The Favorable Divine Doctor





Just as Tian Meng shouted, Liu Du finally drove the car to the beach and into the sea.    


Almost as soon as Tian Meng finished her sentence, he rushed into the back of the car. He looked at the stoppage in his watch, and stopped at 03 seconds. On his face, he was so happy that he was crying tears.    


Tian Meng reacted at this moment. She turned around and hugged Liu Du. Her face was burning as she shouted, "Success! We did it!"    


The joy of surviving a calamity did not have the slightest ambiguous thoughts. Even the two round pieces on his chest were squashed flat by Liu Du's generous chest, so he did not have too much scruples.    


After about ten seconds, Tian Meng finally felt that something was not right and let go of her hands in embarrassment. "I … I was happy. Don't misunderstand."    


"I understand." Liu Du smiled lightly. Just as he was about to urge Tian Meng to get off the car, he suddenly heard a slight sound.    




This sound was like a clap of thunder that struck Liu Du's head. He turned around and saw that the watch that had just stopped started moving again. It was just that it took 30 seconds.    


Without caring about the explanation, he pushed Tian Meng away from the car and jumped off as well.    


"Run, there's a problem with the bomb!" Jumping off the car, Liu Du shouted and pulled Tian Meng along as he ran off into the distance.    


However, Tian Meng had been too quick to jump down. She turned around and shouted at Liu Du, "Don't worry about me, just run away!"    


Liu Du gritted his teeth and turned around to pick her up. He ran forward recklessly.    


"Put me down so neither of us can escape." Tian Meng screamed and struggled to get down.    


Liu Du hugged her tightly and said firmly, "I will not abandon my friend and run. Don't move, it will only be slower."    


Tian Meng heard Liu Du's insistence and stopped moving. She stuck closely to Liu Du to reduce the impact of his strength.    


Sticking close to Liu Du's broad chest and listening to his powerful heartbeat, it made her, who had always been strong and had never bowed her head to a man, feel a sense of security protected by a man at this moment.    


"What a fool!" As she spoke softly, tears actually quietly rolled down her cheeks.    


Are you crying? This should be the first time since he grew up, right? Tian Meng thought to herself as she stuck her head even tighter.    


"Bam!" With a loud bang, Tian Meng and Liu Du's bodies were thrown high into the air with a powerful impact.    


Tian Meng's head felt increasingly dizzy. Before she lost consciousness, she was actually thinking, This man is really stupid. It's not good to die together with him, right …    


As he thought of this, a smile appeared on his face, and he lost consciousness.    


Just before the explosion, Liu Du felt a sense of danger. He bent his body forward and stomped hard with his feet, concentrating all the inner Qi in his body on his back.    


He then fiercely jumped forward.    


The huge force of impact was not something a human body could endure. Liu Du's body was thrown high into the air, but in the instant he flew up, he still did one action, and that was to tighten his arms and protect Tian Meng's body in front of him. That way, he would have a greater chance of survival for her.    


At the same time Liu Du was sent flying, he could clearly feel the inner Qi that was gathered at his back dispersing into a protective layer. His vision turned dark and his consciousness flew into the sky.    




When Liu Du opened his eyes again, he saw a white room.    


"Liu Du, you're awake." Meng Yuqing didn't care about the presence of others as she threw herself into Liu Du's embrace, crying tears of joy and tears of joy.    


"Where is this?" Liu Du tried to raise his hand with all his might. A sharp pain came from his entire body, filling every joint.    


"This is a hospital." Meng Yuqing quietly turned her head away, wiping away her tears. When she looked at Liu Du, she showed him a smile.    


Tears turned into smiles, giving off the feeling of a beautiful woman who had just bloomed. Liu Du's heart warmed as he gently caressed her cheeks, wiping away the traces of her tears.    


"Liu Du, thank you for doing everything for Bluesea!" Meng Tao looked at his daughter kissing me and me like this. Although it was awkward, but he was a shrewd person after all. In just a moment, he had adjusted his attitude and walked over with a smile, greeting them cordially.    


Hearing Meng Tao's words, Liu Du smiled subtly, "It's nothing, this is what I should do."    


Meng Yuqing, who was standing at the side, shouted in embarrassment, "Dad, you guys talk, I'm leaving first."    


When Meng Yuqing walked out of the door, the equation quickly introduced her, "Liu Du, this is our Bluesea City's Committee Secretary Meng." Following that, she secretly winked at Liu Du behind Meng Tao with an evil smile on her face.    


Liu Du was stunned. His brain, which had just awakened, felt a little painful.    


Isn't this way too much?    


Unexpectedly, he saw Meng Yuqing's father, who was also the secretary of the Municipal Committee, at this moment. Liu Du felt his head hurt and didn't know what to say.    


Although Meng Tao didn't know the movements behind the equation, he could see Liu Du's abnormality. He patted Liu Du's shoulder lightly with his generous hand: "You're a great hero now, don't think too much. Hurry up and heal up."    


"Yes." When Liu Du found out that he was Meng Yuqing's father, he felt awkward.    


Meng Tao also felt uneasy. After seeing Liu Du's expression, he smiled and said, "Take good care of yourself. However, you won't be told your name. I hope you understand."    


He paused for a moment, "Equation, you stay here with Liu Du. I still have something to do in the city, so I'll be leaving first."    


He stood up but stopped halfway, as if he wanted to say something. Then, he sighed and left the room without saying a word.    


After Meng Tao left, Liu Du let out a long sigh of relief: "Ai, it seems like we're just civilians, we're not used to meeting big bosses!"    


Equation just spat out and jokingly scolded, "Are you afraid of meeting the Leader? You must be feeling guilty! "    


"How is that possible?" Liu Du quickly retorted, but he said it without any confidence.    


"Tsk, if my father-in-law comes knocking on my door, it would be strange if you're not afraid." Equations completely ignored him with an evil smile on his face.    


"Right, how is Tian Meng?" Liu Du did not dare to continue talking about the equation, so he shifted the topic to Tian Meng.    


As soon as Tian Meng was mentioned, Equation suddenly leaned towards Liu Du with a mysterious look, with a wretched look in his eyes: "You brat, you still have the nerve to mention Tian Meng. Did you know that when you were unconscious, you were still hugging her tightly? We couldn't break your hand even if we went over."    


"Is there?" Liu Du's face turned red as he asked in confusion.    



"Yes, not only do you have them, there are also problems with your hands and the area you're holding them in. Hehe …" The smile of the equation, more vulgar and ambiguous, the light in his eyes, even a little green, made Liu Du feel guilty.    


"About that, don't spout nonsense. If you let Yuqing hear that, then …"    


"Come on, Yuqing followed us back then, and you hugged Tian Meng tightly. She's blushing when she sees that." As he spoke, he gestured with his hand at his chest.    


Liu Du immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't think too much about it at the time. The place he was holding was actually so sensitive and depressing. Why didn't he have a good feeling about it? Tian Meng's figure was really good.    


"Liu Du, why are you so red?" It was unknown when Meng Yuqing walked in. She nervously walked close to Liu Du and put her hand on Liu Du's forehead.    


"Eh, it's not a fever, but why is it so red?" Meng Yuqing said nervously, "No, I have to call the doctor over to have a look."    


"No need!" Liu Du held her hand in embarrassment and smiled awkwardly. He had just remembered to conquer a heroic beauty like Tian Meng. That was why his face had turned red. What could the doctor possibly find out?    


"Are you sure you're all right?" Meng Yuqing looked at Liu Du worriedly. She let him hold her jade-like hands in his own.    


The equations at the side, upon seeing this scene, let out a soft sigh. Ai, they've boarded a pirate ship! He sighed and walked out quietly.    


Just as the two of them were talking about surviving this calamity, the door suddenly rang.    


Meng Yuqing went to open the door and was momentarily stunned when she saw who it was. After being stunned for a moment, she immediately put on a smile and said, "You must be here to see Liu Du. He's already awake."    


"I just came to take a look and thank him for saving me." Tian Meng's voice had returned to its usual coldness, and her face was brimming with heroic spirit, just as forceful as before, increasing the distance between her and others.    


"Come in." Meng Yuqing treated herself as her mistress and welcomed Tian Meng with a smile.    


When Liu Du saw Tian Meng, an unnatural expression surfaced on his face: "Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Tian Meng looked at Liu Du with interest. With a sincere smile, she said, "Thank you for saving me. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid …"    


"You're welcome. I didn't think too much about it." Liu Du waved his hand and smiled honestly.    


"You guys chat, I'll go out and cook for Liu Du." Meng Yuqing could see that the three of them were uncomfortable with her presence, so she found an excuse and walked out.    


However, when he walked out of the door, he turned around and glanced at Liu Du. There was a slightly complicated look in his eyes.    


"She cares about you." Tian Meng softly said as she watched Meng Yuqing close the door.    


"Yes." Liu Du replied with a smile.    


Tian Meng pondered for a while. She seemed to be thinking about something. After a long while, she raised her head. There was a trace of expectation in her heroic eyes. "There's something I want you to consider carefully."    


Liu Du had a premonition of what was going on. He didn't say anything and waited for her to continue.    


"I would like to invite you to join Chief Guo An."    


"Not interested." Liu Du quickly rejected her. Was this a joke? In a place like Director Wu's, there was no way in or out, and he dealt with danger every day. He was still thinking about enjoying his life.    


"With your skills, if you were to join the Bureau, you would definitely contribute more to the country." Tian Meng refused to give up and wanted to convince Liu Du.    


"Forget it, I was still thinking about living for a few more years. I can't do your work." Liu Du didn't want to continue the topic at all and directly refused.    


Tian Meng saw Liu Du's resolute attitude and knew that persuading him would be useless, so she gave up the idea and suggested a compromise. "How about you become Guo An's non-staff member?"    


"Oh?" Liu Du was a little surprised. He looked at Tian Meng in confusion: "What do you mean by non-staff?"    


"It means that we are in a cooperative relationship. If Guo An needs your help for a mission, you can choose to help or not." Tian Meng explained patiently and added, "But I will definitely reward you for your help."    


"So it's like that." When Liu Du heard this suggestion, although he felt that it wasn't bad, he was still hesitant: "What's the benefit of being an outsider?"    


Tian Meng seemed to be well-prepared. She took out a work permit from her bag and handed it to Liu Du: "With this, no matter what happens to you in the future, no one will be able to investigate you."    


"Ah!" When Liu Du heard it was good, he immediately took over his work card. This thing was good, it was a protective amulet, so he didn't want it for free.    


Seeing Liu Du receive the work permit, Tian Meng smiled eerily. Her face showed an expression as if she had succeeded in her conspiracy.    


Liu Du didn't notice all of this. He kept looking at the work permit again and again, but he was thinking, this thing, it's really an essential magical equipment for doing bad things!    






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