work.    


Unable to accept it any longer, Zhang Chezhang hurriedly contacted his East Sea Group and inquired a few people about it. However, he received the same information;    


"Why, exactly why?" Zhang Chezhang did not understand, but everyone kept quiet about this matter. Only in the end did he get the answer from his good friend.    


"I also heard that it has something to do with your son. He offended someone he shouldn't have offended at school!"    


"School? This bastard has offended Zhou Jiasheng! " Thinking about it, Zhang Chezhang felt that he had already found the answer.    


Zhang Chezhang could not help but relax. Although it was not a good thing to offend Zhou Jiasheng, but there was a way to resolve this matter.    


He had personally come to atone for his crimes. With his relationship with the chairman, he would definitely be able to resolve this conflict. It's just a kid fighting, it's no big deal.    


But, when he inquired his son, Zhang Chezhang received a different answer: "Lu Fanfeng, who is he?"    


"He really knows how to fight. A single punch was enough to break my arm!" Zhang Tianyu said weakly.    


"Are you very good at fighting? There are a lot of people who can beat him! " Zhang Chezhang laughed, and then made a call: "Hello, Master Feng?"    


The Master Feng of the Mountain Martial School was one of the strongest in Huadong City. Their martial arts were unfathomable and all the underground forces of Huadong City wanted to curry favor with them.    


In the world of Huadong City, whoever could win over the Master Feng would have victory. And because of this, the Master Feng's asking price was extremely high. He would never easily make a move, and would only serve Taihang and Lee Family.    


However, Zhang Chezhang had a reason for letting Master Feng take action, "Master Feng, my son was severely injured, please uphold justice for me!"    


"To think that there would be such a thing. Who can beat them, I will pay them back double!" Feng Yuanshan immediately agreed. After all, with the relationship he had with Zhang Chezhang, such a small matter like this was insignificant.    


"That person is a teacher from Star Sea High School, called Lu Fanfeng!" Zhang Chezhang called out the other party's name, but the other party suddenly went silent, but Zhang Chezhang did not notice anything amiss, and continued, "That fellow is too despicable, breaking my son's arm, the doctor said that he will be crippled, Master Feng … Master Feng? Why did you die? "    


Zhang Chezhang had only finished half of his sentence when Feng Yuanshan had already hung up the phone.    


Zhang Chezhang called another number, "Brother Loong will definitely help me, at worst, just give him a bit more money!"    


"Director Zhang? What? Who broke your son's arm? Lu... Lu Fanfeng? " Wang Tianlong's face became gloomy, but he remained calm and collected, and said: "Where are you, I'll send someone over!"    


After hanging up, Zhang Chezhang was still feeling proud, thinking that Wang Tianlong would help him.    


But a moment later, a dozen or so burly men rushed into the ward and grabbed their entire family, "From today onwards, get the hell out of Huadong City. If I see you, I'll break your legs!"    


It was only now that Zhang Chezhang finally understood that his son had provoked someone he shouldn't have. But it was too late to regret, and it was his fault for not properly disciplining Zhang Tianyu.    


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