Master of the Sky



0"Shut your dog mouth! Bastard, if you have the guts, bet on it. " Guo Nan snorted.    


"Betting on what?"    


"You admit you're a bastard?" Guo Nan took advantage of the opening and used his words to gain the upper hand.    


Han Fang was flustered and exasperated: "Brat, clean up your mouth! This is the Tianwu City, not your Eastern Wasteland! "    


"I won't speak anymore nonsense. In Courtyard Large Competition, I will defeat you in front of everyone, and what you need to do is kneel down and apologize to Dugu Mei!"    


"If you don't have the qualifications to challenge me, or if you lose, what will happen to you?"    


"It's up to you."    


Hearing Guo Nan's words, Han Fang was stunned, then nodded coldly and said: "No matter what, you are a man, and is worth respecting. If you lose the bet, I won't make things difficult for you, just break your own arm. "    


"With so many people bearing witness to it, if you act shamelessly, the face and prestige of your Han Family will be completely thrown away by you." Guo Nan sneered.    


"Don't worry, I, Han Fang, will keep my word." Han Fang gave Guo Nan a deep look, then turned around and left.    


The onlookers listened to the bet between Guo Nan and Han Fang and gradually dispersed.    


Very quickly, the 'ambiguous' relationship between Dugu Mei and Guo Nan, as well as the bet between Han Fang and Guo Nan, spread throughout the entire Tianwu City, all the way to the Tianwu Academy in the west of the Tianwu City.    


"Guo Nan, you are too rash. You should not have bet with Han Fang. Han Fang is at the ninth level of Danyuan Stage, and is ranked in the top ten among Students of Tianwu Academy. It hasn't been long since Courtyard Large Competition and it has only been half a year, will you be able to defeat Han Fang? " Dugu Mei looked at Guo Nan with worry in her eyes as she asked indifferently.    


"I don't know." Guo Nan shook his head.    


"You don't know? Then why are you still betting? " Dugu Mei said anxiously.    


"On the issue of dignity, he repeatedly insulted you. Even though I can't defeat him now, it doesn't mean that I can't defeat him in half a year." Guo Nan said.    


Dugu Mei was silent for a moment, then asked with a voice as loud as a mosquito, "Are you protecting me?"    


Her voice was soft, but Guo Nan heard it clearly.    


"Since they said that you've fallen for me, how about we pretend to do it?" Guo Nan smiled evilly.    


"Look at you, I don't want to be with someone who has lost an arm." A hint of embarrassment flashed across Dugu Mei's eyes.    


In the early spring, that heart, which had long been silent and closed, began to move.    


"Nan Shao, you should have gone to the Tianwu Academy to report. Xiao Qiang and Xiao Rou, why don't you come with me to the Dugu Family to stay for a while?"    


In the guest room of the Inn, Dugu Hong was begging Guo Nan with all her might. His target was Xiao Qiang's godsend skill. Not really, but it was worth a try.    


Guo Nan had been familiar with the relationships among Heavenly Empire, Tianwu City and Tianwu Academy for the past few days. He took Xiao Rou to wander around Tianwu City and rejected the good intentions of Dugu Hong and Dugu Mei to let them stay there.    


He knew very well that people had no choice but to lower their heads under the roof. For the time being, there were no benefits to being able to stay in the Dugu Family.    


But when it came to reporting to the Tianwu Academy, Lili could only stay in the Tianwu City for the month. Once Guo Nan became the Tianwu Academy Freshmen, he could be allocated a place to live and bring Xiao Rou there. During this time, Xiao Rou did not go anywhere, and could not be at ease with the Inn Guo Nan.    


After hesitating for a while, Guo Nan agreed to Dugu Hong's request.    


"Brother Dugu, you have to protect Xiao Rou well. I will not care about the relationship between you and her, I need to kill everyone in Dugu Family."    


"Nan Shao, don't worry. I've been staying in the Family for this period of time. I won't go anywhere. Furthermore, in our Dugu Family, every man has at least a dozen wives.    


Hearing that, Guo Nan was slightly relieved.    


"Xiao Qiang, you should be more quick-witted. If there's any trouble, come and inform me immediately. Do you understand?"    


Xiao Qiang quickly nodded. Dugu Hong promised it fresh meat every day, so Xiao Qiang couldn't wait any longer.    


"Xiao Rou, you and Dugu Hong can stay in Dugu Family for a period of time. After one month, you can come back and pick you up." Guo Nan comforted Xiao Rou.    


Xiao Rou's face flushed red as she muttered, "Young master, I'll be fine!"    


"That's right, the snow race's Palace Seal, how could I forget about that matter? What are you worrying about?"    


Guo Nan got on Dugu Mei's carriage.    


Dugu Mei was in charge of arranging Freshmen's disciples' logistics, and was rushing back to the Tianwu Academy.    


Inside the carriage, Dugu Mei and Guo Nan were sitting facing each other. It was rare for Dugu Mei to not seduce Guo Nan.    


"Guo Nan, do not hesitate to ask Tianwu Academy what it is that you want to ask. I'll tell you all I know. " Dugu Mei stared at Guo Nan with her beautiful eyes and smiled.    


That smile was as enchanting as the starlight and the moonlight.    


Guo Nan was a bit lost.    


"This woman is really something. She has a smile on her face and is full of amorous feelings." 'Most precious of all, she's still a virgin! '    


Guo Nan thought for a while and asked, "What kind of strength does being a first year student to a tenth grade student represent?"    


"The first two stages of Condensing Yuan Stage are the first grade, and so on. The ninth stage of Condensing Yuan Stage and the first stage of Danyuan Stage are the fifth grade, and caryophyllum's current stage is the first stage of Danyuan Stage, which means she is a fifth grade student. Eight and nine stages of Danyuan Stage are nine grade student, and one's Natal Opening Realm is ten years old, which is also the highest grade in the Tianwu Academy. " Dugu Mei explained in detail.    


"I'm at the third level of the Danyuan Stage. Wouldn't I become a sixth grade student the moment I enter the Tianwu Academy?"    


"No, in the first year, you can only be a first year student. After the first year, you can jump levels according to your strength." If your strength increases again, you can apply to jump levels in the middle of the process. It's only the first year, so you can't jump levels. "    


"How does that count as graduation?"    


"The Tianwu Academy hasn't graduated yet. If you want an excellent cultivation environment, you can always stay in the Tianwu Academy. When you want to leave, you can apply at any time. Once he registered and left, he would no longer be a student of the Tianwu Academy. Let me tell you, there are two experts at the late stage of Natal Opening Realm inside decadal. They are reluctant to give up on the cultivation environment of Tianwu Academy, so they plan to stay in Tianwu Academy. "    


Dugu Mei said. After pondering for a moment, she continued, "Right, you can apply to be a Tianwu Academy Instructor and teach in the lower grades above the eighth grade. The fifth grade is a watershed. Many of the students that are older than the fifth grade are already in their thirties or forties, there is nothing they can do about why they are stuck in Tianwu Academy. The rule is that if you don't want to leave, you can stay. "    


Guo Nan nodded. He had basically understood.    


"Disciple mission, is there a need to do it?"    



"It is not necessary for you, but there is a task that must be done. Everyone has to do it. Basically, it was a mission to gather medicinal herbs for the Tianwu Academy. We'll see what it is about when the time comes.    


"Other than the person who registered with Freshmen Ling, what's the strength of a normal person's disciple?"    


"You mean those people who were disciples of the Tianwu Academy a year ago? Their strength was average, and they didn't have much talent for cultivation, so they posed no threat at all. To you, the only real threats are Seven Great Families and the people from the Nangong family. "    


"Other than the Large Competition set by the Tianwu Academy, can we challenge each other at any other time?"    


"Sure, every Students of Tianwu Academy has contribution points. To challenge a party, you need to pay a few contribution points and reserve the Ring. If the challenged side won, they would be able to acquire those contribution points. Therefore, you must remember this well. Don't easily challenge others, you must wait for them to challenge you. "Don't easily win, you have to be good at hiding your skills. Every time, you have to take risks and look like you've won. That way, the number of people who will challenge you will increase, and your contribution points will be easily earned."    


Guo Nan slightly nodded his head, and thought to himself: "It's about the same as the top sects in Heaven's Sword Region, so the contribution points must be used to purchase primeval stone, Martial Skills, sword treasured sabre and other items."    


As the two chatted along the way, Guo Nan thoroughly understood the situation in Tianwu Academy.    


Two hundred kilometers to the west of Tianwu City, near the Cillin Holy Land, three sword lights soared into the sky, enveloping a perfectly straight mountain peak. The blurry silver colored Sword Light gave off a sharp and imposing aura, covering an area of fifty kilometers.    


This was Heavenly Empire's top cultivation place, Tianwu Academy!    


Within a hundred miles of the Tianwu Academy, the mountain range was surrounded by mountains, the craggy ancient tree rose up into the sky, strange flowers and herbs could be found everywhere, the elemental energy that was produced by the heaven and earth was extremely dense, it was the holy land for cultivation.    


In the early spring, a cold wind blew and the sky was freezing cold. A carriage traveled through the mountains and valleys until it reached the foot of the main peak of Tianwu Academy.    


The Tianwu Academy's main peak was called the Tianshan, and its peak towered through the clouds. The name of the Tianshan was not exaggerated.    


Two people alighted from the carriage, a man and a woman. One of them looked to be in his late twenties. The other one was sixteen to seventeen years old, Young people. He was handsome, had apathetic eyes, and a longsword hung around his waist.    


The two of them stood together, appearing to be in perfect pair. They were a perfect match.    


It was Dugu Mei and Guo Nan.    


"Guo Nan, there is something I have to warn you about. A few days ago, a weirdo came by with a body as hard as steel, carrying a plundered Wu Steel Token, he barged into Tianshan, was taken down by a few Nine grade student and thrown into the disciple gathering area. I've seen that person once before, and he looked lifeless and gave me a bad feeling. "Be careful not to enrage that person, or there will be trouble.    


Hearing this, Guo Nan was shocked, "What's his name?"    


"His name is Exterminate the Heavens. The name is domineering, but the person is very gloomy. It doesn't match the name at all. "    


"Destroying the Heavens?"    


A murderous look flashed across Guo Nan's eyes.    




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