Heaven Talisman

C317 Devilish Poison

C317 Devilish Poison

0At the same time, in front of the black light screen set up by Ghost Devil, while Mu Yi was fighting against Ghost Devil, the energy in the screen kept on surging. It was extremely unstable, as if it could explode at any time.    


"Chief, this light screen is fluctuating so much. Did Mu Yi really find a way to break it?" Gu Su, who was outside of the hologram, asked as he looked at the violent black hologram.    


"I can't say for sure, but there has indeed been an earth-shattering battle going on inside." After Gu Loong, who had his eyes closed for a while, heard Gu Su's words, he pondered a little and said.    


"Oh, no?" His own Patriarch already had Three Stars of Creation, but at this moment, Gu Su was secretly glad that his clan's Ancient Hidden Land was very hard. Otherwise, this Gu Family might have been overturned by the battle inside, and not just the current shaking of his body!    


"Hmm? Not good? "Quick, retreat!" While Gu Su was stunned for a moment, the expression of the seemingly relaxed Gu Loong changed involuntarily. With a wave of his sleeve, the two wind immediately forced Gu Su and Gu Yufeng to retreat. He stood in front of the two of them and waved his hand.    


"Whew ~ ~"    


The moment the energy light barrier was formed, the constantly churning black light barrier exploded. A wave of dark light s shot towards Gu Loong and the other two, but the scattered dark light's made a metallic sound when they struck the light barrier.    




In a moment, Gu Loong discovered that the dark light that was previously very powerful had instantly weakened. Under the astonished gazes of the three people, the black light seemed to have been attracted by something and it went deeper into the giant hole, leaving behind only a huge stone door.    


"The barrier has been broken. He actually succeeded." Gu Yufeng was dazed for a moment as she looked at the light screen dissipating. When she regained her senses, she immediately cried out in surprise.    




Just at this moment, a blurry figure slowly appeared from within the smoke, and its silhouette became more and more distinct. Not long later, the three of them saw a refined youth dressed in a robes of a second seal Spirit Master, walking out with a faint smile on his face. Although his robe was still tattered and in a sorry state, it made them feel as if it was rather pleasing to look at.    


"Cough cough, sorry, I almost tore down your Ancient Hidden Land. Hehe, but the trouble is solved." Even Mu Yi felt a bit uncomfortable with the three gazes that shot over. He then coughed dryly and laughed a few times.    


"Inside?" Hearing Mu Yi's words, Gu Loong's breathing seemed to quicken as he asked. Others might not know what appeared inside the Ancient Hidden Land, but he was very clear about it.    


"This person should be the Patriarch of the Gu Family. Haha, the thing inside no longer exists. Please be at ease, Master Gu Family." Seeing the imposing middle-aged man in front of him, in addition to the strength of the Three Stars of Creation, Mu Yi guessed that the middle-aged man in front of him should be the Patriarch of Gu Family.    


"Many thanks to you, little brother. Please follow me out to catch up, hur hur." At this moment, he also didn't feel any trace of evil. Although he was very surprised at how this young man had done it, no one was willing to tell others their secret, so Gu Loong turned to the two people behind him and said, "I'll leave Gu Su's matter to you. Yufeng, take Brother Mu and go wash up."    


"Okay." Hearing Gu Loong's words, Gu Su and Gu Yufeng both agreed without a trace of doubt.    


After that, Mu Yi was led to an elegant room by Gu Yufeng. Several maids took on a variety of cleaning supplies and left the room under Mu Yi's strong request. If it wasn't for Mu Yi's strong request, these women would have stayed behind to help him wash up, and Mu Yi, who was still a CHU, found it hard to accept this.    


Mu Yi, who hadn't washed in a long time, was enjoying a hot bath today. During this period of time, he hadn't taken a hot bath after Beiyuan, and furthermore, he didn't have any hot water to wash in the forest.    


"Whew ~ ~"    


After washing up, Mu Yi changed into a blue robe and let out a heavy breath. He immediately felt comfortable and relaxed. After drinking a few cups of superior tea, Mu Yi pushed open the door and walked out.    


"Young Master, my old master has instructed us to meet you in the main hall after you have finished washing up." When Mu Yi pushed open the door, a maid in front of the door lowered her head and said, as if she was shy in front of Mu Yi!    


"Un, lead the way!" Now that he had settled the issue with the Gu Family, he should talk about the Sky Spirit Powder. Mu Yi came to the Gu Family from the Sky Spirit Powder, which could help Earth Spirit Master breakthrough to Heaven Spirit Master.    


"Young master, please." After the maid greeted him, she slowly led the way.    


At this time, it was a type of building style that was symbolized by a noble aura. Many people with authority and position liked this type of building style, but the construction cost of this building method was so expensive that it would cause people to click their tongues, and it was not something that a normal small family would be able to get their hands on.    


After following the maid through several corridors, the two of them arrived at an elegant courtyard. The splashing sounds of the water gave people a sense of elegance. With the addition of the fragrant scent of birds and the flowing water of a small bridge, it was hard to express their feelings.    


"Young Master Mu, we're here. Go in." After leading Wu Tie across a small bridge, the female attendant turned around and spoke to Mu Yi before slowly walking out of the courtyard.    


"Haha, Kun Pavilion!" Looking at the departing maid, Mu Yi turned his gaze towards the pavilion in front of him. On the pavilion hung a plaque with the words "Kun Pavilion" written on it. Mu Yi walked towards the door without any hesitation.    


"Haha, Brother Mu is here. Quick, please take a seat." The moment Mu Yi stepped into the hall, he heard a loud laughter. He saw that Gu Su had no way of getting close to him. He kindly pulled Mu Yi's hand and walked towards the main hall.    


In the center of the hall, there was a square sandalwood table that was a few meters long. On the table, there were all sorts of exquisite dishes, and the fragrance of various people would assail their nose. It seemed like these were the specialties of the Beiyuan.    


"Haha, little friend Mu Yi doesn't have a very good hospitality, so please don't mind him." As Mu Yi was sitting on the right side of the long table, Gu Loong, dressed in his fine clothes, strode towards the head of the table. Laughter rang out in the hall, followed by a charming woman. It was Gu Yufeng.    


"Hehe, Gu Family Master must be joking, I'm finally lucky today." It seemed that Gu Loong wasn't an ordinary person and was good at dealing with relationships. But when Mu Yi first met Gu Loong, he felt that Gu Loong's aura was a little strange. Gu Loong seemed stable but was also a little fake.    


"Brother Mu Yi, let go of this chance to enjoy it. Other than that, I dare not say that my Gu Family is first-rate!" Mu Yi's performance at Ancient Hidden Land today had completely proven his strength, so it was worth it for them to befriend him at Gu Family.    


This was society. No matter how much strength one had, they could obtain as much respect as they wanted. This was a world where strength spoke for itself. No matter where one went, the law would never change!    


"Come, Brother Mu, this cup is for you on behalf of the entire Gu Family. If you didn't help me, my Gu Family would have been in deep trouble." Liu Tie was able to break through the barrier of Ancient Hidden Land, and without mentioning anything else, his strength was already extremely rare. Furthermore, he was still so young, if he could have a good relationship with their Gu Family, it would be a good choice.    


"It's nothing, haha!" Seeing this, Mu Yi also raised his glass and said. Then, he drank it all in one gulp. He felt really good! The Gu Family's wine was indeed a good wine. As soon as it entered the mouth, it would give off a sweet fragrance. After it entered the stomach, he felt a warm current flowing through the stomach.    


"Pfft!" At this moment, Gu Loong, who had finished the wine in one gulp, suddenly spat out all the wine he had drank. He then violently coughed and his face immediately flushed red.    


"Patriarch, are you alright?" Gu Yufeng and Gu Su's expressions changed when they saw this. They did not know what had happened and why such a situation would occur for the family head. They hurriedly went up to support Wu Tie while Gu Yufeng's lily-white hand slowly patted on the back of Wu Tie's heart!    


"Cough cough. Ai, it's fine, I'm old. Come, let's continue." After coughing a few times and waving his hand, Gu Loong slowly spoke. At this moment, his expression gradually recovered as if nothing had happened before. It was as if he did not want others to know about something.    


"Mm. Alright." Mu Yi said. However, he seemed to be able to see something in Gu Loong's eyes, but he wasn't very sure about it.    


"Young Fellow Taoist Mu, this time I owe you a favor. This is a small matter, please accept it." Seated once again, Gu Loong's fingers flashed with a silver light and a silver white box appeared in his palm. He handed the white box over to Liu Tie and said, "This is Heaven's Spirit Powder!    


"Oh, Sky Spirit Powder is extremely important to me, so this junior will not be courteous, many thanks Gu Family Master." The moment Mu Yi received the wooden box, he could feel a dense wave of Spirit Power that faintly came out of the box. Presumably, it was the Heavenly Spirit Powder, and he took it as his own Accommodate Ring.    


"Hehe, there's no need to thank me. If you want to thank me, it would be because of my Gu Family." This Sky Spirit Powder was actually useless even if they put it in their Gu Family, but it was a rare treasure to these Spirit Master s. Once Mu Yi settled the issue of Ancient Hidden Land, their roots would be saved, so this little thing was nothing.    


"Alright, since Gu Family Master is like this, then I, Mu Yi, am not a greedy person. May I ask if Gu Family Master is infected with the devilish poison?! This brat has some methods. " Previously, Mu Yi felt that the aura on Gu Loong's body did not match with his Three Stars of Creation. Seeing him spit out wine today, Mu Yi confirmed that Gu Loong had entered into the Ancient Hidden Land before. Although he came out, he seemed to be eroded by the Evil Qi!    




"Demonic poison?"    


Gu Su and Gu Yufeng's expression changed instantly when they heard Mu Yi's sudden words. They then looked at Gu Loong with astonishment in their eyes!    


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