The Favorable Divine Doctor

C23 Peaceful coexistence

C23 Peaceful coexistence

0Facing the morning sun, Liu Du felt relaxed and satisfied. Meng Yuqing was coming over today, although she said it was to concoct a medicine, she was actually thinking about what to make of it.    


Last night, he had washed his body thoroughly. As for the place that was sensitive, he had sprayed perfume on it the moment he got up in the morning and used an incense stick to burn.    


Yesterday was her last day, and today should be her safe time.    


Although Liu Du really didn't know much about western medicine, he had never eaten pork before. He had always seen pigs run, so he did have a deep understanding of this very useful little knowledge.    


"Liu Du, I'm going to climb the mountain with your dad today, aren't you going?" Jiao Yu Lan was ready, and just as she was about to go out, she saw Liu Du dressed meticulously, and asked curiously.    


"Mom, you have to pass through the two of them. I have no shame to disturb you." Liu Du cheerfully stepped forward and embraced his mother, then leaned in close to Jiao Yulan's ear. "Mom, I've heard that men at this age are the most masculine, so you have to watch out for them."    


"F * ck you, little brat. You even dare to joke with your mother." Jiao Yulan punched Liu Du on the shoulder, her face red. In the next moment, she nervously asked, "Son, did you hear something?"    


"No, no, absolutely not!" Liu Du waved his hands and quickly denied it. He didn't dare to joke around, because if his mother was really jealous, they wouldn't need to go out today. That would ruin his plans.    


"Mom, you don't know who my dad is, but in your heart, you're definitely the only one. Even if there's four great beauties in front of him, he still wouldn't take a single look. Don't worry about that!" For his own blessings, Liu Du did not hesitate to use all of his descriptions of good men, using them all on his father.    


"Of course." Jiao Yulan gently stroked her long hair, revealing a proud smile on her face. "I was one of the people who took a fancy to your father. That's why I followed him."    


Liu Zhiqian, who was at the side, cursed a few times. He looked at them and muttered, "The weather today is not bad. Did I catch a cold?"    


With much difficulty, Liu Du finally managed to coax his parents back into the car. Only then did Liu Du wipe his sweat and gently wave his hands, "Dad, mom, don't come back in the middle class. Eat outside and get to know each other better."    


Actually, Liu Du didn't dare to say the next sentence, which was to give me space.    


Jiao Yulan blushed and said, "This kid knows how to spout nonsense."    


Liu Zhiqian didn't miss the opportunity to bump into his wife, "Well, let's relive our old dreams today and find out what it feels like to be in love for the first time."    


Liu Du watched his parents leave and finally heaved a sigh of relief. "This is all settled. If there's no one to disturb me, I can ?"    


He wanted to see what Meng Yuqing was thinking and became even more anxious. She took out her phone and was about to make a call when a red Maserati sports car stopped beside him with a "ca" sound.    


"Huh, Yuqing knew she was coming to see me, so she changed her car?" Liu Du hesitated for a moment, the anticipation in his heart grew stronger, and with a passionate gaze, he walked towards the car door.    


"Bro, wait for me." Chuchu got out of the car. Seeing that Liu Du was waiting there with a face full of anticipation, he immediately jumped into his arms out of joy.    


"Ah ?" Liu Du's face was gloomy like a bitter gourd. How did things turn out like this?    


"Chuchu, didn't you say ?" Liu Du hesitated, thinking of how he should push Chuchu away.    


"I was really angry at the time, but now I think it through. If no one likes a man, then this man must be very bad. The more people like him, the more it shows that my eyes aren't wrong!" Chuchu summed up her experience happily, not noticing the depressed look on Liu Du's face.    


However, Liu Du had to admit, what Chuchu said was reasonable, but he was thinking about the two worlds Meng Yuqing had with him, the grand cause. He hesitated for a moment, but he still forced himself to say, "Um ?"    


Chuchu looked innocent and stared into Liu Du's eyes, "Brother, what are you trying to say? I was prepared. "    


Her cute appearance touched the softness in Liu Du's heart. He sighed lightly, "Actually, I have to make the ingredients today, so I can't accompany you."    


"Dressing?" Chuchu blinked with her big and bright eyes. She seemed very curious. Then she clapped her hands and shouted excitedly, "Alright, I'll help you."    




He could already imagine, when Meng Yuqing came over later, the scene when the two girls met each other would definitely be very bloody.    


But facing such a pure and innocent little loli, Liu Du found it hard to say anything else to reject his. He helplessly smiled: "Alright, let's go in."    


His heart was bleeding. It was not easy for him to support his parents. In the end, he received an even bigger lantern cannon. How miserable.    


"Ah ?" While she was busy tidying up the herbs, she suddenly held her hands and shouted...    


"What's wrong?" Liu Du was startled, but recovered from his depressed state. Looking at Chuchu, he saw that a strand of fresh blood had seeped out from between his white fingers and slowly formed a drop on the ground.    


"Why are you so careless?" Liu Du helped decontaminate Chuchu gently and applied the medicinal powder of the decayed muscles early on, then bandaged it up.    


As she felt Liu Du's gentleness and care, she felt her heart warm up. She had already forgotten about the pain in her hand and was still reluctant to part with it.    


"I made this medicine myself. I promise not to leave any scars." Liu Du saw that she was a little startled, and thought that he was worried that there would be scars, so he lightly comforted her.    




Chu Yu suddenly raised her head and kissed Liu Du's face. Then she blushed and ran off to the side with her hands on her chest.    


"Liu Du." Meng Yuqing's sweet voice rang out at this moment, startling the still dazed Liu Du awake.    


He quickly went to welcome her. "You're here."    


Meng Yuqing noticed that it was Chuchu, and was shocked in her heart as she looked at Liu Du with her beautiful eyes.    


"Oh, she is Chuchu." Liu Du was extremely uncomfortable being looked at by Meng Yuqing. He quietly touched the place where he had just been kissed by Chuchu.    


"Hello Chuchu, my name is Meng Yuqing." When Meng Yuqing heard about the story of Chuchu, he walked over naturally and extended her hand.    


"Hello elder sister Yuqing." Chuchu's expression was a little awkward, as if she was a child who had done something wrong. Her little red face did not dare look straight at Meng Yuqing.    


Meng Yuqing did not think too much about it. She thought it was Chuchu who was shy and smiled lightly. She held Chuchu's hand and asked with concern: "What happened to your hand?"    


Looking at the wonderful cloth in her hand, Chuchu remembered the kiss she had secretly given. Her face turned even redder and she spoke inneatly, "I-I accidentally cut it."    


"You wait here, Liu Du and I will do it." Meng Yuqing patted Chuchu's hands with concern, looking warm and considerate.    


However, because of Meng Yuqing's concern, Chuchu became even more unnatural. She kept thinking that she had stolen his beloved item, and her eyes were filled with guilt. "Sister Yuqing, I ?"    


Meng Yuqing thought that she was trying to help and immediately stopped her. She smiled: "It's alright, just watch."    


Liu Du was initially afraid that the two girls would fight each other the moment he saw them, but he did not expect things to turn out like this. He could not help but secretly laugh at the side.    


Even if Chuchu ruined his plans, he didn't think it was that important anymore.    


The prescription was actually very simple. It only took him an hour to finish it.    



"Come, I'll treat you guys to a meal." After putting the last nectar pill into the bottle he prepared beforehand, Liu Du let out a long sigh of relief.    


Just as she was about to jump into Liu Du's embrace, she suddenly remembered that Meng Yuqing was still there. She opened her hands and stopped awkwardly.    


Seeing that Chuchu's expression was not right, Meng Yuqing asked in concern, "Chuchu, what's wrong?"    


"Nothing, nothing." Chuchu pretended to stretch her body to cover herself. However, her mind was innocent and her thoughts had already surfaced in her eyes.    


Meng Yuqing turned her head, her beautiful eyes filled with the intent of asking.    


Liu Du felt his scalp go numb, as though thousands of needles had stabbed into his body at the same time. He quickly picked up the pill on the table and stuffed it into Meng Yuqing's hands.    


Meng Yuqing knew that he was changing the topic, and was even more furious, but she did not show it in front of Chuchu. She took the pill in one hand, and in her other hand, she secretly reached to Liu Du's waist and pinched it.    


"Aiyo ?" Liu Du suddenly felt pain and cried out.    


At the side, Chuchu jumped over and held Liu Du's hand caringly, "Brother, what's wrong?"    


"N-nothing." Liu Du glanced at Meng Yuqing and laughed guiltily.    


Then, he realized that something was wrong with Meng Yuqing's eyes, they were staring at his hands, only then did he feel that his hands were soft and smooth, so it turned out that Chuchu was still holding his hands, a bitter taste emerged from her mouth.    


Chuchu also felt that something was wrong and she let go of Liu Du's hand. She looked at Meng Yuqing with a red face, "Sister Yuqing, I ?"    


Meng Yuqing glared at Liu Du and turned towards Chuchu, laughing softly to hide her anger, "Chuchu, let's go eat."    


Seeing how Meng Yuqing treated her, Chuchu felt even more guilty. She turned her head to look at Liu Du, the expression in her eyes extremely complicated.    


Seeing the two girls walk out, Liu Du sighed lightly and quickly chased after them.    


"I know there's a good Sichuan cuisine nearby. Shall we go?" Liu Du felt uneasy and hurriedly expressed his gratitude.    


Unexpectedly, Meng Yuqing snorted softly, and ignored his hospitality.    


Even Chuchu, who had always been kind and gentle to Liu Du, rarely didn't give him any face at all. However, in the end, he still couldn't endure Liu Du's pitiful gaze as he timidly said in a low voice: "I don't eat spicy food, I'm afraid of getting pimples."    


"Th-then let's go eat the roast lamb." Seeing that Meng Yuqing was still not friendly, the pitiful Liu Du tried to curry favor with him once again.    


Finally, Meng Yuqing was no match for his pitiful appearance, and snorted lightly: "Hmph, lamb is too perverted, I don't like it."    


Seeing Meng Yuqing finally speak, Liu Du was relieved and chuckled, "Then what do you guys want to eat, I'll treat you guys."    


However, she did not dare show it in front of Meng Yuqing. She could not help but pull Meng Yuqing gently, "Sister Yuqing ?"    


Actually, the anger in Meng Yuqing's heart had already disappeared. It was just that she purposely did not let Liu Du see his good side, and upon hearing what was said, she let out a soft sigh in her heart. This little enemy of her, she did not know what kind of debt she would stir up in the future.    


"Let's go to Little Qiao's house to eat." As Meng Yuqing said this, she looked at Liu Du with a complicated gaze.    


"Alright, let's go there to eat." Hearing about Xiao Qiao and his family, Liu Du's heart was moved, and he thought of the beginning with Meng Yuqing: "That's good, the place where my happiness starts."    


Meng Yuqing's face flushed red, and spat lightly.    


Chuchu did not know what had happened, but she looked at Liu Du in a daze, then at Meng Yuqing. She saw that the two of them had strange expressions, and became even more suspicious: "Brother, what do you mean?"    


Liu Du and Meng Yuqing looked at each other and laughed, and then chose to remain silent, causing Chuchu to be even more at a loss ?    


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