Master of the Sky



0Jiang Ziya felt that Guo Nan was a bit of a scammer.    


It wasn't a bullshit, it was a bullshit.    


If this news were to spread out, the dignified China World Spirit Sealing Whip master Jiang Ziya and the most mysterious Senior Taurus, who taught Guo Nan as a disciple, would really be laughed out of their minds by Great Gods.    


No matter if it was Jiang Ziya or Lao Qingniu, they were both famous figures. Although ordinary people did not know about them, they were the true gods in the domain of gods. For two like fierce person, the task of saving Huaxia and saving countless spatial plane was placed on Guo Nan. No matter what they said, no matter what Guo Nan said, in fact, Guo Nan was already their disciple.    


Even though he didn't have the title of master and disciple, he still had the friendship of a master and disciple.    


Wu stressed that Liu steel should have epistatic's thinking, but did not expect that Liu steel, came a hegemonist thinking, a vile mind thinking.    


When he heard Guo Nan's views on the 59 Ancient Dragon Sect disciples, Jiang Ziya felt extremely pained. However, he still hoped that Guo Nan could change his mind and not be so deceitful.    


But in reality, Guo Nan didn't have any intention to change his mind and came to Jiang Ziya while licking his face.    


Jiang Ziya was extremely depressed. Damn it, with this kind of character, how could he help China World and many other big worlds to get rid of Sky Law? With his character, if he were to take the wrong path, how could he control the Heavenly Law?    


Taurus and Jiang Ziya's hopes were placed on the dog.    


If Senior Taurus knew about this, he would probably get his Lao Qingniu to directly be trampled to death by Guo Nan. After that, Senior Taurus would have to take a piss on Guo Nan to vent his anger.    


Jiang Ziya and Senior Taurus's expectations for Guo Nan were very high. Even Guo Nan himself didn't understand where the expectations came from. He just felt a little baffled. Guo Nan did not dare to have too much hope for the future. All he had to do was do his best.    


This time, he wanted to send the fifty nine Ancient Dragon Sect disciples to their deaths, which made Jiang Ziya a little disappointed.    


Jiang Ziya looked at Guo Nan. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. F * ck, how did he teach such a despicable person?    


In Jiang Ziya's eyes, for the sake of his own thoughts of hegemony and in order to maintain his so-called dignity, letting the fifty-nine disciples of the Ancient Dragon Sect die was the act of a villain, a complete and utter villain.    


No matter how much one calculated, it would never occur to Guo Nan to do such a thing.    


Hearing Jiang Ziya's words and seeing the undisguised look of disdain in Jiang Ziya's eyes, Guo Nan thought to himself, "This is bad, this old guy is angry. I don't know how he will make things difficult for me."    


He thought for a while, then bowed respectfully towards Jiang Ziya and said, "Predecessor, what do you think I should do? If those fifty-nine Ancient Dragon Sect disciples want to leave, I have no choice. I can't really let them leave, can I? "    


"Admittedly, I do have authority thoughts, but no matter how I think about it, I can't let them leave so easily."    


Guo Nan spread his hands helplessly, expressing that he had no other choice. He did have a hegemonic thought, but that was also the way forward. If there was a better way, Guo Nan wouldn't choose to do so.    


Jiang Ziya said, "You punk, don't you think about it? Those 59 Ancient Dragon Sect disciples are all fresh lives, if you kill them all, then the sin will go to your head, and when the time comes, before you grow up enough to face the Sky Law, you will encounter the Sky Law. Didn't Lao Qingniu and I think that all of our efforts were in vain?"    


"Everything has its own reason for existence. You cannot casually strip others of their right to live. If you set this precedent, then from now on, you will have to forget about Lao Qingniu's Draw s. "    


Jiang Ziya looked at Guo Nan and tried his best to persuade him.    


"Then what do you think I should do? This matter is very troublesome and I have no other choice. " Guo Nan said helplessly.    


Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "Do as you see fit. With your wisdom, you should be able to find a good solution."    


"Predecessor, if I could find him, would I still come up with this plan?" Guo Nan laughed bitterly.    


Jiang Ziya said lightly: "I will not help you with this matter. It's up to you to decide." If you insist on dying, I will also do as you say and send them to the Beast Kingdom together with you.    


Guo Nan was completely stumped. If Jiang Ziya said it was as simple as it sounded, why would he be so conflicted?    


"Predecessor, please forgive my stupidity. There's really no other way." After thinking about it for a while, Guo Nan realized that he couldn't find a way to achieve the best of both worlds, so he bitterly smiled and said to Jiang Ziya.    


Jiang Ziya was silent for a long time.    


To be honest, he was becoming more and more disappointed with Guo Nan's performance this time.    


"Kid, why don't you let them go to the Wu Steel world?" Jiang Ziya looked at Guo Nan and felt very depressed.    


Guo Nan frowned: "Predecessor, what happens if they go to five liters's world and expose the Mystic Sealing Realm, bringing about disaster to the Erythroonychia? The outcome would still be the same, and many people will still die because of my decision. "    


"Then we will separate them into an area, and let those people cultivate alone, and separate them from the people of Ancient Dragon Sect. Wouldn't that be enough? If they want to leave, do you have to think from that perspective? If they were given a separate area to live in and let themselves develop freely, perhaps some people would be able to survive and become strong person? Perhaps they will kill each other and give birth to some fierce person? "    


Jiang Ziya continued, "It was such a simple thing to let them fend for themselves. strong person was the only one who could get away with it. He had both tempered their mentality and combat abilities, so why not?"    


"Or perhaps, the Old Man that came with you knows about soul control, right? Let them control all of their souls, and with the binding force of control of their souls, even if they were to return to five liters's world, they will not cause trouble, and even more so not expose Mystic Sealing Realm. "    


"These two choices are much more reliable than you think. The first way was to train strong person. The second way was to keep them alive. No matter what, it's better than letting all of them die in the Beast Kingdom. "    


Jiang Ziya looked deeply at Guo Nan, waiting for Guo Nan's choice.    


His two methods were both much better than Guo Nan's rotten idea.    


Actually, Guo Nan had also thought of the first way. It was just that he needed Senior Jiang Ziya's help and the area that he was not allowed to go into and out of. Once he made that choice, he would need Senior Jiang Ziya's help. Guo Nan didn't want to have Senior Jiang Ziya put in a lot of effort.    


The second method was possible, but in Guo Nan's heart, as his strength grew, he felt that the soul control was not an honorable method. It would be better to just send them all to their deaths.    


Unexpectedly, Senior Jiang Ziya took the initiative to propose the soul control.    


"Predecessor, the soul control is so evil, you can't use it carelessly, right?" Guo Nan looked at Jiang Ziya and asked with a frown.    


Jiang Ziya sneered and said: "Evil? Hmph, not knowing his place! The soul control was a miraculous technique that had been passed down from the China World. "It is an extremely powerful divine technique. After mastering it, one can become a true god in the human world and control all the humans in the spatial plane. It is even stronger than the great god who created life!    


"The soul control in the five liters Continent is the only profound method. The rest of the Martial Skills are extremely low quality. The Old Man that came with you has an extraordinary soul control. You have so many helpers by your side, yet you thought of those messed up methods.    


Guo Nan was surprised: in Jiang Ziya, the godly fierce person, Mo Mo is that strong?    




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