Universe Storage Box

C2721 It's Coming

C2721 It's Coming

0Huang Feng wasn't in a hurry to leave. He naturally wanted to see what would happen after he killed Old Emperor.    


What happened after that was somewhat out of Huang Feng's expectation, and some of it was within his expectations.    


Huang Feng originally thought that after Old Emperor was assassinated, the Fengjue Country would explode like a pot of boiling water. Sealing the city gate and capturing the murderer with all his might, that was him. After all, the one who died was their emperor, and that was the face of their country. Now that he had been assassinated and the murderer had not been caught... Wouldn't that be very shameful?    


However, the truth was that the Fengjue Country didn't choose to do this. Although they were indeed trying to catch the murderer, however... The force of the search was very low, as if it was just putting on a show. It felt as if only an unimportant person had died.    


Such an outcome was out of Huang Feng's expectation. Although they wouldn't be able to catch him even if they searched with all their might, they didn't even do it. They just pretended to be innocent. This was really unexpected.    


What Huang Feng expected was the reaction of the princes of Fengjue Country and the change in their relationship.    


The reason Huang Feng chose to kill Old Emperor was because he wanted the Fengjue Country to become chaotic. If that was the case, it would be very easy for them to fight their way into the city, and the casualties would be reduced as well.    


As for the princes, after they found out about Old Emperor's death, the conflict between them had intensified. They had started to argue in the main hall, and after that, each of them had their own ulterior motives. Each of them had their own scheme, even though the Eighth Prince and the others were discussing something. They had tried their best to be careful, but they were still followed by Huang Feng. He even overheard the conversation between the Eighth Prince and the Tenth Prince. He had heard everything clearly.    


Therefore, Huang Feng knew who those people whom he had met by chance were and what their identities were. He also knew about the Fengjue Country, the secret plot between the Eighth Prince and the Tenth Prince.    


Since he already knew about their plan, Huang Feng would naturally do something to stir up a bigger conflict within the Fengjue Country.    


At noon the next day, Fourth Prince brought his men to the Tenth Prince's residence. Although he already had some trust in the Tenth Prince in his heart, however... After all, this was a crucial period, and the Tenth Prince had just joined his side not long ago. Therefore, he had to bring along his guards, especially Old Emperor, who had just been assassinated. Although Fourth Prince didn't ask his men to capture the murderer with all their might, but... He was also afraid that the murderer would make a move on him, so he didn't just bring his guards with him. Furthermore, he also brought along quite a number of guards.    


At this moment, the Tenth Prince was at his residence. He was nervously waiting. In a while, he would have to follow the plan he had discussed with the Eighth Prince. He had come to assassinate Fourth Prince. If he succeeded, it wouldn't be a problem. If he was seen through, his outcome would surely be miserable.    


"He won't be found out. Apart from himself and Myna, no one else knows about this. Eighth Brother and Fourth Brother have always been at odds with each other. It's impossible for him to betray himself on this matter." The Tenth Prince consoled himself in his heart.    


However, even though he thought so, the Tenth Prince was still very nervous in his heart. As a result, his face was slightly pale and his forehead was covered in sweat. After all, this was a matter that concerned his own life, so it was impossible for him not to worry.    


When he saw Fourth Prince's carriage approaching, the Tenth Prince hastily went forward to welcome him.    


This was a sign of lowering his attitude. Of course, it was also to further eliminate Fourth Prince's suspicion of him and increase his trust in him.    


"Thank you, Ling, for giving me the honor of meeting you." The Tenth Prince bowed slightly and said.    


"Okay." What surprised the Tenth Prince and made him even more nervous was that Fourth Prince didn't seem to be very enthusiastic. At least, he wasn't as enthusiastic as yesterday.    


Fourth Prince didn't pay attention to the astonished Tenth Prince. Instead, he walked straight forward. After the Tenth Prince regained his senses, he immediately followed behind.    


At this time, Fourth Prince suddenly said to the Tenth Prince, "Tenth Brother, are you very hot?"    


"Hot? I'm not hot?" The Tenth Prince said in astonishment.    


"I'm not hot. Why is my forehead sweating?" Fourth Prince said.    


"Uh." The Tenth Prince didn't expect Fourth Prince to observe so carefully. He paused for a moment and said, "I'm nervous. Ling, you will soon be the Emperor of our Fengjue Country. The Tenth Prince was nervous to be able to dine with the future Emperor. I'm also flattered. "    


"Is that so?" Fourth Prince said noncommittally, then continued to walk inside.    


The Tenth Prince looked at Fourth Prince's back, wondering what Fourth Prince meant by what he said just now. Why did he ask that question? Did he discover something?    


The Tenth Prince, who was already very nervous, became even more nervous. He kept thinking about whether Fourth Prince had discovered him or not.    


However, since Fourth Prince had already walked in, it wasn't good for him to stay here any longer. He could only take a few quick steps to catch up with Fourth Prince's pace. No matter what, since Fourth Prince had already come, he would definitely go and greet him.    


After entering the hall, all the guests and guests sat down, even in their own residences. The Tenth Prince didn't dare to sit at the main seat, but on Fourth Prince's side... There were still a lot of guards standing behind him. Obviously, even if he had to eat, he would not withdraw his guards.    


The Tenth Prince looked at the guards behind Fourth Prince and felt his heart beating faster. Fortunately, he wasn't planning to kill the Tenth Prince by force. If that was the case, he would have to bear the blame, even if the Tenth Prince was dead. He wouldn't have a good ending either. The Tenth Prince wasn't stupid. At that time, the Eighth Prince and the others would definitely abandon him.    


Therefore, the method he discussed with the Eighth Prince was... Inviting Fourth Prince over for a meal, and then drug him in the wine. Furthermore, it was a slow-acting medicine that wouldn't act up on the spot. However, after half a day, the poison would die. If that was the case... No one would suspect him.    


This was also the method that the Tenth Prince could accept. Although he also wanted to kill Fourth Prince, he didn't want to get himself involved in this matter.    


At this moment, a maid poured wine for the two of them. The Tenth Prince's eyes unconsciously shifted to the wine cup in front of Fourth Prince. The wine wasn't poisonous. He had ground the poison into powder in advance. It was stuck to the inside of the wine glass. As there was not much of it, it was not easy to find it. After pouring the wine, it would quickly dissolve, colorless and odorless.    


The wine had already been poured. The Tenth Prince took the initiative to raise his cup and said to Fourth Prince, "Let's first congratulate Fourth Brother on successfully ascending the throne. I believe that... Under the lead of Fourth Brother, our Fengjue Country will definitely be incomparably glorious. Fourth Brother will also accomplish a great deed! "    


After he finished speaking, the Tenth Prince downed the wine in his cup to express his respect!    


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