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C620 Feeding Sharks

C620 Feeding Sharks

0"Rodrigo!" Lu Fanfeng continued to shout out Rodrigo's name.    


The successor of the Aquino Family, upon hearing this voice, almost fainted from fright.    


He quickly shook his head as if he was pounding garlic, and kept hitting the ground, "Master Lu, I'm here!"    


Lu Fanfeng looked at Rodrigo and once again reached out his hand, pointing his index finger at him.    


After a long while, Lu Fanfeng finally said slowly, "So your name was Rodrigo, what was that guy called?"    


Rodrigo immediately felt like dying. What the hell, how could Master Lu recognize the wrong person?    


"Reporting to Master Lu, he is my younger brother, called Ferdinand!"    


"Oh, yes, it's Ferdinand!" Lu Fanfeng felt that the name of the person from the Philippines was really strange.    


"Master Lu, this child is too young and too ignorant. I normally neglect management, but I didn't expect him to cause such a disaster. If the Master Lu does not make a move, I will have my men kill him! " With that, the Duke Aquino ordered the Yue State Tame Head Master Long Xin, "Go, kill Ferdinand!"    


To be able to cut off a warrior's wrist, it had to be said that Duke Aquino was also a figure.    


When Lu Fanfeng came here with a monstrous aura, if he hesitated even a little, it was very likely that his entire Aquino Family would be removed from the world.    


However, Lu Fanfeng did not let Long Xin make his move, "I've said it before, I want to feed him to the sharks!"    


With that said, Duke Aquino was immediately startled, "Feed the sharks?"    


"What is it? "You don't want to?" Lu Fanfeng asked.    


"Willing, willing, why wouldn't I!" Duke Aquino hurriedly replied.    


"It's good that you want it. I think the swimming pool outside is not bad. Let's choose from there and bring a shark over!" With that, Lu Fanfeng walked out of the room.    


Jiang Tianqi also grabbed Ferdinand, who had long since fainted from his stomps.    


One must know that although the power of the God Realm was just a light stomp, it was already like a mountain crushing down.    


With Ferdinand's physique, how could he endure all this?    


Jiang Tianqi secretly channeled a surge of his true qi into Ferdinand's body, and this guy finally woke up.    


As for the others, when they saw Lu Fanfeng walking out, they originally wanted to follow, but they were stopped by Alice, "Master Lu never said so, you all can get up!"    


The group could only kneel on the ground before the swimming pool.    


Duke Aquino quickly ordered his subordinates to bring a shark over.    


His subordinates were on the verge of tears. It was so late at night, where could they get a shark from?    


In the end, they got the shark. From an underwater world in Manila.    


When the sharks were delivered, Lu Fanfeng was lying on a beach chair by the side of the swimming pool with two Philippines models in his arms.    


Behind him, the great officials of Philippines, led by the Duke Aquino, kneeled there in a neat row.    


Beside them, Earl Alongi was still wailing, but because half of his body was already burnt, his voice was weaker than before.    


Meanwhile, Ferdinand was being controlled by Jiang Tianqi, and this direct son of the Aquino Family was also the only one present who did not kneel down.    


"No no no, father save me, don't feed me to sharks!" Ferdinand begged for mercy in pain, but the Duke Aquino ignored him.    


"Master Lu, the sharks are ready!" Duke Aquino said respectfully.    


"Oh? I wonder how aggressive this shark is, should we send someone down to try it? " Lu Fanfeng looked at Duke Aquino with ill intentions.    


"This shark's attack power is extremely strong. For the sake of maintaining an ornamental view in the underwater world, we often drop live fishes to stimulate the sharks. Please rest assured of this!" The Duke Aquino replied.    


"In that case, let's begin!" Lu Fanfeng said calmly.    


Hearing this, Jiang Tianqi threw Ferdinand into the water.    


What followed next was an unforgettable scene for all of the Philippines s.    


Ferdinand let out an earth-shattering roar. That sound was no longer that of a human's, but more like that of a cornered beast.    


The whole process took several minutes. The shallow water swimming pool gave Ferdinand a lot of leeway, allowing him to struggle for a longer period of time.    


The longer they struggled, the more intimidating it was to the entire upper echelons of the Philippines.    


In the end, when Ferdinand's struggle came to a stop, the entire swimming pool was dyed with blood.    


Lu Fanfeng pushed away the beautiful Philippines at his side, got up and walked in front of Rodrigo, "From today onwards, you will be the Patriarch of the Aquino Family, the current Duke Aquino!"    


After Rodrigo heard this, he didn't know whether to accept or reject it, and carefully looked at his own father.    


Lu Fanfeng had already walked to the side of Duke Aquino, "Do you have any objections to my decision?"    


"Master Lu is wise, I had this intention for a long time, I never thought that Master Lu would make a decision for me, I am truly grateful to Master Lu from the bottom of my heart!" Duke Aquino also let out a long breath. He thought that Lu Fanfeng would destroy the Aquino Family, but didn't expect it to end like this.    


Letting her eldest son inherit the position of Duke Aquino could be considered a better result.    


At least, it was better than disappearing completely.    


Lu Fanfeng also had his own plans. He had killed the son of the Duke Aquino, so even if he did not like his own son, the Duke Aquino would still hate him.    


Since that was the case, they couldn't let him continue to be the Duke Aquino.    


On the other hand, this Rodrigo was a better candidate.    


It could already be seen that Rodrigo did not have a deep affection for his younger brother when he intentionally called out the wrong name.    


To eliminate his competitors for him, perhaps this new Duke Aquino would still thank him.    



Other than that, Lu Fanfeng had other methods as well, "Duke Aquino, for the sake of Aquino Family, you have worked hard your entire life. After you retire, do you have any plans to recover?"    


Duke Aquino did not know what Lu Fanfeng wanted to ask, so he could only shake his head.    


"How about this, my hometown is beautiful, attractive, and rich in negative oxygen ions. Why don't you go to my hometown to rest for a while? You can bring along all your wives. Over there, I will do my part and take care of all of your expenses! " Lu Fanfeng said with a smile.    


A word simultaneously emerged in the minds of the Duke Aquino, Young Master Rodrigo, and everyone around them. Hostages.    


That's right, from today onwards, the Duke Aquino would be a hostage and he would be leaving for the Central Plains, under Lu Fanfeng's control.    


If he had any disrespect towards Aquino Family, he would be killed by Lu Fanfeng.    


Although he knew that his future life would be miserable, Duke Aquino still didn't have the right to choose.    


"Thank you, Master Lu. Not only did we forget past grievances, we even received such generous treatment. I am truly grateful. If I go to Master Lu's hometown, how can I let Master Lu spend money? Before I hand over my family rights, I will take out a sum of money and gift it to Master Lu! " Duke Aquino pretended to be grateful.    


This was an alliance under the city, just like when the Eight Nations Alliance attacked the capital, Duke Aquino not only had to satisfy Lu Fanfeng's demands, he also had to pretend to be grateful.    


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