Master of the Sky

C4 Princess linglong

C4 Princess linglong

0At noon, the Prince Guo's Mansion was abuzz with noise and excitement. All of the servants were gathered on both sides of the road from the Palace's entrance to the Palace's main hall, forming a long line to welcome the distinguished guests.    


Guo Ziyi and Guo Nan were waiting at the door.    


Prince Ji and Princess Linglong brought a dozen or so followers to Prince Guo's Mansion.    


When Guo Nan saw the Princess Linglong, he immediately revealed a pig-faced face, his gaze was infatuated and dull. There was even a pile of saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth.    


The Princess Linglong was indeed beautiful, her face was exquisite, her body was concave, she wore a gold long skirt, and her temperament was beautiful and noble.    


But her face was cold, her head held high, like a proud golden peacock.    


Seeing the saliva at the corner of Guo Nan's mouth, her expression became even colder, and his eyes flashed with disdain.    


When Prince Ji saw Guo Nan's performance, disdain flashed past his eyes.    


"Prince Guo, how can I trouble you to welcome me personally? You think too highly of me, Li Ji." The Prince Ji smiled humbly and bowed towards Guo Ziyi. In Li Tangguo, even if it was him, he would be courteous to him.    


"Prince Ji has arrived at my humble abode. This old man will naturally welcome you!" Guo Ziyi laughed heartily as he brought the group of Prince Ji s into the Duke Palace and walked them towards the main hall.    


Guo Nan eagerly followed beside Princess Linglong, and laughed lowly: "Your Highness, Grandfather said that you're going to marry me. Hehe, don't worry, after we get married, I'll properly love you."    


Princess Linglong sneered: "A toad wants to eat swan meat."    


"Of course I want to eat it. I still want to eat your hehe." Guo Nan stared at the mountain range in front of Princess Linglong's chest, looking both perverted and perverted.    


Princess Linglong was flustered and exasperated. She had long known that Guo Nan was a young master trash, but she had not expected that he would actually be shameless to such an extent!    


"The royal father gave me the right to choose freely. Even though I don't like that fake Guo Yao either, I can't marry that pile of dog shit." The Princess Linglong thought as she sped up and shook Guo Nan off.    


The Prince Ji who was secretly paying attention to Guo Nan saw this, and said quietly: "As expected of trash, if Guo Ziyi wants to pass his title to this kind of trash, after he dies, he will not have to worry about not being able to take back the military power. Linglong's tendency to marry Guo Yao now seemed to be incomparably correct. As long as we can lock Guo Yao up, the remaining waste wood is nothing to worry about. "    


Reaching the main hall, the few of them sat down, and the Prince Ji and the Princess Linglong quietly exchanged glances.    


"Prince Guo, who do you plan to marry to the princess?" Prince Ji asked straightforwardly.    


Guo Ziyi looked at Guo Nan and laughed: "Of course it's this brat. After he inherits my title and finds a good day, we'll finish the marriage as soon as possible. He does not have much ability, I hope that Your Highness can forgive me. "    


"Does this Old ghost want Guo Yao to stay out of the way and secretly transfer military authority? "What a good plan!"    


Prince Ji looked around and asked: "Prince Guo, why haven't I seen your eldest grandson? I heard that when you reached Stage Eight of the Energy Accumulation Realm, there were many successors in Guo Family. "    


"That brat went to the Fenyang City to defend." Guo Ziyi said while laughing.    


Fenyang City and Princess Linglong's expressions changed. Fenyang City was the main camp of Guo Family, so when Guo Yao went to Fenyang City, did he want to leave Guo Nan here in the capital to fool the Imperial Family?    


Princess Linglong stood up and bowed towards Guo Ziyi, then said respectfully: "Prince Guo, before you came, royal father told me that I have the right to choose who I want to marry. In fact, I have long been full of love for Guo Yao, I beg of you to help me. "    


"Ah, this ?" Guo Ziyi revealed a difficult expression.    


Princess Linglong clenched her teeth and kneeled to the ground, staring at Guo Ziyi stubbornly, "I beg for your permission."    


With the body of a royal princess, he knelt down in front of Guo Ziyi. Guo Ziyi was stunned, then quickly went forward to help Princess Linglong up, and laughed bitterly: "Your Highness, you do not know, although Guo Nan is mischievous, but he likes you from the bottom of his heart!"    


Guo Nan's face turned weird, he looked like he wanted to laugh but did not dare to. Fortunately, Prince Ji and the others were using their eyes to pressure Guo Ziyi and did not notice him.    


Princess Linglong sternly said: "Prince Guo, I will not marry anyone but Guo Yao!"    


The Prince Ji also said: "Prince Guo, royal brother actually also has that intention, please consider it again."    


"Alright, after a period of time, that child should have broken through to the Condensing Yuan Stage. I will recall him and marry the princess again."    


Guo Ziyi sighed deeply with a dejected look on his face.    


Royal Family left proudly, and what he was even more proud of, was Guo Nan.    


"What are you going to do next?" Guo Ziyi acted once, looking radiant and in a good mood.    


"When the news spread throughout Changyang City, this matter would definitely not be changed. At that time, if Guo Yao died in Fenyang City, he could just find a reason. Royal Family regretted that it was too late, so he couldn't brace himself and give Princess Linglong to me for marriage, right? Royal Family cannot afford to lose that man's face. "    


As Guo Nanxiao spoke, he thought to himself. "Previously, when Guo Nan was infatuated with Li Linglong, I was not interested in that woman at all. It was just a pair of broken shoes."    


"Ai, boy, can you tell grandfather what happened to you in those few days?" Guo Ziyi looked at Guo Nan with hope.    


Guo Nan shrugged his shoulders, "I've met an expert, he instructed me not to reveal his secret."    


"Then what is your current strength?"    


"Fourth stage of the Energy Accumulation Realm. Almost to the fifth stage." Guo Nan said with a helpless feeling in his heart. Every increase in his realm, required five times more elemental energy than an ordinary person. The five meridians cultivation was just this weakness.    


Guo Ziyi said in shock: "How can you be promoted so quickly? And your sword technique, although it does not look strong, it is extremely profound! "    


"With an expert assisting me, these are all minor problems."    


Guo Nan waved his hands and prepared to go back to cultivate.    


"Sigh, if that's the case, then there might be hope for the future of Guo Family. Let me tell you one more thing, your big brother doesn't have the bloodline of our Guo Family. He was raised by your big uncle on the side of the road. "    


"No wonder he kept insisting on giving me the title. With Guo Yao dead, this old man did not feel too much grief nor was he of the Guo Family bloodline. This is great, I am even more at ease. "    


"That bastard allied with the Changyang Beast Fighting Field and messed with me, causing me to steal a lot of Martial Skills s to pay my debt. It's time to go and collect my debt."    


When night fell, Guo Nan ordered his servants to prepare a carriage, then left the Prince Guo's Mansion and rushed to Changyang Beast Fighting Field.    


The Changyang Beast Fighting Field did not have a special name in the Changyang City. It was opened by the Imperial Physician, Song Family.    


"Oh, isn't this Nan Shao? I heard that you disappeared for a few days, where did you go to harass others?    


Seeing Guo Nan, an enchanting and well-developed young lady twisted his waist and wrapped himself around Guo Nan, hugging him tightly in his chest.    


Guo Nan sneered in his heart, this slut, was not even worthy of carrying a shoe for the Laozi! He secretly despised the previous Guo Nan, who was actually interested in this young maiden ?    



"Sister Lan, I just came back to see you. Are you not happy?" Guo Nan remained calm and revealed a faint smile.    


Sister Lan cried out in pain, after that she looked at Guo Nan with her mesmerizing eyes, and her firm pair of eyes squeezed Guo Nan's hands even more fiercely, as she smiled charmingly: "Nan Shao, how do you plan to play today?"    


"Besides, this young master intends to win a good round today." Guo Nan showed confidence in his abilities, he was no different from when he first came to bet on the beasts.    


In the VIP seats in the animal fighting ring, Guo Nan was watching the two fierce beasts in the arena closely. One of them was a fierce tiger with a body like a cow, and the other was a saber-tooth lion with a similar size. The two ferocious beasts howled at each other in the steel cage with extraordinary power.    


"Nan Shao, how do you wish to place your bet? saber-tooth lion s' odds are not high, it's one point two times better than the tiger, and one point five times better. "    


Sister Lan's face flushed red and she gasped for breath at Guo Nan.    


"No wonder my luck was so bad in the past. Every time I bet something big, I would lose." The bodies of the two beasts released elemental energy fluctuations. Clearly, there was some kind of restriction, allowing the people of animal fighting ring to easily control the outcome of the battle. Others may not be able to tell, but it cannot be hidden from my sensitivity. "    


Guo Nan felt disdain in his heart, he took out an exquisite book, opened the Sister Lan's collar and stuffed it in, then laughed: "s, are at least worth five hundred thousand silver. I'll bet on that tiger, you guys prepare to lose. Don't take it out, will this young master lie to you? "    


"Don't worry, if you win, you will get your share of the money." Sister Lan stuffed the books she just took out back into her pocket, her sweet smile seeping into her bones as she thought to herself: ", this prodigal son really dares to take this gamble huh. Young Master Yao, please do your best. "    


The two beasts rushed out of the cage and began to fight.    


"All the things that were lost here, I will bring them back tonight!" Guo Nan slightly narrowed his eyes, as he glanced at Sister Lan, and the corners of his mouth curled into a ridiculing smile.    


[Volume I Rising to the Eastern Wasteland    


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