Strongest Wastrel

C137 Old Fool

C137 Old Fool

0"3 million ~"    


"3 million ~"    


Chu Wenyang's angry shout had used a lot of strength. The sound echoed throughout the entire wedding shop. No matter if it was the customers or the employees, they all looked at him in shock!    


This was especially so for the shop manager. He was so excited that he could not contain himself. Joy was written all over his face.    


After Chu Wenyang finished his roar, he seemed to have finished venting his anger, he took a deep breath and glared, "Junior, I want to see how much money you can pay today! Don't think that my Chu Family is unmanned! "    


The smile on my face became deeper and deeper. I thought to myself, This old bastard Chu Wenyang, it's rare for him to lose his mind and fall into a pit like this. I naturally can't let him easily jump out.    


Therefore, I purposely provoked him again, and I definitely can't let Chu Wenyang's anger stop here. I immediately retaliated with my eyes and said: "I bid 4 million! How about it? Old ghost? Do you think you're the only one with money? Scram if you can't afford it! Don't take the toilet! "    


"5 million!" I bid 5 million! "Young one, when laozi came out to play, you were still f * cking rolling around in your mother's womb!" Chu Wenyang's anger exploded. He had completely lost his rationality, and his veins were popping from the provocation!    


I laughed in my heart. On the surface, I feigned an expression of being deflated, purposely pausing for a few seconds, before pretending to be incomparably furious, as though I was about to use up all of my savings. I gritted my teeth and said, "Old bastard, 7 million! I bid 7 million! How about it? You guys can't afford to give me your Chu Family anymore, right? "    


Chu Wenyang was so angry that his blood vessels were about to burst. Under the extreme stimulation, his two eyes were completely red. Without thinking, he spat out a mouthful of saliva, "8 million, I bid 8 million! Would we not be able to afford it? It was just a small amount of money! Today, this father will fight with my words here so that no one will think that our Chu Family is insufficient and we will have to rely on our Song Family! "    


"Isn't it? I think so? Otherwise, as an official clan, why would you need to marry someone with a Song Family? I think your Chu Family doesn't have much of a background, right? Hmph, I bid 9 million! If you have the guts, then pay a price of 100 million to 100 million. I refuse to believe that a broken Chu Family can still fly today, right? " I pretended to clench my fists, but I was actually holding back my laughter. My face turned green and red, making people think that I was angry.    


Chu Wenyang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. His chest was moving up and down due to his anger. His bloodshot eyes were staring widely, especially those yellow teeth, which made his teeth clack noisily.    


However, at this critical moment, even though Chu Wenyang's anger has reached its peak, he seemed to have recovered a little bit of his rationality. He did not directly raise the price, but stared at me as if he was fighting his own anger, and was at a loss as to whether he should bid 100 million.    


When I saw this situation, I immediately cursed under my breath. If this old geezer regains his rationality and becomes as smart as a ghost, he might not even argue with me. How am I going to cheat him? He quickly shouted, "What's wrong? No money? I think that's right, Chu Family is just like that, you can forget about becoming a big family for the rest of your life, you just have to follow behind others forever, be a follower, be a henchman, or a lackey who knows how to flatter horses. "    


As soon as he said that, the sense of reason Chu Wenyang had just pulled back seemed to have been burnt into nothingness by an explosive anger. He was so angry that he stomped his feet and the lines on his tail creased together.    


"One hundred million!" "I bid one hundred million!"    


Hearing this number, the entire wedding shop fell into an unprecedented silence. It was a complete astonishment, a complete silence, a complete astonishment.    


In the midst of this silence, Chu Wenyang saw that I was silent and immediately revealed a proud look. He imitated what I said just now and arrogantly said: "How about it? Boy? I'll play with you till the end today! Do you think I'm afraid of you? "    


"… …"    


"I …" I silently recited a word, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suppressed my laughter, and spoke with difficulty: "I'm not coming anymore, you can come. I admit that you're amazing, and as expected, the older you are, the spicier you get.    


At the end, when I said the words "I admit defeat", I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. "Haha …"    


Chu Wenyang couldn't help but freeze for a second as he heard the chuckle in his ear.    


Afterwards, I couldn't hold back my laughter and even some crazy laughter. In the end, I squatted down, held my stomach and laughed, "Hahaha ~, I'm going to buy a wedding dress for a hundred million. Tell me … Haha, are you, hahaha, are you stupid?! Hahahaha, you old ghost, you old fool. "    


The sound of wild laughter suddenly echoed. All of the people present were able to react and covered their mouths as they snickered.    


"Is this old man stupid? Isn't this too foolish? "    


"One hundred million for a million wedding dress, this is simply unheard-of."    


"That Koo Liangsheng is really skilled. To think that he didn't even notice us, we thought that the two of them had really met."    


"This is the Patriarch of Chu Family, Chu Wenyang. Although one hundred million is nothing to him, with his status, wouldn't he think about the consequences if he were to spend so much money?" I think he's in trouble. Is it worth it to fight for a chance? "    


"… …"    


Chu Wenyang's face suddenly changed drastically as he looked at me in disbelief, as if he had realized something. His entire body shuddered, and he sucked in a cold breath, as though he had been struck by lightning. His legs couldn't help but go limp as he staggered and sat down, "You …" You! Koo Liangsheng, you're actually trying to trick me! "He's actually messing with me!"    


I squatted on the floor and laughed as I said, "Hahaha, you old fool, I was just messing with you. What do you think? "Hahaha!"    


Chu Wenyang's face was awash with blood and veins. Suddenly, his qi and blood started to surge. He covered his chest with one hand and spat out a mouthful of blood. He was about to faint.    


However, Chu Wenyang didn't faint. Instead, he spat out another mouthful of blood, revealing an unprecedented grievance and murderous rage!    


I forcefully retracted my smile and slowly got up. The corner of my mouth remained raised as I looked down at Chu Wenyang who was raising his head from above. I met his murderous gaze.    


Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds.    


Four eyes met, and time slowly passed, every second was a contest of eyes. If looks could also kill, then I probably wouldn't just be hacked into pieces, but sent into 18 levels of hell, never to be allowed to reincarnated!    


"Are you unhappy? Are you aggrieved? A great official, overturning his boat in a ditch in front of me, feeling very humiliated, very humiliated, right? Very angry, right? "    


"Hehe, so what if you're unhappy, it's right to hold yourself back, it's right to be humiliated. In any case, this is what I want!" "Admit defeat, old fool. Fighting with me, your IQ is not high enough!"    


These two short sentences of mine were like sharp blades that pierced Chu Wenyang's mind, causing him to shout once again and spit out a third mouthful of blood. It was as though his blood vessels had burst from his body, causing him to completely faint and fall to the ground.    


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