Universe Storage Box

C343 You Are the Bad Guys

C343 You Are the Bad Guys

0Huang Feng's impression of Li Bingyun became even worse when he heard his voice but did not reply. This attitude was really not good.    


However, no matter what, she was still the spokesperson of his company. Furthermore, he was only here to return the phone. There would not be any other interactions between the two of them in the future. Huang Feng did not pay any attention to her.    


"Miss Li Bingyun, I am here to return the phone. Can I come in?" There was no other way. If the other party did not come, Huang Feng could only go in himself. Otherwise, he would be standing here like a fool.    


There was still no response. Huang Feng said, "Then I will come in."    


As he spoke, Huang Feng pushed open the door and entered. There was still no sound from the inside, as if there was no one inside.    


Huang Feng pushed open the door and entered. He immediately saw the two waiter's clothes on the ground. He was stunned for a moment and then realized what might have happened. He quickly checked the entire room, but he did not see Li Bingyun.    


Huang Feng quickly went next door and knocked on Li Bingyun's assistant's door. The door was quickly opened.    


"Is Miss Li Bingyun in your room?" Huang Feng asked anxiously.    


"FrozenCloud? No." Then she vigilantly looked at Huang Feng and said, "It's already so late, why are you looking for Frozen Cloud?"    


Huang Feng was also disinclined to bother with this woman who was obviously thinking too much. He already realized that something might have happened to Li Bingyun.    


First of all, the other party definitely went back to the hotel. Of course, she might also secretly carry her assistant out to play. However, if that was the case, the door would not have been closed. There were also two sets of server clothes in the room. So... She might have encountered some kind of danger.    


Huang Feng did not tell Li Bingyun's assistant about his guess in case she was worried. Huang Feng also did not expect that it was already the end. Something really happened to Li Bingyun. He should not bother about it. However, he felt bad in his heart. Strictly speaking, it wasn't even 12 o'clock yet. He had been Li Bingyun's driver and bodyguard for the whole day. So... This was also his responsibility.    


"Oh right, those three people just now!" Huang Feng suddenly called out, startling Li Bingyun's assistant. However, Huang Feng ignored her and rushed straight to the elevator.    


"What a madman! I don't know how he got into the position of the company's security manager." Li Bingyun's assistant stared at Huang Feng's back and muttered, then closed the door. She went to rest. Other than feeling that something was wrong with Huang Feng, she also felt that something was wrong. She did not feel that anything was wrong.    


Huang Feng kept pressing on the elevator. He had thought of those three people before. They looked a little strange, but the woman in the man's arms... He also found her somewhat familiar, although he did not see her face clearly. However, he was familiar with her clothes. He had not thought of so much before. Now that he thought about it, it was the afternoon of Li Bingyun. The clothes she was wearing, no wonder they were so familiar.    


When Huang Feng saw the situation in Li Bingyun's room previously, he only suspected that something might have happened to Li Bingyun. However, he had not confirmed it yet. Now, when he thought of Li Bingyun's appearance from before, her situation was clearly not good. It was as if she had completely lost consciousness.    


The elevator came up and Huang Feng hurriedly went downstairs. After exiting the elevator, he ran wildly all the way until he finally saw the three of them at the entrance of the hotel.    


However, he only saw the last person who got into the car. After that, the car started moving.    


Huang Feng couldn't care about that anymore. He hurriedly ran to his car. However, the distance of the car here was quite far. This was also the reason why he came out so late and could still see the other person's figure.    


However, Huang Feng's eyesight was still very good. It was just a glance just now. He had already remembered the model and the license plate number of the other party. Therefore... Although he was a bit behind the other party when he started the engine... However, he could still keep an eye on his opponent.    


Of course, this was also partly due to the traffic. When those guys just left, there was a traffic jam. When Huang Feng drove over, it was only a short distance away. Otherwise, even if Huang Feng remembered the license plate number of the other party, they may not catch up to them.    


"What a jinx." Huang Feng muttered. In the morning, he was still thinking about whether something would happen to Li Bingyun. He did not expect that something would really happen at night.    


It would be fine if he did not know, but now he knew. No matter what, Huang Feng couldn't sit idly by, even if he didn't have this mission. He couldn't just watch the other party sink into danger and remain indifferent.    


At this moment, the two foreigners in the car in front of them still didn't know that they had been targeted by Huang Feng. They were driving towards the outside of the city, preparing to meet up with the people there.    


At this time, Li Bingyun let out a cry of relief and woke up. At the first second when she woke up, she still didn't understand what had happened. However, she immediately woke up and screamed subconsciously.    


"Stop screaming. No one will hear you even if you scream until your throat breaks." The man beside Li Bingyun said. He looked very tough. There was a deep scar on his face, making him look even more terrifying.    


At this time, Li Bingyun also saw the situation around her clearly. She knew that she was no longer in the hotel but in a car. Under such circumstances, no matter how loudly she shouted, it would not have any effect.    


"Who are you people?" Li Bingyun said with a pale face. At this moment, she was curled up in the corner of the car. She looked at the other two people in the car like a wounded sheep. Judging from their behavior, they were obviously not good people and her strength could not be compared with the other party's. In this way, it would be very difficult to escape.    


"Your brother's friend." The person beside him said with a smile, but the big yellow teeth that he revealed didn't give off a good feeling.    


"My brother's friend? No, you guys are definitely not my brother's friends. My brother doesn't have friends like you guys, so my brother's friends won't treat me like this either." Li Bingyun shook her head and said.    


"I did not expect our Big Star Li to be so smart." That person laughed and said, "It's fine to tell you the truth. We have a grudge with your brother. We can't touch your brother now. We'll just collect some interest from his cute sister first. "    


"You guys are bad people!" Li Bingyun said affirmatively, but when she thought about her own experience, she was very afraid. After all, she was only a little girl in her early twenties. When faced with such a situation, she must be very afraid.    


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