Pretty Girl’s General Guard

C189 Intercept Wei Ming

C189 Intercept Wei Ming

0Fong Shui stayed in the dark room after telling his subordinates what to do.    


The dark room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.    


Before the person arrived, the sound came first.    


"Teacher, there is news that Chen Junlin hired an international lawyer called Wai Ming to fight this case. He even escorted this person away. It seems that this person is very important to this case."    


A small man rushed in and said.    


Fong Shui was about to scold this young man for not abiding by the rules, but when he heard about this matter, he did not care about the rules. He hurriedly said, "Lei, quickly bring someone to get rid of this international lawyer. I do not want to see him in court. Do you understand?"    


"Master, Lei understands." After saying that, Lei ran off to prepare.    


Fong Shui looked at Lei's back and thought, "I want to see how you, Chen Junlin, will fight this case without a lawyer."    


On the other side, Chen Junlin and Bai Shu sent Wai Ming home. Bai Shu was driving in the front while Chen Junlin and Wai Ming were talking behind him. The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time. They had a lot to talk about.    


Halfway to the car, four or five jeeps suddenly surrounded Chen Junlin's car. They wanted to force Chen Junlin's car to stop.    


Bai Shu had been by Chen Junlin's side for many years and had seen many things. He didn't need Chen Junlin's instructions. Bai Shu suddenly accelerated, trying to break through the encirclement of the jeeps. The jeeps saw that Chen Junlin's car didn't stop, but sped up instead. For a moment, they wanted to win. They also accelerated, wanting to seal Chen Junlin's car.    


Bai Shu wasn't a vegetarian. He drove the Porsche into a professional racing car and successfully broke through the encirclement. He left the jeeps far behind. Bai Shu reached out his hand from the window. He gave the jeeps a middle finger. The jeeps were so angry that they honked their horns to express their dissatisfaction.    


Bai Shu had just won the jeeps, and he was in a good mood. He punched the horn, and the car made a beep. Bai Shu shouted, "Nice!    


Chen Junlin and Wai Ming, who were standing behind Bai Shu, were amused by Bai Shu's actions. They were in a good mood for a while.    


Wai Ming teased Bai Shu, "Good skills. It's a pity to be Brother Lin's subordinate."    


Chen Junlin was about to say something when he saw seven or eight jeeps coming from the opposite side of his car. Clearly, they were with the jeeps behind them. Chen Junlin stopped smiling and said seriously, "It's not over yet."    


Bai Shu also saw seven or eight jeeps on the opposite side of his car. The complacency in his eyes disappeared and he became serious all of a sudden. He looked at Chen Junlin through the rearview mirror and said, "Boss, what should we do?"    


Chen Junlin looked at Wai Ming beside him and said, "Stop the car."    


"The pincer attack from the front and back was obviously prepared. Bai Shu's driving skills were good, but he could not break through the layers of encirclement. " We can only ask Bai Shu to stop. From the looks of these people, their target is most likely Wai Ming, who is by his side. Wai Ming just met him today, and these people appeared. This means that their every move is within their line of sight. This feeling is really unpleasant."    


Chen Junlin thought to himself.    


The few jeeps in front of Chen Junlin's car saw Chen Junlin's car stop, so they drove to stop in front of Chen Junlin's car. A few people got out of the car. They all held weapons in their hands and gestured at Chen Junlin's car.    


The leader of the jeeps, Lei, shouted, "Hand over Wai Ming and I will spare your lives."    


When these people surrounded Chen Junlin's car, Chen Junlin and the other two did not move, especially Chen Junlin and Wai Ming, who were sitting at the back. They even opened a bottle of red wine and prepared to taste it.    


When Lei came down to talk, Bai Shu turned around and asked Chen Junlin, "Boss, I'll go down and take a look."    


Chen Junlin nodded.    


Bai Shu got out of the car and leaned against the car. He looked at Lei Zi and the others coldly and said, "Get out of the way or die."    


Lei Zi smiled. He did not take Bai Shu seriously at all. "Hand him over and you can leave."    


Bai Shu was also a little angry. He said, "Get out of the way."    


Lei Zi was also angry. He had brought so many people with him, but he could still scare these people. He sneered and said, "Hand him over and leave a leg for me."    


At this moment, Chen Junlin was drinking and chatting with Wai Ming. When he heard Lei Zi's words, he smiled faintly and signaled to Bai Shu.    


As Chen Junlin's subordinate, Bai Shu understood every action of Chen Junlin.    


Bai Shu alone rushed into the group of people, like a wolf entering a sheep's den, and flipped them over in a few moves.    


Lei Zi was knocked down by Bai Shu with a single punch. He was shocked by Bai Shu's strength, but his teacher's mission had to be completed. Lei Zi took out the Swiss Army knife from his pocket and stabbed it at Bai Shu's chest.    


Bai Shu saw this guy running towards his heart, and his heart was cold. He grabbed his hand that was holding the knife with one hand and pulled it back to twist Lei's body. He took his Swiss Army knife and cut off his hand.    


Bai Shu let go of Lei and rubbed the knife on Lei's body in disgust.    


Lei held his right wrist with his left hand. He screamed and rolled on the ground.    


There were some things that Bai Shu knew how to do without Chen Junlin's instructions. Bai Shu squatted down and grabbed Lei Zi's hair. He asked, "Tell me, who sent you here."    


Lei's loyalty to his teacher, Fong Shui, was no less than Bai Shu's loyalty to Chen Junlin.    


Bai Shu was not angry. Instead, he laughed. "What a loyal dog." After saying that, he removed Lei's other hand.    


After breaking two hands, Lei Zi felt his soul leaving his body, as if he was about to die. He couldn't even cry out even if he wanted to.    


Bai Zhu's tone was gentle as he said to Lei Zi, "Who sent you here?"    


Lei Zi closed his eyes and didn't say anything.    


Bai Shu saw this and wanted to take off one of his legs. He did not believe that he would not say anything.    


Lei Zi felt Bai Shu's actions and begged for mercy in a panic. "No, I'll say it, I'll say it."    


Lei Zi did not dare to hide it. He told Bai Shu everything he knew. It turned out that Lei's group was sent by Fong Shui, the backing of Zhao family. They wanted to get rid of Wai Ming so that he wouldn't be able to participate in the trial.    


Bai Shu got the answer, took off one of Lei's legs, and said with a smile, "Since you know what's good for you, I'll let you have one leg."    


Bai Shu returned to the car and gave the report he had heard to Chen Junlin.    


When Chen Junlin heard the news, he understood. He told Bai Shu, "Find someone to protect Wai Ming for 24 hours."    


When Wai Ming heard Chen Junlin's order to Bai Shu, he quickly said, "No, I can handle it myself. I am not a weak girl. I need someone to protect me for 24 hours. You underestimate me."    


Bai Shu teased Wai Ming. "You are not a strong girl. Why are there so many people looking for you?"    


"Who are you talking about?" Wai Ming asked.    



Junlin smiled. He said to Bai Shu, Then go and check on that Fong Shui and find out his background."    


Bai Shu accepted the order and went to work.    


Chen Junlin drove Wai Ming to his house.    


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