Dragon Sovereign

C222 Explosion Furnace

C222 Explosion Furnace

0"Could it be due to this Martial Spirit?" The Vice Principal made a guess and then waved his hand, signaling Zhang Fan to put it away.    


"Your potential is enormous, so work hard," the Vice Principal said as he glanced at Ouyang Xian`er.    


"Mmm." Zhang Fan nodded his head lightly.    


The vice Principal waved her hand and didn't say anything else. Zhang Fan and Ouyang Xian`er took a look before walking into her room.    


The next day, Zhang Fan left Linlang Peak and went to find Yue Yi. After arriving there, Old Qin glanced at Zhang Fan and said, "I had intended for you to carry out some heavy training for your soul power today. However, Old Man Ding wanted to temporarily transfer a soul disciple over to help, but remember, you're not allowed to run away."    


"Got it." Zhang Fan nodded his head with a smile on his face.    


"Go!" The old man waved his hand and said, "Old Man Ding will tell you what to do when we get there."    


Zhang Fan nodded his head lightly. After bidding farewell to the old man, he also walked over to Elder Ding.    


When he arrived at the concocting of pills, he saw Elder Ding in the courtyard.    


"He's here!" Elder Ding walked up and said with a trembling voice, "Little brother, are you thinking about our alchemy development?"    


"Elder Ding, I'm sorry …" Zhang Fan had an embarrassed expression on his face.    


"Ah, what a good seedling." Elder Ding could not help but bitterly smile. In the end, he sighed. At this moment, a cry of surprise accompanied by a loud bang came from a room in the distance.    


"The furnace's blown up again!" A helpless voice came from inside, then the door opened and two men who looked to be in an extremely sorry state walked out.    


Elder Ding furrowed his brows, looked at the two men, and said, "Before the two of you have completely fused, you cannot relax. "Let's continue practicing."    


"Yes!" The two men nodded their heads lightly and walked in. At this time, the old man's gaze landed on Zhang Fan and he let out another sigh. The reason for the explosion was because his soul power was too weak.    


"Follow me," Elder Ding could not help but look at Zhang Fan once more before saying this.    


Elder Ding led Zhang Fan to a room. It was a separate room, and there was a girl sitting in front of a pill furnace refining pills. Elder Ding looked at the girl and said, "Shixuan, this little brother will be your assistant for now."    


The girl raised her head. Zhang Fan looked over to see that the girl was covered, so he couldn't see her face clearly. However, in terms of temperament, this girl was quite extraordinary.    


At this moment, the girl's eyes revealed a trace of indescribable surprise, but soon she returned to normal. She looked at Elder Ding and said, "En, thank you, Elder Ding!"    


Elder Ding nodded slightly. He looked at Zhang Fan and said, "While you're helping her, you can try to learn from her. In the future, if you want to concoct pills, it'll be easier to obtain one."    


"I know." How could Zhang Fan not understand Old Ding's intentions? He bitterly smiled and nodded.    


Elder Ding looked over at Zhang Fan, then nodded slightly. Finally, he sighed and turned to leave.    


"How can I help you?" After Old Ding left, Zhang Fan's gaze landed on the masked girl as he asked.    


The girl once again carefully sized up Zhang Fan and said, "You're also a soul user?"    


"I guess so," Zhang Fan nodded.    


"Oh …" The girl nodded and said, "Your Martial Spirit is the Sword Soul."    


"How did you know?" Zhang Fan's eyes revealed a hint of surprise and vigilance.    


The girl naturally noticed Zhang Fan's expression and directly said, "When we were in the Moon Slayer Kingdom, our caravan took you there."    


"Eh." Zhang Fan's eyes widened slightly. Then, he said, "That's your caravan."    


"Yes." The girl's mouth curved into a smile as her beautiful eyes carefully sized Zhang Fan up. "I didn't expect to see you here."    


"I didn't expect it either." Zhang Fan's eyes were still filled with amazement. He continued, "How can I help you?"    


The girl stood up and said, "Because I'm a Tier 3 pill refiner and I'm a Tier 2 Pill Refiner. I might fail, so I might need your soul power to support me."    


"How?" Zhang Fan nodded.    


The girl called Zhang Fan over. "Control the flame inside the cauldron. When I need you, make the flame bigger. If you're smaller, make you smaller!"    


"No problem," Zhang Fan nodded.    


"You can try it now." The girl looked at Zhang Fan with her beautiful eyes and said, "Use your soul power to connect to this crucible and try to control it."    


Zhang Fan nodded his head and put the little magical beast aside.    


"Such a cute magical beast!" The girl couldn't help but exclaim.    


Zhang Fan couldn't help but smile. After nodding his head, he released his soul power, including the pill furnace. At this moment, he could clearly feel his soul power seeping into the pill furnace.    


"Violet Flame, your soul power is very strong!" The girl couldn't help but say this with surprise. Her eyes were filled with amazement as she said, "Violet Flame, you need to reduce the output of your soul …"    


The girl began to teach Zhang Fan, and he quickly understood.    


"Then … let's begin!" The girl took a deep breath and with a flip of her right hand, a few medicinal plants appeared in her palm. Then, she floated them into the furnace. At this moment, the girl controlled the furnace to start refining.    


Seeing that the medicinal plant was being cremated bit by bit, forming drops of liquid, Zhang Fan was slightly surprised. At this moment, the girl took out the medicinal plant and began refining it. At this moment, Zhang Fan could feel the girl's soul floating extremely fast.    


Zhang Fan didn't know how many medicinal plants the girl had refined, but when she was floating in the ball of liquid, she stopped. At this time, her expression became extremely solemn, and suddenly, her soul power became extremely terrifying. Her hands began to float, and a mark was instantly imprinted on the cauldron.    


At this moment, the girl became extremely serious, and sweat started to trickle down her face.    


Zhang Fan also looked inside, not daring to even breathe. He was afraid that he would disturb the girl.    


As the amount of liquid inside gradually decreased, there were only a few left. At this time, the girl took a deep breath, and her beautiful eyes glinted with a bright light. Suddenly, her soul grew larger. The liquid within began to fuse together, fusing together in less than a second.    


At this moment, after all of the solutions had fused together, they began to tremble irregularly, looking extremely unstable.    


Frowning, the girl's hands moved again, and a few handprints flew in. However, at this time, the girl's soul force was visibly weakened.    


Seeing that the girl still didn't let him make his move, he could only watch from the side. However, he was very focused, and as the girl spoke, he was able to completely control her.    


After a few imprints, the ball of liquid became more stable. At this time, the girl exhaled and was about to open her mouth, but Zhang Fan suddenly rushed towards her and carried her to the other side.    



The young woman stared in shock, and her eyes filled with rage. She unleashed her power almost instantly. Zhang Fan let out a muffled grunt. It was at this moment that a loud bang could be heard, and the cauldron exploded. An energy rippled in all directions.    


Because Zhang Fan had been paying attention to what was happening inside, he had indeed calmed down at that time. However, when the girl was relieved, he could clearly feel it again, the ball of liquid had become restless, followed by the fire in the cauldron. Zhang Fan had vaguely thought of an explosion when he first entered the furnace, and the loud sound had caused him to hold the girl and quickly run to the side.    


The girl was stunned. At this moment, she finally understood what was going on. Following that, a look of deep regret appeared in her eyes. She seemed to have used her energy to shock Zhang Fan just now.    


After the energy dissipated, Zhang Fan released the girl and stood up. At this moment, his face was slightly pale, because that blow from the girl just now was pretty big.    


"No …" "I'm sorry …" The girl said embarrassedly, her eyes full of regret.    


"I'm fine." Zhang Fan lightly shook his head, then extended his hand out towards the girl.    


After reading it, the girl hesitated for a moment before reaching out and placing her hand onto Zhang Fan's.    


Zhang Fan gently held her hand and discovered that her hand was very soft. It felt quite comfortable holding it. He didn't think too much and directly pulled her up from the ground.    


"Are you hurt?" The girl looked at Zhang Fan's expression and took out a medicinal pill. "This is a Tier 2 Heaven's Parasite Pill that I concocted myself. Take it. It's good for your injuries."    


"Thanks." Seeing that the girl's eyes still had an apologetic look, Zhang Fan nodded his head and accepted it. If he didn't, the girl would probably feel even more embarrassed.    


Therefore, after Zhang Fan received it, he directly consumed it. Indeed, after consuming it, a warm feeling enveloped his entire body, and his injuries immediately lessened.    


Seeing that Zhang Fan's complexion had recovered slightly, the girl once again apologized. She had thought that Zhang Fan was going to do something to her. Now that she thought about it, she felt that she was being underestimating him.    


"That's right, what was the matter with the furnace explosion just now?" Elder Ding asked vaguely.    


"This is because many of these herbs do not fuse together and will affect the balance when forcefully fusing them, because the herbs themselves contain some strength. After fusing them together, this kind of strength will become even more powerful and after creating an unstable situation, it will explode. This is the so-called explosion." The girl explained.    


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