Master of the Sky



0Guo Nan was speechless.    


"Predecessor, you couldn't have helped me for nothing after all this, right? However, your strength is already at the level of a deity. With my insignificant strength, is it possible for me to work for you? "    


Guo Nan couldn't figure it out. Old Man could totally destroy an entire world by himself. Why would he look for him?    


"Grab the Heaven Flipping Seal and head back to the Wilderness to talk."    




"That's right. The world I live in is called the Wilderness."    


Old Man tore open the space, grabbed Guo Nan with one hand, and escaped into it, instantly arriving at that paradise.    


Guo Nan exclaimed, "Your strength is unparalleled throughout the world. I really can't think of any other word to describe you."    


"Actually, spatial travel, relies on the power of Heaven Flipping Seal. My own ability is not enough for spatial travel. That Heaven Flipping Seal is a real Heaven Flipping Seal, not something like your so-called god race. Their divine instrument were all fakes, imitating things made in China. The divine instrument of China is the real divine instrument, the divine instrument born in this world. "    


"China? This place is called Hua Xia? "    


"That's right, the China World is also known as the Chinese Wilderness. Everyone here, even a three-year-old child, is stronger than strong person. "You go and try out the land below. Can you cultivate it?"    


Old Man waved his hand and sent Guo Nan to the ground.    


A naked girl smilingly placed the sickle in her hand in front of Guo Nan.    


Guo Nan felt that the young girl was very beautiful, blended into the natural beauty. Looking at the beautiful mountain peak on the young girl's chest, he could only praise it silently, unable to give birth to desire.    


To desire at a time like this was courting death.    


Guo Nan squatted down and tried to pick up the sickle.    


However, when he held onto the scythe's hilt, he discovered that the scythe was completely motionless! He used all of his strength, using the support of the Spiritual Energy within his dantian, but he was still unable to shake that sickle.    


"Try again, can you move a small stone?" Old Man said again.    


Guo Nan followed Old Man's instructions and tried for a bit. The result was miserable, he couldn't even hold up the smallest stone.    


"This is power! True strength! Your training is a mess, and you're in the next tier. Everything in the Chinese Wilderness is hundreds of millions of times more powerful than in your world. A grain of sand or a grain of sand, everything weighs a million kilograms. If the people here were to enter your world, just take a casual step and the earth would tremble, and your life would be obliterated. " "Old Man sighed.    


Guo Nan could understand Old Man's words. A grain of sand and dust was already so heavy, how much weight did the people here weigh?    


The incomprehensible world, the unimaginable surprise, just appeared in front of Guo Nan's eyes little by little.    


Old Man waved his hand and Guo Nan returned to the Cyan Bull. The Cyan Bull slowly walked into the air, towards the mountain peak in the distance.    


That mountain is the headquarters of our entire Tribe. Everything you want to know about it, you will know.    


"Predecessor, what was the power of the technique you used to create life?"    


"The power of the Dao!" "All living things in the world have their own paths. They will follow their own paths, and everything is feasible. They will follow their own paths, and everything will come to nothing."    


"The Dao?"    


Guo Nan had heard this word from Old Man more than once, but no matter how much he thought about it, he could not understand it.    


"You will understand that power one day, and that day won't be too far away. Now I'll explain to you that you can't understand, that's all. What I can create is actually very limited. I can create flowers, grass, trees, mountains, rocks and earth, but I am unable to create living people. Even the Cyan Bull you are riding on is unconscious, so it can't be considered a living being. "    


"Predecessor, plants and trees, after reaching a certain level of realm, you can also gain consciousness, right?"    


"Of course. If even a piece of soil can produce consciousness, then why not flowers, plants, and trees? However, what I have created is all unconsciousness. I have only experienced the hardships of the world. Under the vast heavens, I have developed a consciousness. "    


As Old Man said this, he stared at Guo Nan with his dark eyes and said seriously, "Perhaps one day, you will be able to control the heavens' law and create a living person. Who knows?"    


"Me? Predecessor, are you kidding? "    


"Are you joking? Hehe, if you don't see any hope, then why did I call you here for? "    


Old Man's eyes were full of meaning. Guo Nan was confused and didn't even know where to start asking.    


The speed of the Cyan Bull seemed to be very slow, but in reality, each step was a hundred meters long, and very quickly, it landed on top of the mountain.    


"Xiao You, follow me."    


Old Man got off the Cyan Bull and walked in front. Guo Nan, a Dragon and a Tiger Cave. In the Chinese Wilderness world, he couldn't even beat a baby, and the term "danger" meant that he had to bite the bullet and follow behind Old Man.    


Old Man walked into a low thatched cottage. Guo Nan followed and was immediately shocked.    


It was such a small hut, yet the space inside was so small that one couldn't see the end of it?    


"Xiao You, don't be surprised. To us, this is just the most basic of residences. Every hut is an entrance to the Isolated Space, and countless people can live inside. "    


As expected, after following Old Man around for a while, Guo Nan saw many small huts.    


Strangely, not a single person could be found in so many huts.    


Old Man casually chose a small hut and walked in with Guo Nan. The interior of the thatched cottage was simple and crude, like the most primitive of ancestors.    


A naked little boy was lying on a bed. The little boy's breathing was even. It was obvious that he was asleep.    


"Xiao You, I have been in the Chinese Wilderness world for a while, what did you discover?" Old Man asked.    


Guo Nanxiao said, "This place is peaceful and peaceful, like a paradise. Although living here isn't enjoyable, but the heart is very peaceful and comfortable. However, the people here are a bit strange. "    


Old Man's eyes narrowed as he asked, "Why is it strange?"    


"They seem to only know how to work, smile, and speak?"    




Old Man nodded heavily. He pointed at the little boy on the bed and asked with pity in his eyes, "What is he doing?"    





Guo Nan looked at Old Man strangely and thought to himself, "Why would this old deity ask such a stupid question?" Could it be that the little boy was cultivating?    


"Sleeping is indeed, but can you imagine, in Chinese Wilderness, there used to be tens of millions of people living in peaceful places! Starting from around 30,000 years ago, a strange phenomenon appeared. Some people began to fall, unable to wake up no matter what. Their souls inexplicably disappeared! As time goes on, more and more of these situations will occur. Even if you are a baby, it is impossible to avoid them. "    


"The little boy in front of you is already six years old. From the moment he was born, he has no soul and is a living corpse. According to your plane of existence, you must be thinking about how he grew up. Actually, there is no need to do anything. The people of the Chinese Wilderness are born with great power, and they can grow to a very strong stage without eating at all. "    


Old Man pointed at the boy and sorrowfully said, "He will slowly grow up and slowly age until he reaches the end of his thousand years in Hua Xia."    


Listening to Old Man's words, a strange thought appeared in Guo Nan's mind. It turned out that these fierce person would also die!    




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