The Favorable Divine Doctor



0Time flowed like a comb. A month's time passed in the blink of an eye.    


Liu Du and Chuchu were the only two people in Chuchu's room. That was also Liu Du's request. His secret of healing was that he did not want others to see it.    


"Today is the last day. After today, your illness will be completely cured." Liu Du looked at Chuchu, who was lying on the bed, and smiled.    


There were no longer any traces of vitiligo on Chuchu's body. Her skin was as white as jade, smooth and exquisite. It looked like white jade that could drip water.    


There was a faint trace of excitement on her face. Because she had not been in contact with anyone for a long time, after a month of being together with them, she felt an inexplicable feeling about Liu Du that lingered in her heart.    


The earlier inferiority complex in her heart had vanished as a result of the improvement of her illness. However, her strength and gentleness were even more distinct.    


"Thank you, brother Du." Her red lips parted slightly, and her voice echoed out a hundred times. Amidst her bashfulness, there was also happiness.    


"One last time, I want to break through this barrier. It might be a little painful, so bear with it." Liu Du rubbed Chuchu's head with his hands and messed up her hair.    


This made her slightly frown, but there was a hint of happiness and disappointment on her face. "I've told you so many times already. I'm not a child. Don't always touch someone's head."    


Liu Du chuckled and ignored her objections. In fact, Liu Du was already used to having so many objections in the past month.    


Of course, in his heart, he also saw Chuchu as his own sister, "Oh, you have grown up. But no matter how big you are, in my eyes, you are still my sister."    


She raised her head and looked at Liu Du with her watery eyes. Her face turned serious, "brother Du, I am already eighteen years old. I am a real adult now."    


"Alright, alright, you're an adult now." Seeing her insistence, Liu Du shrugged his shoulders helplessly, then rubbed her head again, causing the hair that she had just tidied up to become messy again.    




Chuchu was truly speechless. She thought to herself, "Brother brother Du is so stupid, why can't I understand what I'm thinking?"    


"Let's begin the treatment." Liu Du tried to adjust his breathing to its best state. He reminded her when he saw that Chuchu was lost in thought.    


"Yes." Chuchu responded gently. She rolled up her shirt, revealing her flat belly.    


The panties on her lower body were also very faded, almost reaching the pubic region. Occasionally, there would be a few hairs on her face that she did not listen to, but they were all exposed.    


She was holding the bottom of her rolled up top lightly. Sweat was seeping out of the tip of her nose. However, there was a faint trace of expectation and craftiness in her big eyes.    


However, when she saw that Liu Du's expression was not as she had expected, a hint of disappointment flashed across her face and she sighed softly.    


"What are you sighing for?" Liu Du sat on the bed with his legs crossed facing Chuchu. He was very focused: "It's time to start the treatment. Don't get distracted."    


Chuchu stuck out her tongue and made a weird face. She closed her eyes and tried to get rid of all the distracting thoughts in her mind.    


As the inner qi circulated in his body, Liu Du slowly pressed his hand on Chuchu's Qi Hai acupoint. The acupoint was an inch and a half below the navel, so it was very sensitive, so he did not get distracted before.    


Liu Du's hand was like a huge stove. A stream of heat came out from his palm and followed the Ren Meridian straight into Chuchu's meridian.    


In the past few days of treatment, most of his blocked meridians had been opened, but even so, it was still hard to avoid the pain.    


Chuchu bit her lips and tried her best not to let out a sound. However, the pain was more than she could bear. She could not help but scream out as she was bleeding from her lower lip.    


"En, it hurts …" To be able to call out just like that from her tightly clenched lips, it was indeed a fantasy.    


Chu Zhengxiong and Chu Tiange, who had been listening outside the door, looked at each other, not knowing what was going on inside.    


The two of them looked at each other awkwardly, but they did not say anything.    


"Ah, brother Du, it hurts!" Just as Chu Zhengxiong and his son were at a loss as to what to do, the voice came from inside once again.    


"Chuchu, bear with it. There's something blocking your way. It's hard to get past." Liu Du's voice floated out from the room.    


"Ah!" "So painful …" Chuchu cried out in pain.    


Chu Tiange's body trembled visibly. Both of his hands were clenched into fists, and veins could be seen on his face. He stood up with his body bent forward and pressed one of his hands on Chu Tiange's shoulder.    


Chu Zhengxiong shook his head lightly at him. Chu Tiange clenched his teeth and finally didn't rush in.    


"So big …" After the pain, Chuchu screamed out again. However, it was obvious that there was a hint of sweetness in her voice. It sounded like some words spoken in the night.    


"Alright." Liu Du let out a long sigh of relief and turned around to see the blood on the corner of Chuchu's mouth. He was stunned and asked with concern: "Does it still hurt? Look at you, you're already bleeding.    




Chu Tiange couldn't hold it in anymore. He slammed open the door of his daughter's room and rushed in: "Liu Du, I …"    


What he wanted to say was, I'm going to kill you! However, when he saw the scene in front of him, he forcefully swallowed the words that he was about to say.    


Liu Tie sat cross-legged on the bed with a pale complexion. His clothes were drenched in sweat and he had his eyes closed tightly. He was casually regulating his breathing and did not seem to notice Chu Zhengxiong and Chu Tiange who barged in.    


However, Chuchu's clothes were still intact. She was holding a wet towel to her mouth while looking at Chu Zhengxiong and Chu Tiange in shock. Blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth.    


"Grandfather, why did you come in?" The frightened Chuchu, after being stunned for a while, finally remembered the question. She looked at her father and her grandfather with astonishment.    


"Cough …" Chu Zhengxiong's face turned red, but he didn't know what to say.    


This misunderstanding was quite a big one. The two of them were so embarrassed that they didn't know how to reply Chuchu.    


Luckily, Chu Tiange was still young and he reacted quickly: "Chuchu, we are worried about you. We feel that this is the last day, so we are afraid that something bad might happen."    


He looked at Liu Du, who was adjusting his breathing with a pale face, then changed the topic: "Liu Du just finished treating you and is very weak. Take care of him, we'll be going out first."    


After saying that, the two of them quickly left the room. The moment Chu Zhengxiong left Chuchu's room, he glared at his son and snorted. Then, he walked away.    


Chu Tiange sighed gloomily, "Can you blame me for this? Didn't you come in with me? " However, he didn't dare speak these words out in front of the old tutor.    


It was only after Chu Tiange and Chu Zhengxiong had left for a long time did Chuchu react. Her face was bashful and astringent, and there was a faint trace of anger on it. However, when she turned around and saw Liu Du, she suddenly thought, "If that's true, then what would daddy and grandpa think?"    


The moment she thought of this, her face turned red. Her breasts, which had just developed, bounced up and down heavily. She didn't dare to look straight at Liu Du.    





"Liu Du, is Chuchu completely cured?" Chu Tiange stared closely at Liu Du, afraid that he would miss a trace of his expression.    


"Of course, she's completely normal now." Liu Du slightly frowned in displeasure. He didn't believe in my medical skills, he belonged to the group of people with fortuitous encounters!    


However, Liu Du did not want to argue about this with Chu Tiange. He wanted his medical fee, "Chuchu's illness has been cured, the medical fee …"    


"Oh, that's fine. I wonder how much the medical fees will be?" Chu Tiange lightly patted his forehead to show that he missed this matter.    


"This …" Liu Du was a little hesitant as he reached out a finger to gently rub his nose. Actually, he was not confident, he had seen too much of his father's treatment, and he had already spent one hundred and fifty thousand gold coins on this set of needles, which was still on the Chu Clan.    


There was no cost for him to treat Chuchu's illness. That set of golden needles couldn't even be counted on her head. That was more than ten thousand yuan, right? Chu Tiange would probably give Chu Tiange some face and let him pay back the money with the needles later, right?    


Chu Tiange saw Liu Du point a finger towards the tip of his nose. He didn't know that this was just Liu Du's habit when he was pondering over a problem. He thought it was Liu Du's suggestion for money and couldn't help but smile.    


Liu Du was shocked. He didn't expect Chu Tiange to directly ask for that much. He was just about to ask for the 10,000 yuan, so he was too embarrassed to ask for it.    


Chu Tiange saw that Liu Du didn't say anything, so he thought he guessed wrong. He smiled slowly, "So it's a million. Hur Hur."    


"Huh?" Liu Du finally shouted out. To be exact, he was shocked by this million.    


My father worked so hard to look after so many patients a year, only to earn a few tens of thousands of dollars. I actually looked at a patient, that's one million yuan. Isn't that a bit too much of a difference?    


However, since they dared to give it to me, I will take it. In any case, a million gold is but a drop in the bucket for Chu Clan, and I also have the money for that set of golden needles.    


Before Liu Du could finish his words, Chu Tiange interrupted him with a smile: "That set of golden needles was a collection of my father's in the past, and I forgot about its existence. But luckily, by mistake, it still played its role, so consider it my gift to you."    


Liu Du did not know what to say anymore. He even forgot how to walk out of Chu Clan.    


When he came back to his senses, he shouted out loud, "F * ck, laozi is a rich man too!"    


His loud shout caused many people on the street to look over.    


However, this guy didn't mind at all. He touched the cheque for one million yuan in his pocket and giggled happily. The pedestrians on the road, thinking it was the exit of a mental hospital, gave way to him.    


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