The Favorable Divine Doctor

C21 infertility

C21 infertility

0"Big brother, do you have any formula that can help you grow more beautiful?" After Chuchu gave the few prescriptions that Liu Du gave to the experts his father hired for her, he praised his prescriptions to the fullest. This made Chuchu even more determined.    


It was just that the girl did not like to be beautiful, even a natural beauty like Chuchu was no exception. As a result, she could not hold back her curiosity and looked at Liu Du expectantly, asking the question that was on her mind.    


"This ?" Liu Du pondered for a while, and finally found an ancient recipe for the Face Preserving Pill in the inheritance. He wrote it down without thinking and handed it over to Chuchu, "You little girl, you have obtained all the things that I have kept in my secret."    


Chuchu took the prescription and read it carefully. She was both excited and nervous, "Brother, is it really effective?"    


When it came to the subject of beauty, even Chuchu was not immune to it.    


"Of course it's effective. This is my exclusive side." Liu Du looked at Chuchu and felt that she was even more adorable. He couldn't help but tease, "However, you must not pester me anymore. I have already given you all the things I have."    


These days, Chuchu seemed to be working. Every day, she would come over on time, and from morning to night, she would follow Liu Du every step of the way.    


"Bro, do, do you hate me?" Chuchu's face was full of grievance. Her lively eyes were slightly moist.    


"Ah ?" Liu Du never thought that his words would trigger such a huge reaction from Chuchu, causing him to be startled. Luckily, at this time, his phone suddenly rang, turning on his embarrassment.    


"Hello." Liu Du was a little doubtful. Not many people knew his phone number, who would call him?    


"Liu Du, do you have time in the afternoon?" A sweet and magnetic voice came out of the phone.    


"It's Yuqing, I thought it was her." Liu Du heard Meng Yuqing's voice and his heart jumped a little. In the past few days, he had been entangled by Chuchu, so he did not spend much time with her. Thinking of that, he felt extremely guilty, "Of course I'm free if you call me."    


"Then come over to my place this afternoon."    


Although Meng Yuqing's voice was still light, Liu Du heard a trace of longing from within. His heart was moved, and the corner of his mouth lifted up, "Okay, wait for me."    


Because he had Chuchu by his side, Liu Du did not dare to speak carelessly.    




hung up the phone, while thinking about it.    


"Humph!" At the side, Chuchu was fuming with anger. She turned her head to the side, not allowing herself to look at Liu Du.    


"Chuchu, what happened to you?" The strong reaction from Chuchu caused Liu Du to be confused. He did not know how he had provoked her.    


"He's really dead!" Finally, Chuchu shouted loudly. Her pretty face was full of anger.    


"Is there?" Liu Du thought back to what he had said just now. It was as if I hadn't said anything inappropriate about children, right?    


"Of course there is! I will ignore you from now on! " Chuchu turned around and ran out with a wronged expression. She had even forgotten to take the beauty prescription.    


Liu Du wanted to give chase, but seeing that she had already quickly gotten into the car and was walking away, he couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "This, this little girl, what kind of medicine did he eat wrong?"    


However, Liu Du felt that Chuchu had the character of a child, so he did not think too much about it.    


"Yuqing, do you miss me?" Liu Du saw that Meng Yuqing had caught him outside her house, and immediately walked towards her with an evil smile.    


He grabbed her waist and pulled her into his embrace.    


"Stop messing around." Meng Yuqing wanted to struggle free from his hands, but was hugged even tighter. Her charming face turned red in an instant. "Stop messing around, my sister-in-law is inside."    


"It's fine, I can't see it." A lady around 30 years old with an extremely good temperament walked out of the villa with a smile. Her pair of eyes was fixated on Liu Du's face.    


"Cough ?" Liu Du quickly let go of his hands, looking a little awkward: "Uh, this place is really too slippery. Yuqing, be more careful when you walk around in the future."    


"How can the road slide when it's not raining?" The temperament woman looked at Liu Du with a smile that was not a smile, and a trace of ridicule could be seen in her eyes.    


"Ah, Yuqing, who is this?" Liu Du also knew that his crappy reasoning could not be relied on at all, so he quickly changed the topic.    


With the intimacy from just now broken, Meng Yuqing's face was as red as the blazing clouds in the horizon. Her expression was extremely unnatural, and her voice also became softer, "This is my cousin, Fang Hong."    


"Hello, sister-in-law." Liu Du enthusiastically greeted Fang Hong.    


"Hehe, your mouth is quite sweet. I was wondering how you could coax such an arrogant girl into your hands." However, Fang Hong did not plan on letting Liu Du go.    


Her relationship with Meng Yuqing was very close, so after knowing the relationship between Liu Du and himself, she was naturally very concerned.    


Liu Du was somewhat unable to resist, and once again used his ultimate move that was changing the topic: "Yuqing, didn't you say you had something you wanted to ask?"    


Meng Yuqing was so shy that she forgot all about proper business. Hearing Liu Du's reminder, she finally came back to her senses.    


When he talked about treatment, the strong Fang Hong's face immediately turned red, and he became bashful.    


"Quick, come in and sit." This time, Fang Hong had no choice but to tease Liu Du and Meng Yuqing. With a red face, she invited Liu Du in.    


"Your body is very normal." After Liu Du examined Fang Hong's pulse, her expression was calm as she made a diagnosis.    


"Then ?" Fang Hong was a little hesitant, and on her extremely well-maintained face, a hint of bashful red quickly surfaced. Her voice also became softer, "Then why haven't we gotten married yet?"    


The corner of Liu Du's eyes twitched a little, but he understood that there were some words that he shouldn't ask too straightforwardly: "Is the relationship between you two husband and wife alright?"    


Fang Hong was slightly startled, she did not understand why Liu Du would ask such a question, but she still answered: "Our relationship is very good, husband and wife."    


"Cough ?" Liu Du gently coughed. God, this is not the question I was asking, it seems that I have to be more direct: "I mean, is the relationship between you two husband and wife alright?"    




Fang Hong and Meng Yuqing shouted out at the same time.    


Meng Yuqing rebuked Liu Du with a glance. How ? how could she ask such a question?    


However, Fang Hong was unable to take it anymore. His face was so red that water was about to drip from it, and her head was deeply lowered. She basically did not dare to look at Liu Du.    


"It's a diagnosis." Seeing the two women acting in such a way, Liu Du's expression was also somewhat unnatural as he slowly explained.    


For the sake of her child, Fang Hong finally said it out loud, but it was so quiet that it sounded like a mosquito saying, "Our side is not too good, he, he still hasn't entered yet, and that's ?."    


Meng Yuqing was still a girl. Although as a doctor, she did not avoid such things, as an inexperienced girl, she was still shy when it came to such things. She quickly used the tea in her cup to hide inside.    



Although Fang Hong didn't say everything out loud in the end, Liu Du still understood that Fang Hong's husband did it early.    


"That's easy to do. Arrange for me to meet with him when you have time." Liu Du had a general idea of the direction to go in his heart, and his mood had also relaxed.    


"But he never wanted to see a doctor." Hearing that Liu Du wanted to meet her husband, Fang Hong was troubled.    


"So it's like that." Liu Du smiled lightly. He understood the psychology of patients who had premature ejaculation. As a man, if this aspect was not good, he would be ashamed to speak of it.    


Meng Yuqing had finished preparing the tea by the side, upon hearing this, she suddenly came up with an idea: "How about we call our cousin over for dinner tonight, and let him meet Liu Du once?"    


"Will it work?" Fang Hong was worried but confused, and had no idea about it.    


"Of course." Meng Yuqing sat beside Fang Hong and gently embraced her: "Sister-in-law, just say that Liu Du is my boyfriend, isn't that fine?"    


Fang Hong's eyes lit up, she looked at Meng Yuqing gratefully and nodded.    


With that said, Fang Hong's heart relaxed. In the conversation that followed, she told her about the relationship he had with her husband.    


After sending Fang Hong off, Liu Du hugged Meng Yuqing into her embrace, and used her two hands to caress her bulging chest.    


"Don't, don't mess around." Meng Yuqing was shy and bitter, her entire body weak. She wanted to push Liu Du away, but she didn't have the strength.    


"Don't be reckless, I'll come straight to the point, okay?" Liu Du laughed sinisterly, but his hands did not stop moving.    


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