Universe Storage Box

C55 Bang

C55 Bang

0Huang Feng's method was naturally magic. When it came to using magic, he still had some experience, because the number of magic he could learn was not much. Therefore, Huang Feng had conducted a deep research on every magic he knew. This way, he could choose a suitable magic skill at the critical moment.    


This time, Huang Feng chose the Wood Element Entanglement, because this was a football field. The ground was covered with green grass. A green vine suddenly appeared, and it would not cause any suspicion.    


Therefore, the goalkeeper who rushed towards Huang Feng suddenly felt something stirring under his feet. Then, he directly fell down. At this time, Huang Feng passed by him with the ball. He directly brought the ball into the goal!    


Everyone was stunned. They did not expect the goal to come so quickly. The ball had just been half a game for Huang Feng and the others, but now it had already entered the opponent's goal. This speed was really too fast. It was so fast that people couldn't accept it.    


It was the referee's whistle that woke everyone up. Following that, cheers came from Huang Feng's side. After all, they had been suppressed by the other party all this time. They were also very aggrieved in their hearts. Now that they could enter the other side, they felt very relieved. They couldn't help but cry out.    


The opponents were still looking at Huang Feng in shock. They didn't think that this person in leather shoes, who was temporarily replaced, would be so powerful. He had scored a goal not long after he went on stage.    


"F * ck, why are you running so fast? It's like a gust of wind."    


"That's right. How did you do it? We wanted to follow you just now, but none of us could catch up to you."    


"That's amazing. Did you practice long-distance running in the past?"    


Huang Feng's teammates surrounded Huang Feng and said excitedly. They had a strange and unfamiliar feeling before. Because of this ball, Huang Feng was much younger. Huang Feng was the youngest among them. Therefore, they liked and took care of him even more.    


"Hehe, I don't know how to kick either. I only know how to run blindly." Huang Feng said with some embarrassment.    


"That's also very impressive. Everyone here is about the same. They are not professional players. How big of a gap can there be? However, I have never seen someone as fast as you run before."    


"That's right. I saw you wearing leather shoes when you went on stage. I and you were there to make up the numbers. I didn't expect it to be our secret weapon."    


Everyone said it one by one. Because of this goal, everyone felt less depressed.    


"Why is that guy running so fast?"    


"That's right. At the beginning, he was still by my side. He just ran a few steps and he already threw me far away. Could this guy have been a sportswoman before? Practicing long-distance running in school? "    


"It's very likely. Otherwise, how could he run so fast!"    


The people on the other side were also talking about Huang Feng. A goal was nothing, but Huang Feng's speed was too exaggerated. That kind of speed made people despair.    


Of course, some people also noticed the goalkeeper's mistake at the last moment. If he did not suddenly fall, Huang Feng might not have scored. Looking at the way he carried the ball, it was obvious that he was not a person who knew how to play football.    


"Why did you suddenly fall down just now?" Someone asked the goalkeeper.    


"I don't know either. You ran well, the goalkeeper said. As if his feet were trapped by something, he staggered and fell to the ground. However, I just saw that place. There was nothing there. " The goalkeeper also said in puzzlement.    


The person who asked the question looked at the ground. Other than the green lawn, there was nothing else. How could such a soft grass wrap around his feet?    


"Could it be that his feet suddenly cramp?"    


"Maybe. I'm not too sure either." The goalkeeper said. Because he didn't find any abnormalities during his previous inspection, this was the only explanation.    


The competition began again very quickly because of Huang Feng. With such a fast person around, the opponents didn't dare to rush into Huang Feng's half of the match. The morale of Huang Feng and the others had also been restored. Therefore... For a moment, both sides were evenly matched. No one could gain the upper hand.    


Although the other side did not gain the upper hand, Huang Feng and the others were now behind. If such a score went all the way to the end, they would still lose. Therefore, they had to score a goal.    


However, the opponent's defense against him had increased. It would be very difficult for him to charge forward with the ball like before. After all, he didn't know how to roll, so he only knew speed. As long as there were one or two people waiting on his path, he wouldn't be able to pass.    


However, just as Huang Feng was getting anxious, the opportunity arrived once again. This time, another teammate's shot was blocked by the opponent. Huang Feng and the others got a corner ball. Seeing that his teammate went to shoot the corner ball, Huang Feng's eyes lit up. This was an opportunity. His leather shoes not only increased his running speed, but also increased his running speed. His jumping ability also increased a lot.    


"Friend, you're here to fight for the ball too?" As Huang Feng kept changing his position, wanting to find a good place, he looked up. It was the third guard of the opposite party. This time, it was obvious that the other party's mission was to keep an eye on him.    


"Can't I?" Huang Feng said as he looked at his team members.    


"How high can you jump with your height?" The man looked at Huang Feng from head to toe and said disdainfully. Huang Feng was about 1.8 meters tall, but his opponent was almost 1.9 meters. In this way, Huang Feng seemed a little short beside him.    


"Whether you jump or not doesn't have much to do with your height." Huang Feng said.    


The man was about to say something, but the ball had already been sent out. He did not want to talk nonsense with Huang Feng anymore. He stared at the flying football.    


Huang Feng was naturally looking at the football, looking for the landing point of the football. Soon, he found that the football seemed to be flying towards him.    


The third defender of Huang Feng also noticed this situation. Besides, Huang Feng, who was next to him, had already started to jump.    


He was shocked. He pulled Huang Feng's clothes and tried to stop him from jumping. However, he did not succeed. Huang Feng was still rising. Number Three gritted his teeth and jumped as well. However, he deliberately bumped into Huang Feng. However, his movements were very covert. This judge was not professional either. Therefore, he might not be able to tell that he had broken the rules.    


However, what shocked Number Three was that Huang Feng's physical fitness had far exceeded his expectations. He was the one who took the initiative to hit Huang Feng, but Huang Feng's body did not have any effect. And he himself was sent flying!    


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