King of Nine Heavens

C565 The Identity of the Masked Man

C565 The Identity of the Masked Man

0"Puff …"    


Shangguan Yujie took the lead and pushed Gao Feng to the ground. Du Yijun and the others pressed him down one after the other, making Gao Feng nearly shit out of his body.    


"What's going on, it smells so bad!" Shangguan Yujie was the first one who smelled the stench as she pressed against Gao Feng. She was suffocated by the smoke and could not help but scream.    


Gao Feng panted heavily and said loudly, "Of course it's smelly. You guys have already pushed me to the point of shitting."    


"So disgusting!"    


It was unknown who mumbled something, but the four of them got up from Gao Feng's body one after another. Smelling the stench that permeated the air, they asked with a strange expression: "Could it be true?"    


Gao Feng climbed up from the ground with difficulty and said snappily, "Do you think I need to lie to you?"    


In fact, the situation wasn't as bad as Gao Feng said. Gao Feng only farted, but the others didn't know it. They basically believed Gao Feng's words.    


With some embarrassment, Shangguan Bingqing asked, "Then you …"    


"I'm going to take a bath and change my clothes. You guys should get some rest first."    


Gao Feng exhorted before leaving the room. He met the shopkeeper in the yard. When the shopkeeper saw Gao Feng's nervous expression, he thought to himself, "This fast, could it be three seconds?"    


What are you looking at … Gao Feng was about to throw a tantrum at the shopkeeper, but seeing him leave in a hurry, he had no choice but to give up.    


Perhaps it was because they were really sleepy, the four beauties successively got into bed. After a while, they all fell asleep.    


This place was rather quiet. Even the chirping of the birds and insects could not be heard, but the silence caused people to panic.    


Gao Feng didn't dare to walk too far away. He wandered around for a while, and after he confirmed that there were no movements in the surroundings, he returned to the yard. Seeing that there were no sounds in the room, he pushed open the door and entered.    


Shangguan Yujie slept innermost while Shangguan Bingqing slept outermost. It was obvious from one glance that Shangguan Yujie had arranged it. She wanted Shangguan Bingqing to get close to the end of the world first.    


The bed was really big, there were four people sleeping on it and there was still a lot of room. Gao Feng wanted to crawl into bed with them, but he was afraid that something would happen.    


Ever since he had enjoyed the world's delicacies with Feier, Gao Feng found that his self-control was getting worse and worse. When he saw the beauties beside him, he would sometimes let his imagination run wild.    


Fortunately, he was rather introverted and did not reveal any of his thoughts.    


Gao Feng hesitated for a while, but he still didn't have the courage to climb up. He turned out the lights, leaned on the table and closed his eyes. After a while, he also fell asleep.    


The night was dark, and it was impossible to see one's hand in front of the other. A few black shadows landed in the yard and then approached the room where Gao Feng and the others were. They listened to the sounds in the room, then used their fingers to prick a thin sheet of paper from the window and blow the incense into the room.    


Gao Feng had yet to enter a deep slumber, but he woke up after smelling the strange fragrance. However, he pretended that he didn't know anything and continued to climb on the table, holding his breath.    


The room was slowly filled with the scent of the incense. The few men in black felt that it was about time, so they went to the door boldly.    


Sou sou sou …    


Suddenly, several cold lights flashed through the night. The few men in black did not have the time to dodge and were hit by the cold lights. They subconsciously let out a scream: "Ah …"    


"Who is it?"    


Gao Feng originally wanted to wait outside and when he heard the scream outside, he couldn't help but scream. He ran out of the room and saw a black shadow flying away, disappearing into the night.    


Gao Feng didn't chase after him, afraid that he would fall into his trap. He looked down and saw the dead bodies on the ground. Then, he understood that the black shadow didn't come to kill him, but rather to kill these masked men.    


Hearing the commotion, Shangguan Bingqing and the others woke up. They were all Expert of Martial King Stage after all. They had strong resistance and were not stunned. They just felt weak and dizzy.    


The four of them woke up and smelled the fragrance in the air. They immediately knew that someone had drugged the medicine and ran out quickly when they saw the door open. They saw Gao Feng inspecting the bodies on the ground and asked: "Who are they?"    


Gao Feng lifted a person's veil and said: "I don't know, but it doesn't seem like it belongs to Hades Religion."    


Seeing Gao Feng's certainty, Shangguan Yujie thought of how Gao Feng had been eyeing Leader of Hades Religion, and asked sourly: "Brother-in-law, how do you know they aren't from Hades Religion?"    


"My intuition." Gao Feng replied without hesitation.    


"Why?" Shangguan Yujie asked.    


"I can't say." Gao Feng took off another person's veil, "Anyway, I feel that they aren't people of Hades Religion."    


Shangguan Yujie curled her lips and said, "I think you should keep that Leader of Hades Religion in mind. Don't forget, that is a great witch who kills people without blinking her eyes."    


How could this be! Gao Feng said with grievance, "Yujie, don't be jealous, alright?"    


Speaking of Leader of Hades Religion, Gao Feng thought of the black shadow that left and thought, could it really be her?    


Gao Feng sized up the corpses on the ground. They had just died, and the corpses were not stiff at all, so it could be seen that their cultivations were not weak. They should be strong people at the peak of the Martial King Stage.    


To be able to kill so many people at the peak of Martial King Stage in one move, even if Gao Feng didn't use his big move, he still wouldn't be able to do it. From this, he determined that the cultivation base of the people who killed them was most likely higher than Gao Feng's.    


There were many people whose cultivation was higher than Gao Feng, but there were almost no people who helped Gao Feng. The only person that Gao Feng could think of was Leader of Hades Religion.    


Why would she do that? Could it be that she wanted to use this method of saving him to make him like her?    


"Do you really think I'm jealous? I am worried about your safety. Who knows what kind of mind she has? " Shangguan Yujie stared at Gao Feng and said, "You're biting off more than you can chew, Lu Dongbin. You don't know how good the heart is."    


Seeing Gao Feng's defeated expression, Shangguan Bingqing stopped him and said, "Yujie, don't talk so much. Your brother-in-law isn't that kind of person."    


Shangguan Yujie looked at Gao Feng and snorted. She said, "He's the one who knows best whether he's the kind of person I'm talking about or not."    


Gao Feng couldn't be bothered with Shangguan Yujie and continued to examine the body of the masked man. When Gao Feng took off the veil of the last masked man, Yin Yiqian exclaimed, "I think I've seen this person before."    


"Have you seen this person before? Where did you see it? " Gao Feng looked up in surprise and delight.    


"Let me have a good look and think about it." Yin Yiqian walked into the corpse of the masked man and lowered the lamp. The light illuminated the pale face of the man as she carefully examined him, saying, "I have indeed seen this person before, but I cannot recall where I have seen him before."    


"Big Sister Yiqian, think carefully, is he even a member of Hades Religion?" Shangguan Yujie asked anxiously.    


It was because Gao Feng's face did not look too good and he was still angry at her. If these masked people really were people from Hades Religion, then Gao Feng would have no reason to be angry with her.    


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