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C1029 Demon Army

C1029 Demon Army

0The demon armies' attacks became sluggish, and the whole group temporarily came to a halt.    


On the other hand, the people from the Freshwater Country had also fallen into trouble.    


Countless magic cannonballs' energy attacks landed on the wings that had suddenly appeared, but they were like a clay ox entering the sea, instantly turning into nothingness.    


In an instant, everyone was flabbergasted.    


As part of the Freshwater Country, how could they not know that the only thing that could produce such an effect was the Meteorite Gold.    


Meteorite Gold s were a rare material from meteorites in the Outer World. Since the Primordial Era, Meteorite Gold s were the key to the competition.    


The unparalleled battle between the Freshwater Country and the Saltwater Country back then was caused by the Meteorite Gold.    


Now that they saw this mysterious metal again, even tens of thousands of years later, everyone in the Freshwater Country had instantly sunk into fanaticism.    


The reason the Water God's armor could ignore all kinds of attacks was because of the powerful Meteorite Gold s.    


However, within the Water God's armor, there was only the extremely low purity Meteorite Gold alloy.    


And at this moment, the wings that Lu Fanfeng had evolved into were filled with high purity Meteorite Gold, how could anyone not be excited?    


"Kill him! If anyone kills him, I will make them king!" The young son, King Solomon, shouted anxiously.    


Although Freshwater Country possessed a resplendent civilization, they did not completely abandon the monarch's system like the humans on land did.    


Within the Freshwater Country, after making an unparalleled achievement, one would be able to own a feudal fiefdom, and become an existence which everyone admired.    


However, after sealing the Antarctic Continent, the control of the Freshwater Country over the fiefdom became extremely strict.    


Looking through the history of Freshwater Country, the last prince was still thousands of years ago.    


Prince, in the Freshwater Country, you are second only to the King. You have a hundred cities that control the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, and are able to recruit troops that belong to you.    


Facing the heavy reward promised by the young heavenly son, everyone from the Freshwater Country rushed towards Lu Fanfeng as if they had been injected with chicken blood.    


Only, at this time, Lu Fanfeng did not see them at all.    


Compared to Freshwater Country, the Undying Demon Legion was the most terrifying existence.    


Using the temporary hesitation of the Undying Army, Lu Fanfeng brought his two arms closer and let the two Nine-headed Mud Monsters attack each other.    


The cruel Nine-headed Mud Monster, even when facing its own kind, showed no mercy.    


Eighteen snake heads gnawed at each other, instantly breaking the neck of the other party.    


The characteristics of the snake type monster were undoubtedly exposed on its body. Even though its neck had been bitten off, it still refused to stop its attack. It only continued to bite down on its neck.    


In the blink of an eye, all eighteen snake heads fell to the ground. However, new snake heads grew out of the wounds.    


Two lifetimes, four lifetimes, four lifetimes, eight lifetimes.    


In a short moment, the eighteen snake heads evolved into hundreds of them, densely packed as they filled the space in front of Lu Fanfeng.    


"Attack! Attack immediately! Those who retreat will die!" A furious roar came from the portal of the Undying Legion, carrying a monstrous pressure.    


Hearing this voice, a look of determination flashed in the eyes of the previously hesitant Fiends.    


The heartless demons, in the face of their natural enemy, revealed expressions of fear.    


However, compared to the Nine-headed Mud Monster, the Undying Legion's leader was an even more terrifying existence.    


Attacking the Nine-Headed Monster in the quagmire, aside from nine deaths, there was still a slim chance of survival.    


However, disobeying the orders of the leader of the Undying Legion meant that they would die without a doubt.    


Countless demons shouted loudly to cheer themselves on, expelling the fear in their hearts.    


Then, like a merciless killing machine, they rushed towards Lu Fanfeng with all their might.    


Almost at the same time, the Nine-headed Mud Monster also stopped attacking each other, opening its bloody maw towards the demons that filled the sky.    


The black light in Lu Fanfeng's eyes surged, the Shining World Devil Eye was instantly activated, and all of the demons that filled the sky were enveloped within his line of sight.    


In an instant, the Shining World Devil Eye analysed the strengths and weaknesses of all the demons. Like an alarm machine for the mortal world, it gave the command to every Nine-headed Mud Monster's head.    


The advantage of an army was that they could rely on numbers to make up for their inadequacies.    


But what Lu Fanfeng did, was to do the opposite. Through the Shining World Devil Eye, he analyzed every demon's weakness and used the Nine-headed Mud Monster to kill it.    


The so-called nine heads contained the nine elements of the Dark and Light Thunder Water Fire Curse: Spatial Spirit. Each head represented a strong power.    


When the nine heads merged into one, no one was able to defeat him.    


His only weakness was that it consumed a lot of energy. However, this point was made up by Lu Fanfeng's Meteorite Gold wings.    


In a split-second, hundreds of snake heads simultaneously spat out magic. Countless magic balls accurately fell on the demon's body.    


The powerful Abyss Demon was suddenly hit by a frosty breath, the flames around its body instantly extinguished and it was also sealed in ice, rendering it unable to move.    


The terrifying night demon was hit by a ball of light, instantly turning into nothingness.    


The Succubus, who was good at bewitching people, had died under the terrifying wind blades, and her devastatingly beautiful face could not escape death.    


The Fierce Demon had just used the spiritual attack it specializes in, but it was hit by the magic backlash. Even until its death, it did not know why the only Incantation fell on it.    


Just as the Death Knight Regiment launched their group charge, the space in front of them suddenly changed. The originally orderly formation ended up being trampled on by the others, resulting in numerous casualties.    


The Loathsome Evil was like a mammoth elephant. Under the control of mental magic, it attacked its former comrade.    


Seeing the sky filled with magic, the Demon Magus hastily put on his magic shield. Unexpectedly, the abominable butcher knife came slashing at him.    



The meat grinder that had traversed the tens of thousands of worlds and swallowed who knew how many creatures had just passed through the Summoning Gate when it was struck by a fireball and set ablaze.    


Just as the Frost Dragon was about to spit out the Dragon Breath, the endless lightning passed through the conduction of fresh water and burnt it up in an instant.    


The entire demon army, the Undying Legion, was met with an unprecedented resistance.    


Their enemy wasn't any of the alien armies. It was just a single expert, a human expert.    


What was even more inconceivable was that when this human Ranker attacked them, he withstood the attack of the entire Freshwater Country.    


The Demon Army's Undying Legion, which had traversed tens of thousands of worlds and caused countless living creatures to tremble, felt a deep fear at this moment.    


Finally, a Ghoul chose to retreat.    


They, who only knew how to kill, were unwilling to continue fighting. Even if the result of their escape was death, they would not hesitate to do so.    


A thousand miles of dike was destroyed by an ant's nest, and the number of deserters gradually increased. Even the demon commanders were unable to control this army that had lost its will.    


Countless demon life forms rushed crazily towards the Undying Legion's teleportation gate. And inside the teleportation gate, more demon life forms that didn't know the truth rushed outside.    


The two sides refused to give in and ended up in a civil war.    


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