Heaven Talisman

C100 Octophagous Ant

C100 Octophagous Ant



With a sound, Mu Yi leaped up and landed on another big tree. He saw that the big tree was instantly split into pieces by the Eight Eyes Ant!    


The Eight Eyes Ant's huge head shook, and its mouth that was filled with sharp teeth slowly closed, its round head turning elliptical. It seemed to be surprised that Mu Yi was still standing steadily in place under its pressure, and the light in its bloody eyes was extremely strange!    


At this time, the Sword Essence Energy that Mu Yi had poured into the God Coffin Ancient Sword sword raised it high up with both hands and aimed it at the Eight Eyes Ant, then swung it down!    


Dozens of sword gleams broke through the barrier in the air and attacked the opponent in a straight line!    


It was unknown if it was because the Eight Eyes Ant's body was too big or was too heavy, but it did not dodge the dozens of sword beams that flew at it. However, its head straightened up once more as the sword light smashed into its body …    






The power condensed by the sword beam exploded upon colliding with the worm. It instantly produced flames that completely engulfed the worm's body that was exposed to the ground. In an instant, the light illuminated the sky!    


So easy? Mu Yi's eyes narrowed, he had a bad feeling about this. However, once the fire died down, the Eight Eyes Ant was safe and sound!    


Its carapace clearly had an extremely strong defensive ability against normal attacks. The explosion just now had only left a few charred marks on it, and it hadn't caused any damage to its body at all.    


On the other hand, strands of white smoke emerged from the Eight Eyes Ant's head. A portion of the liquid on its head evaporated due to the high temperature, but at the same time, it did not cause any damage!    


Powerful! Mu Yi was shocked. Although the attack had the intention of probing, it still used some of its power, but it did not expect the Eight Eyes Ant's defense to be so strong.    






After being attacked, the Eight Eyes Ant was finally angry. It lowered its head again and opened its huge mouth, spitting out a golden flame stream that instantly hit Mu Yi's chest!    


Bang! Mu Yi was sent flying! No matter if it was the Martial Cultivator's martial skills or the Demon Beast's innate skills, the attack power and speed that different abilities brought were different. Among them, the most dangerous was undoubtedly the instantaneous attack type. This was because in a short distance, it was almost impossible to dodge an instant attack. One could only rely on their Origin Energy Armor or external armor to withstand the attack.    


However, the instantaneous attack had a weakness that was both weak and preparation time, but the golden light that the Eight Eyes Ant spat out was extremely powerful, it struck right into Mu Yi's chest, and in its state, the strongest part of its energy protection armor forcefully opened up a big hole, the powerful impact knocked him flying!    


It was like wearing a bulletproof vest and being hit by a bullet, even though the thick armor blocked the deadly attack. However, the impact of the bullet was still able to cause some damage, even if Mu Yi's body had been tempered twice. There was still a sharp pain coming from his chest, and the energy shield was destroyed in an instant! However, it did not cause any substantial damage!    


Was this still a Core Formation Demon Beast? Good luck was only mediocre! Mu Yi took in a deep breath and the Sword Essence Energy in his body surged downwards. Before it fell to the ground, he stepped on it with his left foot and moved towards the right, then suddenly disappeared from the front of the Eight Eyes Ant.    


Eight Eyes Ant's defense was incredibly sharp, and facing it head on was undoubtedly the most foolish of choices. Before the second wave of its attack arrived, if Mu Yi was still within its attack horizon, then it would really be a dead end!    


At this time, Mu Yi's sudden disappearance in the air surprised the Eight Eyes Ant. It screamed, and its ugly head swayed left and right in search of traces of the enemy, but it was too big and half of its body was in the sand.    


In just the blink of an eye, Mu Yi flashed like a ghost to its right. The God Coffin Ancient Sword Sword slashed down onto the Eight Eyes Ant's carapace mercilessly.    


Although Mu Yi knew that the other party's carapace defense was extremely strong, he had no other choice. The Eight Eyes Ant's carapace was a semicircle shaped like an eggshell, and there were no weak spots on one piece of the carapace. The carapace was covered densely with sharp barbs.    


Sssii! *    


An unpleasant sound of metal tearing suddenly rang out. Mu Yi's slash contained 8 layers of earth power and had a very strong armor-piercing ability. In the instant when the sword was about to cut down, it exploded, slicing into the Eight Eyes Ant's shell.    


However, the sword was unable to penetrate any further after slashing an inch or so. The areas it cleaved through revealed a golden hue. It was unknown how thick the carapace was.    


Even melee attacks weren't enough! Mu Yi's heart sank. He didn't expect that even after using all his strength, he still couldn't break through the opponent's defense. How could he fight back then?    


When the longsword slashed down, he clearly felt that other than the incomparably hard carapace, this Eight Eyes Ant also had an invisible layer of substance, a layer of tenacious and condensed power protecting its entire body. It was precisely this kind of power that offset a large portion of the sword light's power. As a result, the Armour Pierce effect was reduced to its lowest.    


And this sword strike undoubtedly woke the Eight Eyes Ant up. He looked down and immediately found Mu Yi's position. He opened his mouth and spat out another stream of golden flames!    


Mu Yi was already prepared for this. After throwing out his sword, he immediately dodged to the side and dodged to the side to avoid this fatal attack. He then flew out and took out a new energy protection armor.    


However, the appearance of the vital armor also caused his speed to drop a lot. It was already impossible for him to do something like teleporting just now, and the light emitted by the armor could easily be discovered by the Eight Eyes Ant. Therefore, Mu Yi could only give up trying and retreat at full speed!    


If he couldn't fight back, he still had to think of a way out. If he really couldn't do it, then he could only think of a way to run away!    


When the Eight Eyes Ant turned its head again, it discovered that Mu Yi had already shot out dozens of meters like an arrow leaving the bow. And if it wanted to activate the golden flame flow again, it needed time to gather all the energy in its body.    


Just watch Mu Yi and He! Just as it was about to get out of the attack range, Eight Eyes Ant took a deep breath, and its head inflated twice as much as a balloon, then aimed at Mu Yi who was quickly running away! It suddenly opened its bloody mouth!    




A thick, dark green liquid sprayed out from its mouth, it was like a crossbow being shot out and catching up to Mu Yihe first! The sky above suddenly exploded into numerous liquid dots, forming a green mist in the air that enveloped Mu Yi!    


While fleeing. Mu Yi did not forget to observe the movements of the Eight Eyes Ant! " The distance it sprays the green liquid is... Qing Er was extremely greedy. Even though there was no threat when he looked like he was swinging his sword above his head, he did not dare to let his guard down. He immediately stopped and waved his sword above his head, sending rays of sword light to meet the green liquid head on!    


The green mist rapidly covered down like a huge net. The droplets and the sword net formed by the elemental energy clashed together, and immediately made a sizzling sound. The green liquid spat out by the Eight Eyes Ant actually had a strong corrosive effect on the elemental energy. In the blink of an eye, the thick sword net had completely melted away!    


As for the other drops of green liquid that fell on the sand, a large amount of white smoke that emitted an extremely pungent smell emitted from it.    


However, Mu Yi's reaction speed was also incredibly fast, it was the same before the sword ray was completely devoured! After getting out of the green liquid's range, he blocked the green fog's attack for a bit and then immediately used his strength to escape!    


When the Eight Eyes Ant on the other side saw that its attack had missed again, it raised its head and let out an angry hiss.    


This wasn't good news to Mu Yi, who had an urge to retreat. The Eight Eyes Ant didn't give up but started to chase him from underground. The scene from when it had just arrived appeared once more, the ground began to rumble and tremble. The sand dunes continuously arched up behind Mu Yi!    


Compared to Mu Yi's speed, the Eight Eyes Ant was not afraid at all. This Eight Eyes Ant was very powerful, but it had a huge body and could drill through from the ground. No matter what, it couldn't surpass Mu Yi's movement speed. He immediately launched himself and his speed suddenly doubled!    


But the next moment, Mu Yi realized that he thought of Eight Eyes Ant too simply!    


Without any warning, a ferocious and thick spike shot out from the sand. It rose up to a height of two to three meters, and the coverage was completely beyond Mu Yi's imagination. All he saw were tall thorns, making him feel as if he was in a forest of stone pillars. The trees from before were all knocked down by the stone forest!    


Due to it being too thick, the earth spikes that emerged from below didn't have much offensive power. Mu Yi easily dodged them, but the numerous earth spikes created a serious obstacle to his escape and he was no longer able to execute his movement technique calmly.    


Without a doubt, this was a Eight Eyes Ant's method of hunting. When Mu Yi was forced to stop, it had already caught up from the ground and suddenly rushed out from 20 to 30 meters behind Mu Yi!    


Sand and sand mixed with thorny stone pillars flew everywhere, the roars of Eight Eyes Ant shook the sky, its power was extremely terrifying!    


With the Stone Woods blocking the way in front and the powerful enemy closing in, Mu Yi didn't have much time to think about how to deal with the situation. He rushed forward a few steps with all his strength and suddenly jumped up onto the rock pillar!    


The tip of his foot touched one of the spikes on the ground, borrowing the force of the impact to suddenly fly forward for more than ten meters, and when he landed, he too, flew back a little. He jumped three times in succession, and in an extremely short period of time, he once again widened the distance between him and the Eight Eyes Ant.    



In order to dodge the Eight Eyes Ant's possible attack, Mu Yi had jumped like a snake. The facts proved that his decision was not wrong.    


It could also accurately determine Mu Yi's location from the ground. While chasing, it used a large amount of needles to slow Mu Yi's movements and was determined to kill Mu Yi no matter what!    


Mu Yi, who was unable to get out of the situation completely, finally got angry. This was the first time he was in such a sorry state being chased by a Demon Beast. Seeing the posture of the Eight Eyes Ant, he was definitely not going to let it go, he suddenly did not want to escape anymore!    


Even if the rabbit got anxious, it would bite, not to mention, Mu Yi was not a rabbit! Looking at the Eight Eyes Ant behind him that was giving up on chasing, a fierce look flashed across his eyes.    


Sand and dust flew into the air in front of him. The earth spikes that had emerged from the ground earlier were all uprooted and scattered in the air. The distance between the two sides was less than twenty to thirty meters!    


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