Dragon Sovereign

C849 I Can also Do It

C849 I Can also Do It

0During this time, Zhang Fan created a cave in the area covered by the formation. He was always focused on cultivation, and this was how he was going to go about his business every day. He did not have much time to spend with the few of them.    


However, they were all people who were easily satisfied, and every time, they would be extremely happy …    


A month later, Zhang Fan's strength had returned to its peak. Although he had learned quite a few divine abilities, he still knew that from time to time, he would still be that guy's opponent. His heart was still heavy.    


He wanted to reach the Saint level, but it was easier said than done …    


However, he was not agitated at the moment because there was nothing he could do about it. Instead, it would affect his cultivation. However, he managed to suppress his irritation. Every time he finished cultivating, his face would be filled with worry.    


He didn't know what had happened to the Holy Orchid race, but he knew it was definitely not going to be any better. After all, once that guy recovered his strength, he would definitely be chasing them.    


Worry grew within him every day, and the invisible pressure from the pressure made him feel as if he couldn't breathe.    


On the other hand, when Zhang Fan cultivated every day, a few people would look at him. Every time they saw his expression, they would feel heartache. Within their invisibility, their heartache also increased.    


Zhang Fan had endured too much. They really didn't want him to continue living like this forever.    


On that day, a few of them decided to talk to Zhang Fan, so they all gathered around him at the same time.    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Fan saw that there was a slight smile on their faces. He had always been the one bearing the burden, so he didn't want them to bear the pressure.    


Seeing Zhang Fan like this, their hearts were once again moved. Their eyes were rimmed red, and they were trying their best not to shed tears.    


"Big Brother Zhang, don't put too much pressure on yourself. This won't be good for you." Yu Jiu took the initiative to speak up.    


"Haha, it's fine."    


Zhang Fan was stunned. At this moment, his expression was a bit unnatural, and a bit bitter. It seemed that the few of them still knew something.    


He did have a chance, but he would have to wait for this opportunity to happen. If he really did break through to become a Saint, then the other party wouldn't be able to reach a higher level.    


Because if there was even the slightest mistake, what awaited him was most likely death …    


With so many people waiting, how could he die? Thus, it could be said that he was in a dilemma. He was stuck in an extremely awkward situation. If he were to put this matter in an ordinary person's hands, perhaps that person would have already collapsed.    


"Big Brother Zhang!"    


At this moment, Yu Jiu murmured to himself, then bit his lips and said, "Should we leave this place and go back to the Martial Spirit Continent? This place will never come again, okay?"    


As the sound of his voice faded, Zhang Fan's expression changed. Honestly speaking, this wasn't a thought that had never occurred to him before. However, if he really did sit like this, he might be able to live together with them everyday.    


He did not want to live like he did every day. He wanted to solve all the problems and come into contact with all the troubles. That way, there would be no regrets in his heart.    


Furthermore, Hong Jun's inner demons were so powerful that if he could track them down and visit the Martial Spirit Continent, then the Martial Spirit Continent would bring an unprecedented disaster. This was something he absolutely did not want to see.    


"I believe that all of you also want to live a good life without any regrets. I don't want to think too much and the only person who can fight him now is me, so I absolutely cannot leave this place. According to the prophecy, I am the only one who can defeat him. So many people are looking forward to it, so I cannot let go of this responsibility."    


"If I did that, I wouldn't be me."    


Zhang Fan mumbled to himself as his eyes became misty. He also yearned for that ordinary life, but he might be able to do it, but he definitely could not do it now.    


They looked at each other and bit their lips at the same time, not saying anything. In fact, they had already thought of this.    


Since Zhang Fan had also said so, the only thing they could do was to stay with him …    


"I'll definitely do it." Zhang Fan mumbled to himself before standing up with a smile. "Hur Hur, I haven't been with you guys for a long time. Let's walk." He led the way outside.    


During the process, it was unknown if it was due to the previous effect, but the current atmosphere was a little heavy. Zhang Fan had repeatedly tried to liven it up, but in the end, it was still the same.    


At night, Zhang Fan did not go to cultivate. Instead, he accompanied the few of them as they lay on the grass, looking at the stars in the sky.    


It had been a long time since he'd had a drink, but this time he started it. However, he rarely got drunk now, and he missed the feeling of being drunk a long time ago. He didn't need to think about anything else, he could sleep comfortably, and how he was going to drink the next day.    


All the worry be dissipate    


Accompanying the few of them for the night, Zhang Fan started his cultivation the next day.    


At this time, the seven girls were gathered together. Chen Wanshan hesitated for a moment before saying, "I want to help Big Brother Zhang Fan, to help him break through earlier."    


"How?" Yu Jiu inquired.    


"Our clan has been gathering Origin Star Pearls in my body for a long time, and the energy contained within is very strong, but right now it hasn't matured yet. If it matures, I can give it to Big Brother Zhang Fan. If that's the case, Big Brother Zhang Fan, you might really break through."    


After they heard what he said, their eyes lit up at the same time. Nuwa and Chenmian had been together, so she understood something. Thus, she asked, "Wanmian, is there any way for you to mature your star essence?"    


"Yes, the power of the stars …" Chen Shuang told her what had happened in space. At that time, she had absorbed the power of the stars the fastest.    


"Fine. Every day, I'll take you there to train," Nuwa said.    


"Me too. Me too." Yi Ya hesitated a little bit and said in a low voice. At this moment, she opened her small hand and a dragon pearl appeared. The energy was surging inside them.    


"I've already fused with the dragon pearl, but I can still give it to big brother Zhang Fan. If he absorbs it, his cultivation will also increase!"    


The words of Yi Ya stunned them at the same time. After that, Xiao Lian and Xiao Qing said at the same time, "The two Origin beads Master gave us earlier are also extremely rich. We can present them to master now!"    


"I also have that source in my body, but it seemed to have been absorbed by Big Brother Zhang last time. I don't know if it's of any use …" Yanran bit her lips. Her face was flushed red as she thought about it for the first time.    


After the two of them finished speaking, Yu Jiu and Wu Ting looked at each other. Their expressions simultaneously became dejected. The two of them were the most useless.    


Nuwa and Zhang Fan understood this, and Zhang Fan had also stated that the reason why he was able to completely recover his power was because of the effects of Nuwa.    


Thus, there were only two people who hadn't helped Zhang Fan.    


Noticing their expressions, Nuwa held their hands and said, "Tingting, Jiu Jiu, you don't need to think so much. We all want to help young master, don't you? I believe if you can help young master now, you will definitely help him without hesitation, because we are family, right?"    


The two of them looked at each other and nodded gently. Their faces were red, because with a single word from Nuwa, their hearts felt warm as well.    


"Then let's begin from now on. Young master, you've worked hard, and we can't afford to let you down," Nuwa said now.    


After hearing this, the few of them nodded their heads and began their preparations.    



Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on with these few people, but they rarely came looking for him, so he understood that these people probably didn't want to disturb his cultivation, which was why they acted like this.    


Time passed by slowly. Zhang Fan's strength had increased a little, but he could feel that he was still a hundred thousand miles away from breaking through. Sighing, he lay down on the icy ground with a confused expression on his face.    


Can he really do it? This was the first time he tried to ask himself, and his originally firm confidence wavered a little.    


Every time this happened, he would choose to encourage himself nonstop. This time was no exception, he thought about the people on the Martial Spirit Continent who were waiting for him to return, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and no longer had any rest. He sat up and continued to cultivate, unable to believe it.    


When he lifted his head to look, he discovered that a figure had walked in. When he looked carefully, he discovered that it was actually Chenmian, and a peculiar look appeared in his eyes. After which, a look of guilt appeared on his face and he concluded that he had not accompanied them properly for a very long time.    


When he got closer, he discovered that Chen Wanrui was carrying a quilt and bedding in his arms. His eyes revealed some doubt, and he immediately stood up and walked over to take it from her. At this moment, he could not help but say, "Wanru, why are you here?"    


"Brother Zhang Fan!"    


"My Star Origin Pearl is now ripe, you can give it to Brother Zhang Fan."    


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