Strongest Wastrel

C10 Live in the House of the Director of Beauty

C10 Live in the House of the Director of Beauty

0Chu Yuyan didn't linger on this topic any longer. Seemingly having some sort of secret, she stood up coldly and led me to the school's administration office to handle the formalities.    


I was carrying my luggage and dressed in a tattered set of clothes. The people from the administration department had strange looks in their eyes. It was as if they didn't say anything due to Chu Yuyan's presence.    


When everything was almost done, a middle-aged man from the Education Bureau walked up to Chu Yuyan with a piece of information in his hand and said, "Oh, right. Director Chu, the location of the dormitory for the teachers is not enough for the time being, because we have left a batch of equipment there and can't move out for a short period of time. What do you think?"    


Even though I was an outsider, I could hear the slight awkwardness behind her words. It seems like it isn't good to be Chu Yuyan's new chairman.    


I just can't move to my dorm. Where will I be staying tonight? Could he be sleeping on the street?    


Chu Yuyan stared at me for a few seconds. She seemed to be able to see through my worry and said, "Since that's the case, let me arrange the accommodation for this new teacher."    


"Alright, since Director Chu is so capable, then you can settle the matter of the dormitory yourself. It will be alright as long as you can teach them properly tomorrow." The middle-aged man smiled as he handed the documents over to Chu Yuyan. Chu Yuyan turned around and left. I hastily followed behind her.    


After exiting the administration office, I asked tentatively: "Director Chu, my lodging …"    


Chu Yuyan suddenly stopped her slender legs and said nothing. She seemed to be thinking about something. After a dozen seconds, she said, "Let's stay at my house for the time being."    


"What?" "But …" I almost lost my balance. I just met Chu Yuyan today, and she wants me to stay in her house? Is she not afraid of my evil intentions, such a beauty?    


But if I think about it seriously, the administration clearly saw that Chu Yuyan was young, so she intentionally made things difficult for me. Furthermore, from her style of conduct, she seemed to be a very enterprising woman.    


The problem is, I'm embarrassed to do this. On one hand, Chu Yuyan is a great beauty, and on the other hand, she is my superior. I don't seem to live in the same house at all.    


"No buts, come home with me now." Chu Yuyan raised her hand, her tone was unquestionable as she lifted her leg and walked forward.    


"Fine." My heart was in my throat, so I could only carefully follow Chu Yuyan.    


Chu Yuyan's house was located in a small district. The decorations were very simple and clean, or perhaps it could be said to be cold and cheerless. It was just like her style, without a trace of the pink of a little girl to be seen.    


When I saw a few small badges hanging on the wall in the living room, my eyes narrowed and my pupils contracted. Not only was Chu Yuyan the director, she was also a Taekwondo expert?    


Just as I was in a daze, Chu Yuyan coughed lightly, interrupting my shock. She pointed to a guest room and said, "This is your room. You can stay here from now on. But you'd better not have any other thoughts. The school doesn't allow people to date each other."    


Hearing this, I was left speechless and couldn't help smiling bitterly. I didn't say what I was going to do at all. Chu Yuyan, where are you going? You're still in love? Don't tell me you're a cold and violent woman, and you've never been in love?    


Of course, I swallowed all of these thoughts in my heart and didn't dare to say it out loud. Otherwise, this Taekwondo expert would definitely beat me half to death. After all, I was just a brute.    


So I had no choice but to walk into the room and put down my luggage neatly. I felt like I had returned to the situation of my son-in-law. This scene was too similar!    


"Erm, Lee Shaobai, you can't stay here for free, so I won't accept the money. From now on, there will be daily chores, as well as cooking. Can you do it?" Chu Yuyan's expression was as cold as ever.    


"Yes." I felt so bitter inside that I couldn't get out of this situation no matter where I went, like a son-in-law. But in order to get a meal, I had to nod down. Chu Yuyan was at least much better than Ling Xiaoxiao.    


"Also, you are not allowed to enter my room without my permission." Chu Yuyan said.    


I said, "Director, don't worry. I definitely won't."    


Hearing my promise, Chu Yuyan passed a set of teaching materials into my hands. After that, she turned around and went into her room. She didn't come out again, as if she was resting.    


I heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the edge of the bed to read the documents. Most of the missions were very simple, as long as the students in my class pass the physical fitness test.    


When I finished reading the information, I already knew in my heart that this was not a simple matter. It was not just to let the students pass the physical fitness exam, but also to be a good teacher in charge of discipline and grades.    


I looked at the time and saw that it was already time for dinner. I thought I should at least leave a good impression at Chu Yuyan's house. Ye Zichen directly left the room and walked into the kitchen with ease.    


However, when I opened the fridge, other than a few eggs and leftover food, it was completely empty. Chu Yuyan's days were really lonely …    


According to the current time, it's not possible to go out to buy food, and I don't have any money on me, so I could only pick up a few eggs and have a simple meal, "She probably doesn't have a boyfriend, right? No wonder the fridge was so empty … Is it empty? "    


After a while, I prepared a simple Egg Fried Rice for Chu Yuyan. With my years of culinary skills, this was just a drizzle, so it shouldn't be too simple.    


But before the eggs could be cooked, the phone in my pants pocket rang. I took it out and saw that it was Ling Xiaoxiao's. I didn't really want to take it, but I still owed her two million dollars, so I did.    


"Hello? "What are you doing!" I said snappily.    


Ling Xiaoxiao suddenly said tenderly, "Husband …" Where is it? You've got your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs at home, and... You can sleep with me tonight. "    


"Don't call me husband now that we're divorced. This won't work. Isn't it just to trick me back to take advantage of Su Nan's relationship? "Let me tell you, I have a place to live, a place to eat and a job to work. You better not bother me anymore, as long as you don't tell my parents, I will naturally not expose your shameful deeds." I was so angry that I almost hung up the phone. I didn't dare speak too loudly, afraid that Chu Yuyan would notice.    


As for my parents, I have yet to figure out how to start talking about them. Fortunately, I have a trump card in my hand, and Ling Xiaoxiao doesn't dare act rashly. The best way is to hide it from my parents until the right time.    


However, Ling Xiaoxiao's tone changed, "Hmph, just you wait, you'll regret it. I want you to obediently come back and beg me!"    


Without waiting for a response, Ling Xiaoxiao immediately hung up the phone. I was so angry that my teeth were about to shatter. At the same time, I was very puzzled over Ling Xiaoxiao's reasoning. What did she have to rely on?    


Later on, I found out that Ling Xiaoxiao actually installed a GPS location on my phone. Not only did she want to ruin my life, she also wanted to destroy my work so that I would have nowhere to stay and obediently go back to look for her!    


Too despicable! What should I do?    


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