Female CEO's Super Bodyguard

C269 If You Have too Much Talent You will be Able to Learn It as Soon as You Learn It

C269 If You Have too Much Talent You will be Able to Learn It as Soon as You Learn It

0The Dragon God Cult kept on provoking Yang Ping, and Yang Ping was really angry.    


When Zhen Ying saw Yang Ping's domineering look, she liked it even more. Wang Yue grabbed her collar and slapped him twice, but not only did she not feel any pain, her laughter became even more sinister, as though she was looking at a dead man.    


"All of you will die." The person coughed out blood and chuckled.    


Wang Yue still wanted to continue to beat him up, but was stopped by Yang Ping, who said indifferently: "Stop hitting me, it's useless. HShes just a puppet. There's no way he can hurt a single hair on his head. " Wang Yue was furious, but she could only stop. He sat on the chair and covered her face, feeling extremely uncomfortable. The crying sounds of the girl next door did not stop. Zhao Guo's death had caused the Criminal Police to have a common hatred towards him.    


Yang Ping took a deep breath, a light flashed past her eyes as she stared at the man in front of him and said: "If you want to play with me, I'll accompany you."    


That person sneered and disdainfully said, "You don't even know who I am, how are you going to play with me? Kid, I won't kill you for now, but I will play with the people around you until they die one by one. Until you go crazy. "    


Wang Yue was furious, she wanted to pounce and beat him up. But Yang Ping was surprisingly calm, and said indifferently: "I'll be waiting." Ka-cha! * He hit the man in the head with her palm and the man lost consciousness and fell to the ground.    


"Tell me about the Dark Hypnosis Arts in detail." Yang Ping took a deep breath and looked at Zhen Ying.    


Zhen Ying laughed: "Hubby let me speak, I will tell you everything. This is a good thing from Master's Scripture Pavilion. I took many years to memorize it. " Hearing that Zhen Ying thought she was being sentimental, Yang Ping did not object. She glared and wished that she could kick Yang Ping to death.    


"I explained it to you before, Dark Hypnosis. However, there was one weakness. That was to control the target, not too far away. The more powerful it was, the more people it controlled and the further away it was. However, from what I can see, the strength of the person you have captured is average. I reckon that Dark Hypnosis Master is at the Fifth Level Stage realm. "    


"As long as we can find his position while he is using hypnosis, we will be able to catch him off guard. With my husband's strength, killing a hypnotist with Fifth Level Stage shouldn't be a problem. " Zhen Ying looked at Yang Ping, her eyes blinking, thinking that Yang Ping liked it the more she looked at him.    


Wang Yue said angrily: "At this time, are you still trying to seduce girls?"    


Yang Ping was speechless, her eyes only saw him flirting with girls, and she laughed helplessly as she left the People's Hospital. Since the other party said to start from the person beside him, the most likely target would be Dragon City University's Zhang Rong.    


Yang Ping could feel that the Dark Hypnotist knew him like the back of her hand. It seemed like she was one of the people by her side.    


It was already seven thirty in the evening when she rushed to Dragon City University. Wang Yue stayed in the hospital to deal with Zhao Guo's fiancee. Zhen Ying followed Yang Ping and arrived at the Dragon City University Academy. Looking left and right, she didn't seem nervous at all.    


Seeing a couple kissing on a tree, Zhen Ying opened her mouth wide and looked shyly at Yang Ping, her head lowered.    


Zhang Rong still had not woken up after getting drunk. When Yang Ping came to the bedside, he saw that he was sleeping soundly, so he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. At least the other party did not control Zhang Rong. Zhang Rong opened his hazy eyes and saw a man sitting beside him, he screamed in fear. When he saw that it was Yang Ping, he let his guard down and scolded him, "I thought someone was trying to violate me."    


Yang Ping's face darkened. I came all the way here to protect you and yet you think you're doing this to me? I wanted to smack him to death with a single slap.    


"Where are you going?" Zhang Rong asked anxiously.    


"Let's go out for a walk." When Yang Ping left the dorm, Zhang Rong was puzzled. He pressed his forehead, feeling a headache. After getting drunk, it would take at least a day of rest. He did not dare to think about Lu Pingyan, because that would be very uncomfortable.    


Walking out of the dorm, Yang Ping pondered over the other party's goal. If it wasn't Zhang Rong, then who else could it be?    


With Sunn Wangyue's protection, it was almost impossible for the other party to control Zhu Xi. There were a lot of policemen around Wang Yue. Unless the target wanted to die, they would not take the risk. Zhang Rong looked very normal, there were no signs of him being controlled.    


Yang Ping sank into deep thought.    


"My hand!"    


Yang Ping lifted her head and saw that Zhen Ying was surrounded by a boy. The boy currently had his arms wrapped around his body as he looked at Zhen Ying with fear. Zhen Ying revealed a cold smile, looking like she was angry.    


Zhen Ying was definitely a goddess in the school. She attracted the attention of many horny students, and there were always blind people who provoked her. Seeing the screaming boy, Yang Ping was surprised for a moment.    


That person was actually Xiao Yu. He had never suffered before and felt that it was easy to get Zhen Ying. He didn't expect to be hit so hard that his head bled. When Xiao Yu arrived at the small shop and saw the goddess in her heart selling ice cream, she thought that an opportunity had come. Thus, she went forward to chat with her, not thinking that Zhen Ying would ignore her.    


Xiao Yu felt that her looks and talents were one in a million within the Dragon City University. She was the male god for many girls, but she was disappointed in Zhen Ying. In his fury, he chased after Zhen Ying, wanting to pull his arm.    


However, Zhen Ying had snapped Xiao Yu's arm in anger. Zhen Ying was the last disciple of the Sorrowful to a Ghost, she had learnt how to kill and fuss, any move would cause great harm to the enemy.    


Even though it was a broken arm, there were many tricks to it. Not only were the bones broken, but the meridians and acupuncture points inside them were also shattered. Furthermore, if the Qi was infused into the body, the blood in the entire arm would be dead.    


Xiao Yu looked at Zhen Ying in fear, as the pain made her want to die.    


Ka-cha! *    


Zhen Ying kicked Xiao Yu's crotch.    


Xiao Yu's eyes were wide open as she kneeled on the ground, unconscious from the pain.    


Zhen Ying clapped her hands, and coldly snorted: "I have a husband, you dare to tease me, you're courting death." After speaking, a small silver sword appeared in her hand, as if she wanted to wipe off Xiao Yu's neck. Yang Ping was shocked, and immediately shouted: "Stop." If there was a murder on campus, it would be a huge problem.    


Zhen Ying stopped. Seeing Yang Ping, she revealed two dimples, and said with a smile: "Hubby, he just wanted to touch me. I'll teach him a little lesson."    


Yang Ping laughed bitterly, this was only a small lesson. Since Xiao Yu had been crippled, not only did she lose her arm, she probably wouldn't be able to use it for the rest of her life. He took Zhen Ying on a stroll around the campus, looking for traces of the Dark Hypnotist.    


"He jumped off the building!"    


With a loud shout, a passing student turned his head and looked at the top of the male dorm building. Yang Ping raised his head to look, and her expression changed greatly. At this time, Zhang Rong sat on the roof and waved to the students downstairs.    




Yang Ping finally understood that she had been tricked. The other party had long controlled Zhang Rong, it was just that they intentionally acted normal when they saw him, in order to numb his nerves. When he turned around, she immediately ordered Zhang Rong to go upstairs.    


Remembering that the other party was able to thoroughly imitate Zhang Rong's actions and personality and even fooled him, Yang Ping's heart turned cold. How well did Dark Hypnotist know him and his surrounding friends to make fun of him so easily?    


"I can fly!" Zhang Rong opened his arms and made a gesture to jump down, scaring the students below into screaming. The counselor hurried downstairs and began to persuade him. The other leaders of the school came one after another.    


But Zhang Rong didn't listen at all, and only smiled foolishly at Yang Ping.    




Zhang Rong took out the phone from his pocket and threw it at Yang Ping. The strength was great, the accuracy was high, and it was beyond ordinary. It looked like he had been hypnotized. Yang Ping caught the phone, and turned around to the corner to avoid being targeted by others.    


"Kid, I said that I will slowly play you to death." A familiar cold voice sounded out, the other party mocked, "Do you think my acting talent is very good? If you don't even know how to control him, how are you going to fight me? "    


"What do you want to do?" Yang Ping said in a deep voice. She looked around and scanned her surroundings, but she did not find any Dark Hypnotist. There were more and more people, the school leaders moving out, all trying to calm Zhang Rong down. Everyone knew that Zhang Rong was crazy because of him. The matter between the two wasn't a secret in the school.    


"I want you to live a life worse than death." The owner of the cold voice said with resentment, "You killed my sacred flower, causing my followers to be captured. You deserve ten thousand deaths."    


"I'm right here right now. If you have the ability, come at me." Yang Ping said coldly.    


The other party chuckled and said sarcastically: "Brat, I know you're very strong, but so what? Your friend is about to jump off the building, can you stop him? Even if you can stop it once, next time. "    



Yang Ping continued: "There won't be a next time."    


The other laughed and said disdainfully, "You don't even know the magical effect of hypnosis. "Brat, I will use my full power next, your friend is going to jump off a building. Catch him!"    




Zhang Rong danced on the roof of the building and was about to jump down, scaring the school's leader and counselor so badly that their expressions changed. If the school s jumping off a building was uploaded to the Internet in front of so many people, the impact on Dragon City University would be extremely bad.    


"Will you watch your friend die with your brain bursting out with a bang? Do you like it?"    


Yang Ping did not speak, she stared at Zhang Rong with her eyes shining with a strange light. Zhen Ying searched the surroundings, trying to find the Dark Hypnotist's hiding place. Unfortunately, the other party had not appeared, and was only controlling Zhang Rong.    


Zhen Ying was very dissatisfied, and snorted: "We underestimated him, so it seems that his strength is probably Sixth Level Stage. She could control the distance to a thousand meters. We're hard to find. "    


Yang Ping revealed a strange smile.    


Seeing that Zhang Rong was about to jump off the building, Zhen Ying's expression was calm, not changing because of a single person's death. As long as it was not Yang Ping, the other people's deaths did not have anything to do with her.    


"You made a big mistake." Yang Ping grinned, closed her eyes, and said coldly, "A mistake that can take your life."    


The other party sneered. It was obvious that he did not believe him, and said sarcastically, "Then why don't you save him first. "Jump, jump down …" He called out three times, but Zhang Rong, who was standing on top of the building, only moved and did not jump anymore.    


"How is this possible!" When the other party realised that he could not control Zhang Rong, he jumped in fright and continued to hypnotize his.    




Yang Ping suddenly opened her eyes and with a loud shout, the Spiritual Force turned into a streak of light, cutting off the darkness and darkness. This was Yang Ping's strongest mental cohesion, all focused on the opponent.    




A sharp cry rang out, and not far away, there was a commotion coming from the shop. Following which, many of the students that bought items walked out in a fluster. Yang Ping pounced towards the shop and saw a boy lying on the ground with bloodshot eyes.    


Seeing her face clearly, Yang Ping frowned.    


It was actually him!    


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