Universe Storage Box

C312 Interested

C312 Interested

0"Master?" Huang Feng was stunned for a moment, then he understood. Bai Xiaorou thought that her inner energy was taught by her master. In fact, he did not have any "master" at all. Therefore, no one told him some secrets of the martial arts world.    


"Yes, those things are very mysterious to ordinary people. Ordinary people would not know about them, but to us, it is not a big deal." Bai Xiaorou continued.    


"Us? You mean, you also know inner energy?" Huang Feng asked.    


Bai Xiaorou nodded and said, "Actually, among the pursuers today, the one who was the first to be sent flying by you was the leader. Something similar to inner energy, but in their country. That thing is not called inner energy, but origin force. Its name is different. However, its nature is the same. "    


Huang Feng nodded. At that time, he also felt that that person was not simple. He was obviously different from the others around him.    


"Actually, I can tell that you have just started cultivating inner energy for a short period of time. However, because of the sneak attack, the other party was obviously unprepared. Furthermore, your inner energy is too overbearing. So... The other party suffered a loss and was sent flying by you. If the two of you were to face each other head on, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose. " Bai Xiaorou said," Oh, I almost forgot that you still have that kind of hidden weapon. You should still win, but it will definitely not be so easy."    


When talking about hidden weapons, she looked at Huang Feng meaningfully, but Huang Feng pretended not to see it.    


Of course, Huang Feng now understood how lucky he was to win that round. "Then do they have a lot of inner energy?"    


"Not much." Bai Xiaorou shook her head and said, "Among the people chasing after us today, only the leader has inner energy. And among the pursuers behind us, there are also such people. However, we did not meet with the other party, which is also the reason why I was in a hurry to ask you to leave. "    


Bai Xiaorou could also tell that Huang Feng had not been cultivating inner energy for a long time. Although Huang Feng's inner energy seemed to be somewhat special and had strong lethality, however, the amount of inner energy was not enough. Furthermore, the Combat Experience was not very rich. Therefore, if he were to face a few people who were similar to him at the same time... His chances of winning would not be high. Moreover, he would be a burden. Once the people behind the other party caught up, the two of them probably wouldn't be able to escape.    


As for why Bai Xiaorou didn't want to say too much before, and now she wanted to say so much to Huang Feng. Of course it wasn't because she had a problem with her brain, but because she was interested in Huang Feng. It wasn't the kind of interest between men and women, but rather, it was because she was interested in Huang Feng's skills. She wanted to take him into the organization.    


There were not many people who knew inner energy. Bai Xiaorou was naturally very interested in meeting a "wild" person. In addition to the other party's mysterious "hidden weapon," even if she was in a healthy state, if she was not careful, she would also fall into the other party's trap.    


Huang Feng nodded. He also understood his situation. If he did not want to use magic in front of Bai Xiaorou, his combat strength would definitely drop by a level. Therefore, it was also a good thing for him to leave early.    


Besides, this had nothing to do with him. He was just passing by and happened to meet her, although he was very interested in the special martial arts circle that Bai Xiaorou mentioned. However, Huang Feng did not want to cause trouble for himself. He only wanted to live an ordinary life. His intuition told him that he could not have too much connection with Bai Xiaorou. Otherwise, his peaceful life would change.    


Therefore, Huang Feng didn't intend to ask any more questions. When Bai Xiaorou woke up tomorrow morning and left, this matter would have nothing to do with him anymore. He would still be the little security guard of the past.    


However, what Huang Feng didn't know was that Bai Xiaorou was already interested in him. It wouldn't be so easy for him to completely get rid of her.    


"At night, you can sleep in the room next to the master bedroom. There are blankets inside." Huang Feng saw that the other party's face was still not very good, so he said.    


It was not early now. Bai Xiaorou was already injured quite badly, so she definitely needed to rest.    


In fact, Huang Feng still admired Bai Xiaorou in his heart. She had suffered such a serious injury, especially in her abdomen, which seemed to be a gunshot wound. She was still able to talk so much to him as if nothing had happened. This level of skill was something that many men could not even compare to.    


"Mmm." Because she had a "thought" of Huang Feng in her heart, she saw Huang Feng as one of her potential teammates. She was not so cold to Huang Feng anymore.    


"How is it? Did you catch that slut?"    


As Huang Feng and his friend were getting ready to rest, in a luxurious office, a few people were talking about something, and what they were talking about was related to Huang Feng and his friend.    


"No, they ran away." They ran away, a middle-aged man with a small beard said.    


"Pa!" The man who just asked fiercely slammed the table. "Island Lord Chuan, she didn't catch her. She won't ruin our business, right?"    


"Thousand Army Lord, don't worry. She didn't hear too much and was discovered by our people. Therefore, she didn't hear anything useful." Island Lord Chuan comforted him.    


The person opposite of him was Tong Qianjun!    


Although Kawayoshi was comforting him, Tong Qianjun was still a little worried. "Since those people have their eyes on me, I think they are starting to suspect me. Shouldn't we pause for a while?"    


"No need!" Kawayoshi waved his hand and said, "It was an accident this time. My people are not for nothing. The next time she comes, she will not be able to leave safely. Besides, recently, the people on top are also very anxious. Therefore, this batch of goods must be transported away as soon as possible."    


Tong Qianjun was still a little hesitant and afraid. Chuan Island was not a Huaxia person. Of course, he didn't understand how powerful those people were, but he had always lived in this country. He naturally knew that once those people wanted to deal with him, even if he was the richest man in Qing Province, he wouldn't be able to withstand them.    


"Don't worry, Thousand Army Lord. We will make the arrangements. You just need to prepare that batch of goods." Chuan Island said again. After that, he stood up and left, leaving the worried Tong Qianjun behind.    


"How is Matsuda?" After walking out of the door, he asked the person beside him. At this moment, he no longer had the relaxed and confident look he had when he was with Tong Qianjun. Instead, he had an angry and worried look on his face.    


"His right hand is temporarily disabled. As for whether it can recover later, I don't know yet." The person beside him said in a low voice.    


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