Strongest Wastrel

C714 Heaven's Eye Veneno

C714 Heaven's Eye Veneno

0Due to Faang Sheng's words of greeting, Faang Ruolan and I quickly entered the forbidden area for scientific research.    


After entering, the faces inside the walls were extremely large. There were at least six or seven large buildings on the ground floor, like high-tech factories.    


In addition, in the middle of the forbidden area for research, there was a two story tall museum.    


"I'm familiar with this place. Pick a treasure and go to the museum. There should be people waiting for you. If you like it, you can take it." Faang Ruolan took my hand and headed for the museum.    


As soon as I stepped through the doors of the science museum, I was startled by what I saw inside, as if I were in the world of the future.    


Countless high-end technology products were displayed all around. There were many protective measures set up, and the thermal energy sensing system on the roof would occasionally sweep over the entire building from top to bottom.    


There aren't any lethal weapons here, but I know that they are definitely hidden. If they were to be triggered, there would definitely be a barrage of them.    


At this time, a middle-aged man walked over with a smile, "Mr. Jia, Miss Faang, you finally came. Mr. Jia, Miss Faang, you finally came.    


"Lead the way." I nodded.    


Without hesitation, Chen Bing immediately led the way. His eloquence was impressive, and he muttered some incantations as he continued to explain the high-tech products of the first level.    


"Mr. Jia, this is a high intelligence watch developed by the Fang family on your own. It can sense the movement of all people within a radius of 5 kilometers and has the ability to transmit information. You brought this watch with you during the previous exam."    


"Also, remove the memory helmet. As long as you wear this helmet, you will be able to stimulate the brain with electricity, eliminate most of the memories, and achieve the ultimate brainwashing! However, it can also fail because the brain is the most mysterious place. At most, this helmet can only be considered a semi-finished product. "    


"In addition, this one is also quite powerful. With the power of a camouflage lens, if Innate Expert were to wear it, he would be able to directly determine the number of the opponent's fighting strength. But, sometimes, it's not accurate. This is also a semi-finished product …"    




Chen Jun introduced me along the way and led Faang Ruolan and me around the first floor. They were all semi-finished products, or perhaps they were small items that were not surprising.    


Thus, I raised my head and looked at the stairs that led to the second floor and asked, "The things on the second floor should be of a higher grade, right? Forget about the ones on the first level, there's no use. "    


"This... "Fine." Chen Bing seemed unwilling.    


As a result, when he reached the second floor, the surrounding scene was even more unfathomable than the first floor.    


I saw a red and gold humanoid armor, sealed in a transparent isolation cabinet. I immediately thought of a science fiction movie and couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


"Iron Man?" I ran over uncontrollably, completely shocked.    


Chen Bing slowly walked to my side and nodded with a smile. "That's right. Don't tell me Mister Jia thinks that the things in the movies don't exist in reality? "The cost of this research and development is extremely high. The entire Fang family only has one steel battle uniform set. Normal citizens will never know of such terrifying technology."    


"Is it exactly the same?" I turned my face away, more excited than I ever had been.    


Chen Bing pinched his chin and clicked his tongue. "About this …" The height of the flight is also limited, the processor and the AI system are also not as exaggerated as in the movie. In conclusion, the shape is the same, but the practicality is still several levels lower, at the very least, you have to use quantum technology to keep up with the movie's tempo. However, this is too difficult, it is impossible in the short term, this is still in the process of development. "    


I was immediately disappointed. Could this be a replica? Was there not a single completed product in this museum? Isn't this a little too unsightly?    


Seemingly seeing my doubts, Chen Bing felt embarrassed. He hurriedly walked to a counter and took out a cell phone from it, "Mr. Jia, look at this cell phone. It looks very small, but it's actually using a mini atomic computer.    


"Micro-atomic computers? Tell me about its functions. " I was curious again.    


Chen Bing revealed a trace of pride and immediately explained, "The functions of this phone is absolute. It can hack into network equipment, remote control, achieve paralysis, and can hack into cameras and other things. Extremely powerful."    


Intrusion network, network crash? Invasion camera?    


That's the way it looked when you hacked into my phone!    


Seeing that I was in a daze, Chen Jun became even more proud and said smilingly, "Mr Jia, you must have never seen it before, right? Furthermore, this phone could instantly pinpoint the location of the caller ID. What do you think? Awesome, right? "    


"What's wrong with it?" I suppressed my excitement and asked.    


Chen Bing explained, "There are definitely shortcomings. Because it's a mini atomic computer, its abilities are unable to keep up with the real atomic computer, and due to the chip's program problems, its ability to perform is also limited. The chip has always been at the forefront of the Li Family, and our Fang family is completely unable to keep up with it, especially with the Heaven's Eyes that just arrived.    


"A.I. Show me. " "No," I said.    


Upon hearing that, Chen Bing immediately opened up a side of his mobile phone and pulled out a chip.    


"I'll take it, I'll take it." I pretended to be calm, and with a surge of passion in my heart, I took the phone away.    


Chen Bing only had time to react before I put his phone back into his pocket. He revealed a pained expression. "This …" Mr. Jia, you really want this? Do you want to consider something else? "    


"No need, I'll take it." I said resolutely.    


Chen Bing felt extremely pained, as if every single treasure on the second floor was unwilling to be taken away by me. It was as if he was too complacent just now and wanted to show off, so he accidentally did something wrong.    


However, the higher-ups had informed him that Chen Bing had no other choice but to give his phone to him.    


"Since we're done picking out the items, why don't you take me to see the Sky Eye?" I smiled.    


Chen Bing's whole body suddenly quivered, and his expression changed. He refused, "No, definitely not. The Heaven's Eye is very important. We can't let others casually view it."    


"Someone else? This Heaven's Eye was originally mine, and I was the one who contributed it to the Fang family. The Fang family is so big, and so many experts. Could it be that you're still afraid that I'll snatch them away? " I snorted.    


Faang Ruolan stepped forward to help. With an imposing manner, she berated, "Chen Bing, did you hear me when you led the way? It's just a glance, and there won't be any losses. You wouldn't be doing favors in the water just to keep up with the rules? "    


Chen Bing seemed to be at a loss. His brows were furrowed as he stood on the spot, as if he was weighing the pros and cons between the two.    


After pondering for a moment, Chen Bing clenched his teeth and waved his hand. "Young Miss, Mister Jia, follow me. However, I have already announced in advance that I will stay outside for a few glances and will not stay any longer."    


Overjoyed, I winked at Faang Ruolan and decisively followed.    


Walking out of the museum, Chen led us deep into the forbidden area of scientific research.    


When a triangular structure appeared in front of him, he gently pulled open the side door, revealing a gap.    


Through the crack, I was immediately taken aback by what I saw.    


There were more than a dozen researchers working around them. They were all extremely anxious, and their faces were full of confusion.    


Within the triangular building, there was even a super sportscar parked there. The two scissors doors were pulled open and there were countless lines connected to the control panel!    



And the shape of this super sportscar was extremely familiar.    


Sharp edges, vicious headlights, huge tail feathers, an innate killing intent, and that license plate number, it was shockingly … Father's Veneno!    


My car was actually modified by Li Family and turned into a test subject!    


Just then, an old man slammed the computer down in anger and cursed, "Damn, what kind of nonsense is this chip? The entire Sky Eye, the A.I. Chip is the most important thing, it is the core that carries the countless secrets of the Li Family, the system only increases the processing ability and functions, you need to rely on the A.I. Chip's program to activate it, as long as you have the complete program's secrets, you will be able to create the exact same Sky Eye, I gave you guys so much time, and you still haven't deciphered it? "    


When those words were spoken, the interior immediately quieted down. No one dared to speak a word as everyone shrank back in fear.    


In reality, even this old man could not break it. However, he was so angry that his beard and eyes bulged, as if he was the leader of this place. He pointed at everyone and started to curse loudly.    


"Trash, a bunch of trash."    


"What's the use of having you guys here?"    


"You don't want to do it?"    


Unable to crack the A.I. Chip? The A.I. Chip was the most important? The system is only a carrier that increases processing ability and function?    


I squinted my eyes and touched the phone in my pocket. How could I be willing to surrender the Sky Eye to someone else?    


Thus, I pushed open the side door and instantly went in. "I …" It can be broken! "    




Author's Note: For 30,200 Crown of Kings +    


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