Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign

C3613 The People Who Fell into the Forbidden Spiritual Zone Appeared!

C3613 The People Who Fell into the Forbidden Spiritual Zone Appeared!

0The Devil Body that filled the sky exploded with a bang, and blood mist filled the air. The powerful army of the Devil Body had all died miserably under the spear of the Battle God.    


With the strength of these evil demons, they were simply unable to withstand the powerful Supreme Divine Might of the Battle God, and they were completely insignificant.    


The many evil demons outside the city exploded into a bloody mist and died miserably outside the city. Such a scene stunned the people who were bitterly defending the city from the evil demon army.    


Obviously, they had never thought that such a scene would suddenly appear, and such a cruel scene would actually occur.    


Even the Immortal True God who was heavily injured in the city, Gu Wuyi, was shocked when he saw the change outside the city.    


Not long ago, in the frenzied charge of the many Monsters outside the city, the barrier of the formation had been blasted to the limit and was on the verge of shattering. He had already made up his mind to perish together with these Monsters.    


He did not believe that he, who was seriously injured, had the ability to fight against the army of Monster led by two Immortal Devil Gods.    


As long as he died in battle, there would only be one outcome for the people in the city, and that was destruction.    


The massacre of the two Immortal Devil Gods made Gu Wuyi, who had been heavily injured in the great battle and had been killed until his blood splattered across the sky, feel despair.    


In this crisis, he could not see any hope, nor could he see the hope of leading the people in the city to escape.    


In such a desperate situation, the only thing Gu Wuyi could do was to borrow his only energy to fight against these evil demons. He only hoped that he could kill one of the Immortal Devil Gods before he died and perish together with them.    


Just as Gu Wuwei was about to die together with the others, the situation outside the city had undergone a complete change.    


A mysterious expert suddenly appeared and attacked the army of Evil Demons.    


In front of this mysterious expert, the monsters seemed to be powerless to fight against him. They were completely unable to resist his berserk killing aura.    


Even the two Eternal Devil Gods were unable to withstand the attack of the mysterious expert who had come from the sky.    


The moment the sharp spear light appeared, the entire city was enveloped in a bloody mist. No matter if it was the monsters or the two Eternal Devil Gods, they were all instantly killed by the spear light and turned into a bloody mist.    


Such a shocking scene not only shocked Gu Wuwei, but also stunned everyone in the city.    


"It seems like we are saved? It seems like an expert has descended and killed all those Evil Demons?"    


"It seems like it really is. It seems like we have survived."    


"That's great. Those evil monsters that are filled with crimes have finally been killed. We have finally escaped death this time."    


Waves of doubtful guesses came from the city.    


Many people looked at the bloody scene outside the city and felt incomparably excited.    


They knew that they had survived this calamity. They had survived this bloody Devil Disaster.    


Although they did not know who the person who had suddenly appeared and helped them kill those monsters was, his action of killing those monsters that wanted to devour them had truly saved them.    


For a moment, there were many people in the city cheering. They were crying tears of joy because they had escaped death.    


This Devil Disaster had made them experience too much, too much blood, cruelty, and unbearable scenes.    


Many of their relatives had died in the battle against these evil monsters. How could their hearts not be filled with grief and endless hatred towards these evil monsters?    


Seeing these monsters being destroyed, everyone was roaring crazily.    


Even Gu Wuyi, who was an undying True God, felt the change in the emotions of the people in the city. The corners of his eyes were also filled with water vapor.    


He could feel the emotions of these people because his sons had also been killed by these monsters in this city defense battle. Even their corpses had been swallowed by them.    


With their flesh and blood devoured by these monsters, their corpses were completely gone. How could Gu Wuyi not feel grief and hate?    


However, he was responsible for the lives and deaths of millions of people in the city. Gu Wuyi did not have time to feel grief. He had to focus all his attention on the battle against these monsters.    


The continuous battles made Gu Wuyi temporarily forget his grief. All his thoughts were focused on the war.    


Now that all the monsters outside the city had been destroyed, the people in the city were in grief. The burden on Gu Wuyi's shoulders was relieved. The emotions of having his children die miserably and their corpses gone without a trace also surged.    


However, Gu Wuyi knew that this was not the time to be sad.    


Even if the army of demons outside the city had been completely wiped out, it was still unknown whether they were friends or enemies.    


After all, in the knowledge of the ancient martial world, there was no such person outside the city.    


Could it be a hidden expert of the Origin World?    


With doubts in his heart, Gu Wu Yi walked towards the city wall, but he did not walk out of the formation directly.    


Before he could figure out the identity of the other party, before he could figure out whether the other party was good or evil, Gu Wu Yi would not rashly walk out of the formation.    


Because he knew that without the protection of the formation, he was definitely not a match for the mysterious expert outside the city.    


Gu Wu Yi was not afraid of death, but he had to take the lives of millions of people in this ancient city on his shoulders.    


Every decision he made had to consider many things, and he had to be careful.    


One wrong step could cause hundreds of thousands of people in the city to be brought to hell and become sinners of the Human Clan.    


Therefore, even if the people outside the city had destroyed the army of demons, it was very likely that they were the experts of the Origin World.    


But in order to take responsibility for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people behind him, Gu Wu Yi chose the most cautious method.    


Seeing the cautious Gu Wu Yi in the ancient city, the Battle God did not get angry because of this. Instead, a heavy look appeared in his eyes.    


To be able to make an undying true god become so careful, one could imagine what this undying true god had been through recently.    


"These damn monsters!"    


The Battle God gritted his teeth, and a fierce cold light appeared in his eyes.    


The cold light in his eyes made Gu Wuyi's heart tremble. He was frightened by the terrifying killing intent.    



At that moment, Gu Wuyi even had the impulse to escape.    


However, Gu Wuyi still endured the fear in his heart in the end and looked at the Battle God in front of him nervously.    


He could only bet that the monsters' monstrous killing intent did not come for him.    


"Senior, I am Gu Wuyi. I thank you for your help."    


Gu Wuyi very politely cupped his fists at the Battle God. He was also staring at the Battle God as he spoke, as if he wanted to judge whether the Battle God was an enemy or a friend from his actions.    


"You don't have to be nervous. I am the same as you. We are both from the Origin World, and we also hate these monsters."    


The Battle God said with a sigh, and his eyes were filled with worry.    


Seeing Gu Wuyi who was carefully probing him, the Battle God felt very uncomfortable.    


"I know what you're worried about. I just want to destroy these monsters. I won't force my way into the city."    


In order to make Gu Wuyi feel at ease, the Battle God said directly.    


He did not want to give Gu Wuyi and the people behind him too much pressure because of his appearance.    


"Are we the experts of the Origin World? Which ancestor are you?"    


Gu Wuyi looked at the Battle God doubtfully. He was very confused about his identity.    


In the three years since the Origin World and the Demon Clan had started a full-scale war, many reclusive cultivators had appeared in the Origin World.    


However, in the past three years, the hidden experts of the Origin World had all come out and engaged in the most terrifying battle with the experts of the Evil Demon Clan.    


As an undying True God, Gu Wu Yi was extremely familiar with the top experts of the Origin World.    


The Battle God was not one of the experts he knew.    


"Original Body, Battle God."    


The indifferent voice of the Battle God rang out. He was still that cold and aloof Battle God.    


"Battle God? Battle God? I seem to have heard of it before."    


Gu Wu Yi muttered to himself, sinking into deep thought.    


He seemed to be somewhat familiar with the title of Battle God.    


"The eldest disciple of the Ancestor of the Nest Men, Senior Battle God!"    


Gu Wu Yi seemed to have thought of something. His eyes lit up as he looked at the Battle God in front of him in surprise.    


In the ancient secrets that Gu Wu Yi knew, he had indeed heard of the existence of the Battle God. He was a giant in the ancient times.    


If it was really this person, it would be very normal for him to attack these Evil Demons.    


After all, this person hated the Evil Demon Clan to the core.    


"That's right, he is the Battle God you are talking about."    


Before the Battle God could say anything, Ao Lingchen stepped out and appeared on the battlefield.    


Ao Lingchen looked at Gu Wu Yi with a serious expression, "Senior, junior Ao Lingchen is from the Eastern Wastelands. I wonder what happened to the Southern Barbaric Land and the Origin World? How did it become like this?"    


Ao Lingchen did not chat with Gu Wu Yi about the family matters. Instead, he directly asked what he wanted to know the most.    


It had only been three years since he left the Origin World, and this place had already fallen to such a state. What kind of great change had happened in this period of time?    


Wasn't there many experts in the Origin World? Wasn't there a Human Emperor, True Dragon, and other giants in the Origin World? Why did it become like this?    


Other than Ao Lingchen, the Shennong Ancestor and the Sword Saint were hiding in the void and did not appear.    


This was because Ao Lingchen and the Battle God were enough to hide in the dark. Perhaps they could even catch the Evil Demon Clan off guard.    


Even the Shennong Ancestor was filled with worry about the changes in the Origin World.    


"Ao Lingchen? I know you. The few Heavenly Pride of our Barbarian God Hall have mentioned you to me before. However, weren't you sent into the Forbidden Spiritual Land by the Evil Demon Clan's experts? You came out from there? "    


Gu Wu Yi also looked at Ao Lingchen in surprise, as if he was very surprised to see Ao Lingchen here.    


This was because Gu Wu Yi had once heard some information about Ao Lingchen from the few Sons of the Barbarian God Hall. Ao Lingchen had caused the Evil Demon Clan's giants to target him and sent him into the Forbidden Spiritual Land, and his life was unknown.    


However, everyone believed that Ao Lingchen had already died in the Forbidden Spiritual Land after being sent there.    


Because the forbidden spirit land was the number one forbidden land in the world. As long as someone fell into the forbidden spirit land, they would never be able to walk out.    


In the ancient times, even the Supreme Dao Paragons were unable to walk out of the forbidden spirit land. Ao Lingchen was just an Immortal True God. How could he possibly walk out of the forbidden spirit land alive?    


It was precisely because of this that when Gu Wuwei saw Ao Lingchen, he was also shocked.    


A person who fell into the forbidden spirit land could still come out alive?    


What exactly was going on?    


Chapter 18 – The Unforeseen    


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