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C1012 Wandering Planet

C1012 Wandering Planet

0Blythe ignored the expressions of the crowd and continued, "We were originally living in the Kepler galaxy, 580 light years away from Earth. 150,000 years ago, we detected that the Kepler star was about to decay and evolve into a terrifying giant red star, but helplessly, we started a plan to travel through the endless void, arriving at the solar system and becoming a new planet!"    


With that said, Little Armstrong's face immediately revealed a strange expression, "Will the plan for a wandering planet really work?"    


Little Armstrong vaguely remembered that he had once read a science fiction book that told a story about wandering Earth. The background was similar to the story of Venus.    


At that time, many North America scientists viewed it as a joke and thought that it was impossible to implement the plan to roam the Earth. But now, it seems that it's not the case.    


"Of course, if we can't execute it, my planet and I won't appear in the solar system!" Blythe said proudly, "With the technology we have, we can complete the plan for the wandering planet. However, the plan for the wandering planet has many technical difficulties!"    


As he spoke, a holographic projection appeared in front of Blythe. It was the second planet of the current solar system, Venus.    


"Compared to the huge planet, the hard crust is just like an egg white wrapped around the planet's surface. If the Planetary Engine is placed on top of it, before the planet can move, the planet will have a terrifying movement that will destroy the entire civilization!" With a wave of his hand, the holographic projection in front of him split into two, revealing the scene inside the planet. "The wandering planet plan doesn't apply to all planets. Venus has a rare iron core, which makes it very strong. Outside of the core, there was a layer of metal mixed in the mantle. These were the unique conditions that created the possibility for the implementation of the wandering planet's plan! Gold Star's crust is also rich with a large amount of metal minerals and rich in Spirit Stone resources. "    


"Because of the iron core and the metal mantle, Venus is quite stable. In our history, there has never been a geological disaster such as an earthquake or volcano. The rich resources of the Spirit Stone s have also provided sufficient energy for the plan on a wandering planet! "    


"About a hundred thousand years ago, we started the plan for a wandering planet. We built over ten thousand Planetary Engine and spread them all over Venus!"    


"The wandering planet's plan took 10,000 years, and after 200 generations of Venus people working together, they finally reached the solar system!" At this point, a pained look appeared on Blitz's face, "Unfortunately, due to the several large-scale rebellions in the Wandering Star Project, our Spirit Stone consumption far exceeded our expectations. After reaching the Solar System, we can no longer sustain the remaining Spirit Stone and turn our engines to restore Venus's rotation!"    


"Because it was unable to resume its rotation, Venus did not have a strong magnetic field. The terrifying solar storm destroyed everything on the surface of Venus, and a large amount of liquid water was dissolved into oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen escaped into space, and the oxygen reacted with the rocks on the surface of Venus. Fifty years ago, when the Saltwater Country ship descended upon Venus, it found me in an underground city of gold and resurrected me! " Blitz explained.    


"Initially, our astronauts brought back over a hundred Venus human remains. However, based on our technological prowess, only Blythe was resurrected!" The Princess Anne explained.    


"To be able to complete the plan on the wandering planet, I'm afraid your technology has already broken through to the level 2 civilization!" Allen Wells said.    


Hearing this, Blitz didn't hide it and nodded to acknowledge it, "However, we value science and technology too much and ignore martial arts practice. When we had technology that allowed us to look down at the stars, we discovered that we were completely behind the other races in terms of our bodies. The end of science is theology. Although our ancestors proposed this concept, we ignored it. In the end, it was also because of this kind of deformed civilization that prevented us from competing with the different races in space and completing the space colonization! "    


The end of science is theology, which no doubt reminds Jerry West and Little Armstrong.    


The greatest physicist in human history, Newton, had come up with this concept. However, at that time, everyone thought that Newton was too old and too muddleheaded.    


Later generations of Einstein and Edison Hawking had similar comments, but they were treated as nonsense and no one wanted to believe them.    


But now, when the resplendent descendants of Venus also suggested such a concept, everyone had no choice but to believe it.    


The Princess Anne laughed, "We live in a world created by God, so naturally we live by God's rules. We blindly pursue science, and in the end, we will only repeat the same mistakes. Only when martial arts and science are combined can you become a powerful civilization that can look down on the stars! "    


After Allen Wells heard this, he could not help but be shocked.    


He belonged to the Maya God Clan and naturally understood the correctness of this point of view.    


Before leaving Earth, Maya Clan had even annihilated all of the sects, only pursuing science.    


However, after they stepped into the starry sky, they began to run into walls everywhere.    


If he had not joined Gardor God Clan, it was likely that his Maya Clan would have perished long ago.    


Only after his Maya Clan broke through the first level of civilization did he finally grasp the truth.    


However, Saltwater Country had yet to enter the first level of civilization and had already understood this principle.    


In time, the achievements of his Saltwater Country will probably not be lower than that of his Maya Clan.    


"Looks like if there's a chance, I want to stifle my Saltwater Country within the cradle!" Allen Wells thought.    


Little Armstrong and Jerry West, however, were still pondering over that line.    


After the Second World War, M State became the world's number one superpower, commanding the world for nearly a hundred years, relying entirely on technology that led the world.    


It was for this reason that the M Nation had completely abandoned martial arts.    


For many people, technology was the foundation of a powerful country. This concept not only affected countries like M, but also the surrounding countries.    


But today, Jerry West and Little Armstrong knew that this idea was wrong.    


The two of them secretly made up their minds to change the views of the M Country's upper echelons so that they could return to martial arts.    


"We're heading for Venus. Blythe has used the technology of Saltwater Country and found a way to revive the Venus. The success rate is close to 50%!" The Princess Anne said in an obvious manner.    


With this said, everyone was even more shocked.    


Hundreds of millions of citizens, to Saltwater Country with populations over a hundred billion, was indeed nothing much.    


However, these people all came from a second level civilization, which was quite scary.    


Only the heavens knew how many scientists from the ancient civilizations there were among the Venusians. They would bring about terrifying technology of the second level and their Saltwater Country would usher in another technological revolution.    


In terms of martial arts magic, Earth's civilization was far behind the Saltwater Country, and now that science and technology were being suppressed by the Saltwater Country, everyone already understood that the Saltwater Country was not a rescue, it was very possible that the owner of the Saltwater Country would become the new master of the Earth.    


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