The Favorable Divine Doctor

C318 powerful heart

C318 powerful heart

0At this time, other than the sound of his heartbeat, Liu Du's body did not have any other signs of life.    


Wu Xinzi was trying hard to complete his last bit of guidance. After completing this step, the eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice would turn into eight waves of cold air, and as the Eight Dragons Seizing Pearl formation entered the dragon pearl, Liu Du's body became the best carrier of the cold air.    


When the eight gusts of cold energy entered Liu Du's body, Liu Du's future cultivation would be equivalent to burying the root of his illness. Furthermore, Heartless Child could clearly see that Liu Du's current realm was merely in terms of intermediate stage of internal strength, but there was still a certain distance to the god level.    


The eight cold energies, on the other hand, would stop Liu Du's cultivation from progressing, and also affect his progress when he worked so hard to enter the god level!    


This was Wu Xinzi's current state of mind. Destroying a genius who forced himself to be even more outstanding, Wu Xinzi was undoubtedly very happy in his heart, but at this moment, Liu Du basically did not know what Wu Xinzi was thinking, and even didn't know what he was thinking!    


In his mind, there was only a simple consciousness that did not have any ability to control itself. The only function was to keep thinking, "Who am I? Who am I?"    


The current Liu Du was extremely dangerous, but Wu Xinzi did not know of Liu Du's current condition, let alone think of how to deal with him!    


If Thoughtless knew about Liu Du's current condition, he would have definitely put away his eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice s very happily, and then directly break open this ice, interrupting Liu Du's thoughts!    


Moreover, at this time, there was a high chance that he could cause permanent mental harm to Liu Du, but Heartless didn't know about all of this, only because he was in a different world, yet what he saw was completely different from the others!    


The world had its own rules. Although the Frost World had borrowed the power of eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice s to evolve into a snowstorm world, this kind of world that was formed from one-time use treasures still followed the rules. As a simple world, the people in the world could see the people in the world in their own world.    


However, the scene that the people outside this world saw was a completely different world. They were not in this simple world, so they would not have any perception of just this piece of time. In their eyes, there was only the world they were in!    


This was the rule of the world. Even though they were the genius disciples that came from the Dao Realm, the formation world which they forged using their one-time use treasures still had to follow the rules of the world!    


But Heartless still did his best to control the eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice s to become the last bit of energy and enter Liu Du's body, in an attempt to change Liu Du's fate of future cultivation!    


At this moment, Liu Du seemed to have forgotten all about it, his entire being only had a tiny bit of consciousness left, and his entire consciousness had become isolated from the mental energy within the Sea of Consciousness. However, the mental energy within the deep ocean had become like a pool of stagnant water!    


What tiny bit of consciousness was left in the frozen brain of Liu Du? His will was constantly pondering, continuously probing, and this thread of consciousness was even continuously wandering around in the last piece of land of his brain. Just to find out who he was?    


But right now, Liu Du's brain was basically completely frozen. This was the result of Liu Du not defending himself, but his heart was only thinking of relying on the cold energy in his body, and had forgotten about his own endurance!    


At this moment, Liu Du was in an even more miserable state than a vegetable. Although a vegetable had no consciousness of their own, they still had their own questions, and various light features of drinking water. However, Liu Du, other than his heartbeat and the tinge of activity in his brain that made him not even know who he was, had nothing else!    


"Who am I?" "Who am I?"    


This was the only thought that Liu Du was currently pondering deeply about, but there was no result. This little bit of consciousness seemed to only have this little bit of space to think about it, yet he was actually questioning himself nonstop, "Who am I?" Who am I?    


But no one answered, only his own consciousness was constantly active within that little bit of brain cells. He questioned, perhaps after a short period of time, this little bit of consciousness of Liu Du's might gradually become stronger amidst endless questions and thoughts, and of course, there was a greater possibility that this last bit of consciousness would disappear very quickly, yet Liu Du's entire brain, once again, fell into a deathly silence!    


All of this happened in a slow and continuous manner. Of course, no one knew what would happen in the next moment, but one should never forget the power of life!    


At this moment, Thoughtless had finally completed the last step while the eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice had completely turned into cold air, passing through the eight huge icy dragons, and poured into Liu Du's body., who had already merged completely with the ice blocks, seemed to have moved for an instant, but the entire ice block did not have any reaction at all!    


But Liu Du's body was instantly enveloped by the cold energy of the eight spirit caves, and at that moment, Liu Du's slow beating heart suddenly stopped!    


After a few seconds, there was still no reaction. After about ten seconds, everyone suddenly felt something in their hearts. It was a very soft sound, but everyone seemed to be able to feel a strong heartbeat!    


Yes, it was very obvious that this was the sound of Liu Du's heartbeat. His heartbeat was actually very strong at this moment, but after this sound, it stopped a few seconds later.    


This time around, fifteen seconds had passed. Once again, everyone felt their hearts beating. This time, their heartbeats were much weaker than before, but everyone could clearly hear this faint heartbeat!    


It was as if time had started to slowly move in the midst of his heartbeat. Then, the entire world became quiet once again!    


However, this time, the sound was even softer than before. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone present wasn't an expert, they wouldn't have been able to clearly hear the sound of this heartbeat. After this heartbeat passed, the world returned to silence!    


After that, no one was able to hear Liu Du's heartbeat anymore, but everyone's bodies fiercely moved once every ten or twenty seconds, as if they were being pulled!    


However, time was slowly passing, and Wu Xinzi's expression became very complicated. Wu Xinzi also didn't know what was going on with Liu Du right now.    


But Heartless could guarantee that the cold energy from the eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice had definitely entered Liu Du's body. However, Liu Du's current heartbeat was so strange that it could actually affect his current heartbeat!    


In his heart, he was also hesitating whether he should break the ice, or continue to let Liu Du stay in the ice. However, after fighting for a long time, Wu Xin Zi still didn't make a move, and later on decided to just watch coldly from the sidelines to see how Liu Du would resolve this crisis!    


What Wu Xin Zi never would have thought of was that Liu Du had already entered into a dangerous situation, but Wu Xin Zi's ruthlessness had helped Liu Du, while the cold energy of the eight Ten Thousand Year Freezing Ice s had successfully entered Liu Du's body.    


Yet the first step of the eight cold waves that entered Liu Du's body was to enter the warmest place within his body;'s heart was currently at the warmest place within his body!    


The eight gusts of cold Qi were like eight small dragons, directly rushing into Liu Du's young lady's body, and quickly rushing towards his heart.    


After that, the eight cold energies surrounded Liu Du's heart, binding it, and started to absorb the temperature of his heart.    


Because of the encirclement of the eight cold gusts of air, Liu Du's heart that was originally beating slowly suddenly had no room to beat anymore. His heart that was supposed to become big had returned to its previous size! Then, in this very instant, Liu Du's heart fiercely throbbed once more, changing from that slight heartbeat from before!    


At this time, Liu Du's heart was beating intensely within his body, but in an instant, Liu Du's blood once again started to flow slowly, and this heartbeat was like a type of vibration, and this vibration caused a lot of the frozen parts of his body to feel a sense of warmth from the sound of his heartbeat!    


The true heartbeat this time caused the remaining thread of consciousness in Liu Du's mind that was gradually withering to suddenly tremble violently. Following that, the consciousness seemed to have recovered its vitality, but there was an additional question compared to before.    


"Who am I?" "Where am I?"    


At this time, the only bit of consciousness that remained in Liu Du's mind had an additional space to think, but that was limited to this little space to think!    


After Liu Du's next heartbeat, this sliver of consciousness had many more questions.    


"Who am I?" "Where is this place?" What's wrong with me? "    


"No matter who I am, I don't want to die right now. I have the strongest will in my heart, and I want to become strong. How can I be bound here!?" I want to become stronger, I will become stronger, no matter who you are, no matter who turned me into this state, I will recover, I will not let you go! "    


At this time, not only did this bit of consciousness react with Liu Du's unceasingly beating heart, but following this beating heart, Liu Du's entire body had a very obvious change, as if it had gained a sliver of vitality compared to before!    


Time seemed to have stopped once again, but just at this moment, under the constant beating of Liu Du's heart, all of his organs slowly recovered a little. It was as if there was some kind of seal that had been unsealed in the ice earlier!    


At the same time, Liu Du's organs trembled; and at the same time, because of the sudden entry of the eight streams of cold air into his body, the cold air in his body seemed to have a source, as though the cold air had a source, and he took the initiative to gather all of Liu Du's body parts!    


It was precisely this situation that caused Liu Du's organs to recover once again. Following Liu Du's continuous heartbeat, his entire body seemed as if it had passed through a calamity, and once again, slowly recovered. At the same time, it was as if his body had gotten used to this temperature, and it once again slowly adjusted itself.    


Following the slow recovery of his organs, Liu Du's brain was actually the slowest recovery. His entire brain was slowly increasing the temperature, as if his brother's organs were protecting his brain, and slowly unsealing his frozen brain!    


Time passed slowly, but Liu Du's body seemed to have experienced an entire world, as it gradually recovered bit by bit!    


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