Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign



0"The Evil Demon has sealed the entire small world. I'm afraid that something big has happened in the small world of the Taoist gate. These damned monsters!"    


Ao Lingchen looked at the surging Evil Demon and the small world that was completely sealed. A wave of worry rose in his heart.    


He knew that the small world of the Taoist gate was facing an unprecedented crisis.    


The anxious Ao Lingchen burst out with a shocking speed and rushed forward.    


At this moment, there was only one thought in Ao Lingchen's mind. He had to rush to the small world of the Taoist gate as soon as possible. He had to destroy the evil monsters that were doing evil.    


As Ao Lingchen rushed towards the small world of the Taoist gate, the situation in the small world of the Taoist gate was also worsening.    


The three Immortal Devil Gods had joined hands to kill. After they gave up on the idea of submitting, the killing power they unleashed was also extremely brutal.    


The incomparably tyrannical fierce light surged. Under the full force of the three Immortal Devil Gods, they also tore into the bodies of the two Immortal True Gods of the Taoist gate, leaving horrifying bloody marks on their bodies.    


Especially the Immortal True God who held the Divine Ruler. After suffering the joint attack of the two Immortal Devil Gods of the same level, he was completely unable to withstand it. He was directly killed until his blood spilled across the sky, and his body was cracked.    


"Damn it, they are devouring my blood. Their power is becoming stronger!"    


The Immortal True God, who had already suffered a heavy injury and was killed until his blood spilled across the sky and suffered a terrible injury, suddenly changed his expression. He raised his head in shock and looked at the two Immortal Devil Gods who were rushing over.    


Looking at the thick blood cloud condensed from the two undying Devil Gods in front of him, his heart became even heavier.    


Because these blood clouds were the blood mist that he sprayed out from his body. Now, it was being devoured by these two undying Devil Gods, and was continuously growing stronger in the battle.    


If this continued, the enemy would become stronger and stronger, and his own strength would continuously weaken. He would probably find it difficult to support himself very soon.    


However, even if he could see through the two undying Devil Gods' scheme and see his own predicament, he was powerless. All he could do was to continuously wave the Divine Ruler in his hand and fight against the two powerful Devil Gods in front of him.    


The other late-stage undying True God was not in a good state either.    


Facing the brutal killing of the beautiful Medusa Goddess with a human face and a snake body, there were constantly horrifying bloody holes on his body.    


The most terrifying thing was that not only was Medusa the peak of the undying Devil God, she was also proficient in the Dao of the soul. Every strike she made had a terrifying destructive effect on the soul.    


Under Medusa's killing, the late-stage undying True God Chang Qing also felt a wave of fear in his heart. He felt a kind of aura that made even his soul tremble when Medusa's killing came.    


This was a suppression of the soul. Only when there was a suppression of a higher realm on a lower realm would such a situation occur.    


Under normal circumstances, only existences at the Supreme Divine Dao Realm would be able to make a powerhouse like Chang Qing's soul tremble.    


But now, he could feel it from Medusa's true body. As for the reason, True God Chang Qing had also guessed that it was because her soul was too powerful and proficient in suppressing souls, which was why she could give him such a terrifying impact.    


True God Chang Qing was extremely wary of Medusa's true body in front of him. Because her soul was so amazing, it would be of great help to him in breaking through to the Supreme Divine Realm.    


Among the three Eternal Devil Gods present, Medusa might be the most likely to become a Great Devil God.    


"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you look at me with fear in your eyes. Your soul is in fear."    


Medusa looked at True God Chang Qing's stiff expression and let out a sinister and wild laugh, "A fearless heart. What can you use to fight against the Original Body!"    


As soon as the wild laughter fell, the huge snake tail tore through the sky like a spear, piercing through True God's arm and blasting him into a cloud of blood.    


Suddenly, a rain of blood fell from the sky, filling the air with a pungent smell of blood.    


His arm was directly destroyed, and the intense pain that seeped into his soul made True God Chang Qing unable to help but let out a miserable cry.    


"You monster!"    


True God Chang Qing retreated in a sorry state, his eyes filled with fear as he looked at Medusa, who was devouring the blood mist. His face became paler.    


Because he discovered that his torn arm could not be repaired.    


Not only was his body being ravaged, but even his soul had been torn apart, causing irreparable damage.    


This was the method of the Medusa God of Snake. It directly destroyed your soul, causing the most terrifying damage to you.    


Withstanding the intense pain in his soul, True God Chang Qing could only continuously wave the Immortal Divine Weapon in his hand to block the devilish existence in front of him.    


He was continuously suppressed and tortured. At this moment, True God Chang Qing looked at the Medusa God of Snake with fear, his heart filled with despair.    


The situation of the Taoist Sect in this great battle was too dangerous, and it was simply difficult for them to compete with it.    


Could it be that today was really the end of their Taoist Sect?    


When the two Immortal True Gods were being suppressed, the situation of the other people in the Taoist Sect was even more miserable.    




The shrill roars of the small world were continuously transmitted from all directions. The army of monsters swept out from all directions, and finally turned into a black mass of troops that charged at the disciples and elders of the Taoist Sect.    


The charge of the army of monsters had obviously been through a lot of training, and it was quite orderly.    


The bloody smell in the surroundings seemed to have a huge stimulating effect on the army of monsters, causing them to become even more brutal.    


The stimulation of the bloody smell caused the evil demons to attack, and every strike unleashed an extremely terrifying destructive power.    


Looking at the dark and dense army of Evil Devils rushing towards them, the hearts of the many martial practitioners in the Origin World also became incomparably heavy.    


They could feel a great sense of danger from the Evil Devils charging towards them. Those monsters were enough to kill them.    


Faced with such a ferocious charge, the martial artists of the Taoist Sect could only crazily attack, unleashing terrifying murderous lights as they desperately fought with the monsters in front of them.    


They absolutely could not fall in the hands of these Monster. They had to fight for that slim chance of survival.    




Under the frenzied roars, the martial practitioners of the Daoist Sect crazily rushed out and fought with the dark and dense army of Evil Devils.    


The sound of metal colliding rang out, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of blood. The blood on the ground was also increasing.    



The battle between the people of the Taoist Sect and the Evil Devils of the Evil Clan became even more frenzied, and the battle was extremely bitter.    


An extremely bloody war broke out in the small world of the Taoist Sect, and Ao Lingchen had also rushed to the small world of the Taoist Sect.    


Looking at the small world that was wrapped in demonic aura, Ao Lingchen's expression also became incomparably heavy.    


"The situation is even more serious than I imagined, and it's even more troublesome. This is not as simple as using the demonic aura to seal the small world. There are also extremely terrifying formations around that isolate this small world. This is to completely separate the small world from the outside world, and completely cut off the people inside from escaping." Ao Lingchen looked at the formation formed by the demonic aura and the isolated small world. He took a deep breath.    


Ao Lingchen knew that the Evil Devils must have made a lot of preparations to be able to make those monsters go through so much trouble and set up so many things outside the small world of the Taoist gate. They must have a big plan.    


Perhaps those monsters from the Evil Demon Clan were here to destroy the small world of the Taoist Sect.    


If these monsters dared to do this, then the Evil Devils who were killing in the small world of the Taoist gate must be stronger than the Taoist gate. Otherwise, they would not be able to completely cut off their escape route.    


After all, this Evil Demon formation not only sealed the small world of the Taoist gate, but also cut off the escape route of those people in the small world of the Taoist gate. It also cut off the escape route of these monsters.    


If they could not suppress the experts in the small world of the Taoist gate, they would also not be able to break the Demon Evil Formation in a short period of time and escape from the small world of the Taoist gate.    


Therefore, since these monsters dared to do this, there was only one possibility. The Evil Devils who invaded the small world of the Taoist gate this time were very strong. At least, they were stronger than the Taoist gate.    


When he thought about the Evil Devils in the small world of the Taoist gate who had an army of Evil Devils that was stronger than the Taoist gate, his father and the others might be in danger of being killed by the Evil Devils.    


Ao Lingchen's heart became extremely anxious and depressed.    


However, Ao Lingchen also knew that this was not the time to be depressed, because he did not have the time now.    


"I have to break this seal as soon as possible and enter the small world!"    


Ao Lingchen stared at the Evil Demon Formation that was shrouding the small world in front of him. He also suppressed the uneasiness and depression in his heart. With a wave of his hand, he said in a deep voice, "You guys have to hold on! Hold on for a little longer!"    


Ao Lingchen used the Reincarnation Divine Ability in his hand and forcefully blasted towards the Evil Demon Formation in front of him.    


At the same time, Ao Lingchen also activated the formation imprint. With his control over the formation, he began to break the Evil Demon Formation in front of him one by one.    


He knew that if he wanted to break the formation with his own strength, it would probably take a lot of time.    


Right now, the situation in the small world was still unknown. Whether or not the experts in the small world could withstand the encirclement of the Evil Demon Army was also an unpredictable situation.    


Such a situation did not have the time to waste on Ao Lingchen.    


Breaking the formation and using the fastest speed to break the formation was what Ao Lingchen needed to think about the most.    


The powerful Reincarnation Divine Might exploded from Ao Lingchen's body. While he used the Divine Ability of Law to attack the formation, he relied on his control over the formation to attack the foundation of the Evil Demon Formation.    


With two hands working together, Ao Lingchen wanted to speed up the speed of breaking the formation.    


Just as Ao Lingchen was attacking the Evil Demon Formation in front of him and trying to break the formation...    


At this moment, within the small world, the three Eternal Devil Gods who were charging towards the two Eternal True Gods of the Dao Gate had a strange expression on their faces. They suddenly looked at each other, and a hint of fear appeared in their eyes.    


The sudden change in the Devilish Formation had caught the three Eternal Devil Gods by surprise.    


The Devilish Formation that sealed the small world was set up by the three Eternal Devil Gods. Naturally, they had left their marks on the Devilish Formation.    


The moment Ao Lingchen destroyed the marks, the three Eternal Devil Gods who had set up the formation naturally sensed that something was wrong.    




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