Dragon Sovereign

C238 As for You You Are the Curse of Heaven?

C238 As for You You Are the Curse of Heaven?

0Violet Clouds Technique Level Nine    


Zhang Fan had an indescribable smile on his face. This cultivation realm was extremely hard to understand. If it wasn't for this sort of lucky chance, it would be very hard for him to understand this either.    


He was sitting right in front of Zhang Fan, so the feeling was extremely clear. The feeling Zhang Fan gave him from the very beginning was definitely not as reserved as he was now, but all of a sudden, Zhang Fan gave him this feeling.    


Needless to say, Zhang Fan definitely comprehended something.    


As time passed, an enormous city appeared in front of them. As they stood there at the highest point, Zhang Fan realized just how enormous the city was. It was a shocking sight to behold.    


As the distance between them got closer, the Griffin started to dive down at an incredible speed. When his hair was blown up, his clothes also started to flutter along with him.    


When the Azure Dragon Empire was right beneath their feet, the griffin's speed slowed down as well. It landed right above the Azure Dragon Academy, then slowly descended, landing in the direction of a huge square of the Azure Cloud Academy.    


After the griffin had settled down, Zhang Fan jumped down from its back. The old man walked over and said, "Let's go. I'll give you my regards," the old man said before walking outside.    


At this moment, the old man first brought Zhang Fan to the Soul Master's study area. The area there was extremely large, just like pill concocting. Outside of the classroom, there was also a special pill concocting place, which could be considered for students to practice with.    


Afterward, he wore the academy's soul teacher emblem, and arranged a place for Zhang Fan to rest during the day.    


"Since the time for refining pills and refining souls is up to you alone, the timing has been arranged. From eight in the morning to nine in the morning, and from nine in the morning to ten in the morning, when the refining process is still going on, you can come and find me anytime if anything happens during the next hour." With that, the old man left, and before he left, he also told Zhang Fan where he often stayed.    


Since he had nothing better to do, Zhang Fan laid on the bed for a long time. After he had rested enough, he stood up and walked outside.    


It was the recruitment time, but according to his calculations, it should be the last few days.    


Zhang Fan was currently walking around in a circle, looking at the people who were going to take the test. A strange feeling rose in his heart.    


However, it was worth mentioning that when he saw the Heaven's Punishment Medallion worn by many people, he felt that it was quite good.    


He was enjoying it very much, perhaps from the bottom of his heart. However, Zhang Fan was enjoying this feeling very much.    


After circling around, Zhang Fan asked the examiners what time the exam would end.    


When the instructor saw Zhang Fan's young appearance, he originally did not plan to pay any attention to him. However, as he swept his gaze over Zhang Fan, he actually noticed the medal on Zhang Fan's chest.    


That medal was the special medal for instructors. Surprised, he didn't expect to see such a young instructor. The most important thing wasn't this medal, but the medal that Zhang Fan was wearing, it was the one that taught Soul Masters.    


In other words, Zhang Fan already possessed the qualifications to teach the academy at such a young age.    


At this moment, he was wondering if Zhang Fan had stolen this medal, or where he had copied it.    


Frowning slightly, although the Blue Dragon Institute's instructor medal had a uniqueness, for safety's sake, the man still asked: "Little brother, you are a teacher …"    


"Yes!" Zhang Fan knew that he would arouse suspicion, so he didn't feel too surprised. He directly said, "Yes, I came from the inner courtyard. I'm here to substitute a teacher in teaching for a month."    


"Is that you?" The man couldn't help but say in surprise. He knew about this, but he didn't expect the inner courtyard would send such a young man here.    


Once again glancing at Zhang Fan in astonishment, the man directly said, "There are still three days until the exam ends."    


Zhang Fan thanked him as he thought of the three courses. His expression revealed helplessness. Although the timing was already set, he had no way of knowing where to start.    


Letting out a sigh, he finally began to doubt himself. In the huge Azure Cloud Academy, there weren't even three Soul Master instructors.    


"Little Brother, wait a moment." Seeing that Zhang Fan was about to leave, the man couldn't help but stop Zhang Fan and ask, "When did Little Brother go to the inner courtyard?"    


"It's been a while …" Zhang Fan shrugged his shoulders and walked outside. However, when he turned around, he seemed to have seen the suspicious look on the man's face. He suddenly thought of something and stopped walking.    


As Zhang Fan's voice faded, the man froze on the spot. A sliver of disbelief appeared in his eyes as he said, "You're the newbie king from last time."    


"The new King doesn't deserve to be called …" Zhang Fan couldn't help but laugh. He didn't think that there would be so many people who would know about him at such a time …    


"Your heavenly punishment is very good!" At this moment, the middle-aged man praised.    


Although the Heaven's Punishment wasn't the biggest in terms of numbers, it was a small team that no one dared to offend in the outer court.    


During the time that Zhang Fan and his team captain left, a member of the heavenly calamity was bullied by a small team, but all of the heavenly calamity members that passed by came at the same time.    


The heavenly calamity's rallying power was absolutely terrifying. When the cultivators heard this news, they all rushed out on a huge scale. Since then, no one dared to provoke them anymore.    


The name "Sky Scourge" began to spread throughout the whole academy.    


No matter how strong you are, no one will dare to provoke you. You are indeed powerful, but when you face a member of the heavenly punishment squad, you will be facing the entire heavenly punishment squad.    


Therefore, the current heavenly calamity was very fierce. Many people had their heads chopped off as they drilled their way in. However, according to Zhang Fan's will, it was extremely difficult to enter.    


However, everyone who entered would feel a sense of extreme pride from their body and mind.    


That's right, he was a member of the Heaven's Punishment. He wished for everyone to know that he was a member of the Heaven's Punishment.    


"Because your team is extremely outstanding, the academy has given you a place exclusive to members of the heavenly calamity. That's the place your team specializes. You can go take a look."    


"Where?" Zhang Fan asked in surprise.    


"It's not far from the arena. That's also where you can register. If you go there, you'll be able to see it because …" The man hesitated, then said, "Because there are quite a few people registering …"    


"Really?" Zhang Fan had an unspeakable look of surprise in his eyes when he heard this. He nodded in thanks for the benefits and walked in that direction.    


When he arrived at the direction of the battle coliseum, there was a sign next to it that read "Heaven's Punishment!" There were quite a few people surrounding there. Zhang Fan's eyes revealed a strange expression as he walked over, but just as he was about to enter the arena, quite a few people couldn't help but say, "Kid, you're also a newcomer this time, right? If you want to join the Heaven's Punishment, you have to queue up here if you don't understand the rules and regulations."    


Zhang Fan had a strange expression on his face. He then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I am a member of the heavenly calamity."    


"You are a man of retribution." Many people couldn't help but laugh.    


With a helpless expression on his face, Zhang Fan flipped his right hand and a golden badge appeared in his hand. Then, he wore it on his robe.    


"Golden?" Everyone was stunned, then a look of disdain appeared on their faces. One of them said, "You're not bad, where did you get the Heaven's Punishment Squadron Leader's medallion? It looks exactly the same, so I suggest you quickly take this medal down, or else you're dead for sure!"    


The reason that man said this wasn't because no one had done it, but the craftsmanship was a lot worse than regular medals. And because there were no blueprints, the craftsmanship was also a bit worse.    


The result of being found out was that he was ruthlessly beaten up by the true members of the heavenly retribution.    



A hint of surprise flashed across Zhang Fan's eyes. However, he felt that this was not a bad feeling. The fact that these people were so afraid meant that Nie Li had done a good job. Otherwise, they definitely wouldn't have such an effect.    


"It's him! It's this brat! He's holding a badge imitated by the heavens, and he's even imitating the words of the Captain!" At this moment, a man's voice rang out. Zhang Fan raised his head and saw a man walk out with another man.    


That person, Zhang Fan, passed the time when the heavenly calamity was first established. He was one of the ten-odd people.    


"Captain!" the man cried out in surprise. He quickly walked up to Zhang Fan and asked, "Captain, why did you come back from the inner courtyard?"    


"Cough, cough, it's hard to explain in a single sentence." Zhang Fan smiled helplessly, and then looked towards the man who had brought the group out, only to discover that his expression was dull.    


"The snitch doesn't want to!" Zhang Fan said indifferently. He ignored the man's despairing gaze and walked inside. The man that was brought out followed closely behind him.    


"F * ck me, that's really the captain of the Heaven's Punishment Squad!" The rest of the men widened their eyes in disbelief.    


"That's right, how can he be so young?" The other person cried out in shock as well, disbelief written all over his face.    


They were the people who passed the assessment, because there was nothing to do outside. After hearing the name "Sky Scourge", they came directly here to take the assessment, hoping to join the assessment.    


But was it really that easy to enter? At least, they had seen many people leave after failing their examinations.    


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