Universe Storage Box

C2683 Retreat

C2683 Retreat

0The Fengjue Country was very cautious, so Huang Feng gave up on the idea of attacking the city tonight. He wanted to kill all the soldiers outside the city first.    


Moreover, under the city wall of the Fengjue Country, they surrounded and killed the soldiers of the Fengjue Country. It was a huge blow to the defending troops in the city. They stood on top of the city walls and could clearly see the situation outside the city. However, they could only watch helplessly as their comrades were killed. And they didn't have any good ideas.    


Although there were soldiers shooting arrows from the top of the city walls, however, the number of arrows was very good because it was already late at night. The light was dim and the accuracy rate was not high. In addition, there were also many Fengjue Countries soldiers outside the city. They were fighting with the soldiers from the Yuan Feng Country who were chasing after them. The soldiers on top of the city wall could not distinguish each other at all. Once they shot arrows, it was very easy for them to hurt their own people.    


"Open the city gates! Quickly open the city gates!"    


"We are one of our own. Quickly open the city gate and let us in."    


"Hurry up and open the city gate. I beg of you, hurry up and open the city gate."    


The soldiers in the Fengjue Country army outside the city had already fallen into despair.    


Originally, a night raid outside the city and being surrounded by the enemy was already enough to deal a heavy blow to them. It was enough to make them despair. They had finally broken out of the encirclement with great difficulty. Furthermore, they had rushed to the foot of the city wall. It seemed like they could escape back into the city. If that was the case, they would be safe.    


However, they did not expect that when they reached the city gates... What awaited them was the tightly shut city gates. Although there were many soldiers standing on the city walls, however, they could only watch helplessly and did not have any intention of lending a helping hand. They could only watch helplessly as they were killed one after another by the people of Yuan Feng Country.    


At this moment, there was only despair in the hearts of the Fengjue Country soldiers outside the city, as well as their resentment towards the people in the city!    


If they died in the camp of Yuan Feng Country, it would be fine. However, they had already escaped to the city gate, and they could already see the hope of escaping. However, their last hope had been taken away by their own people. They could only look at the ice-cold city wall, which was now surrounded and killed by the army of Yuan Feng Country.    


Under such circumstances, the feelings of the Fengjue Country soldiers outside the city could be imagined. Their hatred towards their comrades in the city was even stronger than their hatred towards the Yuan Feng Country. Because, it was those people in the city who robbed them of their last hope.    


The noise outside the city continued. The soldiers of the Fengjue Country... They also started calling for help at the beginning, and started cursing at the end. Curses and so on, and the target of their curses wasn't the army of Yuan Feng Country that was besieging them. Instead, it was the defending troops in the city.    


Huang Feng quickly discovered this situation. He immediately ordered his men to stop surrounding the soldiers of the Fengjue Country and retreat in an orderly manner.    


The soldiers of Yuan Feng Country were naturally full of doubts about Huang Feng's order. They were about to get the credit for what they had done. Why did they let these people go? If they were able to surround and kill so many people of Fengjue Countries on the first day they arrived here... To the Yuan Feng Country, this was definitely a very exciting thing. At the same time, they would also be able to attack the soldiers from the Fengjue Country. It was simply killing two birds with one stone.    


However, Huang Feng had ordered them to stop attacking and retreat. Everyone must have some doubts in their hearts.    


However, at this moment, Huang Feng was in the army of the Yuan Feng Country. He had a great reputation. He had fought many battles in the past. The image of Huang Feng had penetrated deep into the hearts of the soldiers of Yuan Feng Country. They were very impressed by him. In their hearts, Huang Feng was like a god of war.    


Because of this, Huang Feng suddenly gave the order to retreat. Although many of them were puzzled, they still followed Huang Feng's order. Without hesitation, they chose to let the Fengjue Country soldiers live.    


"What, what is going on? Why did they all withdraw?"    


The Yuan Feng Country's soldiers retreated without hesitation, causing the Fengjue Country soldiers who were surrounded and in despair to stand there in a daze.    


Of course, they wanted to return alive, but what they thought before was... The defending troops in the city had come to save them, but the current situation was... The comrades in the city did not care about them. Instead, they had been surrounding and attacking them. The army of Yuan Feng Country that had beaten them to a pulp suddenly withdrew.    


This caused the Fengjue Country soldiers at the scene to be stunned.    


"Who cares!? In any case, now that they have left, we will be safe. Quickly knock on the door. We have to enter the city as soon as possible to prevent the Yuan Feng Country's army from returning." A middle-ranked general whose face was covered in blood said.    


That's right. No matter what the reason was, they only wanted the result. The result was that the Yuan Feng Country's army had withdrawn. They were safe now. As for the reason behind this, they didn't want to investigate further.    


Soon, someone ran to knock on the city gates. There were many people who went, and the knocking was very forceful.    


"Open the gates! Hurry up and open the gates for laozi!"    


"You cowards! I was fighting the people of Yuan Feng Country with my life on the line outside. It's one thing for you guys to hide at the city gate and not help, but you didn't even open the door!"    


"Listen up, bastards inside! Hurry up and open the gate, otherwise, the saber in my hand won't recognize anyone!"    


Those who went to knock on the door were not in a good mood right now. Even those who did not knock on the door were also in a bad mood. They had been rejected by the people in the city, and had almost died outside the city. This made them extremely angry. Now, the army of Yuan Feng Country had withdrawn. They were safe now. The anger that had been suppressed in their hearts just now... * Hong Long...... *    


"General, do you want to open the door?" Behind the city gate, a soldier carefully asked the general in front of him.    


They were the army sent by Old Emperor to pick up the night attack. They did not leave. After closing the city gate, they stayed here and guarded the city gate. No one was allowed to open the city gate.    


In fact, if the army outside the city was destroyed by the army of Yuan Feng Country, it would be fine. They still had an excuse. The army of Yuan Feng Country had purposely let the people outside the city break out of the siege to sneak into the city.    


However, the army of Yuan Feng Country didn't eliminate all the soldiers that came out of the city. It seemed that they were not prepared for this. However, the people in the city had rushed out of the city. They had even taken the initiative to retreat. This had caused the army that was guarding the city gate to retreat. They felt extremely uncomfortable.    


They were originally under Old Emperor's orders to receive the troops outside the city. But in the end, they closed the door on their own accord. More importantly, the troops outside the city... They had returned and were cursing at them... What would happen if Old Emperor found out about this?    


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