The Favorable Divine Doctor

C7 I believe him

C7 I believe him

0Ever since he graduated from high school, Liu Du had always had a good habit, which was to go to the park to practice his Taichi Fist every morning. This was something he had learned from an old man in the park, and it felt pretty good.    


After obtaining the inheritance from the little cauldron, every time he swung his fist, his gaze would wander, and he would feel his inner breathing following the gaze. With the set of Taiji Fist, the zhenqi in his body actually grew slightly, and his body felt unspeakably comfortable.    


However, Liu Du had a feeling that Taiji Fist and his own medical Yin-Yang Formula had many similarities, only one of them was cultivating in silence and the other was operating magic.    


was extremely excited by this discovery. He fought again, and that subtle sensation on his body made him more focused on fighting. After two punches, an hour had already passed and his body was covered in a thin layer of sweat.    


"Looks like I train in the Medical Yin-Yang Formula every night, and I'll come to practice Taiji Fist every morning. Soon, my body will improve a bit." Liu Du softly muttered to himself.    


When he thought about that slap on Li Jianqi yesterday, he did not think too much about it. However, now that he thought about it, he had unintentionally become an expert.    


No, two experts, medical experts, martial arts experts.    


"Haha ?" Liu Du could not help but laugh out loud. With such confidence, the confidence in his body became even more intense.    


When Liu Du walked into the doctor's office, he was immediately surrounded by Cai Xuexing, Li Yang and Zhang Zixuan. The two beautiful interns, although they did not surround him out of modesty, had their eyes firmly fixed on him.    


"Liu-ge, your medical skills are so amazing, teach us a few moves." Cai Xuexing said what everyone was thinking. After all, they were all students of medicine, so who wouldn't want to become a famous doctor that could cure all diseases?    


Seeing everyone's faces filled with anticipation, Liu Du smiled bitterly, it was not that he was unwilling to teach them, but rather, he did not know how to teach them.    


Moreover, he couldn't reveal this secret.    


"Uhm, actually, I was just lucky." Liu Du laughed in embarrassment, and made a clumsy excuse: "If my medical skills are truly amazing, then why would I come here to practice?"    


But seeing that Cai Xuexing and the others were obviously not convinced, Liu Du smiled and tried to find an excuse: "The real reason is, he didn't want me to teach the old Chinese medicine that taught me this, so, there's nothing I can do, brother!"    


"Oh ?" A few of them shouted out at the same time, revealing an expression of enlightenment, Cai Xuexing said regretfully: "It's such a pity, I knew it, our country has many reclusive experts."    


Zhang Zixuan had a look of deep thought. He looked gentle and quiet, and his professional theory was the best out of all of them, "This is the most undesirable little thought. Many ancient absolute arts were lost like this, what a pity! It hurts! "    


Liu Du looked at how the few of them were bowing their heads and stomping their feet. [I just casually created a novel and it actually got me to believe it. Isn't it too easy?]    


In truth, they believed in this kind of thing, it was because Liu Du was clear about his background, but all of a sudden, it was this kind of person that overturned everyone's knowledge, thus they were more willing to believe, that Liu Du had met a fated opportunity.    


However, after it had only been quiet for a short while, Cai Xuexing was revived again. He came closer to Liu Du with a fawning face: "Brother Liu, then help me introduce that old Chinese doctor, let me know him too."    


"I've only seen him once. He left after passing down the items." In the face of Cai Xuexing's persistence, Liu Du helplessly gave a perfunctory reply.    


"Then where did you meet her? "Tell me, from now on, I will go there every day. I don't believe that I won't be able to get there." Cai Xuexing, who was reluctant to part with it, patiently waited at the side.    


"Cough ?" Liu Du could not take it anymore, this was just a story he made up, where could he go to find some old Chinese medicine?    


"Why isn't Dr. Meng here today?" He quickly changed the topic.    


"Teacher Meng is on emergency duty today." Although Cai Xuexing felt that Liu Du had some questions, he was still more concerned with the Old Chinese Medical doctor: "Brother Liu, quickly tell me, where did you meet the Old Medical Doctor?"    


"Uhm, I have something to talk to Doctor Meng about. You guys can stay here and study." Liu Du dared to pester him again, and ran out of the office as if he was escaping.    


Meng Yuqing was surprised to see Liu Du in the emergency room. "Why are you here?"    


After getting rid of Cai Xuexing, the gloominess in Liu Du's heart finally disappeared. He looked at Meng Yuqing's intelligent big eyes and joked: "I've missed you so much."    


"Fuck you, you're not serious at all. I'm at work." Meng Yuqing knew that his mouth was full of cannon fire, and did not dare to continue with the topic. She was afraid that once the conversation started, this fellow would not be able to hold back, but she still felt a bit of sweetness in her heart.    


"Uh, did you take my medicine on time?" Liu Du asked about Meng Yuqing's condition with concern.    


Meng Yuqing frowned: "I did, but the medicine was really bitter." Even she didn't know why she would say such words to Liu Du, but she knew that this wasn't like her usual self.    


"Then I'll try your pulse again." Liu Du did not wait for Meng Yuqing to object, and grabbed her wrist.    


The emergency room was not busy at the moment, and the three young nurses were chatting outside. The young girls always had endless topics to talk about, but now, their topics revolved around Liu Du and Meng Yuqing.    


Who is this? Why does it look like he is very familiar with Meng Yuqing? A little nurse with freckles on her face secretly glanced at Liu Du and Meng Yuqing, and asked her colleagues beside her in a low voice.    


The nurse beside her looked up and said disapprovingly, "An intern, a doctor in our hospital, and someone we don't know?"    


"But from the looks of it, they seem very familiar." The little nurse who had a few freckles couldn't help but ask in surprise when she saw Liu Du making fun of him.    


"Maybe." However, before she could finish her sentence, she softly cried out in surprise, "Ah, he ? he's actually touching Doctor Meng's hand."    


The nurse who had been silent all this while was a little older, and upon seeing this scene, she was startled: "This, this is impossible, Meng Yuqing is our true flower, the man who chased after her can rank from here to outside the hospital. What kind of man doesn't have one, how can she ?"    


"Aiya, this time Dr. Chen is in for a ride!"    


"Hai, that's right. With Doctor Chen's good conditions, why do you think Yuqing found an intern instead?"    


"I heard that this intern hasn't even gone to school."    


If Liu Du heard this, he would definitely scold her: Nonsense, this daddy here graduated from senior high school!    


However, many things were like this, passing on and on until the truth could no longer be found.    


"I heard that too, but I also heard that this person was very optimistic about Yuqing's illness, and he even beat up Doctor Chen because of Yuqing."    


"Hmph, with one look you can tell you're a little scoundrel who likes to use violence." Obviously, this little nurse had a good impression of Chen Yong, and even hated him a lot.    


"Ai, it really is a flower stuck in cow dung ?"    


Just as the three of them were chatting excitedly, a commotion suddenly broke out outside the door.    


"Doctor, quickly, quickly save them!" A beautiful woman rushed in with a shout. Behind her was a middle-aged man with a strong body. He was holding an old man in his arms.    


The old man was around sixty years old and dressed very elegantly. However, his face had already turned dark purple and he was panting sharply.    


"Hou, hou ?"    


The middle-aged man's thick eyebrows and big eyes were filled with a strong sense of power. He placed the old man on the treatment bed and shouted at the doctor, "Quick, save my father!"    


The director of the emergency room, Lin Dong, was a very experienced doctor. He didn't panic at all when he saw this, but calmly ran over, took out his stethoscope, placed it on the old man's chest and listened: "The patient's respiratory tract obstruction is very serious, and its location is very deep. The trachea must be cut immediately."    



The middle-aged man saw that his father was having a hard time holding in his anger, and hurriedly said, "I'll do what I have to do, I just want my father to be safe!"    


They were preparing to cut open his trachea, but the old man's expression became even more unsightly, as if blood could flow out at any time. Because he had been hypoxic for too long, the old man's whole body began to twitch.    


Meng Yuqing's stethoscope had never left the old man's chest. Her face became more and more serious: "No, there's not enough time to cut open the windpipe."    


"Then what should I do? I just want to save my father!" The middle-aged man finally cried out loudly.    


Lin Dong had his methods, but they were useless at the moment. After all, there was a lot of things he needed to prepare after cutting open the windpipe. However, based on the sounds he had just heard, the obstruction was very deep, and the needle could not solve the problem.    


Just as everyone was beginning to despair, a voice rang out from behind them.    


"Why don't you let me try?"    


Everyone looked towards the direction of the voice, to see Liu Du standing there calmly.    


"You? An intern, what do you know! " Lin Dong only glanced at him once before coldly refusing.    


When the middle-aged man heard he was an intern, the hope that he had just ignited was shattered once again. He held the old man's hand tightly, his eyes filled with tears.    


He was somewhat regretful that he shouldn't have listened to the old man. If he had stayed in the capital, the medical conditions there would have been met. He regretted even more, he should have asked the old man for a private doctor, otherwise, this wouldn't have happened.    


The three nurses looked at Liu Du in disdain, and the one who liked Chen Yong even muttered harshly: "If even a doctor can't do it, then what big words did a little intern like you say? Who do you think it is?"    


"I believe him!" Just when everyone was in disbelief, Meng Yuqing actually stood out, her gaze was firm, although she was not sure if Liu Du could be cured, but in her heart, she believed that since he had stood out, she definitely had a way.    


"You believe him?" Lin Dong frowned, but he was in a dangerous situation and he was helpless, thus he had the thought of letting Liu Du try it out, and he could just treat it as a last resort.    


The nurse from before did not even bother to buy what Meng Yuqing had said and just snorted: "If anything happens, who's going to take responsibility?"    


"Me!" Meng Yuqing's soft and weak face revealed a determined look as she stood out with her chest puffed up.    


At this moment, the middle-aged man saw that even the doctors and nurses did not have a good idea. If this dragged on, the odds were against him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Then let him give it a try!"    


Lin Dong was not idle either. He ordered, "Prepare the oxygen and everything needed for the tracheotomy."    


As an experienced doctor, he could not place all his hopes on an intern, so the preparations continued.    


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