Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign

C3823 A Total War

C3823 A Total War

0The ancient city walls were filled with holes, and the marks left by the weapons were red and black. It was a ghastly sight.    


Under the blood-stained city walls, an ancient and heavy city gate slowly opened.    


A black battlefield that was emitting powerful energy was pushed out of the city gate by many soldiers.    


At the same time, a group of armored cavalry stepped through the air and landed outside the city gate.    


Countless black battle flags were fluttering around the chariots and the cavalry, giving off a suffocating aura.    


The chariots lined up on both sides of the city wall, forming a huge blockade. Behind the chariots, hundreds of thousands of cavalry were waiting.    


“Form the formation and activate all the energy in the chariots!”    


A furious roar sounded from the chariots, and it was filled with a monstrous killing intent.    


On the chariots, there was a continuous flash of bright light, and it exploded with a shocking destructive power.    




With the order, the countless chariots shot out a huge energy pillar, rushing through the air and blasting at the incoming army of demons.    




The sound of thunder exploding resounded throughout the world. Wave after wave of terrifying energy waves swept through the air and fiercely blasted at the approaching army of demons.    


Under the huge shockwave, a large number of demons were directly blasted into a bloody mist. Broken limbs flew everywhere, and blood and flesh scattered on the desolate battlefield.    


The offensive power of the chariots might not be as strong as the killing power of the formations on the city walls, but compared to the formations on the city gate, these chariots were more agile and could easily lock onto the position and launch an attack.    


More importantly, as the army of demons approached, the killing light of the formation was already very difficult to cover the army of demons that were approaching the city walls. The energy pillars that burst out from the formation covered a large area and killed a large number of demons. If they were used to bombard the area near the city walls, it was very likely to accidentally injure the demons, and the energy storms that swept over might even affect the city walls and cause them to collapse.    


Under such circumstances, the advantage and effect of the chariots were fully displayed.    


Powerful waves of energy pierced through the air and bombarded the dense army of Evil Demons, annihilating them.    


The sounds of shouting and screaming echoed on the battlefield, and it sounded very ear-piercing.    


In order to deal with the army of the Demon Clan, the attacks of the Origin World's side also became even more aggressive. The killing power that erupted from that dream was even more terrifying.    


Under the control of the many soldiers of the Origin World, all kinds of powerful killing weapons bombarded the army of demons that was charging towards them, wanting to kill them before they got close to the city walls.    


However, it was obviously too easy to suppress such a vast army of demons and destroy them before they got close to the city walls of the first line of defense of the Origin World.    


Even though they had suffered such a terrifying bombardment, there were still quite a few Evil Devils that had passed through the baptism of the energy explosions, and continued to approach the ancient city in the Origin World.    


The dense Evil Devils bared their fangs and brandished their claws as they ruthlessly rushed towards the ancient city in the Origin World, wanting to destroy everything.    


Facing the Evil Devil army that was constantly approaching, the soldiers in the ancient city became even more nervous.    


At this time, the cavalry army led by Li Yuanba was also quickly setting up a formation outside the city, forming a huge cavalry battle formation.    


They knew that the next battle was about to begin.    


This special army of theirs would turn into the sharp blade of the Origin World, directly tearing apart the lineup of the Evil Devil army, and directly annihilating them.    


"Listen up, soldiers. Behind us are our compatriots. If these monsters break through the defense line and enter the ancient city, our compatriots will die miserably in the hands of these monsters. If we fail to defend this frontline, these monsters will break through our blockade and attack our compatriots in the Origin World behind us. Can you accept this?"    


A cold voice resounded in the sky, and an extremely tyrannical energy surged out from Li Yuanba's body, surging with a monstrous killing intent.    




A loud voice rang out from the mouths of the cavalrymen, and waves of powerful killing intent rose and filled the air.    


Every soldier on the cavalry was releasing powerful energy waves from their bodies, and waves of tyrannical aura filled the world.    


Everyone present hated the incoming monsters, and they carried an endless desire to kill.    


They knew what kind of danger they would bring if they were to be broken through the city wall by the army of demons.    


Whether it was for the people in the city or the people in the Origin World, they had to stop the army of demons in front of them and isolate them here.    


Forbidding the demons from breaking through the defense line and stopping any monster from entering the back of the city was the determination of the Generals of the Origin World. It was also the belief that they had to fight with the demons for a long time without retreating.    


Everyone had the same thought in their minds. They wanted to defeat the army of demons and destroy all the powerful enemies in front of them. They wanted to end this terrifying disaster. They wanted to stop the demons from threatening the Origin World behind the city and stop the monsters from affecting their morale.    


They knew that anyone who stepped onto the battlefield would face the risk of death at any moment. Anyone who stepped onto the battlefield would face the danger of death.    


However, facing the situation of the Evil Demon Clan, they fell into silence and deeply felt the power of these monsters.    


There were too many demons charging at them at this moment.    


Even if it was a fairy, she still had to exert a bit of strength to charge until now. She had to ignore the lives and deaths of these evil demons in front of her.    


At least, when the soldiers present looked at the evil demon army that was charging towards them, the craziness, hatred, and killing intent in their eyes were incomparable.    


All of them had the expression of wanting to destroy everything, wanting to destroy everything.    


"Very good, the evil demon army is currently charging towards us. They want to destroy the city walls that we are protecting. Even the soldiers of our Origin World and the grievances that have fallen into their hands must be destroyed."    


A cold expression appeared on Li Yuanba's body.    


"Kill these monsters!"    


In the crowd, Li Yuanba waved his Divine Weapon and charged towards the evil demon army.    


" Cavalry unit, listen up. Kill these evil demons crazily."    


Li Yuanba gave the order.    


In an instant, the mighty evil demon army charged forward and charged towards the monsters in front of them.    





The crazed shouts rang out as the cavalry charged forward, waving their war flags.    


With Li Yuanba as the center, this cavalry army became an unstoppable beauty as it tore through the formation of the evil demon army.    


Both sides attacked at the same time, wanting to destroy each other.    


Under the gaze of everyone, the evil demon army that was charging towards them and the many soldiers of the first line of defense of the Origin World also charged together. The great army of both sides charged forward and ferociously charged together, creating an extremely chaotic battle.    


For a time, the heavens and the earth became chaotic, and the Dual Realms Earth directly became a chaotic battlefield, becoming a bloody wasteland.    


The two great armies that were charging out to fight and slaughtered each other were incomparably bloody and brutal.    


The instant they collided, many soldiers of both sides exploded in an instant, being hacked into two halves and blasted into a bloody mist.    


Both armies carried unstoppable ferocious might as they slaughtered each other.    


They erupted into the most brutal and bloody battle of life and death, causing this expanse of the heavens and the earth to become extremely chaotic.    


In such a great chaotic battle, the soldiers of the Origin World and the Evil Devil Race were like madmen, all of them pouring everything they had into slaughtering, annihilating all the enemies that stood in their way.    


In such a large-scale battle, even an expert like Li Yuanba fell into an intense battle, madly slaughtering. It was impossible for him to control everything.    


After all, both sides had an army of over ten million soldiers charging out, a great chaotic battle. Moreover, there was no lack of undying existences amongst them. The moment the great battle erupted, the battle situation began to change in an unpredictable and out of control direction.    


At this point in the great battle, no matter if it was the experts of the Origin World or the Evil Devil Race, all of them only had one thought, and that was to annihilate the powerful enemies before them and annihilate all the people that stood in their way.    


Especially the many generals of the Evil Demon Clan, their eyes were filled with resentment at all times.    


Because they had paid a great price to charge forward and get close to the ancient city of the Origin World.    


Just the charge alone had already caused them to lose more than ordinary soldiers, and they had paid an extremely tragic price.    


Now that they were approaching the Origin World, a ferocious cavalry charged out from the Origin World and slaughtered towards them, wanting to annihilate them.    


The Evil Demon Clan had paid a huge price in this battle.    


Under such a battle, their sacrifices were too tragic.    


The Power of Destruction surged, and waves of powerful killing light were reflected. The army of the Evil Demon Clan and the army of the Origin World crazily charged at each other. Blood light reflected on the battlefield, and there were constantly living creatures turning into corpses on the battlefield.    


The aura of destruction filled the miserable battlefield.    


Both sides crazily fought, and there were constantly living creatures dying. Both sides had paid a huge price in this battle.    


However, in this terrifying battle, more people were looking at the battle between Ao Lingchen and the Immortal Devil God of the Blood Phoenix. Everyone wanted to know if Ao Lingchen could withstand the attack of the Immortal Devil God of the Blood Phoenix and block the attack of the Evil Demon Clan.    


At this moment, everyone was waiting for the outcome of this battle. Because everyone knew that the appearance of this great niece would be a huge boost to both sides, and it would also be a huge blow to the other side.    


Countless eyes were focused on the battle, waiting for the winner to be decided.    




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